Chapter 680: I Really Can’t Get Out

Wang Teng did not expect that the news of the exchange meeting spread so quickly that even the East China Sea already knew it.

Seeing everyone’s shocked expressions, he smiled and said: “In fact, it’s not that exaggerated, the exchange meeting, everyone exchanges peacefully, and it will not kill you.”

Governor Jiang, Ye Jixing and others couldn’t help but glance at Wang Teng speechlessly.

Peaceful exchange?

It’s okay to deceive ordinary people like this, can they still know?

The geniuses of different countries collide and compete. They don’t need to think about it, they all know that the exchange meeting must be extremely fierce.

But seeing Wang Teng didn’t want to say more, they didn’t try to expose him.

“What are your plans for returning to the East China Sea this time? Why don’t you take a position on my side.” Governor Jiang thought for a while and said.

This is a solicitation, Wang Teng is now extraordinary in strength, he naturally wants to win.

Although Wang Teng belongs to the military system, it is not considered to be overstepped if he wants to take a vacant position in the main office.

Father Wang, Wang Shengguo and others’ eyes flashed.

This is a good thing!

Multiple identities, multiple paths.

They couldn’t help feeling a little bit in their hearts. Even Governor Jiang came to win over Wang Teng. They didn’t dare to think about it before.

“No!” However, Wang Teng shook his head and refused.

Everyone in the Wang family couldn’t help being stunned.

Why did you refuse such a good opportunity?

“Don’t be too busy to refuse. Get a job in the Governor’s Mansion. You don’t need to do anything at ordinary times. Only occasional special occasions require a warlord like you to support it. After all, we don’t have many warlords in the East China Sea. “Governor Jiang explained: “And after you leave your post, there are still many conveniences. There are allowances and benefits every month, and the contribution points alone are 500 points a month…”

“Governor Jiang, I appreciate your kindness, but I really can’t get out of it.” Wang Teng smiled bitterly: “I will go to another world soon when I come back this time and take charge of the Black Sparrow Legion. I really don’t have any extra energy. .”

“In charge of the Black Sparrow Legion!!!”

Governor Jiang’s eyes widened.

Ye Jixing was still watching the Phoenix King fighter plane there, but when he heard these words, he immediately jumped over.

“What are you talking about, are you going to take charge of the Black Sparrow Legion?” He asked in disbelief.

“Uh… the appointment just issued.” Wang Teng was taken aback by him.

Isn’t he just a military master?

When everyone saw his disgusting expression, they were speechless.

The position of the commander of the dignified Black Sparrow Army is not lower than the position of the Governor, and even the strength of the army is still higher than that of the Governor. I did not expect to be rejected by this kid.

At this time, everyone in the Wang family was looking at Wang Teng eagerly. They wanted to confirm the news with Wang Teng again, but Governor Jiang and others were there. They were really hard to speak, lest Governor Jiang and others feel that their Wang family made a fuss. , Easy to be underestimated.

As for Lin Chuhan and Zhou Baiyun, they both opened their mouths slightly, feeling a little dreamy.

A young man of their age, now in a high position, is in charge of the army!

Who will believe this?

But the facts are in front of the two of them, and they cannot tolerate them to question.

“In that case, I’m not going to keep you.” Governor Jiang took a deep breath, shook his head with a wry smile, and said: “The position of military commander is indeed arduous, and it is normal to not be able to get out of it.”

After chatting for a few words, he said goodbye and left. He was the busiest in this, so he didn’t dare to delay.

“Congratulations, Army Master Black Sparrow!” Ye Jixing smiled and clasped his fists.

After knowing that Wang Teng’s strength was not inferior to him, Ye Jixing treated Wang Teng as an equal existence, and now that he was in an important position, it was even more respectful.

“Master Ye Guan, you are polite!” Wang Teng smiled and waved his hand.

On the side, Fu Tiandao and Qin Hanxuan look complicated. Compared with Ye Jixing, they are more familiar with Wang Teng. .

Outsiders simply cannot understand this kind of mood.

“Sit down at the Jixing Martial Arts Hall when you have time.” Ye Jixing said, bidding farewell in Wang Teng’s eyes.

As soon as everyone left, the members of the Wang family immediately surrounded them.

“Er, you really became the leader of that black sparrow army?” Li Xiumei looked up and down Wang Teng and asked in surprise.

“Yes, stay at home for a day, and I will take office tomorrow.” Wang Teng nodded.

“How old are you, why did they make you a military leader.” Li Xiumei still felt unbelievable, and kept muttering from the side.

“Oh, what do you know, how strong we are, even Governor Jiang and Master Ye Guan dare not underestimate them, they are more than enough to be a military master.” Wang Shengguo said proudly.

“Hahaha, our Wang family is really a virtue of our ancestors, and now we can be regarded as a high official!” Old man Wang laughed happily.

The older generation is nothing more than this obsession.

The Wang family is engaged in business, so there is a natural yearning and awe for the power sector. For them, being an official is something that can be used to honor their ancestors.

Wang Teng undoubtedly helped them achieve this goal.

Moreover, this official is not small, and even Governor Jiang attaches great importance to it.

It’s no trivial matter to hold a lot of power in your hand.

Wang Teng was very pleased to see everyone happy. He did all this for his family.

When Wang Teng returned, the family atmosphere was extremely harmonious.

In the evening, the house was brightly lit, Li Xiumei, Aunt Wang Teng and others prepared a large table of wine and food, and everyone gathered together.

Lin Chuhan was also stayed by Li Xiumei, sitting beside Wang Teng, a little fidgeting.

“It’s not once or twice. Why are you still nervous.” Wang Teng joked in a low voice.

Lin Chuhan glared at him. With so many people in the Wang family, she is the only outsider. Isn’t it embarrassing?

“What’s the matter with Zhou Baiyun, why is she here today?” Wang Teng suddenly remembered something and asked.

“She is a friend I just met. It happened to come to me today, and I was called by my aunt again. She said she had some contacts with your family, so she followed.” Lin Chuhan explained.

“The Zhou family!” Wang Teng said with a glint in his eyes, “It used to be a big family.”

“Do you know her?” Lin Chuhan glanced at Wang Teng.

“I’ve seen it once.” Wang Teng admitted frankly, and then said: “The girls from these families have very complicated minds. Be careful yourself.”

Lin Chuhan was thoughtful, she was not stupid, and it was not difficult to see something from Zhou Baiyun’s actions. At this time, when Wang Teng mentioned it, she was more confident in her heart and nodded.

Wang Teng couldn’t help being a little funny seeing her like this.

That week, Bai Yun might have underestimated Lin Chuhan. If she really had any other thoughts, she wouldn’t know how much she would eat in Lin Chuhan’s hands in the future?

He couldn’t help but look forward to it.

“What are you two whispering?” Li Xiumei’s laughter suddenly came from the side.

Lin Chuhan raised his head and blushed immediately when everyone looked at them ambiguously.

“Cough cough, eat and eat.” Wang Teng had a thick-skinned face and a dry cough, as if nothing had happened, he took his own food and started eating.

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