Chapter 96 Grab and slice to study


“Oh, time is up, enter the admission ticket number quickly.”

Wang Shengguo had been staring at the time for a long time. As soon as the second hand jumped to the 12:00 punctual position, he began to urge Wang Teng.

“Dad, are you in such a hurry?” Wang Teng said silently.

There was a laptop in front of him, and he had already opened the inquiry landing page, and just entered the test admission ticket number.

“Oh, you go and let me come.” Li Xiumei was more anxious than Wang Shengguo, pushed Wang Teng away, and entered the number with his admission ticket.

After checking the information, click Confirm.

Language: 136

Mathematics: 141

English: 143

Level evaluation: extreme warrior (one-star warrior level warrior [actual])

Wushu professional courses: 145 (150 points system)

Actual combat assessment: 100+20 (percentile system)

Looking at the information that popped up on the computer, Wang Shengguo and Li Xiumei were speechless for a long time.

Then Li Xiumei exited the page and logged in again. This time she seriously checked Wang Teng’s admission ticket number, confirmed that there was no problem, and then clicked OK.

The result was the same as the result just now.

Wang Shengguo and Li Xiumei looked at each other, and Wang Shengguo said, “I’ll board again, this time I will come.”

Li Xiumei handed him the admission ticket, stepped aside, and let Wang Shengguo operate.

“…” Wang Teng.

So the old couple landed three times, and Wang Teng’s results did not change in the slightest. It was as much as it should be.

“You are really enough. I’m not yours anymore. Isn’t it just a better test? Just don’t believe me.”

Seeing that they were endless, Wang Teng suddenly rolled his eyes speechlessly, looking at them with a look of “I am very hurt.”

Wang Shengguo and Li Xiumei chuckled, and suddenly felt that they had gone too far.

“Er, we can’t blame us, your score is a little bit confusing!” Wang Shengguo said with emotion.

“Moreover, how did you come out of the test? I didn’t see you studying, so I secretly told mom, did you know the test questions in advance?” Li Xiumei leaned closer and asked mysteriously.

“You can get it, can you know the title of the college entrance examination at random?”

Wang Teng was helpless. He knew this would happen, so he could only explain patiently: “After I practiced martial arts, especially after becoming a martial artist, I feel that my head is getting better and better, and my memory has improved a lot. I can remember a lot of knowledge after reading it a few times. Coming down, now my mind is turning around very fast. This is also a secret of mine. Don’t tell people everywhere.”

“If someone gets caught and sliced ​​for research, you won’t have my genius son.”

He deliberately made the matter serious, hoping that the couple could cooperate and bring the panic away in front of outsiders.

“Bah, baah, I like to talk nonsense about any research on slices!” Li Xiumei said in a bad mood.

“In your situation, I seem to have heard of it. It seems that because of the increase in mental power, the brain has become better. By the way, it is the daughter of someone who participated in the martial arts exam two years ago. There was a big explosion. Everyone was shocked.” Wang Shengguo thought for a while and touched his chin.

“Spiritual power?!” Wang Teng repeated, with a move in his heart, what is the relationship between spiritual power and [spiritual] attributes?

“This thing is rather mysterious, I don’t know it very well, but I heard that people who can develop mental power are very rare, and they are all very special talents.” Wang Shengguo said vowedly, it seems that he has only heard of it. Some gossip.

“In that case, this situation of our son is not a big secret, and maybe he is the special talent you mentioned.” Li Xiumei said with a sigh of relief.

“It’s true, but before you figure it out, don’t talk about it everywhere. Let Xiaoteng solve this problem by himself.” Wang Sheng Guodao.

Li Xiumei nodded, looked at the results displayed on the computer, and couldn’t help laughing.

“Our son’s strength may scare many people.”

“Hahaha, it’s good to scare them, let everyone see, my son Wang Shengguo is no worse than anyone, even better than those so-called geniuses.” Wang Shengguo was very happy and proud, but he did not lose his mind. , And then said: “But externally, let’s say that Xiao Teng usually works harder at home, so it’s not so shocking anyway.”

“Yes, yes, I was so good, I was really caught and sliced ​​later, this melon seed finally became bright, it’s a pity to cut it off.” Li Xiumei nodded in agreement, touching Wang Teng’s head as if touching it. Watermelon.

“…” Wang Teng.

This feeling is really bad.

The two of them didn’t care about him, and continued to admire the information on the computer, as if they couldn’t read enough.

“Son, what’s the matter with your level assessment and actual combat assessment?” Wang Shengguo asked strangely.

“In the level evaluation, I only showed the strength of the ultimate martial artist, but the actual combat assessment showed the strength of the martial artist. Governor Jiang saw it. This may be the case. I added a note later.” Wang Teng explained.

“Have you seen Governor Jiang?” Wang Shengguo said in astonishment.


“Hey, your card is bigger than you, I, I haven’t met Governor Jiang yet.” Wang Shengguo sighed with envy.

“Pharaoh, my vision is not good. I will show you the world when I have time.” Wang Teng patted Wang Shengguo’s shoulder with an old manner.

“Googling, brat! I even made fun of your dad.” Wang Shengguo slapped his hand away angry.

Then he asked: “Then what’s the actual performance assessment result? The 100-point system, why is 20 added afterwards?”

Wang Teng touched his chin, and guessed: “Maybe it’s because I killed a star beast, so the extra points?”

In fact, he is not so sure.

“Star beast!” Wang Shengguo and Li Xiumei exclaimed: “How can a star beast appear in the actual combat assessment?”

“It’s just a little accident.” Wang Teng explained the matter again with a smile.

“My God, it seems that many candidates have died. I didn’t expect the actual combat assessment to be so dangerous. Are you injured?” Li Xiumei was full of worry after listening.

“It’s okay, don’t you think I am not good? It was just an accident after all. In previous years, the actual combat assessment only had injured people, not dead people.” Wang Teng hurriedly comforted Master Mother.

“It’s okay!” Wang Sheng Guodao.

At this time, Wang Teng’s cell phone rang, and the caller ID showed: Lin Chuhan!

He picked it up: “Hey, squad leader, how is your exam?”

“Wang Teng, I passed, I actually got 80 points, 80 points in the actual combat assessment, do you know? I actually got 80 points!!”

On the other end of the phone, Lin Chuhan’s voice was full of excitement, and it was the first time that Wang Teng saw her so gloomy.

Wang Teng was also a little surprised. Lin Chuhan only managed to kill five strange beasts, of which four were low-level and only one was intermediate-level strange beast.

Moreover, she is not hunting by her own strength, and the method is even a little wretched.

I didn’t expect to get a good score. It seems that this score is not only based on the number of monsters hunted, but also other factors.

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