Chapter 724 Spiritual Clash!

“Starry Sky Behemoth!!”

Wang Teng couldn’t help but move in his heart.

The bait that Sadidi threw this time really attracted him, but he was also a little puzzled.

“What is the difference between the star beast you are talking about and the star beast we are talking about?” Wang Teng asked.

“Hehe, don’t compare the star behemoth with the ordinary star beast, the two are not the same concept at all.” Sadidi sneered and said disdainfully.

“Oh, what’s the difference?” Wang Teng’s disdain not only didn’t get angry, but he became more curious.

“The giant star beast is an extremely powerful existence in the universe. It can be called a giant star beast. At least it has the terrifying power to destroy a planet by itself. Can you say that the so-called star beast can be compared with it? The star beasts are all scum in front of the star beasts.” Sadidi said.

Wang Teng was shocked, is this behemoth in the starry sky so awesome?

A giant starry sky can destroy a planet. What kind of existence is this Nima? ?

Wang Teng suddenly felt a little fortunate that in the vast universe, Earth Star had never encountered a giant starry sky, otherwise the small body of Earth Star would not be enough for others to blow up.

Broad fear!

Suddenly, there was excitement in his heart. Since the giant star beast is so powerful, isn’t the weapon forged from its star bones a peerless divine weapon? !

Wang Teng suddenly became a little suspicious. Does this stupid brother really have such a good thing? Are you willing to take it out to make a deal with him?

“The star beast is so powerful, how can you have a weapon forged by its star bone, don’t you lie to me?” Wang Teng said.

“What am I doing to lie to you, that is the treasure that we Prota Stars got through so many hardships. If you want, I can trade with you. Of course, the premise is that you can get what I need.” Sadidi Said vowedly.

“What do you want?” Wang Teng asked with a flash of eyes.

“It’s not what I want, but what you can get. The star bones of the star behemoth are very precious things, with a very low probability of birth. In the entire universe, they are considered extremely rare treasures. I can’t just Just give it to you.” Sadidi said.

“Let me think about it.” Wang Teng pretended to be contemplative, but sneered in his heart. This stupid brother took out such a big bait, it seemed that the picture was not small.

“Think slowly, not in a hurry.” Sadidi did not urge him either.

The two suddenly fell into silence, and seemed to be more resistant to temper than one, and who would be the first to bear it.

Wang Teng is really not in a hurry. He doesn’t believe that Sadidi can get the magic weapon forged by the star beast, even if it has it, it can’t really be given to him.

This thing is taken out, it is meat buns and dogs, there is no return!

Bah, baah, I was wrong!

He is not a dog.

All in all, Wang Teng felt that it must be fooling.

So Wang Teng wants to take the initiative.

“Right!” Wang Teng suddenly said.

Sadidi was overjoyed, thinking that Wang Teng could not bear it anymore.

“You are obviously awake, why don’t you open your eyes, you have no sincerity at all, do you want to fool me?” Wang Teng stepped back abruptly and said vigilantly.

“…” Sadidi suddenly wanted to scold his mother.

Is this kid’s reflection arc too long?

It had closed its eyes for a long time, and now it remembered to ask.

What it really wants to do, it has already been done, and it still has to wait till now.

“You really want to lie to me, right? What you said before is false. The star bones of the giant star beasts are all lie. You really are not a good person.” Wang Teng shouted.

“Wait.” Sadidi hurriedly called: “I didn’t lie to you, I didn’t open my eyes, just because I just woke up and my eyes were a little uncomfortable, I kept closed, I didn’t expect to be misunderstood by you!”

“Now I’ll open it. If we have something to say, can’t you? Don’t run away at every turn. I really don’t have any bad intentions!”

It was so good or bad that Wang Teng reluctantly stopped and looked at it suspiciously.

Sadidi was afraid that he would run away again, and quickly opened his eyes.

However, at this moment, its gaze suddenly met a pair of eyes glowing with weird scarlet light.

“not good!”

Sadidi was shocked and wanted to close his eyes immediately.

“It’s late!” Wang Teng showed a joke at the corner of his mouth, his mental power suddenly pierced into Sadidi’s eyes, and the scarlet light instantly spread across Sadidi’s eyeballs.

Sadidi’s pupils suddenly became distracted, and Wang Teng’s mental power had already invaded its sea of ​​consciousness.


But at this moment, he couldn’t help being surprised.

The mental power that invaded the sea of ​​consciousness of Sadidi was actually resisted. A very terrifying mental power hovered in the sea of ​​consciousness of Sadidi, almost subconsciously forming a defense, blocking Wang Teng’s spiritual power at the outermost periphery. .

“Get out!” Sadidi’s angry voice came from the sea of ​​consciousness.

“It turned out to be the spiritual power of the Emperor Realm!” Wang Teng muttered to himself in surprise.

In his perception, Sadidi’s mental power has reached the same realm as him.

Emperor realm spirit, this is the first time he has encountered an existence of this realm.

However, it is not that strange to think that the opponent came from other civilized planets other than the earth star.

Fortunately, although Sadidi’s mental power is also in the emperor realm, it seems that he is just entering this realm, and there is still a certain gap with him.

“Don’t do unnecessary struggles!” Wang Teng sneered, and suddenly increased his mental output.

In Sadidi’s sea of ​​consciousness, Wang Teng’s mental power suddenly formed spikes, rushing towards the barrier in front of him.

Mental piercing!

At this time, Wang Teng impressively directly used a mental attack on Sadidi.

“Damn it, it’s a mental attack!” Sadidi’s voice was panicked, and shouted: “Spirit shield, stop me!”

As soon as the voice fell, a shield condensed by spiritual power appeared not far in front of Wang Teng.

Ding Ding Ding…

Suddenly, the sound of metal collision seemed to be remembered in this sea of ​​knowledge.

Wang Teng’s [Spirit Piercing] collided with the other’s [Spirit Shield], and there was no scene of fireworks bursting in reality. The two sides collided and instantly annihilated each other.

But Sadidi’s [Spirit Shield] actually blocked Wang Teng’s mental attack!

“The law of mental defense!” Wang Teng was not surprised but rejoiced.

Good stuff!

It turned out to be a method of mental defense!

He liked this thing!

“Boy, you are really cunning, even I almost caught your way, but you want to break into my sea of ​​consciousness. It’s just a dream.” Sadidi’s voice came from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, with a bit of gritted teeth. But there is a hint of pride.

“Really?” Wang Teng smiled coldly.

Thinking that this would block his attack, Sadidi was too naive.

add a bit!

The blank attribute was instantly added to the [Spirit Piercing].

Since Wang Teng’s [Spirit Piercing] was obtained, there has been no chance to use it, so he has always kept it in the introductory stage.

But at this time, when Wang Teng was not stingy with the blank attribute, the [Spirit Piercing] began to improve rapidly, and directly from the entry level, it crossed the stages of proficiency, proficiency, small achievement, and great achievement, and reached the level of consummation abruptly!

[Spirit Piercing]: 30003000 (consummation)

This upgrade cost nearly 5,000 points of blank attributes. Fortunately, Wang Teng usually accumulates a large amount of blank attributes, otherwise he would just stare blankly at this time.

“Come and try my trick again!” Wang Teng smiled softly, and his mental energy gushed out again, condensing in front of him.

Soon, a spear-like spiritual thorn appeared in Sadidi’s sea of ​​consciousness.

From spikes to spears, this change is not trivial!

When Sadidi heard Wang Teng’s words, he had a bad premonition. When he saw the spear condensed by spiritual power, his eyes suddenly widened.

“How is it possible, you, you, you…”

Sadidi stammered like a ghost.

Such a powerful mental attack, even it can’t do it, the natives of this earth star unexpectedly displayed it.

It couldn’t believe its eyes.

“Go!” Wang Teng was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and when his thoughts moved, those spears that had condensed spiritual power turned into cold rays, piercing directly at the opposite [Spirit Shield].

Sadidi was shocked, desperately mobilizing the spiritual power in the depths of the sea of ​​knowledge, trying to block this wave of attacks from Wang Teng.


At this time, the spear condensed by mental power finally hit Sadidi’s [Spirit Shield], and there was a roar in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and Sadidi couldn’t help but let out a scream.


Seeing the cracks appearing on the [Spirit Shield], Sadidi no longer had the slightest pride or arrogance, and hurriedly shouted:

“Stop it! Stop it!”

Wang Teng sneered and didn’t mean to stop at all. As soon as his mental strength was released, the spear suddenly increased the force of the forward stab.



[Spirit Shield] Shattered, Sadidi let out a scream again.

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