Chapter 78 Your father is your father after all!

Seeing Wang Teng reacted so swiftly and so decisively in his heart, as soon as he avoided his attack, he dashed into the bushes and chased him through the cover, the face of the candidate who attacked suddenly changed.


Without thinking about it, he turned and fled.

The combat technique he cultivated was the basic arrow technique, suitable for long-range attacks, but not good at close combat. I just saw Wang Teng wrestling with advanced alien beasts, and I knew that if he was caught up, he would definitely not be the enemy of one.

Wang Teng shuttled through the woods, spreading his body skills, his body shape changed, so that the opponent could not find the aiming point.

Dare to yin me!

When I’m a bully, right?

His face was cold, his speed increased sharply, and he chased the candidate in front.

“Damn it!”

The candidate who attacked was taken aback by the sudden increase in Wang Teng’s speed. How could it be so fast? ?

Seeing that the distance between the two is getting shorter and shorter.

While running away, he shot arrows backwards, hoping to stop Wang Teng for a while, even if it was just slowing down Wang Teng’s pursuit speed.

However, although the arrows he shot caused some obstacles to Wang Teng, the distance between the two did not lengthen, but was still shortening.

Wang Teng’s speed is much faster than him, and his arrows are about to run out!

After a while, the distance between the two was less than 30 meters.

“Die me!”

Wang Teng kicked his feet and the ground cracked. The whole person seemed to burst out like an angry bear. The war sword drew a semi-circular arc in the air and slashed down.

The examinee looked shocked and raised the bow in his hand over his head to block the sword.


The bow and sword collided, making a metallic vibrato.

The examinee’s face changed, and he felt a huge force venting down, causing him to fly out involuntarily.


He fell heavily to the ground with blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, and shouted at the woods next to him: “You still don’t take action? When do you want to see?”

“Huh!” Wang Teng smiled coldly and rushed to the examinee who had attacked him.

“Don’t come here!”

The other’s face changed, and he quickly got up from the ground and flew back.

Wang Teng didn’t say a word, but slammed his fist at the opponent.

“Stop!” A loud shout suddenly came from the woods behind, and a strong wind hit Wang Teng’s back.

However, Wang Teng’s back seemed to have eyes long, and he dodged to avoid the strong wind. The tough iron fist still slammed into the face of the candidate who attacked him.

With a click, the bridge of the opponent’s nose was obviously collapsed, his nosebleeds spattered, and he couldn’t help howling in his mouth.

Wang Teng swept again with a whip leg. The opponent’s eyes were staring at Venus at this time, and his eyes were black.

【Basic Arrow Method*10】

[Elementary Arrow Talent*3]

“Huh?” Wang Teng’s eyes moved.

There are even talented attributes! !

The attribute bubbles dropped by this examinee are a bit worth seeing!

Pick it up!

At the same time, the two candidates who had just walked out of the woods not only did not keep their companions, but also watched him seriously injured by Wang Teng, their expressions were instantly ugly.

“Wang Teng, you are too cruel, you are also an examinee, you are so cruel!” One of the examinees pointed at Wang Teng and shouted sharply.

“Who am I? It turned out to be you, Young Master Li.” Wang Teng turned around and looked at the person coming.

One of them is completely unfamiliar, he doesn’t know him, but the other is an old acquaintance, it is Li Rongcheng!

“Why, I have been abused so many times, want to find a place in the martial arts test?” Wang Teng looked at him with a smile but a smile: “Where did these two flicker frightening eyes come from, and accompany you to death stupidly!” ”

Li Rongcheng’s expression became even more ugly when he spoke through his mind, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

He indeed found these two people.

Wang Teng confronted him many times and made him faceless.

And he already knew that Wang Teng was beaten up for no reason, it was Wang Teng who blamed him on this big black pot.

This bastard is too overcast!

In the previous level evaluation, Wang Teng showed the strength of the ultimate martial artist, which was a blockbuster, making him even more jealous.

That’s why he fooled two senior warriors from other schools and planned to kick Wang Teng out of the actual combat assessment.

Of course, Li Rong knew these two high-ranking warriors, and only with the promised benefits could they be moved.

Unfortunately, the iron plate is always the iron plate, and your father is your father after all!

Not only did the candidate who attacked Wang Teng failed, but now he was abused and turned into a dog, and he couldn’t get up while lying on the ground.

They were originally afraid of Wang Teng’s strength!

One person fell at this moment, leaving Li Rongcheng and another senior warrior with a lower chance of winning.

Hearing Wang Teng’s words, another senior warrior couldn’t help but glanced at Li Rongcheng, and that look made Li Rongcheng’s heart even more awkward.

“That’s the end of the matter, it’s useless to say more, let’s do it!”

Surprisingly, this senior warrior was extremely decisive. Although he knew Li Rongcheng’s thoughts, since he had a grudge with Wang Teng at this time, it would be useless to ask for mercy. It would be better to work together to solve him.

“Okay!” Li Rongcheng gritted his teeth and said nothing, holding a sword, and rushed to Wang Teng first.

The two of them had planted the seeds of distrust, but at this time they had to cooperate, and he had to show enough sincerity.

Sure enough, when the senior warrior saw him act first, his vigilant expression was slightly loosened, and he immediately attacked Wang Teng.

He was holding a heavy warhammer, and while dancing, the air exploded and hit Wang Teng fiercely.

Li Rongcheng displayed the basic sword technique of the Consummation level, the speed of the sword was as fast as lightning, the afterimages were transformed, and the airtight enveloping Wang Teng.

Two high-level warriors work together, and even extreme warriors will be troublesome to deal with.

However, Wang Teng’s true strength is not an extreme martial artist, but a warrior! !

Not only that, his various combat skills also completely crushed the two, even if they did not use the strength of the martial artist, they could easily abuse the two.

The basic body technique at the level of enlightenment is fully deployed, and the body deflects within the smallest range, as if it has never moved.

But Li Rongcheng’s knife didn’t even touch the corner of his clothes!

“Enlightenment level body technique!!”

Li Rongcheng was shocked!

At this time, the hammer that the senior warrior smashed down also arrived, and Wang Teng’s mouth sneered.

Two fists blasted out, hard to shake the warhammer!


Wang Teng wore gloves with both fists and was not injured at all. Instead, he shook his opponent out, making his hands holding the warhammer tremble.

Warhammer almost let go!

He took advantage of the victory and pursued it, and appeared in front of Li Rongcheng with a punch in his horrified eyes.

Li Rongcheng wanted to evade, but found that his body couldn’t keep up with his mind at all… he defeated with one move!

“Why… the same as last time!”

His heart was full of unwillingness. Thinking of the last competition in the school gym, his heart was full of bitterness.

Seeing that Li Rongcheng couldn’t even take Wang Teng’s move, the senior warrior shrank his pupils, gritted his teeth and controlled his trembling hands. He just raised his warhammer again, and a pair of iron fists greeted him.


A fist hit him in the chest, and a huge force blasted him out.

“How is this power possible?” The moment he flew out, an incredible thought emerged in his heart.

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