Chapter 727 Shocking News

Sadidi was taken aback by the thoughts in his heart.

But as soon as this idea came up, Sadidi immediately shook his head and denied it.

No one can violate the power of the contract, even the powerhouses of the universe can’t do it, how can this native of the stars do it.

“By the way, are you really sure that you signed the soul contract?” Two things suddenly appeared in Wang Teng’s hand.

One is a soul contract, and the other is an ordinary animal skin scroll.

The ominous premonition in Sadidi’s heart grew stronger.

Wang Teng smiled and spread out two scrolls and placed them in front of Sadidi.

The soul contract was empty, but the ordinary scroll was written with the deal they had made before.

“How is it possible?!!!” Sadidi’s pupils shrank in his eyes, his complexion changed drastically, and he cried out in disbelief.

“Nothing is impossible, you are fooled!” Wang Teng smiled sinisterly.

As early as when using the Soul Scroll, he used mental illusion, and Sadidi’s mental power was damaged, and he didn’t notice it at all.

“You… mean!” Sadidi was extremely angry.

At this time, even if he didn’t accept it, he couldn’t help it. The facts were in front of him, and he couldn’t help but believe it.

It’s just that it really can’t understand, how did Wang Teng change the two scrolls?

“What do you aliens do when you come to Earth, you know in your heart.” Wang Teng sneered.

Sadidi’s eyes flickered, and when they first discovered this life planet that was not in the Orante Federation sequence, they really didn’t have any good intentions.

But because they discovered the planet of life, they were too happy and a little forgetful.

Before they arrived, they found that the civilization of this planet was so low that it was unbelievable, and the peak combat power had not even reached the planetary star.

Such a backward and remote planet, even if their strength is only the bottom of the universe, is enough to easily sweep it away.

All of them were taken lightly, so that there was a slight accident when they descended on this planet.

They didn’t discover in time that this planet actually had overlapping imaginations, and they didn’t notice the anomaly until the spacecraft was affected by the force of space when they approached.

Although they responded in time, all of them were still severely injured under the power of that terrifying space, and then they were accidentally touched by the previous human beings and captured them all.

Looking back now, this is really a sad thing.

Originally, this was an opportunity to make them rich. You must know that even in the universe, the planet of life is also an extremely important resource. This planet is enough to make them, the discoverers, make a fortune. Even if it is done properly, it may be possible. Get part of the management rights, that is the long-running wealth.

In the final analysis, these pioneers of the universe are not just for the various planetary resources to wander the universe far away, which is understandable.

And for the indigenous people on remote planets, this is not a bad thing, at least it can bring them a higher-end technological civilization and martial arts civilization, better than their life ignorant and ignorant.

Of course, this is their wishful thinking.

Which planet’s natives would like to be sold?

These Wang Teng didn’t know at this time, but he had already guessed a thing or two when he saw Sadidi’s face, and these aliens really wanted to deny it.

“What do you want?” Sadidi asked coldly.

At this time, it also knew that it could not escape from Wang Teng’s hands. Fortunately, it no longer had a fluke. After all, these pioneers of the universe were a group of people dancing on the tip of a knife. The universe was mysterious and there were countless dangers. Those who become pioneers are not simple goods.

Keke… Even if you are afraid of death, you won’t show it easily.

“How about I come to make a deal with you now?” Wang Teng said with a smile.

“…Deal?” Sadidi felt like a dog.

This sentence has also been said to Wang Teng before, but now it is actually the other way round, and you don’t need to think about it to know that the other party definitely has a plan.

But since there is still a chance, it is not willing to give up so easily.

Can not die, who wants to die!

“What deal?” Sadidi asked aggrievedly.

“It’s very simple…” Wang Teng said, his eyes met Sadidi’s serious gaze.

But before he finished speaking, a red light suddenly appeared.


“Damn, do this again!” Sadidi was dumbfounded, his face changed drastically, but this time he was unable to resist, his head shook, and he instantly lost consciousness.

“Heh. Deal… I’m just a fool to trade with you!” Wang Teng sneered, making sure that Sadidi was unconscious, and began to interrogate.

Under the confusion, Sadidi naturally answered all questions.

Soon Wang Teng dug up these aliens.

As Sadidi said more and more things, Wang Teng’s complexion became more solemn.

He seemed to see a huge starry sky slowly unfolding in front of him, the vast realm, the complex and diverse races, the powerful existence of the universe…all of them made him feel shocked.

It’s incredible!

Beyond the earth and the stars, there is such a vast world!

And in the universe, there is actually a more powerful martial arts civilization, many times stronger than the earth star.

We must know that if the earth star had not come from another world, it might still be an ordinary planet without martial arts. It turned out that the earth star was really just a backward planet!

After a long time, Wang Teng couldn’t help taking a deep breath, his eyes glowing with strange light, and he muttered to himself:

“Orland Federation!”

“Travel star!”

“Space Pioneers!”

“Buy and sell the planet of life!”

One by one, the information that was enough to make the earth and the stars tremble came out of Wang Teng’s mouth. If there were other people here at this time, they would definitely be shocked.

The amount of information was so great that even Wang Teng felt extremely shocked.

At this time, he somewhat wanted to tell the senior officials of Xia Guo, even telling the world, after all, this information is too important for Earth Star.

But there is too much involved in this, and it can be said without wanting to say it for a while.

Wang Teng thought for a while, then denied his idea.

If these news are told, someone will definitely hit him on this spacecraft, and there will be constant troubles at that time.

He didn’t intend to keep hiding it, but he had to wait for him to be strong enough that no one dared to touch his things.

In fact, this time will not be too short!

At this time, Sadidi woke up and looked at Wang Teng in amazement, desperate in his heart.

This guy is a devil!

Nothing on the lips is true, but when you say a good deal, you lie to it again! !

Sadidi thought about it for a while, and found that he was simply deceived. Compared with Wang Teng’s tricks, it was simply scum!


[So desperate·JPG]

Seeing its expression, Wang Teng immediately reviewed himself. Is he a bit too much?

It is really unbearable for an alien friend to be suspicious of his life by him.



Wang Teng reviewed himself for three seconds, then looked at Sadidi, and asked, “Do you have any last words to say? If not, I will send you to liberate. After all, it is very painful to see you alive like this. !”

“…” Sadidi was shocked.

It is the first time someone has heard of killing people so fresh and refined!

MMP is not human!

Sadidi wanted to scold his mother, but he didn’t dare. Looking at Wang Teng’s indifferent eyes, he only felt his scalp numb and his back felt cold.

“I don’t want to die, don’t kill me, I’m useful to you!” Sadidi swallowed and hurriedly called.

“Oh?” Wang Teng was stunned for a moment, and said with great interest: “I really can’t think of any use of you for me?”

“I know that a person like you will never be willing to guard this backward planet forever. Sooner or later you will step into the starry sky of the universe. Although my strength is not very strong in the universe, I have traveled many places. I can guide you, and at least save you a lot of trouble when you step into the universe,” Sadidi said quickly.

“It seems really useful!” Wang Teng nodded, touching his chin.

Sadidi’s heart was overjoyed. He felt that his life was saved again, but it was not enough. He hurriedly said, “The forces in the universe are complicated. No one will guide you, you will definitely take many detours, and even offend people who shouldn’t be offended. I can help you avoid these.”

“You guy is good at selling yourself!” Wang Teng looked at Sadidi with a weird expression.

Just now he was ready to kill people, but he was a little shaken by what this guy said.

But it is undeniable that it makes some sense.

“Forget it, let’s save you a small life, anyway, on my turf, you can’t make any big waves.” Wang Teng said indifferently.

Now these Protas’ spaceships are under his control, and they are in his space debris, and it is even more impossible to escape.

So Wang Teng is not worried at all.

As for the future, his strength will become stronger, and these Protas are even less likely to be his opponents, and naturally they are not afraid of them turning back.

If it is someone else who encounters a planet-level existence, even if they are seriously injured, they will definitely not dare to take it lightly.

Even when they first heard about the power level of a cosmic powerhouse like planetary star, they could not guarantee that they would be able to exceed it.

But Wang Teng, as a stranger, has this confidence.

It’s important for a person to have self-knowledge. Obviously, he has it!

Sadidi heard what Wang Teng said, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

too difficult!

I think it is also a planet-star powerhouse at any rate. It was actually planted in the hands of this earth-star native, who had not even reached the planet-star level, and had to embody self-worth and beg for mercy before being killed!

It never felt so difficult in life!

Sadidi feels that he may be the most bitter star powerhouse in the world!

“By the way, show me your cultivation techniques, combat skills, etc.,” Wang Teng said suddenly.

“This…” Sadidi was startled, and suddenly hesitated.

“Why? No!” Wang Teng’s expression became cold.

“No, you misunderstood, I can’t get this combat technique at all!” Sadidi said quickly.

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