Chapter 91 Shelves Testimonials!

I’m sitting in front of the computer right now, and I’m preparing tonight codewords all night!

It will be on shelves tomorrow at noon!

Don’t sell badly, just talk about the situation!

The author is a part-time job, only free in the evening, two to three shifts a day is the limit!

Each chapter is more than two thousand words, you can rest assured!

In addition, I am very ashamed of many people who complained about this book.

I know that some readers really think that it is poisonous. I understand this. In the second chapter [Author said], I mentioned that I am a new year in ten years!

I went to the pit to read novels in 2005. The first book I saw was “Harry Potter”, and then I opened a bookstore in my hometown, and I fell into the pit of online novels.

From 2005 to the present, there are actually more than ten years, but because of going to school, it will be ten years.

For so many years, I have read no less books than anyone, and I can’t bear the poisonous points you mentioned. I just left without seeing it.

So I understand.

For those readers who have left, I will only regret it.

However, I want to state in advance that writing a book is really different from reading. When I wrote it, I didn’t find it to be a poison at all, and I wrote it quite coolly!

Some people say that although what I wrote earlier is plain, but it can be read.

Don’t you know, I changed a dozen or so at the beginning, and showed them to people reading novels around me. They thought it was okay, so I sent them out.

But the latter content, there is no time at all, it is impossible for others to look at it, and it may be slightly inferior.

Then let’s talk about sprays, I have to say that nowadays, guns and sprays are really everywhere.

It’s clear at a glance which are real readers and which are trolls.

It’s entirely for spraying. Looking at more than a dozen chapters, you can spray more than a dozen points in one chapter. The brain circuit is quite strange.

I think I still have a bit of tolerance, some seem to be jokes, I read it and laughed off, and even the book review was ridiculed, I also refined it, and everyone had fun together.

But some are really disgusting.

A plot can actually twist the human figure!

If you are interested, you can go to the book review, I never delete reviews.

I couldn’t help but laugh at that comment. If it was a bit of a poison, I had to kill the protagonist and click off the book, so as not to stain the reader’s eyes, I simply convinced it.

In this way, if the pig bajie molested Chang’e, is it because the Journey to the West can’t be written? If you don’t have the original book, blame you or me?

I couldn’t help but read the other party’s book review, which was almost double-labeled. If you are interested, you can go through it.

All kinds of high-level theories, high-conscious people are breathtaking!

For such people, I have quite a few readers.

As for whether it’s on the shelf or not, to be honest, it has nothing to do with these people, right? What can you do? Celebrate with the crown?

In general, there are more people watching, and various pressures follow one after another. I have never encountered such a thing, so I have been updated under pressure recently.

Because there are so many people, I always care about the readers’ thoughts, worry about this and worry about that, mainly because I am worried that what I write is sorry for your support.

Believe it or not, I really did my best!

After it was put on the shelves, no matter what the grades were, I had to make adjustments to try to get back the feeling of writing the book at the beginning. This is responsible for myself and the readers.

You see, I will write well!

That’s it.

Finally, let’s talk about adding more rules

Every time the first order breaks one thousand, one more will be added!

As for the monthly pass, we will see the specific situation tomorrow.

Then there is a reward, accumulating 50,000 starting coins plus one shift. Although the leader is unlikely, but let’s talk about it. Three shifts, but you have to slowly make up later hahaha!

If you can support it, please support a wave, and I will be grateful for the first order!

In the end, thank you book friends who have been rewarding this book, I love you, as long as I don’t think I’m ugly!

There is also my editor, who gave a lot of support, and there is no editor boss to escort all the way, this book does not have this achievement, thank you!


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