Chapter 94 Dad, my mother calls you to go home for dinner!

“what happened?”

Wang Shengguo was forced to be tied up in a room, vaguely heard the movement outside, but did not know what happened.

“Hey, I don’t know how they are?” He couldn’t help thinking that Li Xiumei and Wang Teng were tied up. They must be very worried.

“How can these people find me? It stands to reason that I have no grievances with them, and it is impossible for me to give them up for no reason.”

Wang Shengguo thought about the cause and effect, but he didn’t have a clue. He read the document. If he really signs the name, not only his Xingteng Group, but the entire Wang family will suffer…

Wait, Wang family! !

“Could it be that their purpose is the entire Wang Family?” He thought of this possibility and couldn’t help feeling cold all over his body.

This is to draw a salary from the bottom of the pot and destroy the entire Wang family!

At first, he just didn’t want to hurt his wife and children, but now that he thinks of the joints, the document can’t be signed anymore.

While thinking about things, Wang Shengguo suddenly heard the sound of the door opening.

His eyes were covered by a black cloth, and he couldn’t see anyone, but he couldn’t help but raised his head and looked in the direction of the door.

“Dad, my mother called you to go home for dinner!”

At this time, a familiar voice came to Wang Shengguo’s ears.

“Xiao Teng!!” Wang Shengguo even thought he had heard it wrong, but this naughty temper seemed to really resemble his son.

The black cloth is uncovered!

He finally saw the appearance of the incoming person, who really was Wang Teng!

“Son, why are you here?” Wang Shengguo asked in astonishment.

“I won’t come again, you still don’t know how long you will be detained.” Wang Teng said helplessly.

He cut off the rope that tied Wang Shengguo, got up and said: “Okay, let’s go back, my mother waits for a while.”

Wang Shengguo stood up, and suddenly he staggered. After being tied for too long, his legs were numb.

Wang Teng hurriedly supported him and said jokingly: “Dad, it’s not 50 yet, your legs and feet are not good!”

“Fart, you, I’m very healthy, I can climb ten floors in one breath without panting.” Wang Shengguo said in a bad breath.

“You are really free. If you don’t take the elevator, you still go upstairs.” Wang Teng vomited.

“…” Wang Shengguo was speechless, feeling that when he talked to this bastard, his IQ had plummeted.

“You haven’t told me how did you get in? They promised to let me go? Wouldn’t you agree to what they asked for?”

When Wang Shengguo thought of the document, he was a little anxious: “Did they bring you a document to sign? That one must not be signed, it is a huge pit, and if we fall into it, our Wang family will be forever.”

“Don’t worry, I’m not that stupid.”

“The people in the Tekken Club are very good at talking. I told them about the facts, reasoned, and talked about the ideals of life. It took a lot of my tongue. They finally realized their mistakes, and finally agreed to let you go. NS.”

Wang Teng said nonsense.

“Are you teasing me?” Wang Shengguo’s face was strange.

Show the facts?


Still talking about life and ideals?

Is Tekken someone who can reason with you? They talk about life and ideals with you in idle time!

Suddenly Wang Shengguo wanted to smoke him, fooling around with a ghost, I’m stupid when you’re me!

“Otherwise, how could they let you go!”

Wang Teng asked rhetorically, and then walked out of the room with Wang Shengguo.

He deliberately avoided the place where there were corpses, and even changed into clean clothes before coming to see Wang Shengguo.

After a while, Wang Teng took Wang Shengguo out of the Tekken Club.

Wang Shengguo couldn’t ask anything from Wang Teng’s mouth. He looked back suspiciously at Iron Fist, only feeling that the silence inside was uncomfortable.

The two joined Wang Yanan.

“Second Uncle!” Wang Yanan finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw them, and at the same time gained a new understanding of Wang Teng’s strength.

Going to the Iron Fist Association alone, he was unharmed, and he brought people out safely, something ordinary people couldn’t do.

“Yanan, I trouble you to run this time.” Wang Shengguo thanked Wang Yanan.

“Second Uncle, you are welcome, we are a family after all.” Wang Yanan smiled.

The man accompanying him was still in shock at this time. This President Wang’s son was really hidden. He glanced at the quiet and unusual iron fist meeting, and felt a little numb on his scalp.

It took less than half an hour before and after Wang Teng entered, how could those people agree to let them go so easily, could it be…

Thinking of a certain possibility, he gave Wang Teng a creepy peek.


“President Wang, are we going to rest in Jiang City for one night or go back to the East China Sea overnight?” the man asked.

“Go back to the East China Sea?” Wang Shengguo returned home like an arrow and said straight.

The other party nodded, drove on the high speed, and galloped towards the East China Sea.

After six o’clock in the morning, everyone returned to the East China Sea.

The car stopped in the Fuhua Villa area, and Wang Teng and Wang Shengguo got out of the car.

“Second Uncle, then I will go back first, so I can tell my grandfather so as not to worry about it.” Wang Yanan lowered the car window.

“Alright, I won’t keep you. I have been running around for a day, and I will go back and have a good rest.” Wang Shengguo nodded.

Wang Yanan nodded and waved to Wang Teng.

“Cousin Wang Teng, then I’ll go first. Come over and get together more when I have time. Our brothers and sisters should be closer and closer.”

“Okay, go slowly!” Wang Teng smiled and nodded.

One thing Wang Yanan said is wrong, they are relatives whose blood is thicker than water!

In the previous life, the Wang family fell. Although several brothers and sisters would dislike each other, they were able to support each other in times of crisis. This was something outsiders could not give.

Wang Shengguo was a little surprised at Wang Yanan’s attitude towards Wang Teng.

In the past, Wang Yanan looked down on Wang Teng quite a bit, after all, she is the girl of heaven, excellent in all aspects.

Wang Teng is different, he is completely ineffective, eating, drinking, and having fun, he can’t blend into their small circle at all.

But at this time, Wang Yanan was surprisingly gentle towards Wang Teng. This attitude made Wang Shengguo both gratified and emotional.

After Wang Yanan left, Wang Shengguo and Wang Teng returned home.

Li Xiumei stayed up all night, sitting on the sofa in the living room and waiting, her face full of worry and anxiety.

The babysitter Aunt Chen did not go home, but stayed with Li Xiumei all the time.

Wang Teng and the two opened the door and came in. She found out at the first moment, and exclaimed in surprise: “Madam, Mr. Wang and Shao Wang are back!”


Li Xiumei raised her head, and the moment she saw Wang Shengguo, tears almost burst into her eyes.

Wang Shengguo stepped forward, hugged Li Xiumei, and gently patted her back: “I’m back, I’m sorry, I worried you!”

“Ha~ I said mom and dad, don’t show affection between you two, my goose bumps have fallen off.” Wang Teng yawned and rolled his eyes.

Li Xiumei blushed and broke free from Wang Shengguo’s arms.

“Smelly boy!” Wang Shengguo glared at Wang Teng unanimously.

“Mr. Wang, you sit down for a while, I’ll get something to eat.” Aunt Chen said with a smile at this time.

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