Chapter 725 Soul Contract and the Core of the Spaceship! (4000+)

With the collapse of the [Spirit Shield], Wang Teng finally saw the sight of the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness of Sadidi.

I saw a group of spirit bodies condensed like smoke hovering in the sea of ​​consciousness, constantly tumbling, making painful screams.

This is Sadidi’s spiritual body!

It’s just that its spiritual body has been hit hard at the moment, it looks very weak, and it can’t see the power of the emperor’s spirit at all.

It was unlucky, and it ran into Wang Teng, who was also the spirit of the Emperor Realm.

Moreover, Wang Teng’s mental power is not only as simple as reaching the imperial realm, but his mental power has reached the middle and late stages, and Sadidi’s mental power is only the early stage of the emperor realm, and it seems that he has just been promoted.

In addition, Wang Teng also possesses a perfect level of [Spirit Piercing], and Sadidi has no room for resistance at all.

Wang Teng succeeded with a blow, and his gaze suddenly fell on the place where the [Spirit Shield] broke apart.

I saw a few attribute bubbles falling out!

That’s right, it’s an attribute bubble!

Wang Teng couldn’t help but stunned, can attribute bubbles appear in the sea of ​​consciousness? !

This is really pervasive, everywhere!

Give the system dad a thumbs up!

Without hesitation, Wang Teng picked up those attribute bubbles directly.

【Spirit Shield*25】

【Imperial Spirit*65】

【Spirit Shield*30】

【Imperial Spirit*115】

【Imperial Spirit*85】

【Spirit Shield*18】

When these attribute bubbles merged into Wang Teng’s body, he couldn’t help but stunned.

Although it had long been expected that this attribute bubble was either a spiritual shield or an imperial spiritual attribute, but he did not expect that there would be so many.

In this wave, he obtained a total of 73 points of the [Spirit Shield] attribute and 265 points of the imperial spirit attribute.

As the [Spirit Shield] merged in, Wang Teng’s mind immediately showed the relevant cultivation method, and a pair of cultivation pictures also appeared.

In that picture, a Prota star who looks very similar to Sadidi is cultivating. It controls the spiritual power and constantly tries to condense the spiritual shield.

At the beginning, it could only control its mental power to outline a palm-sized shield. Even the shield was extremely illusory and shattered at the touch of a touch. However, as it practiced persistently, the shield gradually consolidated and became larger and larger.

At the end of the screen, the shield has reached the size and strength of the previous battle with Wang Teng!

Obviously this is the cultivation process of Sadidi, and now part of these insights and experiences have been integrated into Wang Teng’s memory and turned into his insights and experience.

After all, Wang Teng only got the mental shield attribute of 73 points, it is impossible to reach the level of Sadidi in one go.

[Spirit Shield]: 63100 (proficient)

But Wang Teng is also content!

He has gained another spiritual combat skill, and it is still a defensive combat skill he lacks. Isn’t this gain enough!

In addition, a full 265 points of the imperial realm spirit attributes are directly added to Wang Teng’s spiritual attributes, and there is no need to dilute and purify as before. If it is a spiritual realm or a king’s spirit, it must be exchanged ten times. The ones who are really absorbed by him are much less.

[Spirit]: 20273000 (Imperial Realm)

Wang Teng looked at his imperial realm spiritual attribute on the attribute panel, he had already broken the 2,000-point limit, and he couldn’t help but feel happy.

This time it is considered a very big improvement!

“who are you?”

“Why? Why is there such a powerful mental power??”

Sadidi’s angry voice suddenly came from the spirit body, attracting Wang Teng’s thoughts.

This voice was incredible, and it never expected that the spiritual power of this earth star native was so much stronger than him.

“I, just like you think, I’m just an Earthstar native.” Wang Teng said lightly.

While speaking, his mental power swept towards the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, slowly approaching Sadidi’s mental body.

“Damn it, don’t come over, don’t come over!” Sadidi’s mental body kept retreating towards the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, extremely jealous of Wang Teng, and did not dare to let him approach.

Wang Teng was not in a hurry, he approached slowly, like a cat hunting mice, in a calm posture.

In his opinion, Sadidi was already a turtle in the urn, and he couldn’t escape his palm at all.

And this is also to guard against Sadidi’s mortal counterattack, after all, who knows what other means these alien life have.

“Aren’t you going to trade with me? What are you afraid of?” Wang Teng approached step by step and said with a light smile.

“…” Sadidi had only one MMP wanted to say at this moment.

If it still doesn’t understand that it has been fooled, then it really has a pit in its brain.

This land star native must have discovered its purpose a long time ago, but ended up talking with it for a long time!

How boring is he to do such a speechless thing!

Sadidi was crazy in his heart, and his eyes were full of resentment, like a bullied little sufferer, weak, helpless and pitiful.

“What do you want?” Sadidi asked angrily.

“Hand over everything you can, I can consider letting you go.” Wang Teng said.

“…You have such a big appetite!” Sadidi was shocked. It turned out that the natives of this land had long been beyond their imagination, so it was no wonder that they were not fooled at all.

What a cunning guy!

This kid is not at all like the native aboriginals on the earth and stars. Like the human being before, although he is also quite ambitious, his vision is there after all. If he is fooled by him, he obediently gets the bait.

At that time, it just brought out some small things, so that human beings were grateful and couldn’t find Bei happily.

However, when it came to this kid in front of him, his tricks suddenly didn’t work well.

This kid wants to dig out all his old days!

“My appetite has always been good.” Wang Teng smiled.

At this time, Sadidi has been forced to the boundary of the sea of ​​consciousness. Everyone’s sea of ​​consciousness is divided into different sizes. Obviously, the boundary of Sadidi’s sea of ​​consciousness ends here.

Sadidi’s mental body trembled for a while and shrank at the edge of the sea of ​​consciousness. It finally no longer concealed it, and directly stated its own purpose: “You let me go, I can tell you how the spacecraft is controlled. ”

“Oh!” Wang Teng was a little surprised, and said, “You want to give me the spaceship?”

“Yes, as long as you let me go, the entire spaceship will be yours, and all the things on it will be given to you, and I will leave the earth star directly and won’t come back again.” Sadidi said quickly.

“How do you leave Earth Star without the spaceship?” Wang Teng asked curiously.

“Don’t worry about that, we have our own way to survive temporarily in the universe, as long as you let me go, our deal will be concluded.” Sadidi said.

“Is that so.” Wang Teng touched his chin, showing a contemplative appearance, and nodded after a moment: “It’s not impossible to let you go. After all, killing you is not good for me, but you must first control the method of controlling the spacecraft. Tell me, this is a prerequisite.”

Sadidi suddenly felt happy and said: “I can tell you the method of controlling the spaceship first, but you must sign a soul contract with me to ensure fairness and justice in the transaction.”

“Soul Contract!” Wang Teng was slightly startled, and repeated it again, a little suspicious in his heart.

What an interesting thing this soul contract seems to be!

Use the soul contract to ensure the fairness and justice of the transaction?

Could it be that the cosmic civilization has mastered some profound laws that he could not imagine?

“Yes, the soul contract. Once the person who signs the contract violates the rules of the contract, he will be punished by the power of the contract. In the light of it, the soul will be severely injured, which is equivalent to a waste, and the soul will be annihilated directly. road.

Wang Teng nodded thoughtfully, and then suddenly said: “You don’t want to use some loopholes in the rules to stigmatize me, do you?”

“How, how is it possible!” Sadidi said in a hurry with a startled heart: “If you don’t believe it, you can make the rules of the contract, and I will never interfere.”

“Let’s do it, that’s it.” Wang Teng nodded reluctantly, as if reluctantly, and then asked, “Where is the soul contract?”

“There is a space equipment on my wrist, and the soul contract is stored in it.” Sadidi said.

Wang Teng nodded, and when his thoughts turned, his consciousness returned to his body, but that part of the mental power still remained in Sadidi’s sea of ​​consciousness to prevent it from producing a moth.

However, with Sadidi’s current state, it is almost impossible to make a comeback.

Sadidi took out an item from its space watch and said: “You turn on the dormant cabin, and I will send this thing out.”

“No need, I can get it.” Wang Teng said lightly.

As soon as the voice fell, Sadidi was still wondering how he would take out the soul contract, and he felt that his hands were empty and the things were gone.

“This is?” Sadidi was shocked, but he didn’t feel how Wang Teng did it?

However, with his insight, he guessed something immediately, and his heart was even more shocked: “This guy has mastered the power of space!!!”

“Absolutely true, apart from the power of space, there can be no means to do it!”

Wang Teng ignored what Sadidi would think, and his eyes fell directly on the object in his hand.

This is a rectangular wooden box made of unknown material. It is thick in texture and very heavy to start with. There are many patterns on the surface, which looks simple and unpretentious.

“It’s quite solemn!” Wang Teng muttered. First he looked at the inside with [Essence Pupil] and made sure there was no problem. Then he didn’t do it himself, but turned it into an invisible hand with his mental power. Open the wooden box.

With a “click”, the wooden box opened normally without any abnormalities.

Wang Teng’s expression did not fluctuate. It was not that he was afraid of death, but that he should be cautious in the face of unknown alien life, lest he didn’t know how to die.

Inside the wooden box was a quaint animal skin scroll. It didn’t seem to have any peculiarities, but his soul origin was relatively strong, and he faintly felt a peculiar soul fluctuation from above.

There are soul fluctuations on the scroll!

This makes Wang Teng feel quite magical.

He was still opening the [Essential Pupils] at this time, but he found that the [Essential Pupils] in this state could not see through the essence of this scroll.


Wang Teng showed a hint of interest and added the blank attribute to the [Essence Pupil].

His [Essential Pupil] has just been obtained, and it is only in the preliminary stage.

[Elementary pupil]: 110 (Elementary)

To break through the elementary level, only 10 attribute values ​​are needed, but Wang Teng knows that this [Pupil of Elemental Quality] must be the same as [Pupil of Lingsight]. It seems that the upper limit of 10 attribute values, in fact, the blank attribute required is absolutely absolute. More than 10 points.

Sure enough, as the blank attribute dropped rapidly, Wang Teng’s eyelids couldn’t help but jump.

By subtracting 10,000 points from the blank attribute, the [Essence Pupil] has only been promoted from elementary to intermediate!

At ten thousand points, Wang Teng’s face was green.

Nima’s [Essential Pupil] is even more terrifying than [Spirit Vision’s Pupil]. This is definitely a big player with blank attributes!

Can’t afford to support it!

You must know that he managed to accumulate more than 50,000 points of blank attributes. This one-fifth has gone to one-fifth, and he will definitely need more in the future. How can this be raised?

[Elementary pupil]: 1100 (Intermediate)

Wang Teng stopped immediately when he saw the [Essence Pupil] had risen by one level.

Intermediate is enough.

Raise one level for the time being, and continue to raise it later if necessary.

Wang Teng continued to look at the soul contract, [Pupil of Elemental Quality] passed through layers of obstacles and saw the essence of the soul contract.

It was an extremely strange group of energy, like a force of rules. Wang Teng thought of the profound meaning of the power he had obtained from the corpse of the ancient god. This kind of power seemed more terrifying and profound than the profound meaning.

Obviously, this is a force that Wang Teng has never touched.

“How did this soul contract come from?” Wang Teng looked strange, turned his head and asked Sadidi.

“I bought it, this thing is very expensive.” Sadidi said.

“How was it made? Who made it?” Wang Teng asked again.

“Of course it was made by a rune master who has mastered the power of the rules. Only they can make a magical thing like a soul contract.” Sadidi said naturally.

Wang Teng nodded thoughtfully, and stopped asking any more. You already know what you need to know. Sadidi is obviously not a rune master, and you probably won’t be able to ask anything after you ask.

“In that case, sign a soul contract.” Wang Teng said, “How do you use this thing?”

“You write the rules of the transaction on it first, then write your name on it with your soul origin, and then you can sign me.” Sadidi said.

Wang Teng nodded, finished all this according to its statement, and delivered the soul contract to Sadidi’s hands.

Sadidi looked at the above content carefully, one time was not enough, after reading it five times in a row, he was sure that it was correct, and then signed his name.

“Sure!” Wang Teng asked.

“Yeah.” Sadidi nodded, so he didn’t hesitate anymore. He directly told Wang Teng how to control the spaceship, and took out an ice blue cube like a Rubik’s Cube, and said: “This is the spaceship’s. Control the core, I have erased the spiritual imprint in it, and then as long as you put your spiritual imprint on it, you will be able to completely control this spaceship!”

“Now you can let me go, right?”

Wang Teng used the spatial talent to take out the control core, weighed it in his hand, and nodded: “After I try it, if there is no problem, I will naturally let you go!”

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