
Chapter 142 Inspiration

“Impudent! A daring madman, how dare he utter madness!” Bodor heard that Wang Meng If he said that, he immediately stood up and angrily faced Wang Meng scolded beside him.

Really looks like a loyal minister and a dutiful son!

At the same time, Bodol stared at Wang Meng, but he was thinking in his heart, who is this black robed man?

Is it a temptation sent by my elder brother?

He always knew that his elder brother seemed to be close to him, but he never really trusted him. Their bloodline led to their impossible real trust in each other.

Wang Meng just looked at him indifferently: “Is Wang Ye really so loyal?”

“I wonder if Wang Ye remembers Sophie?”

When Podol heard the words, his eyes flashed an unstoppable panic, but his mouth was still said resolutely: “What do you want to say again? Who is Sophie?”

Wang Meng heard the words and knew whether the prince was When I arrived at the Yellow River, I suddenly glanced at Podol with a faint smile: “Then how about I explain it a little more? Ninth Prince’s biological mother… Sophie, no, it should be called Maya Empress now.”

” The eyebrows of this Ninth Prince are very similar to the prince!”

When Podol heard the words, his eyes were stunned, he lost all his strength for a moment, and then collapsed to the ground in a daze.

Following the words of the black robed man, Podol knew that the black robed man impossible was the one sent by his elder brother to test him.

If this news is known to my elder brother, there is no need to try it at all. The fate of myself and the other two people is very obvious. One word – death.

Looking at Wang Meng, Bodor was completely lost.

Bodor thought to himself that his half-life efforts must not be wasted. Since this black robed man has come to him, he has room to turn around.

Bodor raised a little energy again, looked at Wang Meng, opened the mouth tentatively and said: “What do you want to do?”

Wang Meng looked Looking at Podol, smiled slightly: “The civet cat is replaced by the Crown Prince? Isn’t the prince just wanting his junior to take that position?”

“As long as the prince promises me something, I will naturally help the prince to ascend to that position?”

The position of Khan.”

Speaking, Wang Meng sighed in his heart when he looked at Podol, this prince is indeed a man of heart, knowing that under the political system of the Khan Empire, he has no power at all. The rich and noble prince is just a mascot.

So he pinned his hopes on his next generation, and resorted to a trick of the civet cat for the Crown Prince, secretly married the Sophie Empress, and gave birth to the Ninth Prince. .

Over the years, this Ninth Prince is one of the most recent in the limelight, and there is no small chance to take that position in the future.

What’s even more rare is that this Imperial Family has been kept secretly well by Bodor over the years, and no one has ever thought about it.

If Lifeless Sect hadn’t deliberately investigated the secrets of the Imperial Family and accidentally learned some clues, who would have thought that an obediently and honestly wise king would actually be the biological father of a prince?

Bodor listened to Wang Meng’s words and just smiled bitterly: “If your Excellency has such strength, why did you come to me, a rich and idle person?”

Wang Meng heard the words, He couldn’t help but raise his brows slightly, the other party was questioning his own strength.

But Wang Meng didn’t say much, just looked at Podol, opened the mouth and said: “Recently, the Ninth Prince and the Sixth Prince fought very difficult to deal with, you will listen to it in three days. Got the news of the Sixth Prince’s death.”

When Podol heard the words, he immediately knew that this was the other party’s desire to show his own strength.

After thinking for a while, Podol shook his head slightly, opened the mouth and said: “If it is possible, I hope it will be the Third Prince who will die.”

Wang Meng heard the words , I suddenly thought about it in my heart, and immediately understood what Bodor was thinking.

After these days of research, he has a good understanding of the form of the Khan Empire.

The current form of the Khan Empire is quite clear. The only ones who have the opportunity to compete for that position are several princes. The Third Prince, Sixth Prince, and Ninth Prince all have great probability.

However, compared to the open gun and secret fight between Sixth Prince and Ninth Prince, this Third Prince has always kept a low profile.

This kind of person is the most likely to have the last laugh, so this prince is now thinking about eliminating potential threats for his son as soon as possible.

And Podol also worried that the death of the Sixth Prince would directly affect the Ninth Prince.

I have to say that this prince’s vision is brilliant enough. According to the survey results of Lifeless Sect, this Third Prince is indeed the one who secretly accumulates the most power among the princes.

Wang Meng nodded, opened the mouth and said: “After three days, I will come again, and I also hope that I can get the full power of the king next time.”


In the blink of an eye, it was three days. During these three days, the capital of the Khan Empire was sealed off, and all outsiders were subject to inspection.

This is because a major event has occurred these days, and a strong contender for the throne of Khan, Third Prince Khubil, died in his own mansion.

Even though there was a top-level consecration of Yang God from the Imperial Palace in the mansion at that time, and even with several Grandmaster guards, it was impossible to find the slightest clue about the ominous beast.

As a result, it naturally caused the anger of the current Khan, ordered the entire city to be banned, and searched for the murderer’s trail…

At the same time, he personally caused a great chaos. Wang Meng came to Bordeaux again in a black robe.

Bodor looked at Wang Meng with completely different eyes from before.

If it was said that before, Podol just regarded Wang Meng as a Jianghu man who had obtained his secret from nowhere and came to threaten him.

As for the promise of the so-called khan seat, they are all trying to deceive themselves.

However, in the past three days, I saw that the Third Prince still died inexplicably under the protection of a group of experts.

Even the Khan was so angry, not only because of the death of the Third Prince, but also because of the fear of the murderer’s methods.

The other party can kill the Third Prince top secretly under the protection of a group of experts, and it is difficult to guarantee that the other party cannot kill the Khan.

Thinking like this, even the huge Imperial Palace, where countless experts can’t give Khan a sense of security.

Under Podol’s understanding, the Imperial Palace’s guards more than doubled these days while the city was locked down.

Bodor is also aware that the other party really has that strength – the strength to help him become a Khan.

Thinking like this, Podol couldn’t resist the excitement in his heart. Wasn’t his countless layouts for which position?

He is of ordinary background and is destined to miss him, so he pinned his expectations on his bloodline descendant.

But now, a perfectly clear opportunity is in front of him, and he can sit upright in that position, so Podol looked at Wang Meng with anticipation in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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