Chapter 97 Bah, shameless! (All orders are 2000 plus more, please subscribe!)

Wang Teng is also happy for Lin Chuhan. It is her goal to enter the martial arts major. With her scores, she can already enter a very good university.

“How are your other subjects?” Wang Teng asked.

“My Chinese is 138, Mathematics is 143, English is 146, and the martial arts test is 148!” Lin Chuhan said.

“Damn, you’re going to hang up!” Wang Teng was really surprised.

Lin Chuhan’s grades were actually higher than him. Although he put a little water, he turned on the hook after all. Lin Chuhan can compare with him, what is that?

“…” Lin Chuhan was speechless for a moment on the phone.

However, she could hear that Wang Teng was very amazed at her results, and she couldn’t help feeling a little proud.

Although you are strong, but my cultural class results crush you!

So he asked: “How many did you take in the cultural course?”

“Language 136, Mathematics 141, English 143, Wu Kao professional courses 145!”

As Wang Teng finished reading one subject after another, Lin Chuhan couldn’t help but open his mouth.

After a long time, he said, “You are the one to hang up!”

Originally thought that her strength was much worse, and at least she could find some advantages in cultural class results. Who knew that she took it for granted.

This result is not martial arts!

Wang Teng could fully imagine Lin Chuhan’s deflated appearance over there, and he couldn’t help laughing.

“How did you take the test? No, I didn’t doubt you, or I thought, how could you get such a high score because you didn’t study normally.” Lin Chuhan asked.

“That’s not easy, I’m a genius!” Wang Teng said shamelessly.

“A genius is not enough to describe, you are simply an evildoer!” Lin Chuhan vomited.

“I shall be complimented!”

“By the way, what’s your actual combat assessment score? It must be very high, right?” Lin Chuhan asked curiously again.

“Full score…”

“Sure enough, it’s an evildoer, you can even get full marks in actual combat, Wang Teng, you are really amazing!” Lin Chuhan exclaimed.

“Plus 20 points!” Wang Teng continued.

“…” Lin Chuhan didn’t know what to say, and after stuck for a long time, he asked, “What the hell is the extra points? Or 20 points!”

“Hey, there is no way. My excellence can’t be hidden. Even the college entrance examination examiner can’t help adding 20 points to me.” Wang Teng said helplessly.

? ?

Lin Chuhan had only deep admiration for Wang Teng’s face, which was not thick for ordinary people.

“Bah, shameless!”

Lin Chuhan hung up the phone depressed.

Just seeing her score, she didn’t know why she wanted to share her joy with Wang Teng.

However, goose, sharing the joy out, brought back a basket of depression and shock, this guy is really annoying!

Wang Teng just put down the phone, and the ringtone rang again.

This time it is Yang Jian.

“Hahaha, Shao Wang, guess how many points did I score in the actual combat assessment?” As soon as the call was answered, Yang Jian laughed like a duck.

“65!” Wang Teng reported a number casually.

“Hey…how do you know?” Yang Jian’s laughter stopped abruptly, and he asked like a ghost.

“…” Wang Teng.

He didn’t expect to say it casually, and he really guessed it.

“65 points, what’s so happy to laugh like this.” Wang Teng contemptuously said.

“Damn, Shao Wang, you’re a full man and don’t know how hungry you are. I’m so incredibly fragrant if you can test this score. At least I can go to the martial arts major.” Yang Jian was very satisfied and asked: “Wang Shao, you took the test. How about it?”

When Wang Teng said his score, there was no voice on the other side.

“Big guy is awesome, slipped away…dududu!”

The other side hung up the phone. Although Yang Jian was satisfied with his score, he was afraid of comparison in everything, and there would be harm if there is comparison.

The damage caused by Wang Teng’s score should be calculated in tons!

“The one in front is from a female classmate, right?”

As soon as Wang Teng hung up the phone and sat down on the sofa, Li Xiumei leaned over and asked ambiguously.

Wang Teng was taken aback, patted his chest, and said with some guilty conscience: “I’m at the same table!”

“Is it just the one that your dad asked Teacher Fan to arrange? Lin, Lin, what a beautiful and outstanding girl.” Li Xiumei’s eyes lit up suddenly.

Wang Shengguo also looked over, with the same expression on his face as Li Xiumei.

Wang Teng secretly said that it was bad, forgetting that his parents knew that Lin Chuhan was at his table, so he had to bite the bullet.

“She’s Lin Chuhan!”

“Oh yes, Lin Chuhan, the name is also very nice.” Li Xiumei complimented, and then said with a smile: “Oh, you look good with her.”

“Mom, what do you think? After being at the same table for so long, the relationship must be good.” Wang Teng explained.

“I understand, I understand. If the relationship is good, it will be good. Let her come to play at home when she is free, and Mom will make you some food.” Li Xiumei did not continue to ask, but the expression on her face made Wang Teng a little scalp numb. It feels like the mother is going to fix some moths.

Wang Teng was wary when his cell phone rang again.

Next, Bai Wei, Xu Jie and others also called over to ask about his exam, and they all congratulated him on learning that he was admitted to a key Budo University.

Arranged to find a time to celebrate, Wang Teng also agreed.

After several calls came down, Wang Teng let out a sigh of relief.

“After the exam, you should go out and gather with friends appropriately, but the most important thing next is to consider which university you are applying for. With your score, even if you apply for the first university, you will definitely be able to enter.” Wang Sheng Guodao.

“I haven’t decided which university to go to. In fact, our Donghai University in Donghai ranks third in the country. It is also a good choice. It’s closer to home.” Wang Teng said.

“Have you considered going to the military academy?” Wang Shengguo nodded and asked again.

“The military school seems to have a lot of constraints. I don’t know if it will suit me.” Wang Teng hesitated.

When the two talked, the doorbell rang.

“I’ll open the door.”

Li Xiumei stood up, walked to the door, opened the door, and looked at the person in surprise: “Principal Yu, Teacher Fan, why are you here?”

“Hahaha, we got a champion in the martial arts exam. I’m happy for you.” Principal Yu smiled.

“Wuhan champion, our Xiaoteng is the champion in the martial arts?”

Li Xiumei was surprised and delighted when he heard the news.

Wang Shengguo quickly got up to greet: “President Yu, Teacher Fan, please come in, please come in!”

“Haha, come uninvited, excuse me!”

Principal Yu and Teacher Fan walked in, and there was a group of school leaders behind them. They were so powerful that those who didn’t know thought they were coming to Xingshi to inquire about their crimes.

“Principal Yu, Teacher Fan!” Wang Teng got up to say hello.

“Xiao Teng, go and take out the tea that I placed on the third floor of the kitchen cabinet.” Wang Shengguo greeted the principal Yu and others to take their seats, and said to Wang Teng.

“Mr. Wang, you gave birth to a good son!” Principal Yu smiled and admired Wang Teng as he walked into the kitchen to take tea from the back.

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