Chapter 728: The Taste of Freedom…

“What do you mean if you can’t get it out?” Wang Teng frowned.

“All the powers and tactics above the planetary level in the Federation are monopolized, and the soul contract is signed when they are purchased, and they will die immediately if they are secretly passed on.” Sadidi said in fear.

“Why is it a soul contract again!” Wang Teng furrowed his brows deeper, and said suspiciously: “Don’t lie to me. According to what you said, your Orland Federation has many races and a population of more than 100 million trillions. How can everyone be Signing a soul contract is unrealistic!”

“No, you won’t understand the horror of the Federation. No one can escape. Unless it is a private practice or combat technique, it is possible to teach it privately, but this type of practice and combat skills are in the hands of all major forces. , It is not something small people like us can control.” Sadidi said solemnly.

“Are the planet stars just small people!” Wang Teng suddenly felt a little insignificant.

Sadidi’s look didn’t seem to be fake, but to be on the safe side, he used confusion again to confirm that Sadidi hadn’t lied.

After using Douxin, Wang Teng’s expression became a little solemn.

What Sadidi said is actually true!

Is the copyright awareness of the Orland Federation so strong?

To put it bluntly, it’s not difficult to understand. The Orland Federation has adopted a copyright mechanism similar to that of the Earth and Stars, so that all warriors can only learn kungfu and combat skills through purchase, or they are self-created and violated. Will not be punished by law, but will die directly!

very good, very powerful!

Wang Teng feels that if he develops his own kungfu and combat skills in the future, he is estimated to be able to make a lot of money, and it is still a steady stream of income.

This is a business opportunity!

But for now, things are a bit difficult!

Wang Teng’s eyes rolled randomly, thinking about how to obtain the planetary-star power and combat skills from Sadidi.

At this time, Sadidi had already awakened from the effect of [Chaosing], his face was pale, and the two times of Sucking had a great burden on his mental power, and he could not recover for a while.

It looked at Wang Teng in horror, and suddenly felt that life in the future might be miserable, and the rest of his life would be gloomy.

“Yes, I’m really dark under the lights!” Wang Teng suddenly clapped his palms, his eyes lit up, obviously thinking of a way.

He actually forgot the function of the system!

Even if you don’t kill Sadidi, there is still a way to get the attribute bubbles of exercises and combat skills, but the probability is relatively low.

Wang Teng’s eyes suddenly became dangerous.

Sadidi was suddenly excited, feeling a chill in his back, and an ominous premonition rose again.

“Now I want to let you out.” Wang Teng said with a smile suddenly.


Sadidi was stunned.

I want to let it out inexplicably, what kind of operation is this?

However, it couldn’t help but feel happy in its heart. If it was really let go, He worry wouldn’t have a chance to escape.

After all, it is a star powerhouse!

Confidence from the star powerhouse·JPG~

“But before you come out, you must first run your cultivation technique!” Wang Teng said.

“…” Sadidi was stunned again.

Does it have anything to do with running the exercises when it comes out?

Sadidi was a little confused, wondering in his heart.

Regardless of what Sadidi was thinking, Wang Teng directly opened the handcuffs, handcuffs and other things that restrained the Force.

Sadidi suddenly felt the existence of the Force, was overjoyed, and thought to himself: “It doesn’t matter, as long as I can get out!”

“When I restore my original strength, I must make this star boy look good!”

It is ruthless in its heart, madly running the exercises, absorbing and transforming the external force.

At this moment, Wang Teng opened the dormant cabin again.

As the dormant cabin opened, Sadidi sat up abruptly, wanting to laugh.

It’s not easy!

It’s really not easy!

How long it has been locked up, how long it has been restrained, and finally feel the taste of freedom at this moment…


However, in addition to the taste of freedom, it also felt a sharp pain in its head!

Wang Teng was holding a brick in his hand. Because he was worried that the brains of the strong stars would be harder, he directly used the strongest [The Profound Meaning of Power].

This brick, he really tried his best!

Fortunately, the effect is very impressive.

Sadidi was shocked by the brick, his eyes turned black, his ears buzzed, and the whole person was stunned for a while.

Where am i?

what happened?

who am I?

Wang Teng’s eyes lit up because he saw that just now, an attribute bubble had fallen out.

It seemed to be effective, so the brick in his hand was smashed even harder.

Bang bang bang…

Wang Teng just smashed it indiscriminately. Sadidi had a bruised nose and swollen head, and he didn’t know why such a tragic thing happened.

After a while, Wang Teng finally stopped his movements.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to smash it, but that he has reached the limit, and Sadidi can no longer drop attribute bubbles.

But looking at the attribute bubbles all over the floor, Wang Teng was also satisfied.

Pick it up!

【Xingmu Jue*3】

【Xingmu Jue*5】

【Xingmu Jue*3】

【Star Force (Wood)*10】

【Star Force (Wood)*8】

“Sure enough!”

Wang Teng felt the content of these attribute bubbles, and he was suddenly overjoyed.

At this time, as the attribute bubbles merged, a human-shaped light and shadow suddenly appeared in his mind, and the human-shaped light and shadow sat in the void, posing as a cultivator.

The whole body of this light and shadow is transparent, and as the exercise moves, the situation in the body is revealed one by one, and the stars of light are lit up one by one, all over the body…

At the same time, memory fragments with a little profoundness also appeared in his mind, turning into his experience and perception.

It’s a long story. In fact, this process didn’t last long, and Wang Teng quickly completed the absorption and comprehension.

At a certain moment, he opened his eyes, exhaled a long suffocating breath, and a flash of light flashed through his pupils.

Xingmu Jue!

It really is a star-level exercise!

Wang Teng was full of emotion. He finally got a planetary-star exercise method, and the planetary-star exercise method included the transformation method of the star force.

But after comprehending this star-level technique, when he created the method of transforming the stars before, some things that he didn’t understand suddenly became clear.

In addition to the attribute bubbles of [Xingmu Jue], there are also the attribute bubbles of Jupiter Star Force. It is a pity that Sadidi was interrupted by Wang Teng when he just started practicing, so there are not many attribute bubbles that fall, and they add up to only 35 points. .

But no matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat.

Wang Teng shook his head and looked at Sadidi, only to see it staggered back into the dormant cabin. Wang Teng re-worn it with shackles and handcuffs that restrained the force, and then closed the dormant cabin.

Sadidi opened his swollen eyes hard, tears were about to shed.

Just after breathing the free air, he was locked up again and was beaten for some reason.

It’s really too bitter…

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