
Chapter 437 Soul Beast

Arthur did not leave Martial Spirit Hall with Bibi Dong, at such an age, Not suitable for leaving parents.

Moreover, the city of Martial Spirit is very vast, and he can choose a residence in it at will, and he can live there and point out Bibi Dong at close range.

Western District, slums!

No matter how brilliant there is, there is also darkness, as is the case with the Heaven Dou Empire, the Starfall Empire, and the Martial Spirit Holy City.

Nobility needs to be set off by lowness, and the Martial Spirit Temple also impossible to let some noble soul masters do lowly work. The existence of these commoners is necessary, and they need to serve noble soul masters.

And the place where these lowly civilians live together has become a slum hidden under the prosperity.

Of course, the Martial Spirit Hall is a force of goodwill to the common people, under the radiance of the angels and gods.

The living conditions in the slums here are still very good, with food and clothing, and a certain guarantee of life and dignity, which is much better than the villagers in the remote villages outside.

A slum, a spacious courtyard with a tall Willow Tree planted in the center of the courtyard.

And under this Willow Tree, there is one stone platform and several stone benches.

Arthur sat on the stone bench, smiling and looking towards Disciple Bibi Dong in front of him.

“Dong Er, what do you think this world is like?”

Facing his Disciple, Arthur asked the first question.

Bibi Dong fell into deep thought after hearing the teacher’s question.

This is the first question that my teacher asks after accepting him as a disciple. It has nothing to do with Cultivation or Martial Spirit.

Bibi Dong thought about it for a long time and attached great importance to her asking such a question when her teacher didn’t give her any knowledge about Cultivation.

After a long time, Bibi Dong opened the mouth and said: “This is an unfair world that belongs to the nobles!”

Hearing this, Arthur’s eyes shined. , Bibi Dong’s answer was somewhat beyond his expectations.

How to say, a person’s achievements can often be seen from childhood.

At this time, Bibi Dong has already revealed maturity beyond this age, as well as profound thinking.

“Oh? How is that unfair?”

Arthur continued to open the mouth and said, with a smile on his face and encouragement in his eyes, giving Bibi Dong a great deal courage.

Facing the teacher’s expectant eyes, Bibi Dong took a deep breath, gradually organized the language, opened the mouth and said: “The two great empires have countless dukedom nobles who rule everything, and they want to change everyone. become their slaves…”

“Before the Martial Spirit Hall was born, the commoners didn’t even have the chance to awaken the Martial Spirit. These nobles allow soul masters to be born among the nobles, and they don’t want them to look down upon them. Mud Legs awakens the Martial Spirit and has the opportunity to become a soul master…”

“Up to now, even because of the existence of the Martial Spirit Hall, all the commoners have the opportunity to awaken the Martial Spirit and become a soul master, All the nobles still make no secret of their oppression of the commoners, they sell slaves at will, and even use soul masters as servants…”

Arthur listened, slightly nodding.

It has to be said that Martial Spirit Hall is really not black in this regard.

No matter what the original purpose of the Martial Spirit Hall was, was it a choice made by the God of Angels driven by faith?

In any case, the Douluo continent has not completely turned into a slave society and a feudal empire, and Martial Spirit Hall has made great efforts in it.

They are like the original Daoist, who opened up a path for all commoners to become soul masters.

Even though it is still difficult, the road is finally there.

The Martial Spirit awakens, now for everyone, with no difficulty.

But thousands of years ago, when it was still a slave society, for those low-level slaves, this was always impossible to obtain.

They will never be qualified to become soul masters, they are just low-level slaves.

And because of the existence of the Martial Spirit Hall, they have the opportunity to become a soul master, and they also have a certain guarantee.

The liberation of the slave was the biggest goal set by the Martial Spirit Hall during its initial rise.

Nowadays, although continent still has slaves, it is still a minority, exists in the shadows, and is not acceptable to the public.

Thousands of years ago, in addition to slaves, it was the nobles, and it was the appearance of the Martial Spirit Hall that changed everything.

Nowadays, among the two, there is a relatively free class of civilians.

This First Rank has the opportunity to become a Spirit Master, and they are the most loyal supporters of the Martial Spirit Hall.

Arthur heard the words, and also gently nodded: “You said, yes, nobles are indeed unreliable and hateful, but have you ever considered that nobles rise from the commoners after all, powerful As far as I know, once you reach the Soul Sect, you can become a small noble.”

“Dragon Slayer will eventually become a giant dragon!”

“No, the Martial Spirit Hall is just, the spirit masters here do not belong to the Two Great Empires, they stand in the position of all the commoners, they are not nobles!” Bibi Dong opened the mouth and said.

Arthur shook his head, perhaps in Bibi Dong’s opinion Martial Spirit Hall was righteous.

However, in his opinion, those families with long inheritance in Martial Spirit Hall are not nobles?

They may not have the title of nobles, but they have all the powers of nobles, and they seem to stand in the position of commoners.

In fact, they, like the Two Great Empires, are sucking the blood of the commoners and consolidating their interests.

The Martial Spirit Hall is after all the power of the spirit masters, and they have the impossible stand of the commoners.

From the people, to the people, spirit masters obviously can’t do this, even the spirit masters of Martial Spirit Hall are the same.

Once you become a soul master, you are an expert. This is a generally accepted view.

In a nutshell, the relationship between production and supply.

The spirit masters are powerful, and they don’t do anything about production. Instead, the commoners work hard on the land and contribute everything to the nobles and the master spirit masters.

The Martial Spirit Hall at this time is different from the Martial Spirit Hall that was determined to liberate the slave.

He has become the invisible 3rd Empire besides the Two Great Empires.

Even, because of the absolute advantage of high-level power, they are more domineering than some nobles of the Two Great Empires.

Generations of inheritances, the high-level soul masters of Martial Spirit Hall, have separated from the commoner class. They enjoy the status of descendants of Martial Spirit Hall deacon, bishop, Elder and other descendants from birth. This identity Isn’t it a different kind of aristocrat?

Perhaps they just lacked the canonization of the emperor compared to the nobles of the Two Great Empires.

In addition to not having the title of aristocrat, how much better are theirs than the real aristocracy?

I have never experienced the life of the commoners, so how dare I speak on behalf of the commoners and stand in the position of the commoners?

Who does the gold coin received by the low-level soul master come from?

Two Great Empires? Martial Spirit Hall?

Investigating the origin is nothing more than a thousand absolutely civilians.

Low-level soul masters suck the blood of commoners, even higher level soul masters!

This world is a deformed world. The existence of Martial Spirit has established the division of classes.


The Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period in Biazer’s impression is even worse. Some people are born to be nobles and nobles, and some people are destined to be civilians for a lifetime!

Powerful class!

A solid class!

There are no princes and generals who are like relatives. This world Martial Spirit inherits from bloodline, and Innate Soul Power decides everything.

Born to be noble, bloodline is supreme!

The existence of the spirit masters and the disparity in power further consolidate the power in the hands of the spirit masters.

Arthur opened the mouth and said: “Dong’er, I’ll tell you a story.”

“There used to be a couple in a remote village whose husband was the hammer Martial Spirit. , and his wife is Blade Martial Spirit.

They are diligent and kind, one sows and the other reaps. Although their days are poor, they are very interesting and hopeful.

Later, they have After having a lovely daughter, this small family is even more joyful. They saw inheritance.

Later, the daughter gradually grew up, and she was lucky enough to awaken Soul Power in the Martial Spirit awakening ceremony. , the couple has more hope for the future. For commoners, awakening Soul Power is undoubtedly the best chance to change their fate.

The couple will sit in the yard together at night, hugging each other. With their daughter, they imagined how powerful the daughter would become in the future, and what a good youngster she would marry.

After that, the couple worked harder on farming, they said, What a simple and unpretentious wish to save for her daughter’s tuition fees and dowry.”

Hearing this, Bibi Dong also had some yearning, she saw the shadow of her family in this family.

Of course, if Arthur knew what Bibi Dong was thinking, he would definitely tell her, child, you are much luckier than her.

His parents need to work hard to farm, and they need to be exploited layer by layer. They need to be cautiously every day. They don’t dare to offend any spirit master nobles.

And you, born in Martial The spirit master family of Spirit Hall has awakened the excellent aptitude, so lucky.

“And then, teacher?” Bibi Dong asked curiously.

Arthur shook his head, continued to open the mouth and said:

“The days went by like this, and then one day, a young master in the city celebrated himself He was successfully promoted to the Spirit Master and took his mates to ride out of the city for an outing.

The children of the nobles who believed in their horses and whipped the whip were not unexpectedly trampled on the farmer’s field and trampled the crops they had worked so hard to cultivate. The peasants did not dare to express their anger. He did not dare to offend the nobles, because if he was not careful, he would bring disaster to the whole family.

The one who worked for his daughter The father, who worked hard to farm, was very angry and helpless when he found that the field where he was saving school fees for his daughter was trampled by those who killed thousands of knives.

The farmer felt that his daughter might not be able to go to school, Therefore, tears were shed.

It was these few tears that made Master Young feel that his good mood for the promotion was affected.

With some bragging thoughts, he would Using this mud leg as a target, he showed his comrades what his new spirit ring gave him.

So the farmer died.

In your Young Master Martial Under Spirit’s excited series of slaps, he didn’t even have a single intact bone left, and his flesh was blurred.

The farmer’s wife hastily put away her husband and decided to go to the city to sue.

She wanted to seek justice and an explanation, so she was also found dead on the way to the city.”

He heard Bibi Dong’s Divine Ability red eyes, and cursed: “Damn it. Noble!”

After saying that, Bibi Dong looked towards Arthur with some anticipation, opened the mouth and said: “Where’s the little girl?”

Arthur said: “In the After her parents died, the little girl chose to run away, she hopes to become a powerful spirit master and avenge her parents…”

“Then did she do it?” Bibi Dong asked curiously .

Arthur nodded: “She did it, no one knows how much she went through, and decades later, she did become a powerful soul master, bringing that precious Young Master to his family. Eliminate them all, and then, with the support of the people, become the City Lord of that city, and uphold justice for the people.”

Hearing Bibi Dong clapping her hands, she was a little happy, as if she was doing it for the little girl And cheers.

Arthur glanced at her, opened the mouth and said: “But this is not the end.”

Bibi Dong tilted her head, not understanding, a perfect ending ,Is it not good?

“Decades later, the little girl who was once passed away, her descendants succeeded her as City Lord, and her great-grandson was in the process of a hunt, in order to show his friends. Showing his power, moved towards a large swath of lowly villagers to cast their soul skills, causing dozens of families to be completely wiped out from this world.”

“His family has absorbed the experience of their ancestors, in order not to leave future troubles. , so I killed everyone in this village.”

Hearing this, Bibi Dong’s face was full of disbelief: “How could this be possible, didn’t she rise from the commoners? She is also a commoner background!”

Arthur shook his head: “The little girl used to be a commoner, she may have cherished commoners in her life and was willing to think from the standpoint of commoners, but her younger generation will not, They were nobles from birth, they enjoyed everything from birth, they never regarded themselves as commoners.”

“Dragon Slayer, will eventually become a giant dragon!”

“Just Just like the nobles of the Two Great Empires, in the beginning, they were like Martial Spirit Hall, fighting to not be slaves of nobles.”

“But when they became nobles, he was used to it. In order to think in the position of aristocrats, I wish everyone would become their slaves.”

“disciple, is there such a giant dragon in the Martial Spirit Hall? The first group of ancestors were noble, and their Can future generations inherit their glory?”

Hearing Arthur’s words, Bibi Dong was finally stunned.

At this moment, she realized that the Dragon Slayer, which her teacher said had become a giant dragon, was never just a nobleman, and the Martial Spirit Hall was also a part of it.

Are there any such people in Martial Spirit Hall?

Thinking of what she had heard from her parents over the years, she fell into silence.

The low-level Martial Spirit Hall soul masters are mostly from commoners and are very friendly to commoners.

But for high-level soul masters, only those who are friendly will always be equal.

Having power and power means not having the title of aristocrat, and people don’t mind being a spiritual aristocrat and enjoying what aristocrats should enjoy.

Those descendants of the Elder did a lot of ridiculous things, insulted young girls, beat the people… Bibi Dong had heard of it.

In the past, Bibi Dong was just a joke, but after hearing the teacher’s story, Bibi Dong realized that it was not just a joke, but a tragedy.

For a soul master, a random action can completely destroy the life of an ordinary person.

Arthur sighed and said nothing.

“Girl, I hope you will remember to cherish the commoners, they will always be the most pitiful people.”

“This is the Martial Spirit Hall slum, there are many you can see. Unaccustomed to ugly, the rest is more.”

“Remember, you are the dawn of the scarlet, and will bring real hope to the people.”

“East, When you blend in with them, you can feel the expectations that belong to them.”

“Dawn of scarlet?”

Bibi Dong muttered these words, the words Arthur said before , gradually spread in the depths of her memory.

(End of this chapter)

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