
Chapter 141 Do you want to be a Khan?

Wuzi City.

Outside a splendorous and majestic palace, four Elders brought countless Disciples and saluted the two: “Meet Holy Mother, Chief Elder.”

Wang Yuelian looked at the four with her face With a smile on his face, he gently lifted the four of them up: “The elders have worked hard.”

“Working for Holy Sect, I don’t dare to say it’s hard.”

A group of people entered the palace In the middle, Wang Yuelian looked at the crowd, opened the mouth and said: “This time, I came to hold the ceremony for this Queen Crescent Moon. Are you ready?”

A white haired elder Immediately she stood up, opened the mouth and said: “reporting to Holy Mother, it has already been prepared.”

Wang Yuelian heard the words, nodded with a smile on her face, and then asked: “The longevity Secret Realm How about the investigation of the situation?”

The four elders shook their heads when they heard the words, opened the mouth and said: “Holy Mother, Secret Realm opens every hundred years, according to the last time. It is estimated that in less than three years, the Secret Realm will be opened again.”

“According to the usual practice, the remaining three Great Empires were supposed to be reserved for some other powerful countries. But our Manichaeism is expanding too fast, and now the Three Great Empires are very wary of us, this time they directly canceled the external quota, all internal digestion, and some other powerful countries still complained about us.”

Wang Yuelian frowned slightly when she heard the words, and couldn’t help looking towards Wang Meng.

Wang Meng heard the words, also eyebrows slightly frowned, and pondered in his heart.

This was beyond their surprise. They were thinking about conventions. They were the ones who supported Wuziguo, wanted to get a place, and then entered Secret Realm.

But I didn’t expect that the Three Great Empires were so vigilant about Manichaeism, or the Lifeless Sect, that they didn’t give them the slightest chance, and directly cancelled all external quotas.

But after a little thought, Wang Meng understood the concerns of the Three Great Empires.

Although they have a reason to buy people’s hearts by opening the quota, they also want to use the danger in the Secret Realm to consume the power of other countries, so that these countries can never threaten them.

As for those powerhouses, even if they get some treasures, they will be exploited layer by layer, and finally they will be considered part-time workers for the Three Great Empires.

But Manichaeism, or the Lifeless Sect itself, is very powerful, and their calculations don’t work.

Nowadays, people with discerning eyes can see that Lifeless Sect is in the Western Regions. They don’t want to have another competitor, so they are naturally extremely vigilant.

However, this made Wang Meng a little helpless.

This time they came to the Western Regions for a total of two purposes. The first one was the Longevity Secret Realm. According to previous calculations, the opening of the Secret Realm is not far away. It is related to the secrets of the ancient times. It was a great help to Wang Meng or Wang Yuelian, so the two of them came to prepare early.

As for the ceremony for Crescent Moon, it is of secondary importance. Manichaeism has long controlled the negative aspects of Wuzi Kingdom. The power of the royal family is very small. Now this ceremony is just a process. That’s it.

Time passed quickly, a few days in the blink of an eye, Wang Yuelian held a ceremony for Crescent Moon with a smile, and the royal family was included in Manichaeism from now on.

Wuzi Kingdom has completely become a subsidiary force of Manichaeism, and has become the scabbard of Lifeless Sect in the Western Regions.

At the same time, Wang Meng and Wang Yuelian were thinking about entering Wanshou Secret Realm.

Forcibly entering is definitely not acceptable. After all, it will suffer the joint resistance of the three Great Empires. All three of them have Dharma figures in charge. Once they join forces, even if Wang Yuelian is a Dharma figure, they won’t be able to hold it when the time comes.

But no matter how strong the fortress is, it can be breached from the inside, even more how these three kingdoms themselves are enemies.


The Khan Empire, one of the three heroes of the Western Regions.

Hundreds of years ago, this was just a small country in the northwest frontier. It was precisely because of the discovery of the Wanshou Secret Realm that countless powerhouses were born and became an empire.

After becoming an empire, the Khan Empire still maintains the traditional tradition of raising Gu.

This gu raising is naturally not Southern Border’s secret gu raising technique, but a bloody way to describe the power alternation of the Imperial Family.

In the Khan Empire, which was still a small country at the beginning, more than ten Princes in each generation who were eligible to fight for the throne would all take up arms and duel in the arena. Only the most powerful Prince who survived could become a prince.


Up to now, although it has been covered with a shell, it has not changed its essence.

Almost every khan will kill his own brothers and sisters, and finally complete the achievement of killing his father in order to inherit the khan throne.

Of course, in order to distinguish the former savages, each generation of khans will keep a few brothers who would have given up the fight for the khan throne early, and they will be crowned as princes, raised in the capital, and regarded as auspicious. thing.

Ann King Mansion.

Prince Ann Dobor is one such mascot.

Thirty years ago, in the fight for the throne of Khan, the prince not only gave up the fight, but also joined the team of the current Tianxiong Khan.

With the success of the team, this Prince Ann is extremely special even as a mascot.

Above the court, this Prince Ann is worldly-wise and play safe, and almost never has the slightest idea of tainting power.

30 years of diligent and conscientious courtship, but he has never expressed his opinion in public, like a scarecrow.

More honest than the rest of the real mascot princes.

But the more Dobor is like this, the more that Tianxiong Khan trusts his brother, and he often rewards him, which is really a grace.

On this day, after listening to the play in the city, Dobor slowly returned to his mansion.

Under the service of all the servants, after dinner, I sat slowly on the high hall and closed my eyes.

On the desk next to him, Dobor gently held up a cup of hot tea. He liked this drink from the Central Plains very much, especially when he was thinking, he was used to holding a cup of tea.

Taking a sip of tea, Dobol instantly frowned.

“What is the lord worried about?”

When Dobor heard the words, his mind suddenly started, who is talking?

In the blink of an eye, a black robed sillhouette has been sitting beside him for some time.

Bodor was horrified. The guards in his mansion were not bad. There were several guest officials from the Imperial Family’s Grandmaster level.

But the black robed man in front of him can sit beside him so easily, his strength is definitely a profound mystery, and it is easy to take his own life.

Holding down the panic in his heart, Podol did not scream, but turned his head and nodded slightly towards Wang Meng, opened the mouth and said with a little respect on his face: ” Who is the guest? What are the pictures?”

“If this king can help me, I will do my best to help.”

Wang Meng’s face was unemotional when he heard the words, but he just swept Bo Duo lightly. Er glance.

“Would you like to be a Khan?”

(End of this chapter)

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