Chapter 691 Blind student, I seem to have discovered the Huadian…

Originally, Wang Teng just wanted to touch the truth about the truth and leave, but now he has changed his mind.

It’s such a fun place, why don’t you have to stroll around!

He hid in the dark, stabs his chin secretly, his eyes swept over the crowds in front of him.

In the end, he was fixed on a wicked-looking, wicked cultist.

“It’s just you!”

There was a gleam in Wang Teng’s eyes, and he quietly followed the cultist.

Within the hillside, the overall structure can be said to extend in all directions, and some buildings are also built close to the mountain wall, which looks very narrow and cramped.

The cultist was walking on the road. When other cultists met him, they didn’t even say hello. The expressions on their faces were mostly contemptuous, while the rest were indifferent, and they didn’t pay attention to him at all.

Obviously, this cultist is not very popular in Shinrikyo.

But even so, he didn’t have the slightest anger or depression, he always had a wretched smile on his face, and he didn’t look like a good person.

At this moment, he walked to no one’s place, and suddenly turned into a stone path, acting like a thief, his figure shimmering slightly, and he came to a stone gate.

There are many similar caves in this stone path, neatly arranged like honeycombs, leading to the inside.

Wang Teng originally planned to kill the opponent immediately, and then pretend to be him and mix into the truth sect, but now he suddenly aroused a hint of curiosity and decided to wait and see.

He was invisible in the darkness, looking at the wicked cultist with interest.

I saw the light flashing in his hands, condensed between his fingers, and pointed towards the stone wall in front of him.

A faint light immediately lit up on the stone wall, and a small rune formation emerged.

The small eyes of the wretched cultist suddenly lit up, and the speed in his hands became a bit faster. After a few pointers, the formation on the stone wall suddenly brightened, and then it dimmed silently.

“Good fellow, this hand is a bit interesting!” Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, and he was a little surprised.

He could naturally see that the wretched cultist had used a special technique to temporarily break the formation, and now the cave was completely undefended to him.

The cultist looked around and saw that there was no one around, he pushed open the stone door and touched into the cave.

Wang Teng’s eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and the moment he opened the stone gate, he floated in.

Perhaps due to being too close, a light breeze blew up slightly.

“Where is the wind?” The cultist looked suspicious, looked around very vigilantly, and muttered: “It doesn’t matter, it’s important to do business first.”

Standing in the dark corner of the corner, Wang Teng looked at him with wide-eyed eyes, with a strange expression on his face.

This guy looks like a habitual offender!

However, this insider was guarding and stealing himself, and he was really brave enough, and he was not afraid of being caught.

“Hehehe… baby, here I am!” The cultist laughed extremely wretchedly, and walked to the bed in the stone room.

“Heh… Ma Dan, why is this guy so wretched, I really want to slap him to death.” Wang Teng shivered all over, and layers of goose bumps came up involuntarily.

He looked away, for fear that he would lose control of the killing intent if he looked at it again.

At this time, he was thinking about looking around, and suddenly realized that this was actually a woman’s residence, and there were many items commonly used by women around, which could be seen at a glance.

Suddenly, a terrible laugh came again.

“I found it, Ma Feifei, her figure is foul, she wanders in front of those men all day, and looks like a bitch. I knew she would wear these things, hehehe…”

While speaking, he suddenly brought a piece of thin cloth in his hand close to his nose, took a deep breath, his face was intoxicated…

Blind student, I seem to have found Huadian…

“Damn, it turned out to be a dead pervert!”

Wang Teng’s face was dark, and the bastard Nima was holding onto the cloth that the woman was wearing underneath.

He didn’t expect to find someone at random, it would be such a weird item.

He regretted it a little, and wanted to turn around and leave.

But when I think about it, it’s not easy to go out and find someone, and it’s more solitary, less gregarious than this guy, and more difficult to find.

That’s it, just use it.

Wang Teng was bitter in his heart, his eyes were fierce, and he quietly walked behind the cultist and smashed a brick.


With a muffled sound, the cultist’s eyes popped out, and a trace of stunnedness flashed in his eyes, a trace of incredibleness, and then turned his eyes, and the whole person fell on the bed.

“Tsk, I can’t help but fall.” Wang Teng shook his head.

At this moment, several attribute bubbles fell out.

【Yao’s Method of Solving Symbols*5】

【Spirit of Spirit*60】

【Spiritual Comprehension*55】

“Yao’s Talisman Solving Method, what the hell is this?” Wang Teng was taken aback, his head shook, and a memory appeared out of nowhere.

In that memory, a thin young man was studying runes. This young man was ugly, with wicked eyebrows and an inexplicable wretchedness.

But his rune talent is extremely high, and he is very sensitive to any rune, he can be called a rune genius.

It is a pity that because of his looks, he was blinded, and he was never treated fairly. Others only mocked and bullied him.

Over time, his character became extremely withdrawn and weird, and even because he didn’t like to communicate with others, he shut himself in the room, determined to retaliate against those who looked down on him.

Paranoid people tend to go wrong, and this is true.

The wretched man knew that his cultivation talent was inferior to others, so he put all his thoughts into studying the way of cracking runes, and in the end he actually developed a set of theory specifically for cracking runes.

And this is the so-called [Yao’s Solving Method]!

A method of cracking runes named after his own surname.

Wang Teng looked surprised, he couldn’t help kicking the opponent, turned him over, and looked at that wretched face, he didn’t expect this wretched man to be so talented.

It’s not like it at all!

“This guy is a geek!”

“Yao’s method of solving symbols is very practical.” Wang Teng’s eyes flickered, and the corners of his mouth suddenly became curved.

From his point of view, this [Yao’s Talisman Solving Method] is not very advanced. After all, the opponent is not a master of rune, and his vision and knowledge are fettered. Naturally, he can’t study the corresponding cracking method above the master of rune.

But Wang Teng didn’t underestimate this solution method.

He immediately grasped the key point, this kind of knowledge attribute, as long as you add a little bit, it can be infinitely improved.

That is to say, if he adds the blank attribute to this [Yao’s Solving Method], then this method may become even he can’t believe it.

“But before that, the wool has to be cleaned up first, but it can’t be wasted.” Wang Teng’s gaze fell on the wretched man again, the expression on his face becoming more and more dangerous.

Bang bang bang…

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