Chapter 679: Shouldn’t it be time to break through the surface next time?

The huge black fighter plane landed on the ground, dusty all around, the streamlined fuselage was looming, and the surface reflected a palpitating light.

The Wang family’s eyes widened, staring at the fighter in front of them in a daze.

And the young man who walked out of the fighter plane.

They thought of the beginning, but they really didn’t think of the result.

Everyone in the Wang family originally thought that Wang Teng would take a passenger plane to land at Donghai Airport and then return by car. They simply did not expect him to take a terrorist fighter plane and land on his square.

The tens of meters long fuselage of the Phoenix King fighter, with its graceful curves and deep luster, will undoubtedly have a huge impact on ordinary people.

For ordinary people, passenger planes are no strangers, but this is the first time I have seen such a fighter plane with both combat and leisure.

“Oh, what’s the situation with you?” Li Xiumei broke the silence first and asked.

“What’s the situation?” Wang Teng jumped down from the fighter plane, dressed casually, as if he had just returned from a trip.

“What your mother meant is, what’s the matter with your fighter?” Wang Sheng Guodao.

Elder Wang, Wang Shenghong and others all looked over curiously. They were really curious about the origin of this fighter.

In their understanding, this fighter plane shouldn’t appear here.

“It was given by someone else.” Wang Teng said casually.

“Someone…sent it?” Everyone was dumbfounded.

This answer makes everyone feel a little weird.

Give a fighter plane, who is such a big deal!

The problem is, it’s not a question of money, fighters can’t be bought with money!

“Wait, say, this fighter is yours?” Wang Teng’s uncle Wang Shenghong couldn’t help but said in shock.

“Yes, it’s mine now.” Wang Teng nodded.

“No, you can tell me clearly, who will send you such a big fighter.” Li Xiumei hurriedly grabbed him and asked.

“Yes, don’t fool us.” Wang Sheng Guodao.

“I made a lot of credit this time, from the military marshal.” Wang Teng said simply.

“Marshal of the military!!!”

“Are you doing meritorious service again?!” Everyone was surprised when they heard the words.

This time I went out, I made another contribution.

The credit is the same as picking cabbage.

Others are struggling to do meritorious service, how to feel Wang Teng here, it becomes extraordinarily simple.

“Really? You went to Xiadu, what can you do?” Wang Shengguo asked.

Wang Teng couldn’t laugh or cry. He didn’t stop at Xiadu, even abroad, and experienced a lot of things. The family thought he had been in Xiadu all the time.

So he briefly recounted the matter of the exchange meeting.

However, many things have been omitted, for fear of scaring them.

In Wang Teng’s mouth, he only defeated a few talented warriors, so the above was extremely happy, and gave him this fighter as a reward.

Everyone in the Wang family was stunned.

What sacred mountain, what genetic warrior… These things are a bit far away from them, I just feel very surprised.

While speaking, several figures galloped in the sky in the distance and fell in front of everyone.

It was Governor Jiang, Ye Jixing, Fu Tiandao, Qin Hanxuan and others.

The existence of such strategic weapons as Fengwang fighters suddenly entered the East China Sea and landed at the Wang’s house, which naturally shocked them.

The Wang family is Wang Teng’s family. Now that Wang Teng is not there, they have to look after one or two.

But after they fell, they saw Wang Teng, and their hearts were suddenly relieved.

“I guessed it must be you kid back.” Governor Jiang glanced at the Fengwang fighter, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then looked at Wang Teng with a smile.

“As soon as I came back, Governor Jiang rushed over to greet me. I was really flattered.” Wang Teng said hehe.

“If it hadn’t been for the sudden appearance of the Phoenix King fighter, I wouldn’t have come over. The East China Sea rebuilds. I have been busy for half a month without touching the ground. How can I take care of you.” Governor Jiang rolled his eyes and said.

“At any rate, I have also made a great contribution to the reconstruction of the East China Sea. Governor Jiang, if you turn your face and refuse to recognize people, you will not be afraid of the cold to my heart.” Wang Teng said.

“Hey, you kid, you’re still holding up the bar with me.” Governor Jiang said silently.

“Wang Teng, this Phoenix King fighter is yours?” At this moment, Ye Jixing, the main hall of the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall next to him, couldn’t help but interject.

“Yes, just got it.” Wang Teng nodded.

Rao was mentally prepared, Ye Jixing, Governor Jiang and the others were still surprised when he heard him personally admit it.

“This Phoenix King fighter is the latest generation of rune fighters. Both the intelligent system and the weapons on it are the most advanced. Even general generals may not be able to mobilize them. You actually own one.” Governor Jiang Shen He took a breath and said.

Everyone in the Wang family was shocked upon hearing this.

They knew that this fighter was terrific, but they didn’t expect to have such a big name. They still underestimated the origin and value of this fighter.

Seeing this, Wang Teng’s contribution this time is not as simple as he said.

Ye Jixing stroked the sleek fuselage, with a trace of envy in his eyes: “I wanted to get one to open it, but I never had a chance. I didn’t expect you to get it first.”

“Hey, Lao Ye, this is the treasure of the military department, so don’t think about it.” Governor Jiang seemed to know the inside story, and smiled happily.

Ye Jixing shook his head helplessly, quite regretful.

“I heard that at this exchange meeting you used the power of one person to be a genius warrior from all over the world. No wonder the military department is willing to give you such a precious thing.” Governor Jiang said with emotion.

One person Gaia is a genius warrior from all over the world!

After hearing the words, everyone looked at Wang Teng with shocked faces.

Everyone in the Wang family was stunned and unbelievable, which was not what Wang Teng said before.

Shente defeated several genius warriors.

You have brought all the genius warriors in the family in one pot!

Father Wang, Wang Shengguo and the others looked strange, why didn’t they realize that Wang Teng was so humble?

Wang Teng touched his nose with a slight embarrassment. Isn’t that afraid to scare them?

But I didn’t expect that it didn’t take long for the bullshit to be demolished by Governor Jiang.

At this time, not only the Wang family, but Lin Chuhan beside him was also shocked, looking at Wang Teng unblinking with a pair of beautiful eyes.

This guy is too enchanting!

The talented warriors of the world are not his opponents.

In the blink of an eye, he went abroad, it was incredible.

Lin Chuhan even wondered whether Wang Teng would hit the earth star in the blink of an eye next time.

The speed of this guy’s ascent is almost like a rocket, and next time he may really break through the surface.

Behind everyone, there was a pair of eyes looking at Wang Teng, and a strange light flashed deep in the bottom of the eyes.

Such a powerful man is a huge luminous body wherever he goes, who can resist it?

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