All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 177 Tokyo Incident, Mechanical Revolution (Part 2)

Seeing that the square was safe, but thousands of mobs were being mercilessly slaughtered, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

They looked at the terrifying slaughter battlefield with bewilderment. What happened to those robots that could move, speak, and seemed to have emotional intelligence?

Who is Chu Xin?

How did he do all this?

In order to provide protection for the Cursed Sons, he really spent a lot of money!

Thousands of doubts arose in their minds, and the three of them also vaguely understood that Chu Xin had always relied on them.

"Ugh~ vomit~"

Rentaro suddenly had a strange look on his face.

He looked at his blood-stained hands, then looked back at the body he had shot to death, and couldn't help but retching.

This is not the first time he has killed someone, but he has always resisted this behavior and vowed never to kill again in the future.

But it was a critical moment just now. He couldn't just watch the grenade fall into the square area, and when he was besieged, he would either die on his own side or eradicate the enemy.

It's that simple, no choice!

This group of people was not just playing around, they were playing with real swords and guns. If the police officers were here, they would have emptied their magazines without even a second thought.

"It's not your fault, we acted in self-defense." Tendo Mugen saw Rentaro's confusion and patted him on the shoulder to comfort him.

In contrast, she looked natural, with a hint of relief on her face.

She doesn't have the shackles of justice that Rentaro has installed on herself, and she has always avenged hatred and repaid kindness.

Bang bang!

Suddenly, a barrage of bullets was fired from the building on the adjacent street.

Enju Aihara reacted the fastest and used his body to block Rentaro's fatal headshot attack.


Four bullets penetrated her back, causing her to bleed instantly.

But fortunately, with the regeneration and self-healing ability given by the gastroenterovirus, she would not die.

"These beasts!"

Rentaro hugged her and hid in the building.

"Hufu~" Tendo Mugena gasped, "If I read correctly, those people who threw grenades just now are thugs working for the Tendo family."

As soon as these words came out, Rentaro's eyes widened, and he roared angrily, "I can't spare you this time, Tendo Kiku no Cheng!"

As soon as he said this, a grenade rolled down at their feet.

Without any further delay, the three of them threw themselves into the corridor in panic and quickly found something to stop Lan Yuan Yanzhu's bleeding.

Bang bang bang!

The fighting outside continues.

Thousands of people could not be wiped out so easily. The Transformers guarded the square without pursuing them, so there were still more than a thousand people hiding in the buildings and alleys.

Some hid in the corner and shivered, some were jumping around and completely crazy, and some stood up to resist and took out all the belongings they brought.

Therefore, one by one Transformers unceremoniously blasted the windows with cannon fire, causing them to burst into flames, immediately turning the wasteland wind into a battle-damaged wind.

Those who tried to sneak away were killed one by one by the Transformers hiding in the darkness.

If you come empty-handed, leave yourself as a gift.


Suddenly, Tendo Kisara caught a glimpse of a bright beam of light passing outside the window.

The next second, the sixth floor of the building opposite, where more than a dozen mobs were active, was instantly exploded. Its expressiveness was no less than that of a howitzer exploding.


In an instant, the segmented plasma rays streaked across the sky like countless meteor showers, hitting the floors crowded with people one after another with precision.

"He's back." Tendo Musara exclaimed.

The other two looked outward.

"Is that armor the technology of the Red Kingdom?" Satomi Rentaro asked in astonishment.


Chu Xin was seen floating above the city with his feet spraying, quickly moving from the street to the end of the street.

At the same time, the two huge cannon barrels on the shoulders fired continuously without interruption, and more than a dozen infrared rays locked on each eyebrow at an extremely fast and terrifying speed.

Almost as soon as the red dot appeared, the man's head was shot.

The strong smell of blood and the stench of internal organs filled the air, and even the full moon above his head was filled with blood.

"What kind of monster is that?"

"With red eyes, is it a humanoid gastrea?"

"Fire quickly!"

The mob, the underworld, and Tendo's lackeys all panicked.

The former were so frightened that they lost their wits and ran away like headless flies. In all likelihood, they were wiped out by the Transformers.

The remaining two to three hundred people continued to fire at Chu Xin.

Under the moonlight, the sci-fi and wild nature of the Terminator Armor condensed into a violent and ferocious aura, shocking everyone's hearts from a commanding height.

The dense ammunition bombarded Chu Xin's body, and he could only play an improvised movement during the collision.

Chu Xin's eyes became increasingly scarlet, and the power of the Terminator Armor suddenly increased.


The staged attack method transforms into a continuous beam.

Two scorching bright streams of light burst out, cutting into tall buildings with a fierce attitude.


Just like Godzilla's radiation flow, the building is a piece of butter that is pinched by a hot melt knife.

There were loud crashes and shrill screams, and broken limbs and broken arms were scattered along with the rocks.

This unscrupulous and violent killing immediately made the remaining people feel cold all over.

They had never thought that someone would dare to act so boldly within Tokyo. Did he want to challenge the majesty of millions of people in Tokyo alone?

Tendo Kisara and Rentaro were equally shocked.

Such unabashed and ferocious killing, and the decisiveness revealed simply made the two of them stunned.

"We don't know him well," Tendogi said in a lower voice, "In other words, he only shows a gentle side in front of us."

"These people," Rentaro gritted his teeth with great trepidation, "they do deserve to die, but... I don't know what to do."

He wants to use benevolent methods to change the world and beat villains with a righteous iron fist that follows the rules.

There is nothing wrong with this idea, but the biggest mistake is that, ten years later, this earth is no longer a normal world.


"Where is the Initiator!"

"Don't kill me, please, I still have a family!"

"I just use money to do things!"

Chu Xin remained unmoved by a series of begging for mercy, and only responded to them with warm plasma beam cannons.

Seeing that there was no way to survive, this group of people went completely crazy and cursed if they couldn't be beaten.

"The cursed child deserves to die. What's wrong with us?"

"We are human beings with identities. They are not even as good as my dogs."

"You're protecting them like this, aren't you a pervert with special hobbies?"

"To tell you the truth, I drowned my daughter with my own hands a few years ago. No, that's not right, she is not my daughter, she is just a parasite living in my wife's body! It's all her fault, I can't hold my head up for the rest of my life. !”

Crying and laughing, completely crazy.

Anger and hatred surged up, competing with the huge uncontrollable fear, and his face showed an expression like a demon.

To put it bluntly, they were not willing to die meaninglessly, so they hoped to let Chu Xin break the defense so that they could die with dignity.

Unfortunately, Chu Xin was unmoved and just increased the output efficiency without saying a word.

Nothing else, just too noisy.


Those who spoke harshly all trembled with fear and excrement and urine the second before they were about to die.

A tough mouth is a tough mouth, but the body is always honest.

A man crawled in disgrace on the street full of ruins. Seeing Chu Xin right above his head, he shouted in horror, "I am from the Tendo family! You know what you are doing! Even if you offend the Tendo family, even if Even if I turn over the soil of Tokyo, I will crush you to ashes!"

Chu Xin looked around. Except for the collapsed waste that could not be scanned, there were no thermal imaging figures anywhere else.

Unknowingly, the peripheral area that was very lively just now was suddenly filled with the incompetent roar of the man below him.

"In Tokyo, the Tendo family is the emperor! Even the Holy Emperor dares not object when the elders speak! As long as you stop here, I will definitely speak well to you in front of the elders and give you a chance to be loyal to the Tendo family."

Chu Xin, who was under the helmet, curled his lips and couldn't help but feel a little funny.

This is the first time I've met someone who made such a request~

Since you want to meet everyone’s parents, I’ll satisfy you~


The wrist knife passed by, and a head rose into the sky.

So far, thousands of people have never returned.


When Chu Xin walked into the square, hundreds of murderous Transformers made way for corpses and blood, and then they all knelt on one knee and bowed their heads.

"See the Emperor~~~"

On the surrounding buildings and in the shadows, there were all half-kneeling metal figures with a cold light.

Rentaro and the three people who walked downstairs looked at each other in confusion. They didn't know what to say. Only a thought suddenly arose in their hearts.

Tokyo is going to change!

"Clean up." Chu Xin ordered.

"Yes." A group of sprinklers and forklifts came on stage, and then it was their fighting time.

After all, some of those killed by the steamroller robot are not so easy to clean up.

"Principal, the children are all asleep." Miyamoto Hui walked out of the subway, suppressing the surprise in his heart and reporting to Chu Xin.

"Have you found your daughter?" Chu Xin asked.

Miyamoto Teru shook his head in disappointment and forced out a smile, "Each of them is like my daughter."

He looked at Rentaro and his party in the distance, "That boy was just like me back then, trapped in the mud of self-struggle and unable to extricate myself."

Two hours later, the eastern sky gradually turned white.

When the girls woke up from their sleep, the outside world had returned to its original appearance, with no signs of bloodshed or tragedy.

It was as if yesterday's gunfire and roar were just a dream.

"Is this true cruelty?" Rentaro murmured, the dark circles under his eyes showing that he had not slept all night.

Chu Xin walked to his side and said calmly, "In this deformed society, the side with more people is not necessarily right. There is no boundary between justice and evil in the books. Everyone is an evil ghost, and no one is ironed." Justice soaked in blood is fragile, you know the difference between reform and revolution."

"Reform, revolution?" Rentaro repeated.

"When rot covers the branches and leaves, it means that the roots have been corrupted," Tendou Mugen walked out with wet hair, his eyes became determined and fierce, "Reform can only prune branches and leaves, but revolution can uproot the roots!"

She looked at Rentaro, "Last night, I interrogated a member of the Tendo family. He said that in the past ten years, Tendo Kikunomagi had planned numerous gastrula attacks for various purposes, including deliberately leading the public to attack victims. The hatred of the cursed child.”

She paused and said with a gloomy expression, "Although he doesn't know much about the death of my parents, it is 100% related to my uncles and aunts."

"Wouldn't it be better to ask them personally?" Chu Xin said easily.

"I can't fight them by myself yet." Tendomu said even more humbly.

"That was before." After Chu Xin finished speaking, he turned around and headed towards the city.

Tendomu stared at his back more deeply, and then followed him resolutely.

Rentaro took a deep breath and followed silently, returning to the Holy Emperor to report first.

As for Lan Yuan Yanzhu, she stayed in the shelter to recuperate.

After all, he couldn't think of anywhere safer than a shelter.

When they entered the streets of Tokyo, Rentaro and the two men immediately noticed the solemn and urgent atmosphere.

Almost every passerby's face was filled with fear and uneasiness, like a student who failed the college entrance examination but did not dare to tell his parents.

When they passed an electrical appliance store and saw the news on the TV outside, they immediately understood.

"Just last night, a serious gastrula invasion occurred at the Imperial Hotel, resulting in the deaths of Osaka President Saitake Genso and the Tendo family patriarch and Tokyo Prime Minister Tendo Kikunomagi. At the same time, hundreds of related personnel were fighting against gastrulia. He died a heroic death... It is understood that the meeting between the leaders of the two regions held last night was also attacked by an assassination, but fortunately, the Holy Emperor was not seriously injured..." the host on the news told with great sadness and indignation.

Everyone who saw these shocking news was shocked.

This incident instantly attracted the attention of Neon and even the world, and many forces couldn't help but have their own thoughts.

"How is that possible?" Rentaro and Tendo Kisara said in unison.

They both looked at Chu Xin in unison.

It's not the fault of the two being suspicious, it's just that everything happened in such a hurry, they all gathered in Tokyo.

The host on TV continued:

"Due to the unfortunate death of Prime Minister Tendo, the seat of the Auxiliary Officer is missing, but fortunately, Mr. Murasaki Senichi returned from Deborah early this morning and will temporarily hold this important position."

The scene switched to the airport, and a tall, middle-aged man with a ponytail stepped off the plane like a star.

"Hey! It's Uncle Sendai!" Rentaro said in surprise.

"I didn't expect that he would serve as an auxiliary officer. Logically speaking, he should be selected from the Tendo family or the cabinet." Tendo Mugena thought.

"Do you know him?" Chu Xin asked.

"Of course, he used to be the butler of the Tendo family, and he also vouched for Kisara-san's company. He is the guardian of both of us. He is a warm-hearted and good man." Rentaro answered.

Chu Xin did not answer, but stared at the inner side of Zi Yuanxian's ankle that was inadvertently exposed.

Even though it was only a small part, he still identified it.

That's the same feather tattoo as Qi Wu Xuanzong's!

This is no coincidence, these two people can't be Yakuza in the same club back then.

"Sure enough, there are unknown organizations hidden in this world. It's getting interesting~ Maybe they control the rest of the Seven Stars legacy." Chu Xin thought to himself.

He needs to transcend all the twelve signs of the zodiac to complete the second task.

But searching all over the world is ineffective. If one of them ends up in a deep sea trench, will he turn the earth upside down?

Therefore, countries that hold countless secrets, or the so-called organizations behind the scenes, most likely have some unknown ways!

At this time, the news screen switched again.

It was Murasaki Senichi who was broadcasting live. He accepted the interview gracefully.

"I am very sorry for the deaths of Prime Minister Tendo and President Qi Wu. With the frequent appearance of level 5 gastrula, the entire Neon is in a turbulent situation. I was invited by the Holy Emperor to come and contribute. After Tokyo and even Neon recover, I will take the initiative to step down."

His speech, which was neither humble nor arrogant, made people feel good. He expressed his position in just a few sentences, letting the public understand that he really wanted to solve the problem rather than seek power and wealth.

Of course, what he is asking for may not be money, but something bigger.

"Are you ready?" Chu Xin suddenly said, "The revolution has begun."

Boom boom!

As soon as he finished speaking, a loud explosion that shook the entire Tokyo was heard.

In an instant, countless electronic machines turned into violent Transformers. In the eyes of the people in disbelief, they launched an offensive against violent institutions such as the military and police stations.


Chu Xin soared into the sky while the two looked up in astonishment, flying towards the airport where Ziyuan Xianyi was.

Some things are best communicated in depth with the parties involved in person.

It has been a while since we deployed the shelter in Tokyo, but now it has begun to take shape, so we no longer have to worry about it all the time.

Therefore, he will speed up the pace next, hitting and killing when it's time.

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