All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 169 The God of Natural Disaster and Destruction Returns to Tokyo

Chapter 169 The God of Destruction of Natural Disasters Returns to Tokyo

Card text appears:

“Using Rey cards to engage in an evenly matched melee battle, effectively avoiding one’s own disadvantages and amplifying advantages;

Have a clear understanding of the attributes and positioning of cards, and be able to lock in the opportunity in the chaos and kill the enemy with one blow;

Proficiency +5%, reaching 20%;

The number of Gacha card draws is +1, currently 2 times;

Awakening ability:

[Thunder Sacrifice] (The damage of this attack is 0. Once it hits a single target, it will fall into varying degrees of paralysis. This skill can surprise the enemy and has a cooldown of 10 minutes);

[Thunder Cut] (releases a crescent-shaped ten-meter thunderbolt, like a blade slash, with slightly weaker power but a wide horizontal range. When the target is seriously injured, the damage of this skill is doubled). "

At this time, Chu Xin was not in the mood to mess around, so he just kept it there for the time being.

Hilltop town.

"Sister Kisara, what's going on?" Rentaro Satomi asked quickly.

"The worst case scenario has occurred," Tendo Kisara's voice was trembling, "Scorpio, one of the zodiac signs, is approaching the stone defense line from Tokyo Bay."

"Then it's all over?" Rentaro Satomi said dejectedly.

"No, look up and look to your southeast." Tendou Kisara replied.

He turned around and looked back, only to see a long and slender building standing in mid-air in the dark night, like the broken horn of a steel unicorn.

"Sky...ladder..." Satomi Rentaro recognized him.

"This ladder electromagnetic gun has never been used since it was built nine years ago. Although it looks shabby, there should be no problems with the internal equipment, so~" Tendo Mugena said with a hint of hope.

"I understand." Satomi Rentaro ended the call.

He quickly took Lan Yuan Yanzhu and ran towards the hillside not far away.

The drone overhead also followed closely behind, obviously more concerned about the details of the ladder.

At this moment, Hiroko Kohina was still holding Hiroko Yingyin's body, crying until her voice became hoarse.


She was like a puppet that had lost its strings, her eyes distracted and she continued to murmur.

He had been brainwashed by Zhizi Yingyin for ten years, and he had long been regarded as the only one in his life.

The spiritual pillar of his life suddenly collapsed, Kohina lost all his fighting spirit, and all the thoughts in his heart disappeared.

Soon the police who rushed to rescue her were arrested.


She broke free from the restraints and threw herself on Zhizi Yingyin's body, unwilling to leave even if she died.

"Everyone, please tell me. If you can't take him away, just deal with it." The leading policeman made a gesture of wiping his throat.

In the next second, four or five people pulled the triggers of their rifles.

Hundreds of holmium bullets spurted out, beating the little Hinay, who showed no resistance at all, into an ugly sieve of flesh.

Their respective starters lowered their eyes. Although they knew that Kohina was a murderous villain, they could not help but feel a bit of sadness.

This group of policemen belongs to the Tendo family and is secretly managed by Tendo Kikunoichi, and they all have combat capabilities beyond their rankings.

To be precise, they and their nature are not meant to fight against gastrointestinal animals, but the killers raised by Tendo Kikunochori.

Tendo Kikunouchi clearly hates and loathes the Cursed Children, but secretly uses them, calling it "slaughtering enemies with enemies."


Across the mist-filled cliff, loud explosions spread from the ocean to the coast.

"The Maritime Self-Defense Force is at war with Scorpio."

One of the policemen said as he walked up to the bodies of the father and daughter, aimed at the heads and chests and emptied the entire magazine.

Hua Tuo would always shake his head~

Tokyo Bay at night.

A steel fleet of warships was lined up on the foggy sea.

Behind them are huge towering stone monuments and a bustling downtown area guarded by the stone monuments.

At the junction of the Port District and the Central District, there are many high-rise buildings, and the appearance of thousands of lights seems to be the same as ten years ago.

But with the roar of whales, people woke up from their deep sleep.

When they stuck their heads out of the window, the scene seemed to return to before liberation overnight!

Countless people rushed out of their homes with no clothes on, and fled everywhere in great chaos under the command of police officers.

The subway entrances and buses were packed to the brim, and the funny thing was that many people were trampled to death by their neighbors before Scorpio arrived.

There are even mentally disturbed people driving cars on a rampage, running over them regardless of the police's obstruction.


Suddenly someone pointed at the sea and shouted.

People around him subconsciously turned their heads and looked around. This action instantly caused a herd effect, and tens of thousands of people stared into the distance in unison.

Suddenly, the whole place was silent.

In front of the fleet, the gray world suddenly lit up with strings of colorful light strips in order, outlining the edges of the behemoth.

It is like thousands of stars falling from the sky and descending into the human world.

Even if it is a huge steel battleship, it is extremely small in front of the looming shadow.


This whale song that goes straight to the brain makes people have goosebumps all over their bodies, and a strong sense of suffocation hits their faces, as if they are in a bottomless dark abyss.

There were endless waves on the sea surface, and it broke through the thick fog, revealing its majestic body.

The whole body is dark and deep blue-purple skin, with intricate textures that make the skin look like rubber.


The body is bloated and moves slowly, like the big-assed melon in Plants vs. Zombies.

At first glance, it looks like a big, round, plump purple eggplant!

At the top is a whale-like head, with two crown-like horns extending from the top of the head.

There are a pair of big bulging red eyes on the left and right sides, full of violence and despair.

There are not only two such large, magnificent, jewel-like eyes.

Instead, there are large and small areas all over the body!

The bits of starlight that people saw just now through the sea fog are the countless eyes on the skin of Scorpio.

Luminous tentacles sprouted from its neck, dragging and swaying high in the sky, like a living light-banded kite.

If you only look at the upper body, it's okay and not so hard to accept.

The most terrifying thing is undoubtedly the lower half of Scorpio.

Hundreds of black tentacles emerged from the bulging abdomen, and the ends of each one split into sharp mouthparts.

At the bottom of the body, densely packed sticky tentacles replaced the legs, feet and limbs, leaving mucus containing gastroenterovirus wherever they passed.

Bang bang bang!

The fleet attacks.

Each missile did not need to be aimed, and hit the Scorpio without any miss.

Most of the artillery fire was not powerful enough and did not even leave any traces.

Those huge missiles only tore tiny holes, which healed instantly as before before the firelight bloomed.


Scorpio waved his tentacles indifferently and could sink a battleship with one hit.

No matter how hard the fleet bombarded it, it was like a majestic mountain, advancing towards the land of Tokyo Bay without changing its pace.

At this moment, we were less than three thousand meters away from the defense line of the stone monument.

the other side.

Satomi Rentaro and Aihara Enju have already entered the ladder.

The cost of this device is huge, and it is designed to deal with level 5. Its shooting speed can reach the terrifying sub-light speed, and it can hit extremely distant targets in the blink of an eye.

Since he had no ammunition prepared, he had no choice but to forcibly cut off his arm and load it with his right arm made of holmium.

Because it was in disrepair and the connection between the system and the outside was somewhat faulty, it could only be launched manually.

"It's 50 kilometers away, can I hit it?"

Rentaro looked at the shooting game-like picture on the big screen and murmured suspiciously.

Once they make a mistake and enter the city, there will be no need for Scorpio to land at all, and the entire district will be turned upside down.

Just when he received encouragement from Enju Aihara, Tendogi's more urgent voice sounded in the headset, "Rentaro, wait! Something seems wrong?"

Apart from her, there were other voices of surprise in the central command room.

"What, what?" He twitched his finger away from the trigger and almost shot out.

This wave of stopping almost caused him to die suddenly~

Soon, he also discovered something strange through the super far vision of the ladder.

The water surface in the distance seemed to be torn apart by something huge from below, and the waves were divided like rapids and ravines.


The sea was rough.

Even though a stone monument was not far behind them, the fleet was still making a last-ditch effort to empty out all the ammunition in its reserves.

Suddenly, all the soldiers were shocked to notice that Scorpio, who was struggling to move forward just now, stopped for some reason and stood still.

It stopped roaring and lowered its somewhat silly head to look around, scanning the pitch-black sea.

"What is it looking for?" a captain asked doubtfully.

"Huh?" the monitor frowned and exclaimed, "The underwater sonar shows that a target is moving at high speed and is approaching here!"

As soon as these words came out, no matter whether they were on the battlefield or not, everyone's hair stood up and their heads felt cold.

"It's right below us," the monitor said sternly, "and it swam right past us."

"Its target is not us, but Scorpio," the commander-in-chief said decisively, "Retreat to the stone monument line!"


However, before the fleet could react quickly, a dreamlike red light appeared under the water.

It seems like someone is holding a grand... bonfire party down there~


The glass-like sea surface was shattered and penetrated by rising flames.

Clusters of serious fire waves quickly spread and covered the ocean, igniting the ocean from bottom to top.



The entire fleet was affected in an instant and exploded one after another.

The high heat caused seawater to boil and evaporate, and countless marine creatures were physically transformed.

Ultra-high-heat radioactive particles are flaming!


Scorpio roared in anger.

It was caught off guard and the relatively fragile bottom of its body was burned by the sea of ​​fire, and a large number of tentacles were burned cleanly.

But the flame is not holmium metal, so it does not affect its regeneration, so it heals itself quickly.


The roar full of ferocity penetrated the sea water and echoed between heaven and earth.

Water and fire intertwine and intertwine.

Enshrouded in heat and gray mist, the burly Godzilla stood up slowly, like a mountain rising from the sea.


A dazzling red light flashed between the burly muscles, and the huge roar of the atomic furnace could be heard endlessly.

As he stood up, all the seawater that touched him evaporated and instantly turned into wisps of floating white smoke.

The natural disaster God of Destruction, Godzilla, returns to Tokyo!

In this situation, all we need is a Godzilla March!

Central command room.

"That guy is the Cancer that attacked Osaka recently, right?" the general said with difficulty, almost crying.

Witnessing the only fleet in Tokyo being wiped out in one wave, everyone here felt heavy.

But the matter has reached this point, and further countermeasures must be discussed.

"If the two Level 5s join forces, is there still hope for Tokyo?" The general was extremely desperate.

"There must be a way. Can we ask other countries for help?" The Holy Emperor could not remain calm.

"Osaka or Hokkaido? They all want us to perish," Tendo Kikunochori said solemnly, "For the continuation of Tokyo, everyone here should move to a shelter immediately."

"You are really as indifferent as ever," Tendou Mugeng mocked his grandfather, "Millions of people gave up when they said they would."

Tendo Kikunosho remained unmoved and said without changing his expression, "At level 5 at both ends, even the ladder electromagnetic cannon can do nothing. In the current situation, we can only sacrifice the small to protect the large. It is wise to protect the elites in the three circles of politics, business and science. As for the people, We protected them for ten years and they will understand."

The smell of gunpowder instantly filled the room, Tendomu suppressed his anger even more, and the Holy Emperor hesitated to speak.

"The Prime Minister is right, we should move immediately!" the general urged.

"But, as a ruler~" Shengtianzi said sadly.

"Your Highness, it is a virtue for a ruler to be kind-hearted, but kindness can be shown regardless of the time, as long as..." Tendou Kikunoshi was interrupted before he could finish his words.

"Ahem," Satomi Rentaro's voice came out, "Stop arguing, they don't seem to have a good relationship!"

Tokyo Bay.

Waves of hot wind carried invisible waves of fire and invaded the coast, and the crowded crowd immediately fell into an even more chaotic situation.


Chu Xin and Scorpio looked at each other from a distance.

The surrounding flames gradually extinguished, and ultimately failed to reach the exaggerated level of evaporating the Pacific Ocean.

He looked at the big seafood with great interest.


I saw hundreds of millions of fine granules growing out of the place where Scorpio had been burned, steadily forming a new tissue.

Although his defense power is somewhat lacking, his regeneration ability is indeed at the molecular level, almost catching up with his own.

As far as he knew, Level 5 gastrula were not a template, but each had their own strengths, so Scorpio alone could not be used as a case.

The two of them were less than a kilometer apart and were observing each other.

The two sides were about the same height, and of course without Chu Xin, they could be considered the tail of a monster alone.

When Chu Xin thought about Scorpio, Scorpio was also confused.

What is this thing?

If you can't sense the gastroenterovirus in the other person's body, it means they are not the same kind.

The opponent is coming menacingly and is an enemy!

It's very strong and needs to be handled with care!

Level 5 gastrula have a high IQ and have extremely strong judgment. However, their brains are occupied by some chaotic memories, and they are sometimes sober and sometimes confused.

Dong Dong Dong~

Chu Xin took the lead in launching the offensive.

If you are in a shallow sea area, you can run very fast with your feet on the seabed.


On the way, he suddenly swung his long tail, and five or six cannonball-like tail fin darts flew out.

Scorpio vigilantly curled up its tentacles and twisted them into a human shield in front of the body, blocking them while being pierced by dozens of tail fin darts.

Not long after, Chu Xin had arrived in front of it.


Scorpio made a posture of both offense and defense, violently waving out the countless tentacles on its abdomen.



The ends of the tentacles spread out their claw blades, attacking ferociously from all directions.

Chu Xin allowed himself to be bitten, resisted the attack, and slammed into Scorpio's torso with a brutal iron mountain.


A dull loud noise sounded like thunder.

"Good guy, it must be 100,000 tons!" Chu Xin was pleasantly surprised.

These zodiac signs are indeed suitable as Godzilla's opponents.

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