All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 123 I understand, I am an environmental ambassador (please vote for me)

Chu Xin suddenly thought of something. This fish monster was born from the illegal dumping of spoiled formaldehyde in the Free State.

And Shin-chan, who is himself, was originally born because the Free State army dumped nuclear waste on the Neon Coast.

Good guy, this father specializes in cheating on his son, right?

Is this to promote the spirit of environmental protection?

"Source of pollution?"

He deduced the later effects of this skill. According to the introduction, it will definitely change the world into a shape that best suits him, which is similar to the way the pioneers put monsters to transform the earth.

Chu Xin couldn't imagine what it would be like at the moment. With his own evolution and the blessing of the system, everything was possible.

But there is no need to turn it on now, because it is not strong enough. If it turns into a nuclear radiation moving around the world, it will definitely be noticed by several powerful countries and cause unnecessary trouble.

The key is now at the stage of absorption and accumulation. What is the reverse operation when he is full?


Several police boats sailed into the river.

Chu Xin had no interest in wasting time with them, so he turned around and left.

The police officers recovered the mutilated body of the fish monster. They looked at the ugly big fish head and fell into deep thought together.

I believe that when they detect the formaldehyde contained in the body and investigate the quality of nearby water, this matter will be resolved and become an unsolved mystery.

And Chu Xin had already left Seoul and headed for the sea.

The passive skill of Super Core Sensing was always enabled, so his distance was determined by the strength of the radiation, so he returned to neon unknowingly.

Sure enough, the island's achievements in this regard are indeed far ahead of the world.


Just as Chu Xin was about to find a cave to sleep and let the energy in his body settle, he noticed something was wrong.

Through the human city lights in the distance, he vaguely saw something floating on the bottom of the sea with the current.

a lot of!

At a glance, there are dense white substances floating in the dark sea water, like scale after boiling water.

As we got closer, their appearance came into our eyes.

These round soft-bodied creatures with soft tentacles look like viruses, but more like fish eggs?

Under the impact of the rapids, they passed through the cave where Chu Xin was, floated to the surface, and then floated towards the shore consciously.

It’s not like, but there is indeed life!

Chu Xin watched silently as the eggs quickly floated to the shore.

It was late at night, and not far away was a deserted seaside park. There were vaguely overlapping and stirring figures among the lush green plants.

Suddenly, hundreds of eggs stopped moving.


They actually became shriveled, and slug-like creatures emerged one after another, scrambling to break through the sea, climb onto the land and spread out.

Chu Xin stared at his big eyes and probably guessed it.

Suddenly, one of the insects went in the opposite direction and turned towards Chu Xin.

Its body is like a tadpole, about the size of an adult's middle finger. Its body is transparent and milky white, with more than a dozen tentacles growing on its back.

"The larvae of a parasitic beast." Chu Xin muttered secretly.

Yes, it’s that neon anime-cum-movie “Parasite”!

According to the movie setting, the original intention of these parasites was to... eradicate human moths and protect the earth's environment?

Chu Xin didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He must have fallen into some kind of environmental cycle~

I understand, I am an environmental ambassador!

However, this world with increasingly complex components is quite interesting and not as boring as imagined.


While thinking about it, he swung out his long tail, and in the blink of an eye, he slapped the insects that wanted to parasitize him until they exploded.

But tonight, because of Chu Xin's intervention, the male protagonist of the movie "Parasite" was not attacked by parasites and spent the night safely.

Neon sea.

A private fishing boat floated on the calm sea.

"Have you heard?" An uncle lit a cigarette and started the conversation.

"What?" A few young people came closer. This uncle was not only a captain, but also a know-it-all in the village. He often told everyone all kinds of weird stories.

"Sea monster," the captain took a deep breath of the damp cigarette, "Hayakawa from the next village died and was eaten by the sea monster."

The others looked at each other, confused.

"Sea monster? Shark or giant squid?" a young man asked.

The captain shook his head, "It's a sea monster, a monster that transcends the category of animals. Legend has it that it is a demon of the deep sea, punishing us fishermen who steal the sea."

"The Great Father God Cthulhu!" A young man said excitedly.

"Go away, stop looking at those nonsense things," the captain scolded.

Seeing his serious expression, several fishermen who were collecting their nets also pricked up their ears.

"I went to see Hayakawa's body. The whole chest was crushed by the sea monster's tail, just like the death coil of a python. Do you understand the entanglement?" the captain said eloquently, "I heard that it doesn't know whether to live or die. Hayakawa wanted to catch the sea monster with a fishing gun, but he didn’t expect that he would lose his life.”

"What's going on recently? I feel a lot weird." The young man said worriedly.

"Do you know what happened in the Han Kingdom a month ago? A big fish with long legs climbed ashore and ate people!"

"It's fake. We have been living in the sea for so many years, and there are no big fish with long legs."

"It's true. I just watched the video last night. There were corpses all over the lawn."

"Our country is also not at peace, especially as more than a dozen brutal murder cases have occurred in several coastal cities, all of which were dismembered!" someone added in a low voice.

"I know this," said an old fisherman. "My son works in Yokohama. He said that people in Yokohama are panicked and police officers have died."

"I also saw an Akita dog with a scythe on the Internet. There was no trace of PS."

For a while, the fishermen were talking about it in broad daylight, as if they were talking around the fire at night.

"Ahem! How was the harvest this morning?" the captain asked, taking a final drag on his cigarette.

Several fishermen looked at each other, and one of the old fishermen said helplessly, "It's not like you don't know that since the Fukushima incident, as long as it's not a net full of mutated fish, you'll be thankful."

Everyone cursed secretly, even though they had moved the sea area several times, they were still affected by the radiation.

"Hey, it's almost noon, why doesn't Lao Dou see anyone?" The captain finished smoking a cigarette and looked around.

"Old Dou has been in the room since last night and hasn't come out yet. He seems to be feeling unwell." A young man answered.

"Go and have a look, don't die on my boat." The captain popped the cigarette butt out of the side of the boat.

"Okay." The young man put down the fishing net smoothly and walked down the deck.

When he came to the quiet corridor, he opened the iron door of the dormitory without knocking.

There was a bag bulging out from the quilt on an iron bed near the porthole.

"Don't sleep, old pig, get up and work!" The young man lifted up the quilt.

I saw a thin, dark-skinned middle-aged man curled up like a prawn with an expressionless face. He stood up slowly, his back straight, and looked face to face at the confused young man.

"What are you doing? Are you really feeling unwell?" The young man felt that the old man was acting weird at this moment, as if he was possessed by a monster.

The old man stretched out a hand and held the young man's shoulder.

Hiss, puff, puff~

Under the dumbfounded gaze of the young man, the old pig's cheeks began to crack from his nose, and five gaps spread to his neck.

The next second, the head blooms!

The old dolphin's head was torn into a five-petal man-eating flower, with teeth made of skull inside. In the center of the "stamen", that is, a pair of eyeballs connected by fleshy threads protruded from the neck.

"You..." the young man's voice stopped abruptly.

Because the flesh-eating piranha had already taken his entire head into its mouth, hot blood spurted out from below.

The petals retracted and the headless body slipped to the ground.


The old dolphin chewed it up and swallowed it, and then returned to its normal appearance, but its facial features were stiff and there was no emotion in its eyes.

He pushed open the door and walked onto the deck of the fishing boat.

"Old Dolphin, why are you weak! Hey, hey, is that blood on your body?" A passing fisherman suddenly frowned, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

"Eradicate, eliminate, eliminate human beings." The old pig said to himself.


In an instant, his head split again, and he bit off the fisherman's left shoulder and chest in one bite.


The fishermen not far away yelled in fear.

His reflexes were outstanding among ordinary people, and he picked up a sharp harpoon with his backhand.


The old dolphin jumped five or six meters in one step, and the petal head swung the harpoon from the side and harvested a fresh human head.

At this time, the rest of the people rushed over with weapons in hand.

"Is that Old Dolphin?"

"I seem to know what a murderer who likes to dismember corpses is~"

"Are all cities like this?"

"what to do?"

Everyone looked at the captain tremblingly.

"Kill it and take it to the police station, otherwise I can't account for the death of so many people on my ship." The captain's eyes were filled with fierceness.

He served in the Maritime Self-Defense Force when he was young, and after retiring, he went to South America to work as a mercenary. His hands were stained with blood and he had rich practical experience.

"Destroy humanity."

After tasting flesh and blood, Lao Dou's personality seemed to have become much more stable, and there was a bit of gloomy, calm and ferocious animality in his eyes.


He jumped up, jumped on the top of the ship, jumped off at high speed, and got under the deck.

"Copycat!" The captain picked up a spear gun, and there was a metal spear with a barb inside.

He took the lead, followed by the others.

Half a minute later.


"We can't defeat you, run away!"

Four or five people rushed out rolling and crawling.

Behind him, the old dolphin carried the captain's bleeding head onto the deck, twisted his neck and continued hunting.

He jumped onto the bow of the boat and stalked a fisherman step by step.


There were waves on the sea.

The old pig seemed to feel something and subconsciously looked up.


In an instant, a sinister black shadow broke out of the water, and its slender body straddled the fishing boat.


The old dolphin immediately bloomed its petals.

But a big mouth full of sharp teeth beat him, bit it in one bite, and dragged it into the water from the other side.

The few surviving fishermen looked at each other tremblingly. They suddenly realized that the world they had lived in for decades was so strange.

Why are all the monsters appearing?


Several people were stunned for two seconds, and one by one stretched out their limp bodies to look around.

The water was surging, and a lot of minced meat was mixed in between the waves.

The old dolphin is still struggling.


Suddenly, a few people saw an afterimage as fast as thunder hitting the old pig's chest.

Almost as soon as he touched it, the old dolphin, which had been so arrogant just now, fragilely fell apart and stained a large area of ​​​​the sea water red.

"Sea-sea monster?"

"Come on, let's sail the boat!"

The terrified people rushed into the cab and returned to the fishing village at maximum power.

From then on, they developed a deep fear of the ocean and vowed never to go into the water again.


Chu Xin did not relax, staring closely at the disintegrating body.

"It is indeed a parasitic beast."

I saw a deformed parasite with several eyeballs protruding from the broken neck. If it does not find a host quickly, it will die immediately. In fact, it is no longer a parasite, but a cell containing memory. The reason why the main body still has vitality on the verge of death lies in the last breath of the host.

It obviously had intelligence. After glancing at Chu Xin, it turned into a sharp arrow and rushed towards Chu Xin.


But no matter how fast it was, Chu Xin's fancy tail flick exploded in an instant with brute force.

As long as a human or animal is parasitized by this parasite, it is equivalent to death, and the body becomes owned by the parasite, and its limbs will mutate and become various weird and terrifying weapons, called parasitic beasts.

Human parasitic beasts will eat people, and canine parasitic beasts will eat dogs. Whatever they parasitize, they will develop a desire to hunt and prey on a certain species.

Of course, the emergence of parasitic beasts of unknown origin is a way to eliminate humans and prevent humans from continuing to damage the environment of the earth.

Card text appears:

“The secrets of this world are gradually revealed one by one, and a monster storm is about to sweep across;

Absorbing radiation all the time, the energy stored in the body acts on the body, multiplying and evolving every minute and second, changing bit by bit;

Incarnate as a natural disaster in the ocean, hunt and devour sharks, octopus, whales and other large creatures you encounter, and collect various genes;

Proficiency +3%, reaching 20%;

The number of Gacha card draws +1;

Earn rewards:

Body size growth, comprehensive strengthening, and local adjustment evolution;

Clues [Broken Mariana Trench]. "


Chu Xin's size changed again, expanding from twelve meters to fifteen meters, and the muscles of its hind limbs and tail became stronger.

The density of the whole body is even higher, and the weight is hundreds of tons.

Two long and narrow gaps were torn out on both sides of the mouth, and a staggered joint was formed under the skin, which could open the mouth up and down to a terrifying 180°, while the original maximum was 90°.

The entire chest and abdomen also expanded and became slightly stronger. The radiation inside gradually gathered, and there was a vague frame of a fusion reactor.

Fortunately, the flexibility has not been affected, not improved much.

Of course, this is not a staged evolution, it is simply strengthening.

But Chu Xin sensed that the next form was not far away. The reason why it was so fast was inextricably related to the improvement of proficiency.

"The Mariana Trench with holes?" Chu Xin muttered silently in astonishment.

He was familiar with this place.

Because in the Pacific Rim world, the wormhole opened by the Pioneer is in this trench.

He had fought there with the Rangers, Raiders, and Alphas, and it was the burial ground where countless monsters drank their hatred.

Coupled with the "holes" in this clue, it is difficult not to make people suspicious.

But Chu Xin knew that with the clean and neat style of the card system, it would never be a meaningless repeat.

As for what the situation is and what monsters there are, you have to go there in person to know.

Arriving at the Mariana Trench.

Chu Xin originally thought that being alone in the ocean would be boring.

Only then did he realize that some species are very good at finding their own fun, and the only one who is boring is himself who is immersed in work and life.

For example, a crime scene is happening a hundred meters away!


Three male dolphins were hitting a female dolphin, driving her violently and even humiliating her.

Even though I didn’t understand it, the scolding must have been unpleasant.

What shocked Chu Xin was that there was a perfectly good headless fish carcass suspended under them, and the broken hole was a mess.

It’s hard to imagine that this kind of ridiculous thing, which I had only heard about in my previous life, would be seen with my own eyes.

I don’t know what this fish went through before his life and after his death.

If someone said to him at this moment, "You are not a fish, how can you know the joy of fish?" He would just swish it with his tail, and he would be so happy that his head would be gone!

The last time Chu Xin encountered dolphins, he only barely felt their enthusiasm. He had never witnessed anything as bizarre as today.

I have long heard that dolphins are teddy bears in the sea. They not only harm their own species, but also show great interest in human women.


The chaste and strong female dolphin fought bravely.

Perhaps Chu Xin was making too much noise when swimming, so two of the male dolphins looked back.

They looked at each other in tacit understanding and swam towards Chu Xin with eyes full of novelty.

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