Chapter 689 They are really careful!

Wang Teng was leaning on the chair at this time, with a relaxed posture, and he was also looking at the two military leaders.

Xiao Nanfeng needn’t say much, he’s an old acquaintance!

Although the two of them had some feasts, they were all over, and Xiao Nanfeng would not want to mention it again when he wanted to come.

After all, it was not a good memory for him.

At the beginning, because the Red Tiger Army captured Wang Teng, he was directly beaten by Tantai Xuan. Now thinking about it, he is also very aggrieved.

Another person, Wang Teng also heard about it.

Zhou Xuanwu was well-known in the army and his own experience was legendary.

This tycoon is also the leader of the rapid rise after the Force’s invasion. He joined the army at the age of eighteen.

Over the years, he can be regarded as frightened to kill the dark species, and forcibly suppressed a big crack, never allowing the dark species there to break through the line of defense and enter the human world.

Unexpectedly, this time the Sect of Truth was wiped out, even this one would go out.

Could it be that what happened to the truth sect?

When Wang Teng looked at the two of them, this thought flashed across his mind, and his brows wrinkled slightly.

Immediately, he faintly said: “Sorry, let the two of you wait for a long time!”

His voice immediately broke the silence on the conference table.

“It’s okay, let’s have a meeting now.” A gleam of light flashed in Zhou Xuanwu’s eyes, and a hoarse and thick voice came out slowly.

“Brother Zhou, I didn’t expect even you to be dispatched this time.” Xiao Nanfeng said.

“Yeah.” Zhou Xuanwu nodded, and said, “Truth Sect has found traces of the Dark Seed. They want to open the cracks and lead the Dark Seed to come, and there may be a large number of Dark Seed Powerhouses, so the Marshal temporarily asked us to join this encirclement and suppression. .”

“Dark species!”

Xiao Nanfeng was taken aback. Although he knew that this mission was not easy, he didn’t expect that there would be traces of the Dark Seed.

Wang Teng also frowned.

These evil followers of the truth sect are afraid that they are not crazy, so they dare to bring the dark seed to come! !

He inexplicably thought of Kipling on the holy mountain, these people were bewitched by the darkness because of the purpose or desire in their hearts.

The dark species is really pervasive, and it’s hard to guard against.

As long as it is a person, there will be a dark side, and when it comes to extremes, it is more likely to be attacked by darkness.

Wang Teng felt a very headache.

In his opinion, the dark seed is like a leek, cut a stubble, grow a stubble, and never stop…

“Wang Teng, you are the first to receive the news that you should be the mainstay of this encirclement and suppression, what plan do you have?” Zhou Xuanwu’s voice pulled him back from his thoughts, his eyes with a trace of inquiry, a trace of Test and teach.

When Xiao Nanfeng heard this, he also looked at Wang Teng.

Wang Teng glanced at the two of them and smiled immediately. Is this going to test him?

Sure enough, being too young will always make people look down upon it.

“The plan is not planned, just hit the door!” Wang Teng’s eyes flashed a trace of joking, and he spoke lightly.

Zhou Xuanwu: “…”

Xiao Nanfeng: “…”

The two didn’t expect him to say that at all.

The corners of Xiao Nanfeng’s mouth twitched, and he looked at Wang Teng speechlessly, how could he feel unreliable.

What did the three marshals think about making him the leader of the Black Sparrow Army?

Aren’t you afraid that he would give Huo Huo the Black Sparrow Army away?

Don’t talk about Xiao Nanfeng, looking at Zhou Xuanwu’s expression, he probably thought so too.

At the beginning, he still felt that Wang Teng was young and young, but since he can become a military commander, he must have his own strengths.

I didn’t expect that the other party would miss the bottom just by asking.

Without a plan, without preparation, I intend to go so recklessly!

Should he say he is confident, or should he say he is brave?

“Or do you have any other suggestions?” Wang Teng didn’t care about their gaze, the old god asked.

“Formation!” Zhou Xuanwu gave him a meaningful look and said: “The Sect of Truth doesn’t know our actions this time. After we reach the destination, don’t get close. The three of you and the formation mage sneak in and deploy. The formation besieged them.”

When he spoke, a sharp look flashed in his eyes, murderous.

“Yes, I agree, only the formation can encircle the truth sect to the greatest extent.” Xiao Nanfeng said.

“Yes, I have no objection.” Wang Teng nodded, and then asked another question: “I just don’t know what formation the two of you want to deploy?”

At this moment, Song Wanjiang and others below couldn’t help taking a peek at Wang Teng.

I remember that he had said before that he wanted to set up an array, but at this time he pretended to be unprepared, and in turn asked the two commanders, Red Tiger and Xuanwu.

Their commander is so bad, I’m afraid there is no good intentions!

Xiao Nanfeng and Zhou Xuanwu were obviously asked about their formation skills, how could they be comparable to the formation mage, and naturally it was impossible to know which formation method was more suitable.

“Our army’s middle formation mage has studied the terrain. According to what they said, the Mosakila mountain range where the truth sect’s lair is located is a snow-covered mountain. Therefore, the ice formation method can be used. With the help of the snow and ice power of the snow mountain, the power will inevitably be multiplied. “Xiao Nanfeng said.

“Yes, our army’s middle formation mage also made such a suggestion.” Zhou Xuanwu nodded.

“The two have never thought that the truth sect has been entrenched in the snow-capped mountains all the year round. They must have a clear picture of the terrain there. How can they let it go and leave such a big flaw to outsiders.” Wang Teng said lightly.

“This…” Xiao Nanfeng and Zhou Xuanwu suddenly frowned.

The eyes of the two flashed quickly, and they thought of the situation.

If so, their methods are self-defeating, which will not only attract the attention of the other party, but may even cause other unpredictable consequences.

For example, formation linkage!

If the Truth Sect had also deployed an ice formation near the snow-capped mountains, then they would go to deploy an ice formation, and it would likely have a linkage reaction, which would encourage the opponent’s formation.

In large-scale battles, this situation is not uncommon.

Song Wanjiang and others below saw the two army masters deflated, and suddenly said in their hearts: “Sure enough!”

Everyone looked at Wang Teng’s gaze, and it became more and more weird.

Their commander is really careful!

There was an idea in everyone’s heart, and they must not offend them as the military master in the future.

“I don’t know what you think?” Zhou Xuanwu looked at Wang Teng’s calm face. Even if he knew that he had already planned, as to why he didn’t say it just now, I am afraid that his previous tone made him uncomfortable. One scene.

Xiao Nanfeng also understood that this kid was deliberately embarrassing them.

His face is a little dark.

It’s no good to meet this kid.

It is also to blame for him not to think of it for a while, Wang Teng is a master of formation, with his knowledge of formation, how could he not think of this method of formation.

Wang Teng smiled, and didn’t go around the circle anymore. He was just unhappy with the attitude of the two of them. It would be deemed to be exposed if they made a small loss of face, and there is no need to go online.

“Ice formation won’t work, so why don’t we have a fire formation!” he said.

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