
Chapter 438 Analysis

On the first day, Arthur did not share any knowledge of Cultivation with Bibi Dong.

Just tell her the form of the continent, and tell her where the soul master’s necessities come from?

What changes have taken place between the nobles at this time and the former nobles?

What the Martial Spirit Hall is doing, the nobles are doing, and even better.

They have more capital than Martial Spirit Hall, and once they decide to do it, they can get better results than Martial Spirit Hall.

The Martial Spirit Hall absorbs the soul masters among the commoners, and the nobles also actively incorporate them into the noble collective.

“We must thank Martial Spirit Hall because he was the original fire.”

“After we leave, they will build schools and hospitals for you, and they will raise your wages, Not because their conscience found out, not because they became good people, but because we were there!”

“The Martial Spirit Hall was here, and that matters.”

“Unfortunately, I have only been here!”

Arthur gradually thought of the huge red empire in his heart. They have also been here, and only here.

“This era is a very good era. Both the Martial Spirit Hall and the nobles are trying to win over the commoners, this First Rank, to be precise, this First Rank Spirit Master!”

“This is luck, but also sadness!”

“The commoner soul masters are also soul masters, so they are worth attracting, but what about commoners?”

“Really dedicated to the great nobles, What about the commoners of the soul master collective? No one can see their existence, even if the basic necessities of the soul masters are indispensable to this First Rank.”

“They are like slaves of this era, with only a trace of them. Si hope, and a slave willing to give everything for this little hope.”


In the evening, Bibi Dong returned home.

looked towards Harmony’s parents, Bibi Dong opened the mouth and said: “father, what is a noble? What is the attitude of our Martial Spirit Hall towards nobles?”

Bibi Bo was a little surprised that his daughter would ask such a question, seeing the serious eyes of her daughter.

Bibibo opened the mouth and said: “The nobles are the rulers who have been conferred by the emperor. Our relationship with the nobles is probably opposite.”

“Why are we opposed?”

“The nobles exploit the commoners, and we protect the commoners.” Bibibo said proudly.

“Since we protect the commoners, why are the elders and bishop’s descendants still bullying men and women in Martial Spirit Holy City? Is this protection?”

Bibibo heard the words, A slightly wry smile: “Martial Spirit Hall is a huge group, and it’s normal to have some black sheep in it.”

Bibi Dong nodded, trying to accept.

But she knows very well that since no one stops these things, it is not normal, which means indifference and acquiescence.

Just civilians!

I’m not even a soul master. It’s not worth it to offend Bishop and Elder for this.

Bibi Dong thought that the commoners that the teacher said were the poorest people in the world.

Work hard, support spirit masters, nobles, and not enjoy the slightest!

Those in the slums, those who are not qualified as soul masters, are willing to sacrifice for a glimmer of hope for future generations.

This is not fair!

Bibi Dong secretly said in one’s heart: “This is an unfair world, belonging to nobles and spirit masters, but not to real commoners!”

“The Martial Spirit Hall’s A soul master, from the moment he became a soul master, has always stood in the position of a soul master, and impossible is in the position of a commoner, and the so-called commoner’s position is nothing more than the position of a soul master among the commoners.”

Bibibo’s silent daughter, secretly said in one’s heart, maybe her daughter saw something in the slum.

But Bibibo didn’t say much.

Daughter impossible lives under his wing forever, and it’s not a bad thing to realize some hard truths.


“Dong Er, what is your Martial Spirit?”

“Do you really understand your Martial Spirit?” Arthur said said loudly.

Bibi Dong shook her head, she didn’t understand the name.

Arthur stood up gradually, looking towards the distance: “Heaven and Earth revolutionized at four seasons, Tangwu revolution, conforming to the sky and responding to people, revolution is a way to achieve justice and restore order. Behaviour!”

Bibi Dong seemed to understand nodded, she didn’t understand the first half of the sentence, but she could understand a thing or two in the second half.

“The Martial Spirit Hall in the past was the revolutionaries. They changed the lives of the nobles, liberated the slaves in the world, and gave them dignity and the qualifications to become Spirit Masters. At that time, they were the embodiment of justice. “

“However, over the years, the nobility has changed, and the Martial Spirit Hall has also changed. Now, as a teacher, the two are no different.”

“It’s all people who stand on civilians and suck blood.”

“Girl, do you know what justice is, and for whom do you know your justice should exist?”

“Absolutely the people of Qianqian? Or noble spirit masters? Noble nobles?”

Bibi Dong was a little silent and hesitant when she heard Arthur’s question.

She is very sympathetic to the commoners, but her family and parents, including her, are all soul masters!

Arthur looked at Bibi Dong’s eyes and said seriously: “You can experience it, only by truly comprehending this spirit can you become a great being!”

“What? Is it a great existence?”

“Yes, our goal is to make the human world peaceful, happy and equal, not only materially but also spiritually. That is to say, for the majority of the people The masses, resist an unfair system, get involved, lead them, and you can achieve greatness!” Arthur said.

Bibi Dong was silent for a while, then said: “teacher, aren’t you a soul master? Aren’t your family and friends a soul master?”

Arthur laughed: “Girl, this never happened. It’s not a matter of one person, it’s a matter of thousands of individuals, can’t soul masters do it? Aristocrats can’t do it?”

“All soul masters and nobles in this world who are friendly to the common people are Those who need to unite are all like-minded companions.”

“This is a great cause!”

“Your family will also become a supporter of our cause.”



In the blink of an eye, it’s January.

This month, Arthur took Bibi Dong to bid farewell to Martial Spirit City.

His goal is clear, to hunt down the first spirit ring for Bibi Dong, and at the same time let her see this damn world with his own eyes.

The Hunting Forest that Arthur took Bibi Dong to was about 800 kilometers from Martial Spirit City.

Originally, there was no need to go so far, but the forest was wide and the quality of the spirit beasts was better.

After browsing the classics, Arthur valued a unique soul beast in this forest, just right for Bibi Dong.

That is a unique plant, Martial Spirit, which has a special property that is very compatible with Bibi Dong’s Martial Spirit.

And the spirit ability it produces is also what Arthur is looking forward to.

Arthur and Bibi Dong hired a carriage and moved towards the forest.

Along the way, the two often encounter civilians and thieves. With Arthur’s intentional drive, Bibi Dong can be regarded as seeing the real world.

A poor man is still living in dire straits, and he has to give everything in order to survive.

Bibi Dong became more and more silent, but Arthur kept a smile on his face.

In the carriage, in the carriage, Arthur and Bibi Dong tell some knowledge about the Spirit Master Cultivation.

Although he had never been in contact with this Cultivation system before, realm was there, his mind was scattered, and the information of the entire continent was contained in it.

Looking through the tomes of continent a little, no one can beat him in this regard.

“Dong’er, Soul Master Cultivation, under the Wannian spirit ring, it depends entirely on physical strength, Wannian is a test involving the soul level.”

“Everyone The physical quality is different, there are reasons for Martial Spirit, and there are also reasons for age, different age stages, the difference in physical strength is huge.”

“You become Level 10 at the age of six, and some people are more than ten years old. When he was a teenager, he became Level 10, there is no doubt that the physical quality of this teenager is definitely better than yours!”

Bibi Dong could not help but say, “teacher, in this way, my first spirit Isn’t the age of the ring lagging behind the others, and the limit of the others is said to be more than 400 years, but I can’t reach it.”

Arthur nodded: “It is true, the innate talent is high, and it is also It’s not that everything is dominant.”

“But age is not everything, there are ways for teachers to help you make up for it.”

“And compared to this trifling century-old spirit ring, Innate talent is high, and you can get the biggest advantage in other places.”

“You need to get the right skills, and at the same time, the spirit master system needs to consider the best spirit ring matching.”

“teacher, I know two yellow, two purple and five black!” Bibi Dong opened the mouth and said.

Arthur shook his head: “It’s just years, in fact, the best spirit ring matching is a very long project, and it takes generations to try to determine the best spirit ring matching.”

“Those soul master families with long inheritance have a certain spirit ring match, their family has a special soul hunting forest, and they have cultivated soul beasts commensurate with their family’s inheritance Martial Spirit.”

“Most of these soul beasts complement each other with Martial Spirit’s properties and attributes, and can maximize their potential.”

“The source of the Disciple and spirit ring of these families is the same. , the obtained spirit skills are probably the same.”

“The coordination of various spirit skills is perfect, and there are no obvious defects. Only in this way can the coordination of various spirit rings be maximized.”

“There won’t be a spirit ring that is useful in the early stage and tasteless in the later stage.”

“For example, some spirit skills are invincible skills in the early stage, such as large-area attack spirit skills, which can increase battle strength To the extreme, some amplitude skills are not very dominant.”

“But at the later stage, becoming a Title Douluo, those incomparably powerful spirit skills in the early stage are not as good as powerhouse’s casual skills. One strike, but the amplitude type skills can be used until the later stage.”

“Whether it is Attack Type or area attack, the first three spirit rings are too young, so wait until you become a high-level soul master in the future. The blessing of battle strength is very weak, but the increase type, especially the percentage increase type, is different, no matter how high the cultivation base is, it will never be out of date!”

“If you do some research, you will know that some The first three spirit rings of the Great Family generally have one or two booster type spirit abilities!”

Bibi Dong shook her head when she heard this, “No wonder, the civilian genius of my Martial Spirit Hall is in the same Realm, not as good as those Spirit Masters of the Great Family.”

Arthur also sighed a little, every world has smart people.

The point of view he just said is unheard-of for ordinary genius soul masters, but it is widely circulated among those Great Families.

At the same time, each Cultivation system has its own special features, such as the percentage-enhanced spirit skills in the spirit master system.

100% amplitude, which is a prohibition in many worlds.

Take the top Great World ‘covering the sky’ as an example, the formidable power of many Divine Ability holy techniques is very vague, and it all depends on individual performance.

The only one accurate description of formidable power is the ‘all’ word secret, saying that if you increase the battle strength ten times, you will increase it ten times!

Di Zun also succeeded in becoming the No. 1 in Nine Heavens by virtue of ‘All’.

This percentage increase can definitely open a huge gap for powerhouse.

At the level of powerhouse, the difference is as different as heaven and earth, not to mention such a huge increase in skills.

Bibi Dong thought of something, and her eyes shined: “Teacher, since that’s the case, why not add some percentage boosting spirit abilities, even the first eight are all boosting spirit abilities, and the last attacking spirit ability, like this Superimposed, formidable power must be heaven shaking, earth shattering.”

Arthur laughed: “In this way, it is difficult for you to grow up. In the early and mid-term, you have no countermeasures.”

“And formidable power heaven shaking, earth shattering is not the case. There are too many special soul skills in the soul master world. One attacking soul skill has too many means of restraint. Once your means are figured out, it is equivalent to death. , so I don’t take it!”

“At the title level, a powerhouse with outstanding performance in a certain respect is absolutely inferior to a powerhouse with perfect skill matching and no absolute weaknesses.”

Having said that, Arthur didn’t care that the way of the Soul Master was Little Doyle.

He will teach Bibi Dong the rest of the Cultivation system, incorporating the advantages of the Spirit Master system.

And this advantage is undoubtedly the percentage increase of soul skills.

Even if Bibi Dong chooses 18 boosting spirit skills, and cooperates with the cultivation of the other systems, there will be no weakness.

This can be its advantage!

Bibi Dong nodded, many of what the teacher said were her unheard-of.

The speed of the carriage is not very fast. It is almost evening when we arrive at the Soul Hunting Town. This time is not a good time to hunt soul beasts.

I found a nice hotel in the hunting town.

On the second day, the guards outside the forest moved towards showing the token of the Martial Spirit Hall, and the two entered it smoothly.

Although his strength is sufficient, Arthur is still like the rest of the soul masters, well prepared, explaining the knowledge of hunting souls along the way.

“I found it, Jin Yuanzhu!”

This is a strange bamboo with a calming effect, an attribute that goes well with Bibi Dong’s Martial Spirit.

Soon, with the help of Arthur, the hunt was completed.

After Bibi Dong absorbs it, Bibi Dong also has the first spirit ring, officially becoming a soul master.

This soul beast endowed the scythe with the silent attribute. Looking at the yellow spirit ring in her hand, Bibi Dong felt very satisfied.

“The sickle is greatly affected by the Death Attribute. This attribute, along with a 40% increase in attack power, is quite beneficial to you.”

Bibi Dong is also nodded, Agreed, the silence attribute can solve the problem of Martial Spirit, and the attack power increase can be used in the later stage.

(End of this chapter)

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