Chu Xin? ? ?

Should he say it or not, he actually saw wretchedness in the eyes of the two dolphins, as if Brother Jie was on top.

The key is to have the chill of being stared at by a super free control!

They want to poke me!

It is said that dolphins are extremely intelligent, and there is no doubt about this. This can be seen from the fact that they remove fish heads and make cups.

It doesn’t hurt if the fish bones are poked~

Chu Xin was a little helpless. He looked so ferocious, but they were still so excited and ignored the female dolphin that was about to enter the entrance. XP was very curious.

He really has to thank the system for allowing him to experience a diverse life!

However, they seemed to know that Chu Xin was a tough guy, so they didn't come straight over to tease him, but kept a distance and watched.

The one behind noticed that its companion had turned around and immediately let go of the female dolphin, staring at Chu Xin excitedly.

The female dolphin glanced at Chu Xin gratefully, then swung her tail and fled in a hurry.


The one who came after him rushed out first and stabbed him with a short knife that smelled terrible.

This blow contained the fury of the wronged souls of countless living beings.


Chu Xin flicked his tail, and the water flow caused the dolphin to wake up and forcefully enter the sage mode.

But it's too late, death is following behind.

The audacious dolphin was reduced to smithereens along with his brother.


At the same time, foam surged from the deep, dark trench below.

Several tentacles poked out of the darkness, accurately wrapped around the two dolphins behind them, and pulled them violently.

The next second, a squid that was 16 to 17 meters long dragged them and disappeared below.

This squid looks very ancient, like a king squid, but there are some differences and it does not belong to the species that currently exists.

It's strange, how could a normal large squid come up here? After all, they are existences that no one dares to mess with in the deep sea, so there is no need to come here to hunt.

"Mariana Trench."

Speaking of this place, Chu Xin knew it very well.

The deepest point reaches 6 to 11 kilometers, which is the deepest known ocean.

High water pressure, complete darkness, low temperature, low oxygen content, and scarce food resources make it one of the most hostile areas on earth.

It would not be surprising to hide any deep-sea behemoth, as long as a wormhole opening does not suddenly appear.

After looking around, Chu Xin turned on the gashapon machine.



"Guaranteed cumulative number of times: 8"

Gacha get out:

"Body parts modification: dorsal fin blades (the hard dorsal fins like sharp teeth are transformed into a row of towering blades, which can easily cut flesh and blood, and even steel and metal)."

The next second, it hit reality.


Chu Xin's bony dorsal fins, which were originally arranged randomly like clusters of weeds, had changed.

They correct the displacement from the spine and are arranged in an orderly manner from top to bottom. Three of each group bloom, and one group is closely next to another, forming a chilling "spine whip" shape.

It extends all the way to the long tail, and becomes smaller toward the back, which is very consistent with the proportion of the body, and finally converges into a triangular spike at the end of the tail.

The longest one is half a meter long, and the shortest one is a slap in the face.

The front and back of the fin blade are like blades, and they are diamond-shaped when viewed from above.

Chu Xin's current image has been greatly improved compared to when he first evolved. The ugliness of the deformed child has been improved, showing the ferocity of a monster.

Half a day later.

"Huh? Did you just have an accident?"

Chu Xin swam forward for a certain distance and found a large amount of debris floating on the sea above his head.

Dozens of dead sharks were mixed in, all of them had no fins, and the cuts were smooth and should have been cut by knife blades.

Some human limbs and broken arms were also drifting with the current. Unlike the sharks, they were obviously bite marks from the teeth of animals.


Chu Xin went downstream and found an illegal fishing boat that had sunk on the seabed.

The steel hull was covered with dents from the impact and shocking teeth marks.

Seeing these scenes, Chu Xin felt vaguely familiar, but he didn't think of them for a long time.

There is not enough information at the moment to see anything useful.

But his sixth sense told him that this should be the trigger point of the plot.

So, he hid in the darkness below and waited silently, digesting the radiation accumulated in his body.

About half an hour later, a ship sailed purposefully from a distance and stopped on top of Chu Xin's head.

You can see several people sticking their heads out and looking around, talking about something.

Another ten minutes passed.

I saw a creature larger than Chu Xin appearing in the sea a thousand meters away.

Immediately afterwards, a vigorous figure jumped from the boat, wearing a tight-fitting diving suit, holding a fishing gun, and a bald head shining brightly under the water.

Obviously, this group of people wanted to hunt down the unknown big guy.

"Huh? Jason Statham?" Chu Xin recognized the bald man at a glance.

Of course, in this world he is not called by this name.

In addition, a slender figure stood beside the boat, half of his fair face looming.


Although they were far apart, the sun was shining brightly today and the water was clear, so Chu Xin still recognized them.

With these two as the male and female protagonists, there is only one shark movie.

"The Megalodon"!

Talking about this movie, Chu Xin's deepest impression was not the movie itself, but the "Megalodon Copycat" that had a higher rating than it on a certain website.

Then, the creature thousands of meters away is the megalodon that became extinct two million years ago~

Chu Xin gradually recalled the plot.

Bingbing and others were members of a marine scientific research institution. They were attacked by a megalodon while exploring the deep sea.

(The megalodon lives under the deep sea and has never dared to cross the cold water layer because it is afraid of low temperatures)

Later, when rescuing members trapped under the thermocline, the explosion caused a "hole" in the thermocline, causing the temperature to climb from 1°C to 25°C in a short period of time. The high heat opened a turbulent path in the cold water layer. aisle.

The megalodon followed this warm channel all the way upstream, came to the ocean known to humans, and launched an attack on this illegal fishing boat.

Since many of their companions died tragically in the shark's mouth, and this incident was closely related to them, they planned to hunt the megalodon to restore balance to the marine ecology.

While Chu Xin was thinking, Jason had already started to take action.


The moment Jason quietly approached, he fired the locator with a speargun, accurately hitting the megalodon's dorsal fin.

The ship's computer immediately detected its location.

Boom boom!

The dorsal fin that protrudes from the sea moves quickly, creating waves.

It found the food brought to its mouth and rushed towards Jason at full speed.

"pull me!"

Jason yelled over his shoulder.

The people on the boat immediately retrieved the rope and pulled Jason back at full speed.

The speed of the megalodon increased, and it was about to bite Jason's legs off in one bite.


At the critical moment, Jason suddenly flew upwards and hit the deck heavily under the force of the traction device.

The megalodon closed its mouth in frustration and swam past the boat in embarrassment.

"Well done, Jonas." Bingbing covered her chest and said in shock.

Jonas is a senior diving expert engaged in the marine rescue industry.

Like most tough guy protagonists, he served in the Marine Corps of the Free State.

Bingbing, named Zhang Suyin, is an oceanographer and the daughter of the project leader.

"You are indeed not a good guy, but you are definitely not a coward." The team doctor admired Jonas.

People cheered and laughed, and praised him profusely. After all, not everyone had the courage to chase the megalodon desperately.

Jonas looked at the black figure disappearing into the sea with lingering fear, "Have you prepared the poison to deal with it?"

"Don't worry," the doctor said, "Etorphine, 10 ml can make a killer whale coma, and 20 ml can cause death. After our unanimous discussion, we decided to coat the entire bottle on the fishing gun."

"Where is it?" the person in charge asked.

"Hirling just below us," the monitor replied, "Wait a minute, the sonar seems to have picked up another signal, and it seems to be approaching the megalodon."

The smiles on everyone's faces froze, and they looked at each other in confusion and horror.

"Is there another one?" Jonas asked in shock.

"Put in the deep-sea camera!" Zhang Suyin shouted immediately.


The megalodon looked helplessly at the ship that was larger than itself, but did not stupidly hit it with its head.

But when it came to the outside world for the first time, it was full of curiosity about everything, and was extremely angry at the group of four-legged insects that dared to challenge itself.

So it didn't leave, but thought it was hiding underneath, waiting for the opportunity.

As everyone knows, you are floating in the sea looking at the cans, and the hunter looking at the cans is watching you behind your back.

Chu Xin quietly leaned out of the darkness, staring directly at its butt with stern and cold eyes, ready to go.

This megalodon is about 18 meters long and has a strong body. Under the scarred skin is a tough fat body.

The length is similar to Chu Xin, but it is a full circle larger than Chu Xin, but Chu Xin has the advantage in weight.

Just when Chu Xin was about to make a sneak attack, a fish swam behind the megalodon, and the water stirred up made it turn its head subconsciously.

You don’t know this by looking at it, but you’ll be shocked when you see it.

The megalodon shivered and its eyes widened, its huge heart tightened, and it almost died suddenly.

A terrifying face full of sharp teeth stared at him eagerly in the darkness. Who wouldn't feel his heart beat faster at this?


Chu Xin jumped up and bit the megalodon's tail. With a strong tug, his mouth was full of delicious food.

He chewed it twice and swallowed it, and continued to attack the retreating megalodon.


However, the megalodon was not intimidated. After realizing that Chu Xin was not as strong as himself, he charged forward fearlessly.

It opened its mouth wide and its two rows of giant teeth were its biggest weapons. It aimed at Chu Xin's head and struck!

Chu Xin felt calm. This scene was exactly the same as the fish monster in the Han River.

He flipped 90 degrees flexibly and passed by with its huge mouth. A pair of hind limbs grabbed hard on the back of the megalodon, making several long and bloody gashes.


The megalodon was in pain, swinging its body awkwardly, raising its head, and bit Chu Xin's tail.

However, before he could shut up, Chu Xin's dorsal fin pricked him with mouth ulcers, causing him to open his mouth hurriedly in pain.

Chu Xin followed his plan and swung his tail fiercely.


Blood instantly filled the mouth of the megalodon, and the dorsal fin of its tail was like a blade cutting through its jaw.

The huge force also caused the megalodon's teeth to shatter, its skull to crack, and its brain to almost turn into a puddle of pulp.

This is like holding a long whip made of pointed hammers in his mouth, and a strong man weighing a hundred tons swings it. The effect is comparable to swallowing a landmine alive.

He couldn't bite anywhere, but he bit the tail for no good reason. The prince of hell shook his head when he saw it!

At this moment, Jonas and others on the boat were stunned.

The deep-sea camera worth nearly one million clearly displays the picture on the big screen, allowing humans to watch the bloody confrontation between the giant beasts of the deep.

"Isn't the other one a megalodon?" the person in charge muttered.

"It looks like some kind of deep-sea hairtail fish," Zhang Suyin wondered, "but only the tail matches the appearance of a hairtail fish. Wait, it actually has a pair of hind limbs?"

"I entered its characteristics and photos, but there is no species matching it in the global database," the person in charge said.

Zhang Suyin frowned and said with surprise and joy, "It's more like a hybrid of amphibian lizard and fish, or like a megalodon taking the opportunity to get out from underneath, and it's a brand new marine creature!"

"It is very smart," at this time, the seasoned Jonas mused. "It is smarter and cunning than all the animals I have met. To be more precise, it is brave and good at fighting and has sufficient fighting experience."

"Yes, such a powerful megalodon has no power to fight back in front of it." The doctor said in disbelief.

"Have you ever found it strange recently? Some time ago, amphibian water monsters appeared in the cold country. Pictures of giant pythons in the Amazon jungle and recent neon urban ghost stories were also circulated on the Internet. And then we also encountered these creatures that should not exist. , Has there been some kind of change in this world?" A fat black man trembled with a chill down his spine.

"Anyway, after this project is over, I will continue to strengthen my doomsday shelter. If a prehistoric beast emerges from the ground one day and destroys the city, I won't be among the first to go to heaven." Someone said angrily.

"It's too exaggerated, don't be fooled." The doctor laughed and scolded.

The black man shrugged, "What if he's a prophet?"

"Hey, don't think so much. There are a lot of weird things in this world, and our understanding of the earth is very shallow." Jonas comforted everyone.

We are not in a panic situation right now, but a fierce one-sided ravage is taking place below our feet.

Once the Megalodon is defeated, will the unknown monster turn its attention to them?

Zhang Suyin nodded and said, "Did Jonas say..."

"Come and see!" the monitor shouted.

They stopped talking and looked at the screen attentively.

The Megalodon, which was so full of life just now, now has its belly turned lifelessly!

A large amount of blood spilled from its mouth, and its bloodshot eyes showed a hint of retardation.

Obviously, the flick in the mouth just now caused severe damage to his brain and caused him to die from cerebral hemorrhage.

"The whole process takes less than half a minute." Jonas looked at his watch.

"It's so scary. This creature is completely the supreme predator that dominates the ocean. How was it born?" Zhang Suyin was amazed.

"Wait~" the monitor suddenly said in a low voice.

He looked at the sonar system, looked up sharply, and pointed into the distance, "Why is there another megalodon? There are actually two megalodons!"

Everyone looked along and trembled in unison.

A thousand meters away, a larger and thicker dorsal fin surfaced.

It can be roughly judged by the water flow it spreads that it is larger than the dead one, at least close to thirty meters!

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