Chapter 79 Wang Teng, I advise you to be kind!

The candidate who was blasted by Wang Teng’s punch was originally a powerful senior warrior. His arms were thicker than his thighs, and strength has always been his most proud talent.

But at this time, the power that Wang Teng showed even shocked him.

Not only did he take his warhammer bombardment with two fists, but now it was a punch that made him unable to fight back.

Is this the strength of the ultimate samurai?

The gap is too big!

He was very decisive before, and felt that since he had already forged a beam, he would simply kick Wang Teng out of the martial arts test, but now he regrets it.

At the same time, I hated Li Rongcheng.

What kind of character did this bastard provoke him? ?

Not to mention him, Li Rongcheng himself felt very confused at this time.

The last time I was defeated by a move, this time it is still the same, but he can feel that Wang Teng’s strength is stronger… his chest hurts!

The gap is getting bigger and bigger, how can this compare?

Wang Teng looked at the two of them. At this moment, several attribute bubbles fell around them.



【Basic Hammer Method*5】

Wang Teng shook his head. They are all very common attributes. As for the basic hammer method, um…think about the image of dancing the sledgehammer…

Forget it, this thing is not for you!

Wang Teng didn’t even bother to pick it up.

“Is it floating? Or are they too rubbish?”

“They must be too rubbish!”

Wang Teng doubted himself for a second, his eyes couldn’t help but fall on the candidate who had dropped [Elementary Arrow Talent].

For the first time, talents about weapons are dropped!

This guy has something, his eyes are gradually full of malice!

The examinee was in a coma and suddenly shuddered.

Wang Teng walked over without waking him up, but directly beat him!

In particular, he greeted his head several times!


【Elementary Arrow Talent*1】

【Basic Arrow Method*2】

【Basic Arrow Method*1】

【Elementary Arrow Talent*1】


Wang Teng stopped his hand until no attribute bubbles fell.

This examinee was awakened in pain. He seemed to have a dream, in which he was tortured and tortured in every possible way… miserable and miserable!

As a result, he just woke up, he immediately felt pain all over his body, and he couldn’t help howling.

Li Rongcheng and another examinee witnessed these brutal atrocities. The muscles on his face twitched and his heart felt cold!

My mother, I’m afraid this person is not a devil!

I’m in a coma and don’t let it go, how can I be so cruel! !


If they hadn’t been seriously injured, they would have escaped long ago.

Wang Teng suddenly turned his head to look at the two of them, and their expressions changed with fright.

Especially when he saw him walking over, there was an ominous premonition in my heart, this demon…

“Wang Teng, what are you doing?”

Wang Teng said nothing.

“We have already lost, what do you want? You have to be forgiving and forgiving, don’t go too far!”

“Ha ha!”

Hearing this mocking laughter, Li Rongcheng’s face turned green. Seeing Wang Teng approaching, he shouted in panic: “Wang Teng, stay a line, and see you in the future, I urge you to be kind!”

Wang Teng couldn’t help but tut. He didn’t expect that Li Rongcheng would have a complete set of words, and his eloquence was good!

Then he raised his fist big as a sandbag and screamed at Li Rongcheng’s head.

A punch made his eyes black!


Yo, a lot!


Bang bang bang!



It’s a pity to lose two of them. Li Rongcheng seized the gap and quickly pressed the alarm button-giving up the assessment!

Originally, he didn’t want to make this choice, but if he didn’t quit, he might be beaten to death…this devil!

Wang Teng was about to greet the man next to him, but found that he had pressed the alarm button a long time ago, and there were rapid footsteps in the woods not far away.

The examinee who attacked Wang Teng also knew what had happened and also pressed the alarm button.

All three were forced to give up!

He shook his head, ignored them, turned and left.

When the staff of the examination room arrived, they saw the tragic situation of the three people and couldn’t help but froze. What happened here?

“This kid is a bit cruel!”

In the main control room, everyone watched what happened in the surveillance, and their eyebrows trembled slightly.

“Have you not found out that his basic physical skills have reached the level of enlightenment?” Gu Hefei, the owner of the Bailian Martial Arts Hall Branch, said suddenly.

“It’s true, this Wang Teng is a genius!” Jiang Hong, the owner of the Lei Ting Wu Hall branch, nodded.

“We want this candidate in the Bailian Martial Arts Hall, so don’t grab any of you from me!” Gu Hefei said.

“Heh, our Thunder Martial Arts Hall hasn’t spoken yet, why are you in a hurry!” Jiang Hong ran on.

“Hahaha, don’t fight, this Wang Teng is originally a student of our Pole Star Martial Arts Hall.” Fu Tiandao couldn’t help laughing proudly.

“you are vicious!”

The faces of Gu Hefei and Jiang Hong suddenly showed disappointment, and at the same time they gave Fu Tiandao a fierce look.

It’s hard to come across a good seedling, and he has been preempted by the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall!

As time passed, the killing in the forest became more intense.

Many candidates were injured the first time they faced a strange animal. The more severe ones directly pressed the alarm button and reluctantly withdrew from the exam. They still clenched their teeth slightly. They experienced the battle and gradually began to adapt.

Although it is the first time for some candidates to hunt foreign animals, their fighting instincts are very strong, and they may feel a little discomfort when they kill foreign animals, but if they kill more, they don’t think there is anything left.

Most people have just started hunting, choosing elementary alien beasts, and after adapting, they began to target intermediate and advanced alien beasts.

Especially those senior warriors who aim at key universities, must strive for high scores, so that they will be favored by key universities.

Night began to fall.

After the daytime battle, the candidates are tired and hungry now, and must solve the food and water problem by themselves.

Even looking for a place to rest.

The forest at night is more dangerous, and all kinds of strange animals come out for food…

“The number of strange beasts seems to have increased.” Wang Teng stood on a big tree, observing the distance, and many beasts’ shadows were looming in the dense woods.

Not only did he feel it, but other examinees apparently also noticed it.

“Just right, give me blank attributes!”

Wang Teng smiled slightly. During the day, he had already killed six high-level strange beasts. There were also nine intermediate-level strange beasts, and he had accumulated 43 points of blank attributes.

“Go find something to eat first!”

Just thinking about this, a wild boar and strange animal suddenly appeared in his field of vision.

“Well, you can eat even if you eat it!”

Wang Teng jumped down from the tree, and his sword light shot through the air.


The blood suddenly appeared, and the thick-skinned wild boar was directly in a different place.

In the beginning, in order to hone his fighting experience with alien beasts, Wang Teng deliberately suppressed his own strength, but then he changed his mind.

What is more important than brushing some attributes?

So simply let go of the killing, as much as you can kill.

With his strength, this intermediate monster is completely vulnerable.

Wang Teng cut a piece of thigh meat and held it directly in his hand.

I found a cave and drilled wood to make fire. This is all basic knowledge in “Five Years of Wushu and Three Years of Simulation”.

After roasting wild boar legs and filling his stomach, Wang Teng walked out of the cave and continued to hunt the strange animals.

Tonight is a sleepless night.

It was already twelve o’clock in the middle of the night.

In the main control room, the test takers’ scores of hunting foreign animals were projected on the wall through a projector.

Everyone is paying attention in silence.

“Yan Peng of Huiying Middle School has hunted thirteen alien animals, three seniors, four intermediates, and six juniors! This result is very wrong.” Gu Hefei said.

“Zhou Wu from No. 1 Middle School is not bad either. It is also thirteen heads, three heads senior, three heads intermediate, and seven heads junior! It’s just a bit inferior.” Jiang Hong said.

“There are also Dong Fei from the Experimental Middle School, with fourteen monsters, four seniors, five intermediates, and five juniors!”

Although the big guys are talking about these excellent candidates from various schools, their attention is more on the candidate who is the first on the score list-Wang Teng!

Take a look from time to time!

“It’s up again!”

Almost at the same time, this idea emerged in the hearts of all the bigwigs.

A total of twenty-eight strange beasts, oh no, now it is twenty-nine, and another high-level strange beast was cut under the sword.

Among them, the high-level ones accounted for 18 heads, and the intermediate ones were even fewer, with only ten heads.

You guys don’t know how to describe Wang Teng anymore. It’s really not easy for him to hunt foreign beasts. Basically, it is solved with one sword, and at most it is a punch.

Of course, they completely ignored the two strange beasts that Wang Teng killed in the first place. With the strength displayed behind him, it was definitely a joke at that time.

“When we were young, could we achieve this level?” The big men couldn’t help asking themselves.

The answer is definitely no, if you really do it, I’m afraid you will be abused miserably.

Even Governor Jiang’s eyelids twitched a little.

The potential displayed by this kid is almost comparable to those of the top men!

But after all, it’s just potential…

There is a price to be paid for growth, and it is not yet known what will happen in the future!

More than two hours passed, and the virgin forest was dark and silent, and occasionally a strange cry of a wild beast would sound.

No one knows what it is.

This kind of environment is heart palpitating, and the candidates clenched their teeth.

Some candidates have already saved enough five monsters to be admitted to the martial arts major. To be on the safe side, they did not go out, but hid in a secret and safe place.

Wang Teng is still hunting, and he is not tired of it. The blank attribute has been accumulated to 85 points, which is rich in harvest.

At this time, several agile black shadows surrounded him and rushed towards him from all directions.

The fur of these strange beasts is gray and black, and they can hide themselves well in the night. Their eyes emit a green light, and their mouths emit a deep roar.


Wang Teng’s body is erratic, like a butterfly wearing flowers, causing these wolves to jump into the air, and every time the sword light passes, they will take a life away.

After a while, there was a corpse of Shia Gou lying on the ground, and a few remaining soldiers fled in defeat, and Wang Teng didn’t bother to chase after him.

Eight more intermediate monsters have been added!

Blank attribute +16!

Wang Teng was about to turn around and leave. Suddenly the earth shook, and small cracks appeared on the ground…

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