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Chapter 161 Jianzi: The boss who has been trapped in the swamp of perversion finally finally

Chapter 161 - Jianzi: Has the boss who has been deeply trapped in the swamp of perversion finally fallen into evil?

Hmm, so we, the Phantom Thieves, should unify our costumes. After all, Byakuya-kun's last outfit didn't suit us, and that ugly mask!

Hey, hey, didn't my clothes look good last time?

That's the Akatsuki costume with black background and red clouds. Doesn't it look good?

Although that mask also made Bai Ye feel a little ugly.

The mask is indeed ugly, but the costume is okay, but it doesn't suit us.

After Kato Megumi finished speaking, Eiriri on the side also nodded in agreement.

Obviously, there seems to be something wrong with Bai Ye's aesthetics.

Then leave it to us to make the costumes, including the costumes and masks for the next action.


Bai Ye thought about it for a while, and felt that it really shouldn't be imitated, but should be designed to be its own decoration.

No matter how Akatsuki is in the Naruto world, it is the symbol of others. Since he wants to form his own Phantom Thieves, he must have his own symbol.

I'm sorry, I shouldn't have hidden this from you before.

Kato Megumi suddenly lowered his head, as if admitting his mistake, not daring to look at the three of them.

Because this matter was so outrageous, she actually had some thoughts that she wanted to hide, and she didn't know how to tell them.

And this incident shocked her so much that even she couldn't guarantee that she could hide it well, so she decided to take leave and stay at home to calm herself down.

But now that it has been known, Kato Megumi not only feels relieved, but also feels a little guilty for what he wanted to hide before.

They are friends, why should they hide it from their friends?

“It’s this guy who should apologize!”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu moved her mouth and looked at Bai Ye.

Megumi Kato had only recently awakened her special ability, so it was understandable that she didn't tell her. After all, she also needed to digest it.

Asking himself, Kasumigaoka Shiyu thought that if he had awakened this special ability, he would probably think about it carefully.

But Bai Ye is different.

It's obvious that Bai Ye has been awakening for a long time.

He really didn't mean to say anything. If Kato Megumi hadn't been in this situation today, Bai Ye might still have kept it a secret.

Maybe Bai Yejun has his own concerns and doesn't want to involve us in it!

So there is a reason why you are called Saint Hui.

Bai Ye was originally thinking of using some excuse to fool them.

As a result, before she could take action, Kato Megumi had already found a reason for herself.

As expected of Xiao Hui, you have thought of all this!

whispering sound!

I was fooled by this guy.

Although Kasumigaoka Shiyu knew that this was Bai Ye's reason, she didn't say anything more. She was not an aggressive woman.

Only Yinglili, who had been confused from the beginning until now, always felt that she had experienced a lot, but she felt as if nothing had happened. She looked at a few people and said directly for no reason: How about we go to dinner?

I'll cook.

Now that everyone is at home, there is no reason to eat out anymore.

Kato Megumi is also very good at cooking. As an ordinary and ordinary girl, and her parents may have ignored her when she was a child, she has already learned to cook by herself.

It's probably going to rain. Can I rest here tonight?

Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at the weather outside, and it had already begun to rain lightly when she arrived.

And now the rain is getting heavier and heavier, and it looks like it will rain heavily tonight. When she went out, she didn't bring an umbrella at all, but only brought another umbrella. She originally thought that without Yinglili today, her plan would be successful, but There is no need for me to think about whether to go back or not.

Okay, Yinglili, do you want to live here?

Kato Megumi did not refuse, but looked at Eiriri to ask her if she wanted to live here.


As you guys know, it's very dangerous for boys to walk at night, especially on rainy days. It's easy to encounter perverts!

Boys should also protect themselves outside.

After Bai Ye finished speaking, he looked at the three of them expectantly. Kasumigaoka Shiyu smiled, looked at Bai Ye teasingly and asked, How about the four of us live together, and you sleep in the middle, so that we can be better together? I’m protecting you!”

May I?


Before Kasumigaoka Shiyu could speak, Eirili refused directly.

What a joke!

We actually want to live together!

Well, someone doesn't want to!

Kasumigaoka Shiyu was still a little disappointed. She wasn't very resistant at first. In her opinion, Bai Ye had agreed, so she could rely on Bai Ye to rest. She didn't care about this little thing anyway.

She was already prepared for everything for free, and that didn't scare her.

If Mr. Bai Ye wants to stay, I can pack up a room for Mr. Bai Ye and come out.

Kato Keiya spoke up at the right time.

Forget it haha, I still need to go back tonight.

A female ghost has just been recruited into the family, and Bai Ye needs to go back and take a look. Although she has repeatedly reminded her, Bai Ye is still afraid that the new employee will eat the old employee when she returns.

Sadako currently eats nothing but soul. It seems that she must find something to feed her. Bai Ye likes Sadako's attitude very much. She is a very hard-working employee.

But not a reassuring employee.

After all, the reason why Sadako looks so deceptive is because of the soul-calling flag she put there before. Sadako didn't dare to move the soul-calling flag she put there, but she wasn't there, so who knew whether Sadako would do it.

After all, Sadako had killed someone before.

Of course, if they had agreed to this matter at that time, Bai Ye felt that the old employee would have been able to survive today.

So are you going back to accompany a certain little girl? Speaking of which, Bai Yejun's fish pond seems to have a lot of fish! By the way! Aren't we just fish?

What an offensive statement, as expected of you, Kasumigaoka Shiu.

Shiyu-chan, if you insist on thinking that way, I can't help it.


A standard scumbag speech.

A hint of resentment flashed in Kasumigaoka Shiyu's heart. Although she knew that Bai Ye was outside with other girls and was unclear about it, Kasumigaoka Shiyu now had two thoughts.

The first is that I really like Bai Ye, and then I also hope that I can make the scumbag change his ways and become a good person.

The second is that she feels that if she can win over the scumbag, it will give her a sense of conquest. She also understands that she is now trapped in a vicious circle and is manipulated by the scumbag.

That is because I am not willing to accept it, and I am also thinking that since so many people are willing to be fish, there must be a reason for it. It is better than finding someone who no one likes, right?

Anyway, everyone is almost at the starting line now, and I am even ready to sneak away.

When she brought her son and forced her into marriage, she didn't believe that Bai Ye could refuse.


When she thought that she was also a fish, Yinglili felt instantly uncomfortable.


I don’t like this guy Bai Ye!

Baku Ye-kun is too dangerous to speak any more dangerously. I heard that some boys were beaten like this.

Megumi Kato seemed to be reminding him, but in fact, only he knew what kind of mood he was feeling now.

That's right.

You agree with a ghost!

I agree, but you should do it!

The three of them couldn't help but complain. They were already used to Bai Ye's behavior.

But there will be more opportunities in the future. Bai Ye is pulling them, and they are also pulling. Love itself is a game of pulling, it depends on who can't hold back first.

Ever since, the four of them started cooking in the kitchen with their own agendas.

Shirley, your sister is a traitor. You also know the rules of the organization, right? If you continue to resist, it will not do you any good.

Across the iron bars of the cell, Gin said, with a trace of mockery in his eyes.

Is this woman so naive that she still wants to go on a hunger strike to fight against the organization?

It is true that Shirley's effect on the organization is absolutely immeasurable, but this is not the reason why Shirley can threaten the organization.

If the style of the black organization is changed just because of a scientific researcher, and even the traitors are not dared to be dealt with, then Gin feels that there is no need for this organization to exist. After all, since you have chosen to join the black organization, then don't think about it. You can exit safely.

However, for a talent like Shirley, Gin still hopes that the other party can be better behaved. When Miyano Akemi was there, she could study well. Now that Miyano Akemi is gone, she feels that this woman seems to be a little out of control.

It's really disturbing. Why does that woman want to leave the organization?

If what happened to Akai Shuichi had not been because of her sister, she would have been liquidated by the organization. But she was still alive and well later on. Wasn't the organization not treating her well?

I really don’t know how to cherish it!

Haha, what did the organization promise me back then?

Shirley raised her head, a look of coldness flashed across her face. The organization had promised her that she would not do anything to her sister, but instead let Gin kill her with her own hands. Now, the organization is still shamelessly asking her to conduct experiments.

How could she be willing?

That stupid woman not only wants to leave the organization, but also wants to take you with her. Do you think the organization will agree?

The vodka on the side also added.

If Miyano Akemi alone leaves the organization, then the organization can really consider it.

After all, with Shirley in her hand, Miyano Akemi didn't dare to do anything, but this woman wanted to take Shirley away, how could this be possible!

She may not know much about the organization, but Shirley knows a lot!

Wasn’t the APTX4869 that the organization was studying being studied by her?

So you decided to go on a hunger strike until you die?

Gin will naturally not be threatened by this method.

Since she wants to go on a hunger strike, then just go on a hunger strike.

After saying this, Gin didn't wait for Shirley to say anything more. He also understood that the other party probably didn't want to say anything more.

Gin looked at Shirley deeply, and then left with the vodka. Since she wanted to show her willingness to die, he also wanted to see if Shirley would really starve herself to death.

And he has a hundred ways to keep Shirley alive.

Hunger strike?

Who is she threatening? Isn't she just a stupid woman like Miyano Akemi?


The people in the laboratory were slammed shut, and Miyano Shiho raised his head and looked in the direction of the door, a trace of despair flashing in his heart.

The freedom that the two sisters long for seems to be impossible to obtain in this life.

At the same time, after his sister was killed by Gin and he had no way to escape from this hellish place, Miyano Shiho also felt a desire to die.

She would never allow herself to do research for the organization again.

He took out the aptx4869 that he had hidden before from his pocket, and then threw it directly into his mouth.

She wants to take a gamble!

I bet that what I saw in the Kudo Shin family that time and what I guessed were right!

If it's wrong, then there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with going to hell with my sister.

This is!?


Miyano Shiho felt a very strong pain all over her body instantly transmitted to her brain. The pain at this moment made her fall straight down without being able to stand still.


Miyano Shiho's loose lab coat wrapped a tiny girl.

She raised her hand in disbelief. The medicine was really successful?

However, the pain from the medicine made her feel like she was about to faint from the pain.

Looking at the ventilation duct, Miyano Shiho knew that this was the only way he could escape.

She has become smaller, which proves that this medicine is effective, and if she stays here, she will definitely be discovered by the organization, and everything now will be useless.

Since the medicine didn't kill me, it meant that God was giving me hope.

After crawling out of the ventilation duct in the laboratory, it was pouring rain outside, accompanied by lightning and thunder, which made Miyano Shiho feel sad for a moment.

Not caring about so much, she dragged her tired body and started walking towards Kudo Shinichi's house.

At least it's safe there

She can become smaller, which means that Kudo Shinichi is not dead. The last time I went to check his home, all his childhood clothes disappeared, which means that he has also become smaller.

As a 'same kind', Miyano Shiho now also knows that he can only go to him.

However, due to the increasing effect of the medicine and the coldness of her body due to the heavy rain, her child-like body could no longer hold up and she fell to the ground.

After she fell to the ground, a voice from behind faintly reached Haiyuan Ai's ears: Hey, can we still see the beautiful girl after eating?

Boss, it's a crime for you to do this!

Inside the office.

Jianzi frowned and stared at Bai Ye. She wiped the water stains on her body and complained a little in her heart. She had already got off work just now, but she was forcibly recruited by Bai Ye.

When I came over later, I saw a little girl in the office. She looked at Bai Ye and felt something was wrong. At the same time, she was also considering whether to call the police.

Hey, hey, you are making a false accusation. On the way back from dinner, I saw a little girl lying on the ground. It was raining so heavily outside. How could a good young man like me stand by and watch?

Then I brought her back, and after I brought her back, I found out that I was a boy and she was a girl, so I called you over!

Look at how law-abiding I am, I am simply the best man in the world!


This is purely a frame-up!

Although Byakuya was surprised to pick up Miyano Shiho.

But after he brought her back, he also considered that he was a man, so he directly brought Miko over to see how gentle he was.

Look at Mianzi again!

Why do you have such a deep prejudice against yourself?

Do you doubt yourself just because you are a little perverted?

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