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Chapter 162: Having nothing but jade will only harm you, Bai Ye!

Chapter 162 - Having nothing but jade will only harm you, Bai Ye!

This little girl does have a serious cold, and she is wearing clothes that don't fit her figure. Whose child is she? The adults are so irresponsible!

Jianzi muttered, and she agreed with Bai Ye's explanation.

After all, if Bai Ye was really a pervert, there would be no need to find him here.

It looks like it was really picked up on the roadside?

Then why not call the police and ask the police to help find her parents?

Leaving it here is not an option. The little girl still has a high fever. Let’s not talk about whether the other parents are trustworthy. Now that the little girl has disappeared, they will probably be very anxious, right?

At least wait until she wakes up.

Bai Ye shook his head, but he knew very well that the other party had no home at all.

But then again, since I have picked up Miyano Shiho, logically speaking, her fate should have been changed.

What about your own lottery chances?

Byakuya would not let Miyano Shiho run away without a lucky draw opportunity.

More money! You must give me more money!

I was sleeping on my beauty sleep at home. Aren’t these the natural enemies of girls?

In the middle of the night, when he was getting ready to go to bed, Bai Ye called him over. Now it seemed that Bai Ye was not ready to let him go and wanted to stay here to take care of this girl.

Although there were some complaints, this also made Miko have a slight change in Bai Ye's view.

It is true that he is a bit perverted, but he is indeed a very good person, and during the recent period of time, I have found that although Bai Ye occasionally gets drunk, he takes advantage of it.

But most of the time Bai Ye is still very well-behaved, at least he doesn't behave in such a forced manner, which also makes Miko less guarded against Bai Ye.

Don't worry, I'll give you a satisfactory figure on the day when your wages are paid!

Can you make the salary?

After hearing Bai Ye's assurance, Jianzi's eyes flickered, feeling that Bai Ye's ability to draw cakes was getting stronger and stronger.

Judging from the current situation of the office, there is not even a ghost, no, just one Sadako, and none of the others have been seen. If it is not open, she feels that the office will close down soon. Also pay yourself a salary.

Just don’t realize that after working for a few months, you not only didn’t make any money, but also paid it forward.

Anyway, I will stay here tonight, but you must stay here too. Let me tell you first. Next time you leave me to stay with Sadako, you better give me more ability to save my life! !”

She sighed helplessly and stopped worrying about the money issue. Instead, it was Sadako's problem that gave her a headache.

Sadako, who has been coveting to kill herself and become an excellent employee, has turned into a very terrifying existence.

He just wanted to check some information for Byakuya, but in the end Sadako thought that he was trying to win the title of outstanding employee and was secretly working hard behind the scenes.

In this regard, Sadako's eyes looked at her with danger signals!

Even though she has just started working, as an employee on her first day at work, Sadako is eager to be recognized by her boss!

Although Miko didn't know why Sadako had such a strong sense of crisis, and she didn't even know why someone could be so happy working for free, it was clear that Miya was just paying lip service to her.

It can be said that it did not give any substantial benefits, but in the end Sadako was still enjoying it, as if someone who had never been taken seriously wanted to be valued and recognized by others.

She really wants to find recognition in Bai Ye?

So after thinking about this, Miko also realized that her situation seemed to be very dangerous.

Invisibly, she seemed to have been classified as a competitor by Sadako.

That guy Sadako is really crazy. He actually wants to kill an old employee. Speaking of Sadako?

Hey, hey! Did you listen to what I told you?

Mianzi stepped forward angrily, her cheek instantly approaching Bai Ye's eyes, her eyes showed seriousness, it was obvious that she was not joking just now.

If this continues, Sadako may really kill her!

Although I had been thinking about Sadako being easy to fool, it was only after Sadako regarded herself as a competitor that Miko realized that her original idea was too naive.

Hasn't that guy been drunk by you and started working?

It seemed that he also realized that the two sides were too close, and the hand holding Bai Ye's collar gradually slipped away. Mianzi's eyes wandered, and then he took a few steps back.

In order to ease her embarrassment, she also told her that Sadako had left.

Sadako seemed to be stimulated by seeing herself working hard, and then went to complete the task assigned by Bai Ye.

Well, how's your work going?

You still don’t care about my life or death!

Jianzi screamed crazily in his heart.

But I feel like I am somewhat incompetent and angry.

It's done, but with little effect, but we did find a lot. It's a pity that we haven't heard of our firm. The other party doesn't seem to have any intention of looking for us.

Jianzi stroked her forehead helplessly. Since Bai Ye couldn't make sense here anymore, she simply gave up.

never mind.

Live one more day if you can.

Well, then I'll leave it to you, Miko. As for Sadako, I'll talk to her. Don't worry, I said I would protect you and I will protect you!

Of course, Byakuya couldn't really let Miko be killed by Sadako.

Before, she just wanted to tease Miko. Since she was working for herself, she naturally wanted to give Miko a reassurance.

You guy.

Jianzi opened his mouth and had a lot to say but couldn't.

Although it is a bit disgusting, it does make me feel a little warm.

So if you are very touched, you can do something to repay me tonight when you see me!

Sure enough, we can't expect too much from you, perverted boss!

Seeing her eyes wide open, the trace of emotion in her heart was instantly extinguished by her.

She was a little grateful to Bai Ye at first. She didn't expect that the boss who was not a human could actually do such a human thing. It was already great.

Later, he also made Mianzi understand that Bai Ye was still the same Bai Ye.

Just as the two of them were talking, the TV set aside began to flicker, and Sadako climbed out of the TV with a panic look on her face.

Then the moment he saw Bai Ye, a trace of embarrassment flashed across his face.

Um. I'm going back to the well to rest!

Is she feeling guilty?

Byakuya glanced at Sadako, then squatted down and grabbed Sadako's jade feet and pulled her out of the TV.

Sadako, as an excellent employee, shouldn't you report your work status today to your boss?

As he said that, Byakuya tried his best to show a kind smile, but in Sadako's eyes, it seemed like he was seeing a terrifying existence.

She swallowed her saliva and was a little confused about whether to tell Bai Ye, but after seeing the look in Bai Ye's eyes, Sadako finally decided to tell Bai Ye what happened to her.

Boss, I seem to have messed up the task you assigned me!

After saying that, Sadako's eyes were distracted, and she felt that the title of her as an outstanding employee would probably no longer be in Bai Ye's heart.

Obviously I want to work hard to get all of this done!

But why? !

God is really unfair to me!

Screwed up?

Bai Ye was a little surprised. She asked Sadako to promote herself, but she suddenly messed up.

Did you meet someone else who could deal with you?


So you don't have a flyer?


Miko had printed out many copies of the flyer for herself before, and now it was almost finished. She used her ability to shuttle through the TVs in various homes and quickly sent out the flyer.

But there were some minor surprises.

What's that for?

Bai Ye asked strangely, since this was not the case, why did she still say that Sadako had messed up the matter?

Actually, when I was planning to go to a house to hand out flyers, I happened to meet a couple inside who were about to do something. Then my head crawled out of the TV, and they both fainted from my fright.

Not to mention how embarrassed Sadako was at the time.

As soon as her face climbed out of the TV, she saw two eyes looking at her confusedly. Then they looked at each other and fainted.

In response, she simply dropped the agency's flyer and ran away.

She felt that she had messed up the matter, so she hurried back.

That's it?

Byakuya originally thought that Sadako had done something evil.

But boss, didn't you say before that I'm not allowed to hurt others at will?

This should be considered a kind of harm, right?

Unconscious ones don't count, right? Besides, I'm not saying that you can't be harmed no matter what. You at least have to ensure your own safety and other circumstances, right?

A trace of surprise flashed across Byakuya's face after listening to Sadako's words. How wrong could she have been in understanding her own words to understand it so well?

But let’s take the place of the couple. Just when they were about to make out, a female ghost with disheveled hair suddenly crawled out of the TV. It’s probably a good thing she wasn’t scared to death.

I hope that man will not leave any psychological shadow in the future.

Hmm, so there's nothing wrong with what I do?

Sadako was still very disappointed and felt guilty for not completing the task given to her by Bai Ye.

She also thought that she would definitely not be rewarded for outstanding employees this month.

Unexpectedly, Bai Ye didn't care about his behavior!

There's nothing wrong, it's just an accident. Do you need to be so scared? Now you can go back to your well and rest!

With that said, Byakuya let go of Sadako's feet to indicate that she could leave.

But at this time, Sadako was not ready to leave. She was originally thinking that she had done something sorry for the office, so she was a little afraid of seeing Byakuya and wanted to hide herself. How could Sadako leave at this time? ?

Jianzi is still here!


I had lied to myself about getting off work on time before, but ended up still being involved in work at such a late hour. Fortunately, I came back and took a look, otherwise I would really have been deceived by Miko.

Sure enough, she said she didn't want the title of outstanding employee, but she was really working hard behind the scenes.

Despicable old employee!

Boss, I think I can still work overtime!

Saying that, Sadako looked at Miko provocatively, obviously she despised Miko's behavior!

This look made Miko feel tired for a while, but Miko didn't know how to explain to Sadako. She couldn't say that she had actually gone back to rest, but she was called back by Bai Ye's phone call. She was forced to work overtime?

But thinking about it, she still gave up. She always felt that even if she said this, Sadako seemed reluctant to believe it.

It seems that the misunderstanding between me and Sadako has deepened again.

But it doesn't matter. As long as Byakuya gives Sadako the title of outstanding employee next month, Miko believes that the misunderstanding between the two will be completely resolved.

Okay, then pay attention later, there is a patient here, don't scare others later.

Bai Ye didn't care. He sat in the boss's seat and started browsing some of the latest inquiries.

There are indeed a lot of things that have happened recently, and there are also some problems from other worlds, as well as some things that need to be thought about next.

The affairs of the office and the Phantom Thieves must be kept separate.

Bai Ye didn't want to mix these two things together. After all, the power of the Phantom Thieves was completely different from what the agency needed to deal with.

After that, we still need to contact Gin. The line of the black organization obviously cannot be broken. Thinking of this, Byakuya subconsciously turned his head and looked at the location of the room. Then Miyano Shiho also needs it here.

The ultimate purpose of this medicine is to give people the ability to live forever. Although it seems impossible to achieve it from the performance in the anime, there is one point that Miyano Shiho values ​​​​that Bai Ye values ​​​​and that is scientific research ability.

In his opinion, Miyano Shiho is a genius, but he is bound by the world. Scientists are existences that need to be taken seriously in any world. There may be something that Miyano Shiho needs to help research in the future, so he needs to keep him.

Then he also needs to jump back and forth between the black organization and Miyano Shiho. He cannot completely fall to red, nor can he integrate into black, which is in his own interests.

And if you completely fall to one side, you will only lose your chance to win the lottery.

He always feels that his world is not necessarily just this part of the world. Maybe all the other messy daily comics have been integrated in. His world is just a hodgepodge of worlds. The so-called safety may just be what he thinks is safe.

Boss, she seems to be awake.

Miko pointed at Miyano Shiho, who had raised his hand in a daze. The dazzling light made her feel a little dazed, but after hearing Miko's voice, she suddenly woke up, and the bad memories in her heart instantly flooded into her. .

Did she run away from the black organization or was she captured?

She vaguely remembered the lingering voice in her ears before, coupled with this somewhat simple environment that inexplicably made Miyano Shiho less depressed. She seemed to understand in her heart that her current situation seemed to be pretty good, at least she was not being raped. Capture the black organization?

Kid, I got wet from the rain in order to save you today. Call your elders quickly and ask him to come and take you back!


A trace of confusion flashed in Miyano Shiho's eyes, and he suddenly felt a little bitter in his heart. It seemed that he no longer had any relatives in this world, right?

Sorry, I have no relatives anymore.

A trace of depression flashed across Miyano Shiho's face. It seemed that he had no one to rely on at this time.

Suddenly she seemed to have thought of something. Maybe Bai Ye could send her to Kudo Shin's family. Now it seemed that she could only find this 'kind'.

Then just stay here and work.

Bai Ye nodded, but didn't say much.

After saying this, both Miko and Sadako were stunned.

Do you want this child labor?

Boss, you are simply not a human being!

This is illegal.

Even Hui Yuan Ai looked at Bai Ye with a strange expression, pointed at himself and asked uncertainly: Are you sure? I'm a child!

What is different from the anime is that she is not with Dr. Agasa. She also knows the relationship between Dr. Agasa and Kudo Shinichi, so naturally she is willing to stay temporarily. After all, she left there and there seems to be no place to go. .

Likewise, her identity could easily arouse suspicion, and her appearance as a child was inconvenient and she had no way to make money to support herself, so she simply stayed with Dr. A Li.

But Bai Ye's situation was different. She knew very well that her identity would definitely bring a devastating blow to Bai Ye.

Of course I know, but you are not a pure child!

A hint of smile flashed in Bai Ye's eyes, but it was indeed so terrifying in Hui Yuan Ai's eyes.

Cold, shaking.

She thought for a moment that her identity had been exposed. Bai Ye was from the black organization!

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