Chapter 696

Ma Feifei looked ugly, and even a trace of horror appeared in her eyes.

She didn’t expect that’Yao Ji’ would really dare to treat her this way.

Is this wretched man still a straight steel man!

She is so beautiful and charming, other men can’t wait to monopolize her, but this guy actually wants to strip her naked for others to admire.


not human!


There was another crisp sound, and the clothes on Ma Feifei’s arm had been completely torn off by Wang Teng, revealing a trace of white greasiness.

So fierce!

Ma Feifei’s murderous object was looming, Wang Teng glanced at it and couldn’t help but sighed.

Then I’m ready to do it again…

“Stop! Stop!” Ma Feifei hurriedly shouted, ignoring other things.

“Why, have you figured it out clearly?” Wang Teng asked.

“I really didn’t want to kill you, just want to control you.” Ma Feifei said.

“Control me? Control what I do?” Wang Teng frowned and asked.

“I am a weak woman. In this cannibalistic truth, I just want someone to protect me.” Ma Feifei said with a pitiful, tender and helpless look.

“Pretend, continue to pretend!” Wang Teng sneered.

If he hadn’t seen the cruel side of this woman, he would really believe it.

Sure enough, all women are acting!

Better than him, a movie star-level actor.

“To be honest, you don’t believe me, what do you want me to do.” Ma Feifei said aggrievedly.


Wang Teng slapped her indescribable place, and snorted coldly: “Don’t give me any moths, speak well.”

“…” Ma Feifei was struck by lightning suddenly, her mouth wide open, and a trace of shame flashed in her eyes.

When did she suffer such a loss? ?

Even in the truth sect, no one can eat her tofu. Two people like Hong Peng and Murongshan were thrown around by her. People who thought they got her actually didn’t even eat a fart. .

But today she was actually planted in the hands of the wretched man’Yao Ji’!

Wang Teng immediately noticed her flashy strange expression, and his heart suddenly moved: “No way!”

He looked at Ma Feifei’s face as if he had discovered some new world.

He even used [Essence Pupil]!

At this look, he couldn’t help showing a look of surprise.

“You’re not Ma Feifei!” Wang Teng said suddenly with a meaningful arc at the corner of his mouth.

“You, what are you talking about? Why don’t I understand.” Ma Feifei’s eyes flashed quickly, and his face was slightly stiff and said.

Wang Teng didn’t speak, but just reached out and grabbed Ma Feifei’s face.

“What are you doing, let me go!” Ma Feifei finally changed his face and shouted loudly.

However, her body was firmly suppressed by Wang Teng, and even the force in her body was imprisoned by him, and she couldn’t move at all.


Wang Teng fumbled for a while on the edge of Ma Feifei’s cheek, and then suddenly tore it down as if grabbing something.

A thin mask was torn off.

An unfamiliar face appeared in front of Wang Teng, but it was the same beautiful and charming face, but this face was a bit better than before.

The proper Yu Jie Fan!

Wang Teng felt a little funny.

This woman actually did the same thing as him.

It is a pity that the technique is not as clever as him, and it is him who is hitting him, and he is directly seen through.

At this time, Ma Feifei looked ugly and stared at Wang Teng coldly.

“Come, tell me, who are you?” Wang Teng was very curious.

What is her purpose?

What is her true identity?

“I don’t know.” Ma Feifei said coldly.

“You really thought I didn’t dare to strip you naked and go outside, right?” Wang Teng said with a cold face.

“Dare you!” Ma Feifei’s expression changed.

“Do you think I dare.” Wang Teng sneered.

“I won’t let you succeed if I die.” Ma Feifei showed a decisive expression, because she was restrained by Wang Teng and couldn’t move her whole body, so she could only choose to bite her tongue and kill herself.

Wang Teng squeezed her chin, and the old god said: “You have the right to choose suicide, but I tell you clearly, even if you die, I will strip you naked and throw you outside. Don’t doubt. As far as I am concerned, I have always been very principled.”

“You devil!” Ma Feifei looked pale and looked at Wang Teng in despair.

“No, I am a good person!” Wang Teng said.

“You are a scum!” Ma Feifei said angrily.

“No, I am a good person!” Wang Teng insisted.

“Go to the good person your mother approves, which good person will strip people’s clothes.” Ma Feifei couldn’t help but explode.

“Well, since you said that, then I won’t argue with you. I’m a devil and a scumbag!” Wang Teng nodded and admitted.

“…” Ma Feifei.

“Now I’m going to do scumbag things, come and look into my eyes.” Wang Teng said.

“What are you going to do?” Ma Feifei was shocked and hurriedly started.

It’s a pity that it’s too late after all, a red light burst into Wang Teng’s eyes, and it pierced directly into Ma Feifei’s eyes.


Ma Feifei was not immediately controlled, and there was a trace of struggle in her eyes.

“Huh!” Wang Teng was a little surprised. This is the first time someone can resist his confusion. This is a bit interesting for Ma Feifei.

Immediately he increased the output of mental power, and the dazzling red light pierced Ma Feifei’s eyes severely.

Her head shook, her consciousness quickly sank, and a trace of confusion appeared on her face.

Wang Teng smiled slightly and began to cross-examine.

“Who are you?”

“I am Zuotian Reelka, a warrior of the neon nation!”

“What is the purpose of sneaking into Shinrikyo?”

“Stir up the civil strife, and take the opportunity to control the truth sect.”

“How long have you been to the truth teaching?”

“One and a half years!”

After some inquiries, Ma Feifei…No, it should be Zuo Tian Liehua who must answer all questions.

Under the influence of [Confusion Heart], she couldn’t control herself at all and revealed all the secrets.

“Neon Country Martial Artist!” Wang Teng was a little surprised. He didn’t expect that the Neon Country had found the nest of Shinrikyo Sect before Xia Guo a year and a half, and even made a plan to control the Shinrikyo Sect.

However, it was by chance that the Neon Kingdom discovered the place of Shinrikyo.

The key lies in this Zuo Tianliehua body.

I have to say that this woman is a disaster!

At the beginning, a cultist came to Neon Hippy, and happened to run into her and wanted to take her away. Who would have thought that Zuo Tian Liehua was not a simple woman, and came directly to fight back.

Moreover, she is very good at mental illusion, using the same method as Wang Teng at this time to learn the news of the truth sect from the other party.

Then there was the next thing.

But people are not as good as the sky, this woman was eventually planted in Wang Teng’s hands, and she was still in her best field.

Wang Teng looked strange and awakened Zuo Tian Liehua.

Zuo Tianliehua slowly regained consciousness and disappeared in a daze. Seeing Wang Teng, she was shocked and horrified: “What have you done to me? How can your mental power be so strong? Who are you?”

Three questions!

It can be seen how shocked Zuo Tianliehua is at this time!

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