Chapter 84 The more beautiful the woman, the more dangerous!

Seeing that the three of them were about to fight, everyone laughed bitterly, and even Governor Jiang felt a bit of a headache.

“Okay, people in their 30s and 40s, and they are like children robbing toys, not ashamed!”

Only Governor Jiang was able to scold them.

Fu Tiandao and the three of them lost their voices in an instant, but were still staring at each other.

Wang Teng was in a daze from beginning to end.

You said to grab it, you asked me if I didn’t?

Of course, his goal was achieved, showing the strength of the martial artist, and the effect was even better than expected.

Thinking of this, he blinked at He Ju.

He Ju looked serious, as if he hadn’t seen anything.

This is also a drama!

Huh… why do you want to say it?

“Since the matter has been resolved, let’s go down the mountain. The parents of the candidates need an explanation when something like this happened in this Wushu test.” Governor Jiang’s voice was a bit heavy.

He Ju’s face was also a bit ugly. As a leader of the Education Bureau, Wu Kao had an accident and he could not shirk the blame.

Fortunately, there is Wang Teng as a savior this year, otherwise he should be on top of the black yarn.

As for promotion, I’m afraid it’s out of play!

Thinking of these kinds of things, He Ju’s mood is very bad.

So a few people prepared to go down the mountain.

“Student Wang Teng, the other materials on this star beast are more troublesome to deal with. If you can trust us, then we will deal with it for you and sell it for you and then transfer the money to you?” Ji Quan said.

Seeing the attitudes of several big brothers to Wang Teng just now, the three of them became more enthusiastic.

This Wang Teng really has huge potential!

Anyway, it was easy, why not!

As for licking dogs or something, just kidding, we dignified martial artist, are you that kind of person?

“Alright, I’m bothering you.” Wang Teng nodded, not polite, and saved him from looking for a sales channel.

He wasn’t afraid that the three of Ji Quan would be in trouble. Firstly, the most important star core was already in his hands, and secondly, in front of the big brothers, they wouldn’t be stupid enough to play tricks if they wanted to come.

After Wang Teng told them his bank account number, he went down the mountain with Governor Jiang and others.

Along the way, I saw a lot of corpses of strange animals, and even the corpses of candidates.

Wang Teng looked solemn, and Lin Chuhan worried again in his heart.

Isn’t it her that this one? ?

Lin Chuhan is so weak, if he falls into the beast tide, there is definitely no possibility of surviving.

It’s over…

With all kinds of bad thoughts, Wang Teng returned to the camp. The candidates sat on the ground around them without any image. They were all covered with blood and looked extremely embarrassed.

Some candidates were seriously injured and are being treated by medical staff.

Sobbing sounds came from everywhere!

The cruelty of this martial arts exam hit the candidates too much, they had to bear the weight they shouldn’t bear at this age!

Wang Teng, Governor Jiang and the others returned together, which obviously attracted everyone’s attention, but at this time they were not in the mood to pay attention either. After a glance, they withdrew their gazes.

“Wang Teng!” A voice full of surprises suddenly came from the crowd.

Wang Teng looked back and saw Lin Chuhan beckoning to himself.

“Everyone, my friends call me, so I’ll go there first!” Wang Teng said to Governor Jiang and the others next to him.


A few people suddenly showed the appearance of people coming by, and said with a smile.

Wang Teng felt his brain hurt instantly.

The eyes of these big guys are really unbearable!

Can you respect your identity as a big boss? Don’t gossip, okay?

Wang Teng walked helplessly towards Lin Chuhan, and he was finally relieved when he saw that pretty face, but fortunately nothing happened.

That kind of rejoicing, he himself didn’t know how to describe it!

“Are you okay?” Lin Chuhan asked as soon as Wang Teng approached.

“What can I do?” Wang Teng said lightly.

“Young Master Wang!” Yang Jian sat aside, his thigh was wounded and bandaged. The whole leg was half thick and he couldn’t stand.

“Your legs?” Wang Teng asked.

“I was scratched by a strange beast. Fortunately, the owner of the Bailian Martial Arts Hall arrived in time, otherwise I would really belch this time.”

Yang Jian had some lingering fears, and then said with some excitement.

“You haven’t seen how powerful the Master Gu of the Hundred Refining Martial Arts Hall is. With one move, just one move, he instantly killed more than a dozen strange beasts around him!”

When Wang Teng saw him like this, he knew that this kid was okay, otherwise he should cry for his father and his mother at this time.

He turned his head to Lin Chuhan and asked, “Did you drop anything?”

“I dropped something? Nothing!” Lin Chuhan shook his head.

“See if your admission ticket is still there!”

Wang Teng was speechless, and Lin Chuhan had not even noticed that he had lost his admission ticket until now.

Lin Chuhan quickly looked for him, and then suddenly exclaimed: “It’s over, my admission ticket is really gone!”

“Take it!” Wang Teng took out Lin Chuhan’s admission ticket from his pocket, handed it to her, shook his head and said: “I can lose even the admission ticket. I really convince you.”

“Thank you! Thank you so much!” Lin Chuhan breathed a sigh of relief: “Where did you find it?”

“I still want to ask you, I found this admission ticket on the top of the volcano. How did you climb to it? Don’t you know it’s dangerous?” Wang Teng said in a bad mood.

“Who said the above is dangerous, if it weren’t for an accident, it would be an extinct volcano, but I don’t know why, I found that the area on the top of the volcano has no alien beasts at all, it’s safe.” Lin Chuhan defended.

“There is no alien beast?” Wang Teng was a little surprised now.

“Yeah, after hunting five alien beasts, I found that it was safe on top of it, so I was ready to wait there until the end of the assessment. Who knows that that kind of accident happened in the end. Fortunately, I followed the beast tide to come back safely.” Lin Chu culverts.

“Is it because of the fire star beast that ordinary alien beasts dare not get close to it?” Wang Teng couldn’t help but guess.

“Wait, you hunted five strange beasts!” He suddenly reacted and asked in surprise.

“Why, I can’t hunt foreign beasts?” Lin Chuhan felt that he was underestimated, and his eyebrows were cold.

“That’s not the case, it’s just that your strength is so good, which surprised me a bit.” Wang Teng teased.

“Humph!” Lin Chuhan snorted softly, and said unconvinced: “My strength is indeed not as good as you, but I am smarter than you.”

“Xingxingxing, you are smart. Tell me about how you hunted five strange beasts. Let me hear about your glorious deeds of Lin Smart.” Wang Teng sat down and asked with interest.

“Why Lin is smart, don’t give me a nickname.” Lin Chuhan rolled his eyes, and then still excitedly said the process of hunting the alien beast.

After Wang Teng listened, he couldn’t help but open his mouth, feeling that Lin Chuhan was the real master of yin people!

I can’t tell that such a decent person would actually use such a means to make people feel chilly.

It turned out that after Lin Chuhan entered the primeval forest, he made full use of the knowledge learned in the “Five Years of Wushu Test and Three Years Simulation” and applied it flexibly.

For example, smearing the body with a pungent tree sap so that the strange beast can’t smell it, and then it took three full hours to find a dead beast, hiding the poisonous herbs found in the forest in the beast’s body, waiting to be The alien beasts eat it.

I have to say that the average examinee really can’t think of this method!

Moreover, whether it is identifying useful herbs, searching for beasts that die naturally, or waiting for an alien beast to take the bait.

All of this takes a lot of time, and it is impossible to do without enough patience.

Although there is a certain element of luck in it, there is no sufficient knowledge reserve, no tenacity and patience, and the previous preparations, luck will not come to her.

So patience, so scheming!

Sure enough, my mother was right, the more beautiful the woman, the more dangerous!

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