Chapter 90 The Warriors Are Aloof!

The marble table broke into pieces and fell to the ground.

Everyone retreated in fright, but all this happened so quickly that people were caught off guard. Some people fell directly from their chairs, extremely embarrassed.

Unfortunately, Jia Guiren was hit in the foot and screamed like a pig.

While Li Xiumei and Wang Yanan were sitting beside Wang Teng, the falling rocks were all shaken away by Wang Teng, and they could not be injured.

Rao was so shocked, they looked at Wang Teng blankly.

Bao Zeqing and the others were extremely pale, they got up from the ground in embarrassment, their suits were stained with dust and they had no intention of cleaning them up, looking at Wang Teng in amazement.

“I’m a mother!”

“Old Uncle, as long as we have the strength of Young Master Wang, we don’t even need us!”

Chen Ergou rushed over with someone, and when he saw this scene with Lao Sun outside the door, his chin almost fell to the ground in shock.

Wang Teng walked to Bao Zeqing and looked at him.

“What qualifications do you have to discipline me?”

“Boy, don’t be arrogant, do you think a little strength is great?” Bao Zeqing swallowed, couldn’t help taking a step back, and shouted, “Zou Lei!”

A sturdy young man rushed over from the corner, and his punching fist blasted towards Wang Teng.


“Son, be careful!”

Li Xiumei and Wang Yanan’s face changed suddenly, and they shouted at the same time.


Wang Teng snorted coldly, also punching out, and punching him most directly.


The sound of broken bones sounded.

Li Xiumei and Wang Yanan turned pale, thinking that Wang Teng was injured.

But the next moment, the strong young man let out a scream, and the whole person flew out and hit the wall hard.

And his arm has been completely twisted.

When Bao Zeqing saw the tragic situation, the fat on his face trembled uncontrollably, and cold sweat continued to drip from his forehead.

Wang Teng glanced at him, then looked out the window.

Directly opposite is a building.

“Is that your company?” Wang Teng asked.

“So what?” Bao Zeqing’s legs were a little weak, but he said calmly.

Wang Teng said without a head or tail: “Someone told me that you can’t just keep a low profile. When it’s time to show your strength, you should show your strength, otherwise everyone will step on your head.”

“I didn’t think so before, but now I think it makes sense!”

After speaking, he gently patted the hidden weapon box beside him, and he withdrew a war sword.

“What are you going to do?” Bao Zeqing stepped back and shouted in shock.

Wang Teng glanced at him blankly.

Come to the French window!

Suddenly, a fiery red force burst out of his body, as if wearing a fiery red gauze, stirring in the air.


Swing a sword!

Sword Mansions Hengkong!

The window in front of him burst instantly, and the crimson sword light slashed on the wall of the opposite building, leaving a long and narrow burnt black sword mark!

Everyone stared blankly, speechless for a long time!


Bao Zeqing had no expression on his face, shivering, and only uttered these two words for a long time.

“How can it be?”

Jia Guiren looked at Wang Teng with a dull gaze, his mind was full of the back of the sword that Wang Teng had just swung out, and his face was full of incredible colors.

How could this dude be a warrior? ?

He really couldn’t accept that the “unworthy son” that Wang Shengguo had been talking about was a martial artist!

It’s ironic!

If this is not a weapon, then what is considered a weapon?


Those company veterans also had the same expression, unable to believe the fact that Wang Teng was a warrior.

This is nonsense!

How old is Wang Teng, how could he become a warrior?

Li Xiumei and Wang Yanan were shocked at first, and then an uncontrollable joy came to their hearts. They couldn’t be more clear about what a warrior represented.

Now as long as Wang Teng is there, their company can’t fail!

Any act of malicious infringement of the martial artist’s property can be suppressed by the martial artist’s strength and can also bring the other party to court. The victory must belong to the martial artist’s side.

Even as long as there are good reasons, warriors can kill people!

Cut first and play later!

This is the position of the warrior!


“Look at that sword mark clearly. If you are careful, it will not be on your building next time, but on your body!”

“I don’t know if you can bear my sword!”

Wang Teng looked at Bao Zeqing and said lightly.

Then he looked around, his eyes paused on Jia Guiren before he looked at other people, but no one dared to look at him at this time.

“No matter what your thoughts are, you will stay honestly before my dad comes back. When he comes back, you love to fuck off, and whoever you want to mess with, I will never stop!”

The entire conference room was silent, and the people who had shaken their minds regretted it.

This is a warrior.

There is a warrior in the Wang family, so there is no need to worry about the company’s growth. By then, as the company’s veterans, their net worth will definitely skyrocket.

But now…

When Wang Shengguo returns, it is estimated that a major cleansing will take place.

Anyone who has fallen into trouble, even if his mind is not determined, will not be left behind.

No matter how good the future is, it has nothing to do with them!

How many billions have you lost? Heart hurts!

The most important thing is that now they dare not act rashly, otherwise they will face the revenge of a warrior, and the end will only be worse than the purge after Wang Shengguo returns.

Jia Guiren’s face was green.

To say who offended the Wang family the most cruel, it must be him.

Bao Zeqing promised him 10% of the shares, so he agreed to take Xingteng to let its stock market fall in order to carry out annexation.

Now it’s okay, nothing!

The shares of the new company are gone, and the position in Xingteng has ended. He will soon be purged by Wang Shengguo, and even retaliated. He is afraid that he will not be able to stay in the East China Sea.

Wang Teng ignored these people with different thoughts and called Li Xiumei outside and asked, “Mom, what’s wrong with my dad?”

“Your dad came to Lin Province a few days ago to discuss a project, because of interest issues, he has not been negotiated, but the other party did not abide by the rules, he was detained by the local snake, and if he didn’t sign the contract, he wouldn’t let him come back. “Li Xiumei explained with worry on her face.

As Wang Teng exploded into the strength of a warrior, she no longer treated Wang Teng as a child.

“Grandpa has sent someone to talk, but there is no result yet.” Wang Yanan said on the side.

“What project? Why is my dad so stupid? Just promise them not. If you lose a little money, it can be more important than life.” Wang Teng frowned.

“It’s not that simple. There is a problem with that project and it involves a lot. This is to use your dad as a scapegoat.” Li Xiumei seems to know something, but the details are not clear.

“Huh?” Wang Teng noticed the anomaly. Could it be that those people did it, but didn’t they deal with the Wang family until he was in college in the previous life?

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