Chapter 83 Fight!

Seeing Wang Teng dig out a star core from the body of the volcano salamander, the three warriors were shocked, and they quickly smashed the volcano salamander they had killed…

Of course!

After searching for a long time, there was nothing!

So this is the gap between Europe and Africa, right?

Wang Teng looked at the appearance of the three of them, and suddenly felt that their faces were a little dark.

Ji Quan took a deep breath, looked at the star core in Wang Teng’s hand with some envy, and said, “Student Wang Teng, your luck is really good. With only two star beasts, you can actually produce a star core. I ran into you.”

“Maybe I am more handsome!” Wang Teng said slowly.

“…” Three warriors.

We are so ugly so sorry! !

The hearts of the three warriors suddenly happily collapsed by a group of grass nima, trampling on their fragile hearts.

“It seems that you have solved it!”

At this time, a voice came from outside the cave.

Then I saw a heroic man walking in from outside the cave.

Wang Teng turned his head and took a look, meeting the man’s gaze, and a shocking aura rushed toward his face, making him shocked.

“It’s terrifying, who is this person?”

Just as this thought arose in Wang Teng’s heart, the three warriors immediately trot forward and saluted respectfully.

“The Governor!”

Governor! !

Hearing this name, Wang Teng was shocked, and a shocked look appeared on his face.

There is only one person in the entire East China Sea who is qualified to use this title!

Governor of the East China Sea!

The most powerful person in the entire East China Sea.

If He Ju is a giant, then the Governor of the East China Sea is a giant among the giants.

As a human being in the two generations, if it weren’t for practicing martial arts, it would have been impossible to see this class of people in Wang Teng’s status, but now he has seen it, and it is right in front of him.

“I’ve seen your performance in the actual combat assessment. It’s pretty good!” Governor Jiang suddenly said to Wang Teng.

Wang Teng didn’t expect that he would praise himself, his heart jumped slightly, and he quickly humbled:

“You flatter me!”

Governor Jiang nodded, without saying anything, turning his head to look at the three warriors: “You can kill the two star beasts in time to prevent the eruption of the volcano, and I will give you a credit!”

The three were overjoyed and looked at each other. Just as they were about to say something, there was another rush of footsteps outside the entrance of the cave.

He Ju, Fu Tiandao, Qin Hanxuan and others also arrived at this time.

“The candidates have been sent to a safe place, but the death toll is a little high.” He Ju walked to Governor Jiang and said in a low voice.

Governor Jiang nodded blankly.

He Ju’s pressure suddenly increased, and his forehead was full of cold sweat.

He bent over slightly, his eyes lit up suddenly when he saw Wang Teng and the two star beast corpses on the ground out of the corner of his eyes.

“Ji Quan, you killed these two star beasts!” He Ju suddenly asked the three warriors.

Ji Quan smiled bitterly and said: “Governor, He Ju, we killed only one of these two star beasts, and one of them was solved by classmate Wang Teng. We couldn’t even complete this task without his assistance.”

As soon as the voice fell, everyone was taken aback.

Immediately, his gaze fell on Wang Teng who was standing aside playing soy sauce.

He Ju had some expectation in his mind.

He was quite clear about the strength of the three of Ji Quan, and he was somewhat reluctant to deal with two star beasts at the same time, not to mention killing them in such a short period of time.

So 80% of it has other help!

Apart from Wang Teng, a Xiaoyin man who hid his strength, he couldn’t think of anyone else with this help.

But when Wang Teng killed a star beast alone, he expressed some shock and suspicion.

Not only that, but even Fu Tiandao and Qin Hanxuan had long known that Wang Teng was an insider of the warrior, and it was a bit surprised.

Becoming a warrior at this age is already amazing, if he has the power to kill star beasts alone, then this kid is really a bit enchanting!

The owners of the Bailian Martial Arts Hall and the Thunder Martial Arts Hall looked unbelievable. They stared at Ji Quan and asked, “Are you sure you are right. This kid killed a star beast by himself?”

“Really!” Governor Jiang asked, frowning.


You can also kill the star beasts alone!

Will such an amazing genius appear among candidates in this class?

“Ji Quan, you are responsible for some things you say, don’t make mistakes!” He Ju reminded.

Although he very much hoped that Wang Teng would show great performance in this matter and let Governor Jiang notice it, he did not want the three of Ji Quan to fool them.

Ji Quan smiled bitterly again: “Governor Jiang, how can we dare to deceive you about this kind of thing? If you don’t believe me, look at the wound on that volcanic salamander. It’s only a short time, and there should still be traces of the force on it. The Force is different from the three of us.”

Governor Jiang and others came to the star beast’s corpse. They just observed and sensed it, and they immediately had a judgment.

“Sure enough, there is only one force!”

“However, this force is…”

“Ice Force!!

In the next moment, Wang Teng felt the scorching gazes of several big bosses, and they all fell on him instantly, and a chill swept through his body.

The ice force is a special mutation force in addition to the five basic forces of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

In general, the five basic forces are the most common, while the other mutation forces are relatively rare, and these mutation forces are not only powerful, but also often have some special effects.

The original force of mutation is a proof of talent! The envy of others is not envied.

Governor Jiang suddenly laughed and patted Wang Teng on the shoulder again: “You are fine, fine!”

“This year, our East China Sea will definitely shine. I think who dare to underestimate us!”

Several other bigwigs also showed joy and said one after another:

“The governor is right, this year our East China Sea will surely be a blockbuster!”

“Yes, let the other major provinces also take a look. As a coastal special economic zone, the East China Sea is also a major city. How can we lose to them!”

“Good boy, are you interested in coming to my Thunder Martial Arts Hall? You can mention the terms as you like!”

“Jiang Hong, you shameless, classmate Wang Teng, why don’t you come to my Bailian Martial Arts Hall. We are better than him for the conditions that Lei Ting Martial Arts Hall can give you.”

“You two bastards, Wang Teng is a member of my Jixing Martial Arts Hall. You dig people in front of me. Do you still have a face?”

Fu Tiandao was furious.

The two of them are too shameless, so blatant, whether they still put him Futiandao in their eyes.

“I’ve checked it all. Classmate Wang Teng is just a martial artist in your Pole Star Martial Arts Center. He is not an official member of the martial arts. He has the right to choose.” Gu Hefei sneered.

“That’s right, whoever gives the best conditions, choose whoever, this can’t be more normal!” Jiang Hong hugged his arms as the old god said.

“I’m so violent, you two are going to fight with me, right, come on…”

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