Chapter 688: Zhou Xuanwu

Wang Teng slashed Ziya’s head with a throwing knife and took out a skull.

This skull exudes shining radiance, and it is very strange.

It’s a star bone!

This piece of Star Bone King Teng did not let the Ironclad Flame Scorpion go to take it, but took it out by himself.

He had already seen that this star bone was extraordinary, it was not any force attribute star bone, but a spiritual star bone.

Wang Teng explored his mental power, and he really sensed the increase in mental power from this star bone.

And this is the special ability of this star bone.

Wang Teng’s mental power is already extremely powerful. If he uses this star bone again, his mental power will be increased to a certain extent. Under special circumstances, it will play a decisive role.

“good stuff!”

With joy on his face, he put away the star bones and three-eyed purple-eyed body, sitting cross-legged on a big tree, waiting for the return of the Ironclad Scorpion and Xiao Bai.

An hour later, the Ironclad Flame Scorpion returned as promised and handed a spatial ring to Wang Teng.

This ring was given to them by Wang Teng before they left.

“Master, everything is inside.” The Iron Armored Flame Scorpion looked at Wang Teng ingraciously, and said hehe.

Wang Teng’s spirit power swept into the space ring, and a flash of joy suddenly flashed in his eyes. He is an alchemist. Naturally, he can see that the spirits in it are rare things, usually hard to see. I didn’t expect the Iron Armor Scorpion to give him Brought back such a big surprise.

“Good job!” Wang Teng patted the Ironclad Flame Scorpion on the back, and said with a smile.

Then he took out a fire star core and threw it to it.

“Take it, this is for your reward.”

The Iron Armored Fire Scorpion was overjoyed, swallowed it quickly, and a burst of red light burst out of his body.

These fire star nuclei are stored in the body by it, slowly digested, absorbed, and enhanced its strength.

“Hey, how about it, soon I will be able to catch up with you in the master’s heart.” Ironclad Flame Scorpion smiled at Xiao Bai proudly.

“Quack… (Despicable villain, the master won’t like you!)” Xiaobai yelled angrily, pecking it with his mouth.

Clang clang clang!

However, the iron armor scorpion was covered in iron armor, and Xiao Bai’s sharp mouth hit it, only a spark was collided.

“It doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t hurt at all.” The Iron Armored Flame Scorpion cried out cheaply.

“Quack…” Xiao Baiqi stirred his wings, blew a gust of wind, and suddenly pecked at the eyes of the Ironclad Flame Scorpion.

“Fuck, you’re real.” The Ironclad Flame Scorpion was taken aback, and hurriedly fled around Wang Teng, avoiding Xiao Bai’s attack.

Xiao Bai didn’t dare to be presumptuous in front of Wang Teng, so he could only step on the ground with two paws, chasing the iron armored fire scorpion.

“Okay, okay, stop making trouble, we should go.” Wang Teng shook his head helplessly, interrupting the two spirit pets’ fighting.

Then he went to the lair of the Iron Armored Fire Scorpion and moved all the cyan spar there into the space debris, not letting go of a little benefit.

These cyan spar bred the sapphire glaze flame, which is an extremely difficult material to be wasted.

When Wang Teng left, the nest of the Ironclad Scorpion was empty.

Goose plucking hair, leaving no grass!

At night, on the rune battleship where everyone in the Black Sparrow Legion was located, Song Wanjiang, Zhu Chengwang and others were eagerly pacing on the deck.

“Where did the military master go, why hasn’t he come back?” Song Wanjiang frowned.

“This time we are not the only one to destroy the Shinrikyo Sect, but there are also two legions involved. Now they are on the road and want to discuss the encirclement and suppression plan with us, but our military leader is not there. How can this be good?” Zhu Chengwang said anxiously.

“You ask me, where did I know that our military commander is a little confused, and you don’t know it.” Song Wanjiang said in a bad mood.

“Come on to such a non-adjustable military master, we will be able to bear it in the future.” Zhu Chengwang shook his head.

Kang Wenbo and several other deputy army chiefs all smiled bitterly.

Is it really okay for you to slander the military master behind your back like this?

“What is so anxious?” At this moment, a voice came from the night ahead.

“Gah!” Song Wanjiang and Zhu Chengwang’s expressions went stiff!

They turned their necks stiffly and looked at Wang Teng who did not know when he appeared on the deck. They only felt that the whole person was exploded, their scalp was numb, and their face turned green in an instant.

Kang Wenbo and the other deputy army leaders looked weird and wanted to laugh but didn’t dare to laugh.

It’s not easy to see this expression from these two people.

These two guys are also dead, slandering the new military leader behind their backs, and they are not afraid of being put on shoes.

“Army…military owner, listen to our explanation!” Song Wanjiang and Zhu Chengwang screamed, and they felt that they could rescue one more time.

“Oh, then you can explain it, I just seemed to hear something inconsistent.” Wang Teng looked at the two with a smile, and said lightly.

“Puff, you absolutely got it wrong, Commander, how could we say that you don’t know how to adjust? What we are saying is that you are so wise and martial, you are superbly intelligent, and you are beyond comparison.” Song Wanjiang’s cold sweat dripped on his forehead and said. He pushed Zhu Chengwang next to him: “You said it was not.”

“Yes, yes, that’s what we said, military master, don’t make a mistake.” Zhu Chengwang nodded in agreement.

Kang Wenbo and others almost didn’t laugh out loud, and the two of them were too unscrupulous.

Wang Teng looked strange.

These two deputy army masters are really eager to survive.

But is he so scary?

As for being like this?

“Okay, let’s talk about it, what the hell is going on, so anxious.” Wang Teng shook his head and asked.

Both Song Wanjiang and Zhu Chengwang breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the cold sweat on their foreheads, and said: “Military owner, this time the operation to eliminate the Shinrikyo Sect, there are two other legions involved. They hope to discuss the plan with us.”

“There are two other legions!” Wang Teng frowned slightly: “Why did no one notify me?”

“We have just received the notice. It should be a temporary decision from above.” Song Wanjiang said.

“All right, inform the other party, and have a meeting right away.” Wang Teng walked to the battleship’s command room.


Several people quickly followed.

In the command room.

The crowd sat around a long table, and two figures appeared on the screen hanging in front of them.

One of them is Wang Teng’s old acquaintance, the commander of the Scarlet Tiger Army-Xiao Nanfeng!

The other was a middle-aged man with a fortified face. He was the commander of the Xuanwu Legion-Zhou Xuanwu!

The scale of the basalt legion is larger than that of the red tiger legion and the black sparrow legion. The cracks in the dark world they suppress are extremely terrifying. There are more dark species there and stronger than other cracks. Therefore, the strength of the master of the basalt legion is also extremely powerful. Only the 13-star high-ranking general can serve.

This week, Xuanwu is a top warlord-level powerhouse!

At this time, the two people who were thousands of miles away also saw Wang Teng’s figure through the video.

Xiao Nanfeng’s eyes were shocked and depressed, and the expression on his face was extremely wonderful.

When was the Black Sparrow Legion taken over by this kid? ?

This question was tumbling in his heart, and he couldn’t figure it out.

Zhou Xuanwu was also extremely surprised. He crossed his hands on the table and looked at Wang Teng sharply.

The owner of the Black Sparrow Army…very young!

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