All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 134 A small nuclear bomb is disrespectful

Card text appears:

“Although he was temporarily the overlord of the ocean, he also showed strong adaptability and combat capabilities on land, killing two ferocious giant beasts in the most neat and violent way;

Use this opportunity to absorb genetic samples from more than a dozen different species and hide them deep in your own cells, fully preparing for various harsh environments in the future;

Can clearly distinguish the situation and sequence, will accurately make the most self-interested choice, grasp every bit of core-absorbing time, and regard waste as a hateful behavior;

Proficiency +12%, reaching 42%;

The number of Gacha card draws +1;

Obtain [Clue] completion reward:

New skill [Tail Fin Dart] (the sharp bony fin at the tail can be launched by swinging, and the range is linked to the released power);

Organ strengthening [Spur Armor] (the skin is improved, the toughness is increased, and when a super attack is received, a dense structure of spurs will emerge to reduce damage);

The efficiency of cell division and proliferation is improved, and the ability to regenerate and self-heal is further strengthened. "

It is not difficult to see that these rewards are somewhat related to the two giant beasts killed, and they have been systematically refined to become more suitable for Chu Xin.


Chu Xin's hind limbs moved strongly and quickly, running along the river to Lake Michigan not far away.

Nothing can stop it along the way, whether it's scattered tanks, unkempt soldiers of freedom, or two pitiful helicopters in the air.

Suddenly, the gunfire stopped.

The soldiers looked up in shock and faintly saw the silhouette of their own fighter planes.

For a time, uneasy thoughts could not stop coming from their hearts.

"All soldiers seek bunkers immediately!" the command issued an order.

All the soldiers greeted the general's eighteenth generation ancestors and rushed into the nearby underground parking lot without saying a word.

As for Chu Xin, he didn't even raise his head.

One thousand meters away, the vast lake sparkled in the sun, like a huge amber gem.


Not only are there B2s, there are also two C-130 Hercules transport aircraft on the left and right.

First, Hercules quickly lowered its height and dropped two shells whose appearance was temporarily unclear.

That's the mother of two bombs, the GBU-43!

This kind of air blast bomb contains not explosives, but high-energy fuel cloud explosives.


The falling speed was extremely fast, and Chu Xin's position was accurately predicted.


When the two bombs were only about five meters above Chu Xin, they detonated for the first time.

The cloud explosive agent inside instantly poured out and dispersed, just like the beautiful morning hoarfrost or winter snow.

They mix with the surrounding air and react quickly and violently with oxygen.

The white mist instantly turned into thunderous flames!


Almost in the blink of an eye, the chemical reaction is fully completed, releasing a long-lasting explosion.

Twice the explosion formed a high-temperature and high-pressure fireball that expanded rapidly at a speed of 2,000 meters per second!

Bang bang bang!

Everywhere he passed was barren of grass. Cars, road signs, and rocks were instantly covered, and then suffered horrific scorching heat.

The huge Chu Xin naturally had nowhere to hide, and was immediately wrapped in the center by a fireball like a nuclear explosion.


Immediately afterwards, the overpressure phenomenon generated by the combustion explosion formed a surging shock wave.

The invisible wave spread, completely clearing the central area, and the windows of many buildings shattered.

Some unlucky ones with broken arms and legs were swallowed up by the flames, but the cause of death was mostly internal bleeding or comminuted fractures throughout the body.


Next, the nearby oxygen is consumed by combustion and replaced by large amounts of harmful gases such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.

"Uh...huh huh huh!"

The soldiers who were unfortunate enough to be within the area could only take a big breath with great difficulty.

But not only did it not relieve the sharp contraction of the lungs, but he was also choked by the poisonous gas and felt worse than death.

A hypoxic zone has formed here, and the air composition in it is extremely unsuitable for breathing, which lasts for several minutes.

Compared to death by melting down, suffocating one's body to death seems more like torture.


A magnificent building near the lake has become a dark and dingy skeleton.

None of the cultural and leisure facilities on the lake embankment were left, turning it into a devastated Gobi desert.

Even though the explosion was like thunder, there was a strange tranquility underneath the noise.

"In the face of modern weapons, it didn't even let out a scream."

"These beasts are so arrogant. Unfortunately, the most terrifying thing on earth is the Ape erectus!"

"It should have been blown to pieces. You can see that even the river water is dyed red!"

Hearing the excited cheers of his men, the black general said nothing, but he was secretly relieved.

No matter what, I finally eliminated these monsters. As long as my boss protects me, I probably won't be punished too seriously.

"Hmm, it seems like it's not dead yet?" The monitor's words silenced the atmosphere.

"What!" The general looked at the computer.

On the screen that has become like a warm color spectrum, red, orange and yellow blend with each other, changing all the time.

But there is always a fixed point at the center, and it bursts out with a high fever that continues to rise.

"Active nuclear radiation was detected on site!" Another monitor said anxiously, "It should be caused by the massive bleeding of Furious 0."

"Did this guy grow up drinking nuclear wastewater?" someone speculated.

The general gritted his teeth, "It is indeed not dead, but it is definitely seriously injured!"

He picked up the communicator and said, "Implement plan B immediately!"

Boom boom~

The hot and choking smoke lingered for a long time.

As the black general said, Chu Xin was indeed not relaxed at the moment.

A second before the explosion, he used the [Spiky Tooth Armor] and curled up into a ball, protecting his head and abdomen inside.

The outward body surface protrudes into hard back spines like giant crocodiles, arming itself into an oversized hedgehog.

Even so, the Mother of All Bombs still shows its true power.

At this time, Chu Xin's body was covered in bruises, his armor was completely broken, and even shocking dents were left in his muscles. The bones inside were also cracked, and his internal organs were bleeding.

But thanks to the Thorn Tooth Armor, Chu Xin's defense was significantly improved.


The body temperature of the whole body also increased crazily, reaching the point of burning myself in just two minutes.

Fortunately, there is a wide river next to it, and Chu Xin can be cooled down as soon as he glances at it.

He is now almost incapacitated, but he is still far from complete death, and his cells are dividing as if in high spirits.

Surprisingly, the newly born cells are more energetic than before, and the density of the rebuilt flesh and bones has also increased a lot.

If a large amount of nuclear radiation is used to nourish the body inside and out, it will definitely make the body tougher and build a stronger foundation!

"At this stage, it is still too reluctant to resist these things."

The reason why Chu Xin didn't dodge was because he wanted to test his current depth, and at the same time, let his cells adapt to human beings' first-class thermal weapons in advance, so as to facilitate targeted evolution in the future.

After all, we are still in the period of laying a solid foundation for our progress, so it would be surprising if we were really unscathed.

What if I miscalculate~

If it dies, it dies. Anyway, you can switch to other cards and wait 24 hours to repair it as before.

Right now, just changing to a fully proficient card can bring even greater disaster.

Even if there are only 80% lickers, humans can stage a zombie drama.

at the same time.

The hovering B2 bombers finally took action.

It dropped a cannon shell larger than the Mother of All Bombs, and the grid-shaped tail fin on its tail allowed it to glide for a distance.

After precise guidance by GPS, it hit the place where Chu Xin was.

If you are knowledgeable, you will definitely recognize this man's name.

The ancestor of bombs, GBU-57!

It was the most powerful earth-penetrating bomb the Free Nation had ever used against an enemy.

It is estimated that Chu Xin was also used as a practical test today. Countless relevant researchers were staring at the screen.

Countries have always expressed doubts about its existence. After all, it has been said that it is being studied in the past two years, and it seems that it is just a document.

Although the Free State is bad, there is no doubt about its strength.

No, many people's attention is still on the mother of bombs, and the ancestor of bombs makes her debut today.

It can drill into land up to 60 meters thick, or penetrate a 20-story building to hit the target. The power of the explosion is comparable to that of a small nuclear weapon!


The angle of the tail can be adjusted to ensure the most lethal posture to kill Chu Xin.


In an instant, the ground shook.

Countless cracks spread like spider webs, and three shaky buildings collapsed one after another.

Lake Michigan, which had been bombarded continuously within ten minutes, was filled with boiling water. Densely packed fish floated up, their silver fish scales shining brightly in the sun.


The terrifying momentum continues. The earth-penetrating bullet lives up to its name and its penetration capability is second to none.

According to military deductions, Chu Xin would definitely be shot through the torso and then blown to pieces with corpses flying everywhere.

"Target disappears!"

As the monitor shouted in surprise, the entire command headquarters erupted in cheers and applause.

The black general nodded happily and wiped the sweat from his brow, only to find that his close-fitting short sleeves were already soaked.

This battle was more exciting than any conventional war. Several behemoths of flesh and blood almost broke the myth of the invincibility of thermal weapons and almost disgraced the Free State.

Ten minutes later.

When an army arrived at the bombing site, they were collectively dumbfounded.

There were no huge pieces of flesh and blood in the extremely messy pit. Apart from some sticky black and red blood, there were only bits and pieces of epidermal tissue.

After some collection and investigation, it was confirmed that this was the work of the Mother of Bombs.

And on the ground, there was a huge collapsed pit!

"Sir, this is the result of an earth-penetrating bomb. It is about fifty meters deep. But based on this data, it seems that we have not hit the Furious 0." The soldier felt a chill down his spine as he spoke.

Damn it!

Why did such a big monster disappear out of thin air in front of everyone's eyes?

No matter how powerful the earth-penetrating bomb is, it won't blow it into a molecular structure that is invisible to the eyes, right?

"According to the on-site survey, no trace of its movement was found. Maybe we missed it." The soldier continued to report.

But the general knew very well that a forty-meter-long object would leave very obvious footprints no matter how it moved. Even if it was flying, it would have to leave under the surveillance of numerous helicopters.

However, reality is so outrageous. It is not like novels and movies because it does not talk about scientific basis and causal logic at all!

Ten minutes later, the black general jumped out of a helicopter and visited the scene in person without giving up.

In the next half hour, more and more official experts from the Free State came to pay their respects, including engineers of earth-penetrating bombs, but they were simply here to collect actual combat data.

More and more practical elites from the free countries gathered here.


The general subconsciously looked up at the sky.

He vaguely felt that something was falling at high speed behind the thick clouds.

"Air strike!" the people at the command center roared heartbreakingly.

"Why didn't our air defense system work?" the general asked as he followed the crowd into an underground parking lot.

"I don't know, it seems to have suddenly appeared in the sky over Chicago." The person who answered was very unsure. After all, it was not in line with reality.


Soon, many people saw clearly the appearance of the visitor.

Judging from the appearance, it was obviously a missile made by humans.

"No country has been detected to have launched a nuclear bomb." The command headquarters promptly reassured everyone's anxiety.

As long as it's not a nuclear bomb, it's easy~


Missiles airburst overhead.

Waves of fire swept across, and the air was filled with the aura of nuclear goodness.


The general cursed loudly and was instantly evaporated into ashes.

Dozens of scarce talents, hundreds of soldiers, and a portion of Chicago were sublimated together.

Countless people who had evacuated the city looked at the city with their mouths open. They were extremely shocked by the official use of nuclear bombs to kill the giant beasts, but they did not know that the opposite was true.

A giant monster used nuclear bombs to destroy the military.


Dozens of people in the command headquarters stared blankly at the mushroom cloud on the big screen in complete silence.


Seconds later, a shock wave passed over the makeshift headquarters on the outskirts of the city.

The fierce wind roared, and no one knew whether they had breathed the general into his nose.

Tens of thousands of meters in the air.


Chu Xin switched from Storm Red to the invisible Predator, flew into the bottom of Lake Michigan without looking back, and transformed into Godzilla and burrowed under the earth and rocks.

The quality of a nuclear power plant is incomparable to that of a small nuclear bomb.

So, he decided to smoke here for a few days before talking.

As for how he left quietly just now, it was actually very simple. The waterproof Ultimate Iron-Blooded Armor could be solved by turning on the invisibility.

As for how to resist the ancestor of bombs, he also relies on the ultimate iron-blooded armor to defend without damage.

The super weapon used by the Iron-Blooded clan in interstellar warfare, one of the top applications of Iron-Blooded technology. To put it bluntly, it can be placed in the center of a nuclear explosion without any damage!

The main reason is that Chu Xin is not interested in ravaging the Free Country now. He is focused on the evolution of Godzilla, otherwise he will just use Storm Red to kill without mercy.

But he is not a mediocre person, since the free country hired his own bomb package.

We value reciprocity, and a small nuclear bomb is disrespectful~

Card text appears:

“Using stability and waves with great proficiency, the skilled man boldly welcomed the mother of bombs, and pioneered the method of mutation and evolution that breaks through and then builds up again;

In the state of being injured, you have a preliminary understanding of your own limits and improve the proliferation efficiency and quality of your cells;

Proficiency +3%, reaching 45%. "

Chu Xin turned on the gashapon machine.


A gashapon rolls out.

"Guaranteed cumulative number of times: 9"

Gacha turned on:

"Get the one-time prop card [Legendary Godzilla's Breath]. This card can be used on any flesh and blood character. After use, the legendary Godzilla's atomic breath will spew out from his mouth."

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