All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 135 Godzilla, the Incarnation of God

The next day.


In the small courtyard painted with bright white paint, several high-ranking men and women were sitting around.

"Are you sure this attack is the same as the Neon Incident?"

"Yes, the same mutated creature, the same mysterious disappearance, the same unknown attack."

"There must be a huge conspiracy behind this!"

"It was my dereliction of duty and the lack of progress that led to the subsequent incidents." The commander of the Chongshuang base reviewed through the screen.

"I don't blame you. This matter has gone beyond the scope of normal cognition. The monster that disappeared out of thin air became a nuclear bomb that appeared out of thin air. If a certain country is really in charge, I can't imagine that they are negotiating with aliens. ?" the Minister of Defense said solemnly.

"But about that monster, it reminds me of a secret document. I will contact you later." The Minister of Energy said to the commander.

"By the way, have you found the white-haired gorilla?"

"We caught it that night. It seemed to have regained its sanity and there were no casualties on our side."

At this time, a man pressed the button under the table.


The doors and windows of the room are all covered with a layer of metal, and all electronic devices are temporarily turned off.

The free king began to ask questions one by one.

"How is the development of the giant beast potion?"

"It went very well. The data returned by Ateskin was very complete, and there were finished infected bodies for actual reference. We not only reproduced them perfectly, but also improved them to create more genetic samples. As for the giant beast control, we Prepare to adopt more advanced low-frequency radio wave technology.”

"No matter what method you use, I want to see results in the short term," the king said, turning to the corner, "Where are you guys?"

Two gloomy men wearing glasses raised their heads, and one of them said, "It has been tamed by us for more than ten years under the interference of bio-waves. We are currently injecting it with monster medicine. It needs to be closely observed for an estimated three months." It will be done later.”

Except for the two or three people who knew about it, the other five or six senior officials looked at each other in confusion.

It seems to be another unknown secret project~

Even the Minister of Defense knew nothing about it, but they didn't foolishly ask.

The less you know about some things, the safer you are, and you don't want to meddle in other people's business. Just take care of your own business.

Besides, they are already sitting here, which means that sooner or later they will become insiders.

The king clapped his hands and said slowly, "The current situation has begun to turmoil inexplicably. I vaguely smell the smell of war and conspiracy, first neon, and then Chicago. Gentlemen, the more nervous you are, the more cautious you must be! The great America is with you~"

On the night when Chicago suffered a nuclear explosion, people all over the world felt what a explosive situation was.

It seems like a game of werewolf killing involving many countries. No one trusts anyone, they doubt each other, test each other, and contain each other.

In just a few days, the army was highly active and its armaments doubled, ready to respond to sudden changes.

After all, who wouldn’t be afraid of a nuclear bomb popping up out of thin air?

No one can be sure that the next one will not fall on their rooftop.

One of the hottest topics on the Internet is called "Where did it go?"

As the name suggests, a large number of netizens from various countries below are enthusiastically discussing how Chu Xin disappeared, whether he is dead or alive, where he is at the moment, which city he will choose for the next attack, and whether there are any weapons other than nuclear bombs that can destroy mankind.

There is no shortage of various experts typing furiously on the forum to express their personal opinions. The major factions are arguing endlessly, and the platform has collapsed several times a day.

Two months have passed.

Public opinion is gradually changing, and people are gradually returning to normal life. At most, they can go home and post a few words on the forum for fun.

In the eyes of most people, Chu Xin is just a deformed mutant monster, just a creature of flesh and blood. The worst he can do is give him a taste of a nuclear bomb. There is no need to treat him like the end of the world. He should work and be destroyed.

As for the attack on the nuclear power plant and the nuclear bomb in Chicago, they didn't consider Chu Xin at all. Could it be that under the skin of flesh and blood was a complete set of nuclear power facilities, atomic furnaces and nuclear industry workshops?

That was obviously nonsense, so after a month-long panic phase, everyone except Chicago residents gradually calmed down and continued to live.

The hot topics on the Internet have also become the following: it was seriously injured and fell into a deep sleep, it was evaporated into invisible ashes by bombs, it was the embodiment of a scourge similar to the Titan Soldier, and left after giving human beings a warning.

What's outrageous is that netizens actually think the third one is the most likely.

After all, the first two guesses must follow science, but reality has broken away from human scientific concepts. If they are forced to rely on it, it will be untrue and obviously deceiving themselves.


The cold wind from the north blew through the desolate and dead city of Chicago.

Except for soldiers wearing protective suits, the once prosperous world-class metropolis is now lifeless, like a doomsday city.

Lake Michigan is as vast as an inland sea surrounded by land, with a total of 57,757 square kilometers, an average water depth of 84 meters, and a maximum depth of 281 meters.

Therefore, it is not easy for the Free Country to find Chu Xin here.

Therefore, Chu Xin was able to get high safely for two months.


He rolled in the lake as the radiation gradually faded, and all his previous injuries no longer existed.

In addition, the nuclear energy in the body is already at a critical point, just like the cultivation bottleneck in fantasy novels. As long as you break through it, it will be like a carp jumping over the dragon's gate, and earth-shaking changes will occur.

Card text appears:

"Through accumulation, you will reach Nirvana!

The host has reached the edge of staged evolution. Just changing the environment can promote large-scale mutation of cells. The genes of various species accumulated in the body will also provide adaptive assistance and speed up the original evolution speed;

This symbolizes that the developmental period is coming to an end and will usher in a period of rapid growth and maturity;

It is expected that the host will go on a killing spree after keeping a low profile and biding its time. The increase in proficiency brought about by evolution will be relatively slow in the future, requiring further familiarity with the new form and actual combat. Only killing and fierce battles that penetrate the soul and body are the true meaning of proficiency;

After completing the task [Neon Barbecue], you will receive an additional 5% proficiency and the achievement title [God of Barbeque]. "

"Do you want me to experience Shin Godzilla's famous scenes in person?"

Chu Xin said to himself slightly excitedly, mainly because he could finally evolve into a real Godzilla instead of a deformed sea monster.

There is an illusion that the real show officially begins from now on!

So, Chu Xin immediately left the Free Country, followed the river into the Pacific Ocean, and headed for Neon at lightning speed.


"Excuse me, everyone, these are information and unpublished videos about No. 0, please." The young official said to several people respectfully and politely.

And those people were the world's top marine biology research team headed by Zhang Suyin, and there were also two military officers, Jonas and Davis, present.

As for George, it is destined to be impossible to regain his former freedom, but the Free State official promised Davis that he would not give euthanasia, but must be imprisoned on an isolated island. Once a recovery drug is developed, it will be used for George.

Davis was helpless. He knew that he could not fight against the authorities on his own, and George had indeed killed dozens of people in a violent state. It might be the best choice to keep it out of the public eye.

The reason why George was taken away in the first place was just to prevent him from being killed instantly by Chu Xin.

Davis himself, after seeing how fierce and powerful Chu Xin was, also developed a huge interest in him, and simply joined the team as a bodyguard rescuer like Jonas.

"Okay, we will try our best." Zhang Suyin took a thin document and a USB flash drive.

The young official bowed and said, "Please follow the agreement and keep these undisclosed contents confidential."

"Don't worry, we know." Zhang Suyin replied.

The concise conversation ended, and the young official strode out of the conference room.

Those ministers are still discussing, procrastinating, and thinking, but they don't take any actual actions all day long. The key is that they have no independent opinions. They only know how to listen to the opinions of others, and they must seek the consent of the free countries for all large and small actions.

A group of young and ambitious officials couldn't stand it anymore. A month ago, they gathered together to set up a task force and tried their best to investigate Chu Xin and set up prevention policies. Zhang Suyin's team was also invited by them.


The young official answered the phone and immediately trotted to the Prime Minister's Office.

There were not only ministers in the room, but also the free commander.

He motioned to his men to take out a document package, put it on the table, and pushed it toward the Prime Minister.

"This is the news I just learned," the commander said. "Many years ago, a professor named Mu Wutian from the Ministry of Energy of the Free State noticed No. 0, but he did not pay attention to it."

As soon as these words came out, everyone paused and immediately felt aggrieved by being kept in the dark.

The son has been busy here for a long time, but the father is still hiding it~

"Here are his various aspects of research," the commander continued, "He called it... Godzilla."

"Godzilla?" an official murmured, "In our hometown, this means the incarnation of God!"

"In Mu Wuyang's research, Godzilla itself is an ancient underwater creature, but it was the continuous consumption of nuclear waste discharged into the ocean during the past sixty years that caused the mutation." The commander said calmly, not at all. Feeling a little guilty, after all, the nuclear waste in the neon seabed at that time was the product of a free country.

So this matter is essentially the fault of the Free State.

"But why is your country suddenly willing to share this information with us?" The Prime Minister was still quite smart, but he felt something was wrong.

The commander said solemnly, "An hour ago, our submarine detected it in the Pacific. According to the route and time prediction, it is already near Neon at the moment. The possibility of landing cannot be ruled out."

As soon as these words came out, everyone shuddered and immediately felt aggrieved by being treated as a fool.

It was discovered an hour ago, but it is only said now, and it is not intercepted and struck in the Pacific Ocean, but you still want to wait for it to land on the neon land?

What's the matter, if you want to capture him alive, you still want to use neon as a venue for experiments!

But everyone dared not speak out in anger, and could only laugh a few times.

"Don't worry, our country will fully assist you," the commander said, "but one thing is, whether it is captured alive or killed, the benefits brought by Godzilla can only be touched by you and me, and there must be no third party. Three parties intervened.”


At this time, the Prime Minister's Assistant answered a phone call and immediately shouted after hanging up, "Turn on the TV!"

When the Prime Minister saw the content on the TV clearly, his expression changed drastically and he said, "Evacuate the people immediately!"

The expressions of the others were not much better, and several gray-haired ministers could not stop trembling.

"It's time for me to go back and command the operations." The commander quickly stood up and went to the rooftop to take a helicopter back to the garrison base.

He really didn't expect that Godzilla would be so discerning that he would come straight to Tokyo.

"If necessary, we will provide Neon with the greatest fire support." He did not forget to turn around and reassure him.

Tokyo Bay.


Thick white mist steam rose from the sea, and a huge and slender tail poked out, swaying wildly in excitement.

At the same time, a large amount of blood surged up, dyeing a large area of ​​seawater a terrifying dark red color.

Chu Xin was sneaking at high speed in the shallow sea, and his whole body was undergoing huge changes.

The old blood is expelled, mixed with necrotic cells and various organs and tissues, and then replaced by new ones.


Chu Xin curled up his head, and his enlarged gills on both sides were emitting hot red light, as if the inside was not flesh and blood, but a steel mill.

The Bio-Atomic Furnace is transforming from a prototype into a functioning entity!

The violent nuclear energy surges endlessly and is carried throughout the body by the blood, constantly promoting the rapid progress of mutation.

This is an extremely important step that laid the foundation for Godzilla's name.

There were many cruise ships on the sea, and many tourists were confused at first, and then extremely frightened.

Tu tu tu tu~

Not long after, four or five armed helicopters arrived at low altitude.

After the surrounding ships moved away, they all fired Cerberus missiles.

Bang bang!

The explosion echoed across the vast coastline of Tokyo Bay.

The missile exploded, and so did three helicopters.

Chu Xin flicked his tail upward casually, and three tail fin darts flew out, blasting him away.

He looked very weak at this time, but in fact it was just the opposite. Surging energy filled his body, and the expanding power made his blood boil.

Even if the blood is scattered after being beaten, he will take this opportunity to regenerate quickly.


He stopped paying attention to the roadblock and accelerated towards the shore.

Just a few minutes later, his head emerged from the sea.

It is no longer the half-fish, half-snake shape before, but more like a somewhat ugly hairless lizard head, with two huge eyes blooming with the light of wisdom that is unique in the world.

Then came the front half of the torso, which was like a chicken wing. The gills showed a convergence trend, but blood flowed out from time to time to dissipate heat. The three rows of dorsal fins on the back were even more ferocious and sharp.

The overall skin texture has changed from aquatic to terrestrial. It is a very rough but rough rubber texture, which is obviously still in a state of evolution.

Then Chu Xin all left the sea and climbed up the artificial coastline. There were many people hurriedly escaping from the houses not far away.

The pair of hind limbs form a perfect structure for walking and running, and the knees can bend freely to easily support the heavy body.

The tail is as long and powerful as ever, taking up more than half of the body.

He is more than thirty meters tall and his body is more than sixty meters long.

Godzilla: Growth Period!

Also known as the embarrassing period of appearance.

Since there were people fleeing all around and the military was helpless, it was impossible to drop the artillery bombs regardless.

It was precisely because of this that Chu Xin came directly to the prosperous Tokyo Bay area. From here, he went deep into the central area of ​​the Tokyo metropolitan area and soon reached it.

There, he will greet the most violent artillery fire and announce the birth of Godzilla to the world!

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