All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 176 Tokyo Incident, Mechanical Revolution (Part 1)

When Chu Xin and Tendo Kiku no Cheng were in the thick smoke, they switched to Predator.

Chu Xin grabbed Tendo Kikunoshi's neck and pressed him against the wall.

Then he slowly leaned close to his ear and said with a murderous heart, "Unfortunately, the cursed son you hate will live longer than you. Also, I am the Cancer you call me."

After hearing this, combined with Chu Xin's ability to switch forms freely, Tendo Kikunosho believed it.

What followed was endless anger and unwillingness. He tried to resist, but Chu Xin, who was instantly cut back to Rey, stabbed his throat with a claw, shattered his cervical spine, and finally penetrated the flesh to complete the decapitation.

This is also the fundamental reason why Tendo Kiku no Cheng refuses to die in peace.

The Imperial Hotel in Chiyoda District seemed to have opened the door to hell, and the roars and roars woke up the surrounding citizens one after another.

They leaned out of the window and saw the lights on the top floor of the hotel flickering on and off. From time to time, three or four people fell from above.

Bang bang bang!

The sound of gunfire was even more frequent.

They knew very well that President Osaka was staying here. Seeing such a fierce battle, could it be that the two countries were at odds?

"Inform the Holy Emperor immediately that a major accident has occurred!"

"Holmium bullets are ineffective and cannot penetrate the metal-like skeleton on its body!"

"Everyone retreat, don't huddle together and wait to die, request heavy fire support!"

The top floor was very lively, and people were laughing and talking to Chu Xin heart to heart.

After some panic, dozens of people retreated to the hall and pointed their guns at the only corridor.


The burly Chu Xin stood tall with a broad back and stepped forward steadily on the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood.

The carpet with retro plaid pattern has been soaked red with blood, and sticky blood bubbles will ooze out when you step on it.


The long tongue in its mouth is unpredictable, using the shape of a shield to block the bullets that come like a rainstorm.

Compared to Rey, who is still underused, the Licker, who is about to graduate, is more comfortable in using it. It may be that his potential is limited, so he is easier to control.


Four elevator doors opened.

Heavily armed special forces rushed out, holding explosion-proof shields to guard the front line, forming a copper wall.

Then, the heavy machine guns came into battle.

Before they opened fire, a large mouthful of blood spattered out from Chu Xin, pouring in from above.

Suddenly, shrill howls came from their mouths.

A special combatant with a shotgun misfired, blowing his captain's head off with one shot.

Licker's blood not only contains zombie viruses, but is also slightly less corrosive than alien blood!


Chu Xin jumped out and knocked hundreds of people off their feet.

The claw blade extended for more than half a meter, and limbs flew all over the sky during the swing. Only the metal part of the cyborg could withstand it.

Not long after, there was a pile of debris, one by one, one by one, and two by two.

A stream of blood flowed down the elevator shaft, causing many evacuating staff to faint from fright.

Card text appears:

"[Rei Card]

Fight against powerful individuals, bring all skills to the extreme, and cooperate with each other more smoothly;

A powerful principle requires not only the bones of the enemy, but also your own blood. Every injury is a sharpening of the self;

Proficiency +5%, reaching 25%;

Earn rewards:

The reserve of its own thunder and lightning elements has been doubled, ensuring longer battery life;

Increased resistance to physical attacks, especially metal ones;

The skill ‘Wind and Lightning’ has been improved and can be used twice in a row;

Thunderstorm (prototype of domain-based skills, with itself as the center of the circle, establishes a home environment of lightning, thunder, and violent storms, improves its own qualities, has a radius of fifty meters, consumes its own element reserves, and has no fixed duration) ;

【Licker Card】

In addition to participating in the killing, there is also a bloody feast more suitable for Lickers: a huge carnival of corpses;

Proficiency +2, reaching 95%. "

Looking at the line of text about the licker, it clarifies the final requirement for full proficiency.

"The four districts of Neon are too small, so the entire America should be huge enough, right?" Chu Xin muttered secretly.

This night was extremely long.

Even the air was filled with a fishy-sweet smell, and the wind seemed to be mixed with the shrill howls of ghosts and wolves.

Peripheral area.

The originally dark and terrifying abandoned city became even more eerie and permeable as each bright flashlight illuminated it.

Occasionally, there are wild rabbits scurrying past, and it feels like the grass and trees are surrounded by soldiers.

However, despair, anger and hatred can swallow up fear and gain the greatest momentum of the world.

At this moment, the mighty parade is like this.

"What's going on? It's been so long and I haven't even found a little brat."

"Where did those stinky girls go?"

"Come out! Stop hiding, I know you are hiding in the sewer and trembling!"

But the only response they received was the roar of the wind.

So, after a short discussion, the long dragon formed by thousands of people dispersed into seven or eight small snakes, searching deeper into the outer area in different directions.

It is not difficult to find that there are a large number of underworld members in the crowd, as well as a few mascots working for the Tendo family.

It was under their insidious suggestion of self-defense that this large-scale march carried machetes, baseball bats and other weapons.


In the darkness, tiny cameras monitored everything silently.

"Damn, did I read that right?"

A burly gang member stopped in shock and walked towards a blue Lamborghini parked in the alley.

"Why did the young man forget his car when he took this risk?"

"I've wanted to say this for a long time. I've seen a lot of cars along the way. I remember that there aren't that many scrap cars in good condition in the outer area, right?"

"Nonsense, we came here and touched it a few years ago. How could sports cars and motorcycles appear out of thin air? There are even heavy-duty excavators with special numbers!"

Hundreds of people immediately started talking in disbelief. Some of the experienced gang members frowned, and their instincts trained on licking blood with the tip of a knife told them that something was wrong here.

But the arrow was on the string and had to be fired. They had to move forward with money to do things, and they had to use the body of the cursed son to give an explanation to the donor.

This team walked through a pedestrian street, crossed the spacious road, and saw the square outside the subway station at a glance.

"There's lights in there!"

"Tai, it turns out they are hiding under our feet, why can't they be found!"

"Why are there so many traffic jams on this street?"

Like evil spirits, they wanted to charge, but were shocked to find that the area around the square was tightly blocked by a large number of vehicles.

The gang members and Tendo's Mazai had no choice but to tip off the rest of the team.

Suddenly, thousands of people came from different directions, with a grand momentum of encircling Guangmingding.

"get out!"

"get out!"

They began to roar, pouring out the grievances they had stored up for years.


A heavy gunshot sounded from the rooftop of a tall building.

The sniper bullet flew and accurately hit a gang member who wanted to draw his gun and cause chaos.

So the crowd was in confusion.

The person who fired the gun seemed to be saying, I can only stir up chaos.

Death did not let them retreat in spite of the difficulties. Instead, they pushed and roared desperately, climbing over the congested car wall like crazy, showing a hideous appearance that was even more terrifying than zombies.

On the rooftop.

"Let's begin." Qianju Natsuyo put away the sniper rifle.

"The principal has given orders to eliminate the intruders, leaving no one behind." Riho Aragaki picked up the communicator and said.

Her words were like the beheading token thrown by the Lord of Hell, and like the dark scythe wielded by the thirsty god of death.

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire outer area rang with the sonorous and powerful sound of metal machinery!


"What happened?"

"Why are these cars moving!"

"Damn it! They're moving!"

The crowd was stunned, staring at the deformed traffic vehicles around them in disbelief.

They rubbed their eyes, thinking they were hallucinations caused by staying up late.

It wasn't until a truck King Kong beat two people into pulp that people suddenly realized that things were running wildly in an outrageous direction.

People want to turn around and escape, but they don't know that they are already trapped in a dragnet. More Transformers are distributed in the streets and alleys of the outer area, just like a mechanical kingdom.

How can you tell the whole story when dealing with these small fish and shrimps?

Three to four hundred Transformers guarded the square, their glowing eyes showing cold murderous intent.

Although they had not transformed in front of the girl these days, seeing the human cubs playing happily and freely, and under the orders of the Supreme Emperor, they developed a loving and protective heart towards the cursed son.

Mechanical life also has intelligence and emotions.

Therefore, this group of despicable flesh and blood creatures dared to break in here and speak nonsense, which undoubtedly offended their Ni Lin.

And Chu Xin’s decree was to kill without mercy!

Bang bang bang!

In an instant, those with guns fired, and those with cannons fired.

It's even easier without thermal weapons. Just throw your fists and feet at your side and unleash a burst of violence.


"Don't kill me, I'm just joining in the fun."

"What are these!"

"Aliens have invaded Earth!"

"I'm not in the same group as them. I like the Cursed Sons very much. Don't..."

The mob was scared to death and quickly threw away the small sticks in their hands to avoid affecting their escape speed.

Bang bang bang!

Those members from the same gang took out their hidden pistols, as well as submachine guns and grenades in their bags, and launched a self-defense counterattack.

After all, they are going to defeat the Cursed Son, so it is understandable that they carry this.

It's just that things have developed to this point, which they never imagined.

"What on earth is going on?" A Tendo family member asked in shock.

"There is no signal on the mobile phone," another person pointed to the building. "You can only wait for death if you stay on the ground. Go upstairs!"

A few dozen people quickly entered the building. Due to the size, the Transformers were hindered inside.

The mobs who were taken advantage of immediately followed suit and rushed into the nearby building, struggling to survive for about ten minutes.


At the edge of the open-air slaughterhouse, eight or nine signal shielding vehicles have long been transformed and are playing their role.

No one present can send the message out. They are as if they are trapped on another planet in the dark.

At this moment, there was no deliberate concealment from the Cursed Sons in the sanctuary.

Neither loud music was used to cover it up, nor their ears blocked. Instead, a school janitor told them the reason, with gentle and soothing background sounds at best.

If it were a normal world and a group of normal children, such a radical approach would obviously not apply.

But the reality is that the human society is almost extinct and the cursed children are being bullied. So while enjoying the warmth and happiness, they need to deeply understand that the enemy's cruelty is crazier than they imagined.

This is also what Chu Xin meant.

Don't think his methods are a bit rough. After all, he is both a big mecha and a big monster, and he also hunts aliens all over the galaxy. How could a ruthless man with these experiences cultivate a weak little Tao Tao'er.

Not dragging them out to observe is already considered a sign of mercy. If they were left within the Iron-Blooded Clan, they would have to write a detailed review of their experience.

Because Chu Xin knew that no one could protect them for the rest of their lives. After he left, they could only help each other and defend themselves so that their limited lives could live peacefully and happily.

"There are bad people out there who can't control their hearts. Because of their anger, incompetence, bullying, etc., they will attack you who have nothing to do with you. At this time, our kindness will only make the other party take advantage of them. We will use our fists to beat them Beat us away so that they will be afraid of us and never dare to bully us again." The school worker told the children sincerely.

The school janitor's kind and magnetic voice seemed to have magic power, soothing the hearts of the girls who were disturbed by the sound of gunfire.

This is a middle-aged man who looks slightly vicissitudes of life, named Miyamoto Teru.

Served in the Tokyo Army.

But after seeing the senior officials robbing and killing the Cursed Son in the wild, he couldn't bear it and had no choice but to retire.

For he also had a daughter who was a cursed child.

Unfortunately, he was on a mission when he was born. When he rushed back to the hospital, the child he had never met had been thrown away by his mother and the hospital.

Since then, the wife who lost her daughter suffered a mental breakdown and chose to commit suicide by jumping into the river.

The vicious mother also died in a car accident a year later. The drunk driver was the president of the "Anti-Cursed Sons Association."

A man whose family was ruined chose to secretly help the Cursed Son in the Outer District.

Because he had a little fantasy, what if one of the children he helped was his daughter?

Boom boom!

A motorcycle drove quickly into the outer area.

Crowded above were Rentaro, Enju Aihara and Kisara Tendo.

Bang~bang bang~

The deeper they went, the more frightened they became.

Lan Yuan Yanzhu was almost crying.

Because the huge movement was like the ruthless mockery of death, they seemed to see hundreds of children lying in a pool of blood.


Rentaro failed to control the corner and the motorcycle fell to the ground.

He staggered up, only to see several men throwing grenades in the direction of the square more than ten meters away, and shouting, "Bury them all with me!"

Anger surged up, and Rentaro, who was holding back a wave of resentment, couldn't bear it anymore.

He decisively drew his gun and fired.

First, he exploded the grenade in mid-air, then moved down, killing two men who were planning to continue attacking.


Tendong Mugen's reaction was not slow, a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

The blade was unsheathed and he coldly beheaded a gang member who wanted to shoot Rentaro.

The remaining mob and gangsters seemed to have found someone to bully, and they all rushed towards the three of them, trying to capture them alive as hostages.

Due to the emergency situation and the night, the three of them did not notice the Transformers in the distance for a while.

These people are vicious and deadly.

Rentaro was forced to have no choice. Even if he didn't want to kill, he could only break the precept, but he told Enju Aihara not to kill him.

A few minutes later, more than a dozen ferocious mobs were killed by the two of them, mainly Tendo Mugen.

However, when the three people who had regained consciousness looked at the square, their faces were instantly dull.

In addition to the shocking corpses strewn on the ground, what's going on with those lively Mercedes-Benz, Lamborghini, Porsche, Toyota, excavators, road rollers, and heavy-duty trucks!

"Could this be Chu Xin's trump card?" Rentaro murmured in shock.

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