Chapter 93 Then I…what about falling into hell!

“Brother, let’s borrow one to talk.” The young man held Wang Teng’s shoulder with a very enthusiastic look.

“By the way, what is the long box behind you?”

He suddenly saw the hidden weapon box behind Wang Teng’s back and couldn’t help asking.

“Oh, this is my delivery box, why, do you want to see what’s inside?” Wang Teng said calmly.

“Nothing.” The young man shook his head quickly.

He pulled Wang Teng to the corner and took out hundreds of dollars from him: “Brother, you see that you still have to work hard for your life at night. It is really not easy. This money is my heart. I didn’t have anything just now. Ask, right?”

Wang Teng rubbed the one-hundred-yuan bill in his hand, looking like a money fan, and nodded: “I think, you can leave it alone.”

“That’s right, I didn’t ask, you didn’t say, everyone is in peace.” The young man nodded in satisfaction.

“Then can I go in?” Wang Teng asked.

“Go, go.” The young man waved his hand and asked again: “By the way, do you know where we will live?”

“I don’t know!” Wang Teng shook his head.

“He lives in…Forget it, let me take you there.” The young man seemed a little worried, turned around and closed the door, and walked inside the Wang Tengchao Iron Fist Association in person.

At this late hour, there was no one moving inside the Tekken Club. The young man led Wang Teng and came outside a room in a short while.

“Our president lives here, remember that I didn’t ask anything!” The young man warned again, uneasy.

“Don’t worry, your president must know nothing.” Wang Teng nodded with a mysterious expression on his face.

Boom boom boom!

The young man stepped forward and knocked on the door of the room, and then a voice came from inside: “Who?”

“President, it’s me, Xiao Wu, here is something for you.”

“Little Five? Oh, the one at the door, what are you giving me?”

There was a voice of confusion, and the sound of footsteps kept approaching, and finally reached the door, turning the doorknob, as if about to open the door.

But at this moment…


A huge force vented from the inside, the door burst directly, and a figure rushed out with a saber in hand.

Wang Teng was slightly surprised, but immediately reacted.

Inspires the rune of the hidden weapon box.


The war sword popped out and fell into his hands, and Wang Teng turned back to support the sword that came from the chopping.


Sparks are flying!

The two separated immediately, and the strong man who rushed out of the room looked at Wang Teng with a cold face: “Sure enough, there is a problem, who sent you?”

On the side, the young man named Xiao Wu had a shocked face, staring at the two men dumbfounded, not knowing what happened.

What about giving me a piece of love?

What are you doing?

Isn’t that long box a delivery box? Why is the weapon ejected?

You all bullied me for studying less!

Xiao Wu wanted to cry, and suddenly turned into a curious baby, with ten thousand whys in his heart.

“Fool, anyone dare to put in, and I’ll clean up you later.” The strong man yelled at him, scared Xiao Wu shrinking his neck.

That’s it!

What should I do if I anger the chairman? Wait online, hurry!

At the same time, there were a lot of footsteps from all directions, and the other gangs of the Iron Fist Club had obviously received the news and were coming here.

In a short while, the surrounding water was blocked.

“I didn’t expect the chairman of the Iron Fist Club to reach the limit of martial arts.” Wang Teng said with some surprise.

“I don’t have any strength, how can I sit on the position of this guild leader.”

“You surprised me. I have such strength at a young age. The future should have been bright. It’s a pity that I will die here after all.”

The president of the Tekken Club was quite content, but then he shook his head regretfully.

He looked at Wang Teng and wanted to see a trace of fear on Wang Teng’s face, even if it was panic, it was a pity that there was nothing.

In the face of such a situation, the young man on the other side still looked calm and his eyes were calm.

“Are your people here?” Wang Teng asked softly.

The president of the Iron Fist Club heard the disdain in his plain voice and smiled angrily: “These people are enough to chop you into mash.”

As he spoke, his face became cold, showing a hideous look.

“kill him!”

The helpers immediately rushed forward, holding weapons in their hands, and greeted Wang Teng together.


Wang Teng’s face became cold, and the original force in his body exploded, as if a shock wave spread to all sides, and the person who rushed in the front was suddenly shocked.

Wang Teng was holding a war sword and rushed into the crowd.

At this moment, his heart was extremely cold, and every sword stroke took away a life, every punch smashed the opponent’s bones, blood spattered, and tragic.

He didn’t want to kill someone, but since the other party wants to kill him, just kill him!

Killing these people are afraid of him!


President Iron Fist’s face was full of shock and horror, as if he had seen a ghost, his voice was sharp, and he screamed.

Those gangs finally knew what kind of opponent they were facing, their faces paled in fright, and they felt timid in their hearts.


“He is a martial artist, he can’t beat it at all!”

“Damn, how could we get this kind of character??”

In the end, some people fled in a hurry, even losing the courage to face Wang Teng.

But Wang Teng had already smashed his eyes, like a violent bear, smashing into the wolves, without an enemy.

Wherever he passed, screams kept ringing.

On the other side, President Iron Fist knew that he was invincible, and wanted to escape in the chaos.

Wang Teng stepped on his feet, and his whole body rose into the sky, crashing in front of Chairman Iron Fist, and struck him with a sword.


Chairman Iron Fist looked panicked and raised his knife to resist.

The next moment, the huge force suppressed like a mountain, and his sword broke directly with a click.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Chairman Iron Fist couldn’t control his body, and kept going backwards, taking a full six or seven steps back before stopping.

This is still in the case of Wang Teng keeping his hands.

“Who made you arrest Wang Shengguo?” Wang Teng asked.

“Wang Shengguo!”

Only then did Chairman Iron Fist know the source of this disaster tonight, for fear that it would annoy Wang Teng if it was too late, so he quickly said, “I don’t know who it is. I just know that they seem to come from Xiadu. The person headed is also a warrior. I can’t resist , It hit Wang Shengguo’s hand.”

“Xiadu! Martial artist!” Wang Teng narrowed his eyes.

“I’m also forced to be helpless, sir, let me have a way out.” Chairman Iron Fist pleaded.


Wang Teng sighed.

“I want to spare you too, but my heart doesn’t allow it!”

The next moment, the fire force spit out, and the terrifying flame instantly engulfed the president of Iron Fist.

“Do not!”

Chairman Iron Fist screamed in horror, but was replaced by screams.

“Ah… forgive me!”

Wang Teng looked indifferent, watching him gradually being swallowed by the flames, unmoved at all.

At this moment, his indifference is undoubtedly revealed.

Never be merciful to the enemy!


Those helpers who still wanted to fight Wang Teng could not help swallowing when seeing this scene, only feeling dry and dry.

A chill swept through the body!

Wang Teng turned around, his eyes swept across the crowd, and then immediately entered them.

Cut the weeds and roots!

“Ah, run, this man is crazy, he wants to kill all of us.” Someone screamed, and the sound of horror echoed in the iron fist club.

“Devil, you are the devil!”

“Don’t kill me, don’t kill me, I just joined the club, I haven’t killed anyone.”

“Demon, you are going to hell sooner or later, we are waiting for you below…”

At this moment, Wang Teng became Shura and killed everything, all the existence that would threaten his family members must be killed.

Usually he can laugh, laugh and curse, but at this time, he will never be merciless!

In order to let my family live in the light, then I…how about falling into hell!

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