Chapter 695 This Woman Is Poisonous!

Wang Teng didn’t know where Hong Peng lived, so he could only follow Ma Feifei and let her lead the way.

The two walked on the road one after the other.

Wang Teng’s eyes turned wildly, his expression extremely wretched, and he scanned Ma Feifei up and down.

In front, Ma Feifei’s face became more and more ugly, as if it was going to drop out of water.

She knew that “Yao Ji” must be watching her secretly behind her, and her eyes never left, but she…no evidence!

Every time he turned his head, ‘Yao Ji’ would lower his head in advance, as if he was not looking at her at all.

This makes her depressed and want to vomit blood!

I want to attack, but I can’t find a reason at all, and my heart is crazy to the extreme.

When did this ‘Yao Ji’ become so difficult?

At the same time, Ma Feifei’s heart is also full of doubts, and all kinds of thoughts keep turning.

Not long after the two came to a stone room, Ma Feifei said coldly: “The token is on Hong Peng. Take it off and open the door.”

Wang Teng didn’t speak, but did what he said. He took out a token from Hong Peng and swept it toward a rune next to the stone gate, and the stone gate slowly opened.

Then he threw Hong Peng on the bed in the room, and then turned and left.

“Stop, who let you go.” Ma Feifei shouted coldly.

“Don’t go, will you stay with you?” Wang Teng said with a smile, learning how to speak’Yao Ji’.

Ma Feifei was stunned for a moment, and then her expression suddenly became charming. She looked at Wang Teng with a pair of peach blossom eyes, stretched out her red tongue, and licked her red lips.

“If you want, it’s not impossible!”

Wang Teng suddenly became a little confused, what the hell, this Ma Feifei played a bit unreasonably!

Just now, he obviously had an expression that hated him and was dying, and that face was as cold as if he owed her 10 billion.

In a blink of an eye, the ice and snow melted, and a charming smile appeared on his pretty face, very coquettish.

“This woman is not easy!”

Wang Teng couldn’t help being vigilant.

Even with his present honor, dare to tempt him, how much courage is this?

This Ma Feifei is definitely a ruthless person!

“Why, do you want to have an in-depth exchange with me in front of Hong Peng?” Wang Teng, unwilling to show weakness, glanced at Hong Peng who was unconscious on the bed, and said with a meaningful smile.

“Isn’t this more exciting?” Ma Feifei smiled charmingly: “Hong Peng is probably dead, and now you can do it, ravage me in front of him, trample on me, I… do whatever you want, Never resist.”

What kind of words are MMP? ! !

Wang Teng was shocked.

“Fuck, I was wrong, this woman is not only a ruthless person, she is a werewolf!” Wang Teng was full of spirits, almost unable to hold it.

Ma Feifei suddenly walked towards Wang Teng step by step, her body swaying, fascinating.

Wang Teng felt that he was persuaded, and couldn’t help but step back, his throat rolled.

Grandma is a bear, this woman is poisonous!

No wonder Hong Peng and Murongshan were so fascinated that they even worked hard for her.

I have to say that this woman is a stunner, just a walking female hormone, and has a fatal attraction to men.

“Don’t you always want to get me? Why are you afraid now? Do it, as long as you do it, you can get me right away, don’t persuade…” Ma Feifei walked closer, and continued to stimulate Wang Teng with words .

In her eyes, Wang Teng at this time was a bullshit. She wanted to get her, but she didn’t have the courage, and it was absolutely useless.

But this fits well with the personality of “Yao Ji”.

Wang Teng played three points into the wood.

“Don’t come here, I… I called someone.” Wang Teng kept backing away, and suddenly there was no way to retreat behind him. He leaned directly on the wall, his expression changed, and he cried out in surprise.

“You shout, shout louder, even if you break your throat, no one will come to rescue you.” Ma Feifei has a delicate appearance, but she speaks like a full-fledged rascal.

“…” Wang Teng suddenly felt a little strange.

Director, is this script reversed?

“Ahem, in fact, if we have something, we can sit down and talk. It is not necessary. Although I am a bit ugly, I still have life pursuits. I don’t want to pursue only physical happiness. I think we have to have feelings first. , And then do other shameful things, which is better.” Wang Teng looked at her seriously and said.

“…” The expression on Ma Feifei’s face couldn’t help stiffening, and she was almost disgusted by Wang Teng.

God’s Pursuit of Life!

God doesn’t want to just pursue physical happiness!

Why do not you go to hell.

What do you look like, don’t you have a B number in your heart? In this way, it is worth talking about feelings.

Ma Feifei twitched the corners of her mouth and said, “Then you want to…how do you talk about feelings?”

“It’s better to find a place to talk about your ideals in life.” Wang Teng said with an intoxicated look.


Ma Feifei smiled like a flower, as if she was about to nod her head to agree, but the next moment, her eyes fell cold, and her killing intent burst out.

“Send you to death first!”

A low sip came from her mouth, and the strong wind blew her claws into her hands and slammed into Wang Teng’s neck.

At this time, the distance between the two was less than one meter, and she stepped forward and came to Wang Teng. This sudden attack could not be avoided by ordinary people.

It’s a pity that she met Wang Teng…


Ma Feifei’s claws went straight through Wang Teng’s figure and landed on the wall behind him.

“Afterimage!” Ma Feifei’s complexion changed immediately.

“I’ve been guarding you a long time ago.”

Wang Teng’s voice came from behind her, and Ma Feifei wanted to avoid it, but it was too late. A huge force came from behind, slamming her against the wall.


Ma Feifei’s face hit the wall directly, making a dull voice.

Just listening, it hurts.

The beautiful pretty face was squeezed against the wall, in a panic.

“Let go of me!” Ma Feifei struggled desperately, twisting her body.

Wang Teng was pressing on her body at this time, and suddenly felt a burst of violent friction, and his complexion suddenly became very strange.

“Don’t move, I will shoot you any more!” Wang Teng shouted coldly.

Ma Feifei obviously sensed Wang Teng’s strangeness, and she chuckled: “You just took it out!”

“Fuck!” Wang Teng felt that he was despised, and said viciously: “Stop talking nonsense, say, why do you want to kill me?”

“Who said I want to kill you.” Ma Feifei denied it.

“You still have a hard mouth. It seems that you won’t shed tears if you don’t see the coffin.” Wang Teng sneered: “I like you with a hard mouth. Can you be so stiff?”

“Dare you!” Ma Feifei’s complexion suddenly changed, and even her voice became a little sharp, obviously she was not fearless.

“Look, I dare you!” Wang Teng sneered, grabbed her clothes, and with a ‘tear,’ a piece of cloth fell…

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