All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 168 The whale song comes from afar, Chu Xin is very happy

Tokyo command center.

A large screen shows a scene of a mountaintop town, with a perspective derived from a deployed drone.

"Rentaro Satomi is actually a cyborg transformer of the New Humanity Project!" the general said in surprise.

However, when he looked around, Tendo Kikunojo, Tendo Kisara and others present all had calm faces.

He was the only one who co-authored and was kept in the dark~

Of course, the Holy Emperor probably didn't know either, but he didn't show his emotions on his face.

Tendo Mugena said, "Ten years ago, gastrea invaded my home. My parents died, and my kidneys were severely damaged at that time. Rentaro lost his right hand, right leg, and left eye in order to protect me. On the verge of death, he was sent to Department 22, where he was rehabilitated by Dr. Sumire Muroto."

"Sumire Muroto?" the general said in shock, "Sumire Muroto, one of the Four Sages!"

From the time when humans discovered the metal holmium to the use of the Cursed Sons, weapons made of holmium were relied upon to combat gastroenterates.

In order to maximize its value, scientists from various countries have focused on humans themselves.

As a result, the New Human Creation Plan came into being. Its purpose was to transplant holmium metal into flesh and blood, transforming semi-mechanical soldiers with strong combat effectiveness and even superpowers, and forming many mechanical troops specifically for gastral warfare.

This project is headed by four extremely outstanding scientists from Tokyo, Liberty, Kangaroo, and Deborah. Because of their superior abilities and huge contributions, they are also called the "Four Sages" by industry insiders.

The mechanical troops made undoubted contributions in the early and middle stages of the war. They voluntarily accepted the transformation into individual weapons and rushed to the battlefield to fight in bloody battles.

But as the holmium tablets were deployed, anti-human projects like cyborgs were resisted by internal parties.

Mechanical troops have also gradually withdrawn from the stage of history. Forced by multiple factors, various countries have lifted their ranks.

Its sensitive nature and level of confidentiality means that many people know nothing about this unit.

As for the large number of semi-mechanical soldiers, they belong to human beings after all and cannot be scrapped as scraps.

Therefore, they either serve in special departments, work for the powerful, or become civilian police and continue to fight against gastrea.

Most of the top-ranked police officers are products of the New Humanity Project, and all have extremely strong personal combat capabilities.

After all, the evaluation of the combination ranking is based on the comprehensive level of the policeman and the starter, rather than just looking at one party.

"So, Rentaro has the ability to leapfrog beyond his ranking." Sheng Tianzi murmured.

"Yes, I believe he can defeat Hiroko Yingyin!" Tendo Mugeng said firmly.

"But before Hiroko Yingyin was frozen by the police system, Hiroko Kohina's global ranking was 134, and they were among the most troublesome ranks in the entire Neon." The general was still uneasy.

Eastern peripheral area.

Hilltop town.

Zhizi Yingyin stared straight at the woods on the side of a church, "Come out, I have heard your sneaky footsteps."

"Don't try to cheat!"

Satomi Rentaro, who had already revealed his identity, was unmoved and rushed over showing strength unlike before.

"Don't bully my father!" Kohina jumped out with two swords raised. The mantis gene gave her a strong sense of fighting and talent.

"You belong to me, please don't get close to Rentaro!" The rabbit-shaped Enju Aihara jumped suddenly, using her explosive legs as weapons to sweep continuously, blocking Kohina.

"Since you are already impatient, I will play with you."

Faced with Rentaro who no longer concealed himself, Hiroko Yingyin did not dare to look down upon him and immediately responded with a defensive stance.

He didn't bother to pay attention to the unknown creatures hiding there.

He didn't even have the courage to show up, so he must be just a weak guy.

Bang bang!

Both men were armed with firearms, and while engaging in close combat, they took the opportunity to pull the trigger.

The two sides fought so hard that it was difficult to decide who would win or lose.

"We were created to be killed. We are out-and-out killing machines. Only when a large-scale gastral war breaks out again and the whole world reignites war can we prove the meaning of our existence!"

"Only fear can make the world wake up, and then they will realize who is the master!"

Zhizi Yingyin distanced himself and made bold remarks.

Rentaro looked at him extremely absurdly, "Is this why you want to destroy Tokyo?"

"The world they expect is different from ours. There is no need for us to protect a group of idiots who only know how to complain. This does not conform to the logic of the strong." Zhizi Yingyin opened his arms and raised his voice, "How are the cursed children treated? You don’t need me to tell you, right? Although our original intentions are different, we all look forward to the same world, come on, come with me!”

His speech was practical and reasonable. I believe many people will choose to join his camp.

But Rentaro is the protagonist of Asashi, and he is still in his sixteenth year of youth. He is full of passion and justice in his heart. How can he collude with Hiroko Shadow Yin?

What's more, if Tokyo is destroyed, what will those cursed children do? The first ones to die are the starters!

"Are you kidding, you bastard, go to hell." Rentaro sprinted angrily.

On the other side, Enju Aihara wanted to escape and join, but was tightly entangled by Hiruko Kohina.


A golden light flickered in the darkness.

It immediately attracted the attention of the drone and the four people present.

"Thunder?" Zhizi Yingyin asked himself in confusion.


In an instant, electricity shot out.

Chu Xin, who switched to Rey, turned into an explosive thunder gun and shot out like an arrow.

Target, Zhizi Yingyin!

Although what Zhizi Yingyin did coincided with him, Chu Xin had no intention of cooperating with him.

It has nothing to do with whether they agree or not, who is right or wrong, but that Zhizi Yingyin is on Chu Xin's hunting list and needs to use him to improve his proficiency.

Gastrea is a natural experience value, but it is too brainless and violent. On the contrary, the father and daughter of Hiruzi Yin and Yin, who have rich combat experience, are excellent opponents for Rey, who is not highly trained.

To take a step back, don’t look at the Top Gun that Zhizi Yingyin just mentioned, as if he wants to liberate the whole world.

In reality, he is crazier and more perverted than he appears.

Not to mention that he is a complete war maniac and murderer, the origin of Hiruko Kohina's daughter is full of blood and distortion.

She called him dad, which was right, because they were really related by blood.

Ten years ago, Zhi Ziyingyin kidnapped five innocent young women, imprisoned them and artificially inseminated them.

Then they were forced to eat food contaminated with gastroenterovirus, causing infection of the fetus in the abdomen.

After giving birth to five baby girls, the five women lost their value and were killed miserably by him.

Then, Zhizi Yingyin raised five daughters alone.

Before they were seven years old, they were kept separately in dark dungeons.

Don't do anything else, just learn how to fight and kill.

Coupled with the brainwashing education that is like a stamp of thought, the five young girls understand that only their father loves them most in the world. Everything his father does is right and they must listen to his words.

Seven years have passed and five people have met.

It's definitely not a family reunion between sisters, but the final stage of raising Gu.

attacking each other!

In the end, the most yandere and crazy Kohina won and became Hiroko Yingyin's only daughter, stepping on the sisters she met for the first time.

That night, she trampled on her sister's body, threw herself into her loving father's arms, rubbed her head, and asked for a pat on his head.

"As expected of my good daughter~"

Zhizi Yingyin lifted her up high, as if the dead thing at her feet was just a wild dog.

So, don't listen to the sweet sound when Kohina calls "Daddy", behind it is actually a pathological and abnormal cognition.

"what is that!"

Rentaro felt the heat and explosion coming from far and near, and hurriedly retreated.


Zhizi Yingyin also jumped up quickly, trying to avoid the attack.

But Rey, who struck instantly, showed extraordinary speed and was close to the mask in almost the blink of an eye.


Zhi Ziying calmly released the repulsive force field calmly, and the visible light mask spread out.


Chu Xin used the wind and lightning and suddenly accelerated.

Then he crossed his arms and performed a brilliant cross slash.

Lightning strike, flash strike!

Driven by acceleration, he turned into a bunch of illusory golden light, dragging a long tail of lightning.


A headbutt wrapped in thunder and lightning hit the intersection of the cross.

The thunderbolt struck the Arrancar.


The force field lasted for two seconds before shattering.

Zhizi Yingyin was shocked and helpless.

The method that I was most proud of was that one person and one beast continuously broke through the defense in less than a night.

"What are you?"

When he got closer, Zhizi Yingyin vaguely saw Chu Xin's face and was surprised.

We have seen a lot of weird gastrea animals, but they have more or less retained the characteristics of earth creatures, but why does the little one in front of you look like a Pokémon?

"Beast, stay away from my father!"

Just when Chu Xin was about to put his claws on Hiroko Yingyin's face, Kohina came to the rescue in time and quickly swung his katana.

Many of the weapons or equipment used by the police and starters are made of holmium metal.

These two knives also have outstanding lethality against gastrea.

It's a pity that Rey and gastrea are not even close to each other, and they are not even terrestrial animals!


The blade passed through Chu Xin's electric hair, making a sharp cut.

Chu Xin crossed his hands with his backhand as if he didn't feel any pain, and held the blade tightly.


The current output quickly touched Kohina's palm along the two knives.

"Ah~~Dad, it hurts~"

She screamed, stretched out her fingers with all her strength, and backed away in embarrassment.

The electric shock just now would kill an ordinary person, but her hands were only burnt black, and her whole body twitched until her eyes turned white and she was spitting.

The regenerative self-healing provided by gastroenterovirus is working to repair wounds and restore physical fitness at high speed.


Chu Xin never showed mercy to his enemies.

Even if you are a cute little girl, you are treated equally.

Since you draw your sword at me, it means you are ready to fight to the death.


The claws carrying the electric light stabbed Kohina's throat, Hiroko Shadow Yin stepped forward, deployed the force field again and fired continuously.


The uncooled wind and lightning reappeared, Chu Xin disappeared in a flash, and circled back from above.

Its own size and weight are insufficient, and its attack methods are single, but its speed and dexterity are its biggest advantages, so it uses its strengths to avoid weaknesses.

Hundreds of meters away.

"Rentaro, is that really a gastrea? It looks a bit cute." Aihara Enju said blankly.

"It should be, but its fighting skills are too terrifying," Rentaro touched the headset, "Have you seen it?"

"I saw it." Tendong Mu's more solemn voice came out.

"The body is ridiculously small, the shape is simple, it can release thunder and lightning, and the level cannot be judged intuitively. The most important thing is to have a clear sense of combat and anthropomorphic actions." The deep voice of Tendo Kikunomagi also sounded, "Rentaro, this This guy is an anomaly among gastrea animals and has great research value. Capture him alive!"

Rentaro frowned, "I'll try my best, but I can't guarantee success."

"Someone's coming up again." Lan Yuan Yanzhu looked back.

"It's her." Rentaro recognized her face and had seen it in the meeting a few days ago.

Qianju Natsuo walked into the town panting, and immediately saw the man pierced by a big sword.

She closed her eyes for him a little sadly, and then watched the battle with Rentaro and the others.

What about that person?

She looked around and didn't find the tall figure covered in armor.

But the fierce battle immediately attracted her attention.

"Huh? This gastrea is so strange~" Qianju Natsuyo said to himself.

"Are we going?" Lan Yuan Yanzhu was eager to give it a try.

"Don't be in a hurry, wait for the opportunity." Rentaro focused on the battlefield.


Chu Xin rose from the ground and hung dozens of meters in the air, taking advantage of the gap to restore elemental power and adjust his body condition.

The cooperation between father and daughter is becoming more and more in place, with easy exchange of offense and defense, and proficiency at both distance and distance.

It has to be said that Chu Xin played very happily and had real practical effects.

"Xiao Bina!" Zhizi Yingyin shouted.

"Okay!" Hina understood the meaning with just one look.

She jumped onto the palm of Zhizi Yingyin's hand, and the moment she pushed up, her legs exerted strength and she jumped up.

"Now!" Rentaro whispered.

He and Lan Yuan Yanzhu rushed out one behind the other. When they approached Zhizi Yingyin, they immediately dispersed and attacked one on the left and the other on the right.

However, what surprised Rentaro was that Hiroko Shadow Yin actually smiled triumphantly.

"It's you two who are waiting~"

"Haha!" Kohina, who had just jumped up, actually turned around and flipped in mid-air to dive towards Rentaro's back.

The blade of the blade glowed coldly, and the hit was a beheading.

Lan Yuan Yanzhu was too far away to support her. While she was distracted, Hiruzi Yingyin seized the opportunity and kicked her twenty meters away.

Bang bang!

At the critical moment, gunfire rang out.

Kohina swung her sword in a circular motion and used the blade to block the sneak attack bullets, but she missed the opportunity to kill Rentaro.

She stared at the calm Qian Shou Xia Shi with a murderous look on her face, then turned around to protect Zhizi Yingyin.

"Tendo's fighting skills, Shuitianyibi's posture, Yunling and Lake Carp!"

Rentaro ventured in and used one of his trump cards.

Bang bang bang~

The mechanical right arm hit Zizi Yingyin's force field hard.

The elbow is extended to exit the spin opening, and the three-stage jet enhances the propulsion force.

With such arrogant power, the force field could not hold on and exploded instantly.

Zhiziyingyin jumped back defensively, "I had a really fulfilling time tonight. It's time to leave because my goal has been achieved."

"What?" Rentaro's heart trembled, and he suddenly felt something bad.

He has been entangled with Zhizi Yingyin, and he has indeed overlooked one thing.

Where is the legacy of Seven Stars?


Chu Xin moved.

Use [Charge] to double the damage of the next attack.

His right arm was raised and lowered, and the crackling golden light condensed into a light spear as thick as an adult's arm.

Rey's strongest attack so far, the skill [Electric Shock Beam]!


In an instant, Zhizi Yingyin's vest was hit.

The skin on the outside is torn apart, and the parts inside are scattered.

A hole ten centimeters in diameter appeared, completely penetrating his chest from front to back, with a large number of sizzling parts and tubes hanging from the inside.

"I was careless," Zhizi Yingyin knelt on his knees and lowered his arms feebly, "However, Tokyo will also die with me."

"Dad-" Kohina roared heartbreakingly.

"Oh woo~ woo~~~"

Suddenly, a long and empty roar came from the direction of the sea.

It was exactly the same as the cry of a whale, but the sound was comparable to the trumpet of God.

"The dinner is finally here." Chu Xin was overjoyed and flew into the night sky and disappeared without a trace.

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