
The waves surged and flew as the two beasts thrashed about.

The Yamata no Orochi's neck is like a rope, tightly wrapped around Chu Xin's legs, tail and lower abdomen, and it will not let go no matter how Chu Xin bites and receives electric shocks.

Once the relationship is broken, there is only a dead end, and there is no way back for Yamata no Orochi.

It has been suppressing anger for many years, and is extremely resistant to the intruder becoming the king of monsters, and is not willing to surrender under his feet.

It's not that he has much backbone, but he is driven by a narrow and vicious mentality, as well as his desire and greed for the throne.

The Titans are beasts after all, and wildness trumps rationality, which is why they betray each other as soon as they meet.

If it were Chu Xin, without any guarantee of victory, he would have to try his best to survive.


But as Chu Xin stretched out his wings, the strong wind resistance instantly made Yamata no Orochi feel more strenuous.

When his wings flapped, Chu Xin effortlessly lifted up and caught the dishonest guy in the air.

This time it was the Yamata no Orochi's turn to struggle into the sea, and its eight necks were hurriedly released.

But Chu Xin's two claws directly hit the shoulders, and a pair of hammer tails also tied a knot between its many necks.

Don’t you want to be intimate with me?

This will satisfy your little thoughts!


Yamata no Orochi resisted desperately, breathing fire and writhing, and was so exhausted that he was exhausted.

Chu Xin didn't rush to kill it, but just mounted it and flew.

Until the sea ahead was shrouded in endless gray fog.

This is a broad storm zone that stretches from east to west and seems to have no boundaries at first glance.

There was lightning and thunder inside, and a huge looming figure flashed past, like a corner shrouded in hell.

But Chu Xin's flying speed increased instead of decreasing.


The storm he created collided with the natural storm ahead.

For a moment, it seemed like two gods were at war in the sky.

As Chu Xin continued to flap his wings, the free lightning particles on his body spread wildly, causing tearing damage to the surrounding environment.

Almost face to face, the natural storm was like a big ball of marshmallows, with a transparent gap penetrated by Chu Xin.

After the clouds and fog dispersed, it was like a Peach Blossom Spring, and it seemed like another world.

It is a primitive island with rugged mountains and lush ancient trees.

It is vast, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, and there is no trace of human destruction.

Skull Island!


Yamata no Orochi didn't know why, it didn't know how Chu Xin would deal with him.

No, it should be what kind of death he will be given.

Those who are at the end of their rope will fight to the death.

The Yamata no Orochi wrapped around Chu Xin's body and climbed up, all eight of its heads biting at the wings.

As long as we return to the ground, there is still a glimmer of hope!

However, Chu Xin did the opposite.

He suddenly swooped down and used the Yamata no Orochi as a landing gear to slam into the ground. He plowed through the forest for thousands of meters before slowly coming to a stop.

Take the enemy's path and leave the enemy with nowhere to go.


The Yamata-no-Orochi was caught off guard, and three of its necks were violently broken, hanging limply.


Chu Xin's three songs roared in unison, announcing his arrival to the beasts on Skull Island.

The emperor visited and his subjects paid homage.

Then, it came to the stage of beheading in public and killing chickens to scare monkeys!


He lifted the Yamata-no-Orochi up a mountain and maintained a domineering upper body position to ensure the best view for the spectators.

He stepped on it until it couldn't move. The three dragon heads looked ferocious, and a sense of oppression slowly spread.

Feeling the look in his eyes that was no different from the god of death, Yamata no Orochi was finally frightened.

Its remaining five snake heads showed expressions of begging and flattering, and their humble and respectful appearance was completely different from before.

But Chu Xin didn't accept this trick.

Once unfaithful, never a lifetime!

He still liked its unruly and arrogant attitude.

Moreover, Chu Xin could clearly see the darkness and anger hidden deep in Yamata no Orochi's pupils.

Creatures like venomous snakes are bound to retaliate, and being their enemy will only end if one of them dies.


Therefore, Chu Xin opened his mouth wide and tore off the Yamata no Orochi's head in one bite, then gnawed and chewed it in front of it.

Suddenly, the entire Skull Island was silent.

Whether it was the Wings of Icarus soaring in the sky, the skeletal lizard lurking underground, or the confused King Kong who had just woken up, they were all silent.


Yamata no Orochi was still spraying flames at Chu Xin.

It is not difficult to see that it has good intentions and hopes to let Chu Xin taste the barbecue flavor.

Chu Xin happily accepted it, and exploded it with three mouthfuls, making the skin and flesh even more crispy.

Bang bang!

The tail of the hammer is struck over and over again to break the bones and tendons, making it crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, making it even more flavorful.

The Yamata-no-Orochi roared miserably and struggled in pain. Its heads cursed in animal language and begged.

Chu Xin turned a deaf ear. This was a judgment against the emperor.

In the end, Yamata no Orochi was swallowed up by Chu Xin in endless torture!

The mountains and plains were soaked with dark blood, converging into streams like streams of fire. Any vegetation that was touched would be burned by fire, but the fertility of the soil was actually improved.

The blood of the Yamata no Orochi is an aphrodisiac and a great tonic. The vegetation withers because it cannot withstand its violent effects, but rocks, soil and other substances can seem to be tempered.

Throughout the ages, many Titans have tried to eat it, but none of them succeeded, and instead they all became its prey.


Chu Xin roared with great satisfaction.

He only felt the blood boiling in his body, the bioelectricity in his abdominal cavity was raging wildly, and electric arcs overflowed from the gaps between his scales.

The whole body seems to have endless strength, and the toughness of blood vessels, bones, and muscle tissue has increased.

Card text appears:

“Punish the disobedient with bloody means, adhering to the usual ruthless and decisive style, to deter the beasts and establish a fierce power;

Proficiency +4%, reaching 20%;

The number of draws from the gashapon machine is +1;

Earn rewards:

The physical fitness is enhanced, the muscle's anti-fatigue ability is improved, and the sustainability of the battle is increased;

[Flame Jet] (can eject magma-like high-heat flames from the three mouths, consuming the bioelectric energy in the abdominal cavity). "

The scene of the dragon eating the snake was clearly seen by Raton from high above.


It circled fearfully, not daring to move rashly, for fear that Chu Xin would be upset and eat it too.

From now on, unless Chu Xin dies, there is no way Laton will rebel.


At this time, densely packed small black spots appeared on the horizon in the distance.

Overwhelming and menacing.

They are the Wings of Icarus, a common monster on Skull Island and a subspecies of the Horror Vulture.

A pair of blade-like wings secrete a wax-like substance. It looks like a pterosaur, but has a long, sharp mouth covered with fibrous spines. It can easily penetrate humans when it swoops down.


They flocked to Chu Xin like black clouds over the city.

Then, they all fell to the ground and knelt down.


Suddenly, the earth shook violently.

Countless skeleton lizards crawled out of the burrows and rushed to Chu Xin from all directions, paying Chu Xin the highest respect with their terrifying cheeks.

Immediately afterwards, two extremely large races, the Blade-spine Jackal and the Shocking Vulture, also rushed here and offered their knees to Chu Xin one after another.

If King Kong hadn't deliberately stopped them, they would have gone across the ocean to worship.



Soon, the island owner appeared.

The more than 100-meter-tall King Kong walked on the mountains with steady steps, staring straight at Chu Xin who also stood on the top of the mountain.

There was no trace of humility or fear in its eyes, and the pride of belonging to the King Kong clan straightened its spine.

Behind King Kong, there are also servants or partners who respect him, such as the Lone Reef Bull Demon, the Long-Legged Spider Mother, the Dead Soul Island Monster, etc., but they cannot match the opponent in terms of number.

Of course, there are many races watching tremblingly, such as the Spore Mantis, Badwater Honey Locust, Sacred Tiger, etc.


King Kong roared with hostility.

There were demonstrations and scoldings against Chu Xin, and there were also attempts to persuade beasts such as knife-backed jackals to return.


Chu Xin immediately spread his wings.

The skeleton lizards and knife-spine jackals under their feet reversed their direction and rushed out with murderous intent.

The Shock Vulture and the Wings of Icarus spread their wings and flew high at the same time, swooping towards King Kong.

In the past, the only ones who dared to offend King Kong were skeleton lizards.

With Chu Xin as their backer, these monsters all want to fight for opportunities to perform.

In an instant, the battle between the two sides began hastily.

The local monsters on Skull Island are only a few tens of meters tall at most, and they are considered powerful if they weigh 10,000 tons.

A few decades ago, King Kong was still a bit dangerous here, but today, a few decades later, it is a definite overlord. After all, it is a member of the Titans.

Therefore, their fighting seemed fierce, but in Chu Xin's opinion, it was no more than children fighting each other.

King Kong also joined the battle, and he fought in and out without any opponent.

Soon, it turned its attention to Chu Xin.

Boom, boom, boom!

King Kong ran and pulled out a giant tree from the sky to use as a spear.

It jumped up high and struck the giant tree in its hand towards the middle of Chu Xin's head.


Not thunder and lightning, but a cluster of high-heat flames.

The giant tree was instantly burned to ashes, and part of King Kong's hair was also ignited.


Chu Xin casually swung his hammer tail, sending King Kong flying thousands of meters away.

Its huge size just fell into the battlefield, crushing many monsters on both sides of the enemy.

After finally extinguishing the fire on his body, King Kong was shocked to find that Chu Xin had reached his head, with his twin tails intertwined to form a huge hammer.


There was another muffled sound, and King Kong flew away from the ground like a baseball and fell on a hillside.

As Chu Xin fired a gravity beam and hit it, it roared in pain on the spot.

This is overwhelming strength.

Boom boom~

Chu Xin swept up to low altitude and flew across the entire flat battlefield.

The three mouths opened simultaneously, and flames spurted out, like a Balrog escaping from its prison.

The originally lush valley turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the monsters wailed endlessly and turned into corpses.

The end of Skull Island has arrived.

Suddenly, Raton, which had been hovering high in the sky, let out a shrill cry.

Chu Xin looked back and followed its reminder to look at the sea behind him.

A mountain rises from the turbulent sea.


And Kraken who switched to the Protector camp!

The former landed and the latter floated offshore.


Godzilla first looked at Chu Xin angrily, and then looked at King Kong.

These two were supposed to be mortal enemies, but looking at each other like this, they directly joined forces.

King Kong regained his fighting spirit and staggered to his feet.

It seemed to have discovered something and groped around in the lake at its feet.


It waved its fist hard, as if it was beating something.

A few seconds later, King Kong had an extra weapon in his right hand.

This is a monster called the Dead Soul Island Monster.

It is twenty meters long and looks like a giant crocodile with trees growing on its back.

The whole body is covered with hard and rough armor. If you don't look at the limbs, it looks like a whale.

This guy's body was so stiff after he passed out that he held it in his hand like a big bone.


King Kong roared angrily and charged forward bravely and arrogantly.

On the other side, Godzilla also galloped in unison.

Rodan broke out of the clouds, and the Kraken in the water was ready to go.

A decent war has begun

Imperial Organization Headquarters.

"Godzilla and Kraken went to Base 33." Vivian said.

"Where?" Dr. Serizawa specializes in Godzilla and doesn't know everything.

"I know there," Dr. Chen replied. "Privately known as Skull Island, it is the only world on the surface that has been eroded by the inner earth world, and has some characteristics of the inner earth world. It was discovered and explored by the organization in 1973."

"It's like this," Vivian looked up the information, "The creatures there are basically ancient primitive monsters, but there is only one real Titan, a gorilla, who is called King Kong by the local indigenous people."

"Indigenous?" Dr. Serizawa asked again.

"Yes, there is a human tribe there called the Yiwei tribe, and they happen to have a good relationship with King Kong." Vivian answered.

At this time, the general walked in quickly.

He said resolutely, "Before Godzilla, it is suspected that Ghidorah also entered Skull Island. The Ministry of National Defense has approved it to immediately dispatch an aircraft carrier fleet and obtain the right to use nuclear bombs."

Everyone was shocked. It seemed that the Ministry of National Defense had truly realized the seriousness of the matter.

Boston at the same time.

Hidden bunker in the countryside.

In the quiet room, Emma was immersed in studying.

Her desk and computer are full of information and scientific research formulas, as well as anatomy diagrams of various Titan beasts.

"It seems that you have a new idea?" Allen appeared at the door.

"I understand," Emma turned around, "Monster Zero Ghidorah is not a native of the earth. It is not a Titan at all, but an alien creature from outside the earth."

Allen raised his eyebrows, "So?"

"If that's the case, I might be able to modify the Oka device." Emma did have an idea.

Allen shrugged, "Go on."

"Set a special sound wave that only Earth Titans can receive, cut off the connection between them and Ghidorah, push them into a violent state of indiscriminate attack, and then induce them to attack Ghidorah together. Only in this way can it be possible to kill these We must avoid outsiders, otherwise we will not be able to realize our common vision." Emma said a lot in one breath.

"How long will it take?" Allen did not refute. He is an anti-human extremist, not an earth destroyer.

Emma thought for a long time, "It will take three or four days at the fastest, and there is no guarantee that it will be effective once."

"Okay, I will trust you again, doctor." Allen took out the Orca device from the safe.

"I won't run away with it. We are already on the same boat. I have no way out." Emma said helplessly.

"Don't mind, it's just a professional habit." Allen smiled.

After leaving, he increased the number of guards at the bunker's entrances and exits.

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