Chapter 692 Who is it, the summary is so brilliant!

After a while, Wang Teng put away the bricks contentedly.

[Yao’s Method of Solving Symbols]: 35300 (Proficient)

This method of solving amulet has already reached the proficiency from the beginning, but unfortunately this sheep can only squeeze to this degree.

The blood came out, really can’t heal anymore.

In general, Wang Teng is a kind person after all.

After that, Wang Teng took off the clothes from the wretched man and put it on for himself. His appearance and body began to change. After a while, he became a thin and wretched man…

That full of temperament is almost overflowing!

To be on the safe side, Wang Teng sealed the force of the wretched man, tied him up, and even stuffed the small piece of cloth into his mouth.

Even if the other party wakes up, probably don’t want to escape from here.

After doing all this, Wang Teng clapped his hands, feeling foolproof.

It’s just that when I saw that shy little piece of cloth stuffed in the mouth of the wretched man, I felt a little guilty.

“Ahem, after all, it’s your favorite tune, I’m just perfecting you, no thanks.”

With a dry cough, Wang Teng stuffed the wretched man under the bed, then turned his head and left.

This place can’t be stayed anymore, if Ma Feifei comes back, it’s not good to be bumped into.

Wang Teng walked on the road swayingly, and all around him suddenly looked at him with disgust and contempt. Everyone hated him very much.

Wang Teng couldn’t help feeling that it was really not easy for that guy to live.

He walked all the way and took a look, but he knew everything within the belly of the mountain clearly, but he did not forget that the truth-teaching lair was made up of three mountain peaks, and now it was just the abdominal space of one of the mountain peaks. He hasn’t been to the two mountains yet.

“Walk around, I heard that several teachers of Tianjiao are fighting and are about to go to Zuo Feng’s life and death stage. Let’s go and take a look.”

“What, you are going to be on the stage of life and death!!”

“What the hell happened, why is it so big?”

“Who knows, it seems to be because of a woman…”

Suddenly, several figures rushed past Wang Teng, and their voices faintly passed into Wang Teng’s ears.

“Zuo Feng, life and death stage!”

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, and Dang Even followed the steps of those people and walked toward the left.

At the same time, other people came here one after another, talking, with excitement on their faces, rushing to the left one by one.

There is a stone path connecting the abdominal space of the two mountain peaks.

“Isn’t these cultists being locked up crazy, jealousy things, so excited.” Wang Teng muttered in his heart, walking among the crowd, but it didn’t seem abrupt at all.

Everyone is going there, who will pay attention to his little transparency.

Soon, he followed the flow of people through the left passage and came to another huge mountainside.

The situation here is very different from before. Most of these are arenas and various training equipment, obviously for people to practice martial arts.

At this time, many people gathered around a huge ring in the middle, making endless noises.

“It’s Hong Peng and Murongshan. Why did the two fight?” Someone nearby was asking their companions.

“I don’t see it over there!” The other person pointed to a woman with a fiery figure and a coquettish face on the edge of the ring, and said with a smile.

“Ma Feifei!”

“Hey, you know now, this Ma Feifei first got on well with Hong Peng, and finally hooked up with Murong Mountain, and enjoyed the nourishment of the two men. Unfortunately, he overturned the boat and was discovered by Hong Peng.”

“I know that Ma Feifei is definitely not a good thing, green tea bitch!”

“No, since they found Ma Feifei stepping on two boats, why didn’t they kill her, instead they started fighting by themselves?”

“You don’t understand this, the hero is sad at the Beauty Pass. Both of them are fascinated by Ma Feifei. No one wants to let go.”

“Tsk, this is really bullshit!”

“Who said no, but if you look at Maffei’s figure, that ass, as soon as I sit on it, I will have to surrender in three minutes.”

“Sucking…Don’t say three minutes, I may not be able to hold it for a minute…”

As Wang Teng listened to the people’s discussion, his expression was as weird as it was.

What to do with this.

Are cultists like Nima like this?

Bah, why use it? ?

“By the way, isn’t Ma Feifei the woman a wretched man dreams of? By the way, this figure is indeed a bit foul… I wonder if Hong Peng and Murongshan can hold on for a few minutes while testing her depth?” Wang Teng touched. The chin, a pair of eyes scanned on Ma Feifei like a machine, with his current appearance, it is three points more insignificant than the original owner.

“Hey, isn’t this a threesome!”

Wang Teng suddenly made a sudden realization, clapped his palms and yelled, his appearance became more and more wretched.

The surrounding cultists all looked at it.

Who is it, the summary is so incisive, it is simply in one sentence!

Although this threesome is not the other three, it does not prevent everyone’s brains from opening up, and an indescribable picture immediately appeared in their minds, and they couldn’t help but be agitated.

The main reason is that Ma Feifei is too enchanting. Many people have fantasies about her. Now that she is said to be so vulgar, it is even more exciting.

Everyone soon discovered that the person who had just made the noise was Wang Teng, and his face couldn’t help showing a sudden look.

It’s this guy, it’s no wonder!

“Yao Ji, your special mother is really a talent!” At this moment, a strong man next to him patted Wang Teng’s shoulder again and laughed.

Yao Ji is the name of a wretched man.

Wang Teng pretended to be weak, his body collapsed, as if he almost fell on the ground.

Seeing this, the strong man and everyone around him burst into laughter.

Hong Peng and Murongshan on the ring also heard the movement here, their eyes fell on Wang Teng, and a trace of killing intent flashed in their eyes.

This guy dared to spread rumors, he was looking for death!

Ma Feifei’s eyes also flashed a trace of insidiousness, looking at Wang Teng below, his face showed undisguised disgust.

It turned out to be this waste!

How dare he say that kind of thing?

Ma Feifei knew that Yao Ji was timid, and she had some doubts in her heart, but she didn’t think about it. She never thought that Yao Ji below had been dropped.

“It’s started!” Suddenly, someone yelled.

It turned out that just when both of them thought that the opponent was attracted by the movement below, they moved their hands at the same time, wanting to make a strong move first, and take the opportunity to solve the opponent.

It’s a pity that no one succeeded, they started almost at the same time, their bodies burst out and rushed towards each other.


Hong Peng held a sword, Murongshan held a sword, and the two immediately collided in midair.

The sword light and sword light flew around, but they were only confined in the ring, surrounded by an invisible light curtain, unable to break through.

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