Chapter 668 No one can hear you, no matter how loud you call it


Upon hearing this, Zhu Yunshao and others couldn’t help but cast their eyes on Wang Teng’s face.

“You will?” Tan Taixuan asked in disbelief.

“I will, is it weird?” Wang Teng glanced at her and said depressed.

Don’t trust him so much, don’t you know he is a genius!

“How could you be?” Tan Taixuan felt that Wang Teng must be lying to her. The treatment that the saint had just used was obviously the secret of the holy mountain. Where did Wang Teng go to learn it?

“Can’t I create it by myself?” Wang Teng said.

Tan Taixuan’s face “Are you kidding me”!

Seeing that she still didn’t believe it, Wang Teng simply waved his hand, and the Light Force operated according to a special method, swaying a rain of light and falling on everyone.

And when he performed this [Goddess’s Blessing], he also deliberately increased the amount of milk.



There was an indescribable sound from everyone’s nasal cavity uncontrollably.

In the next moment, whether it was Zhu Yunshao, Valeria, or Mu Zhiguo, Ivan and other rough guys, they all looked embarrassed.

What a shame!

How could they make that sound.

Damn it!

It’s Wang Teng, it’s all his ghosts!

Several people stared at Wang Teng fiercely.

Tantai Xuan desperately resisted the feeling of trembling almost all over her body, snorted softly, and said angrily: “What did you do?”

“Didn’t I prove it to you?” Wang Teng said innocently.

“…” Everyone was speechless.

What’s the matter with that innocent look on your face!

As if he was the victim.

A few people felt aggrieved and wanted to vomit blood, they had nowhere to throw their breath, as if they had hit cotton with a punch.

But they immediately reacted, and their injuries seemed to have really recovered a lot in the light and rain just now.

Several people couldn’t help being shocked.

“You really will!” Tantai Xuan’s eyes flashed with a strange light, and she frowned and said: “But you seem to be a little different from the previous saint’s display, like an enhanced version!”

“It is said that I created it by myself, it must be different.” Wang Teng’s face was serious, but he couldn’t help laughing.

Of course it’s different!

He increased the amount of milk, and the feeling was at least dozens of times stronger, how could it be the same.

Tan Taixuan was speechless. She felt that Wang Teng must be fooling her, but she couldn’t find any suspicious points. She could only look at him suspiciously and said, “If you can, why don’t you use it sooner?”

“Actually, I created my own creation just after watching the saint’s performance.” Wang Teng lied and did not write a draft, so he opened his mouth.


Damn, this guy is pretending!

Everyone looked at his sullen look, and they wanted to rub him on the ground.

At this moment, the great sage Fara came from a distance, apparently seeing the scene just now, looking at Wang Teng in shock, and said: “Your Excellency Wang Teng is really a genius of the heavens. He can create such a rare healing technique. !”

Wang Teng always felt that there was something in his words, but he didn’t worry about being dismantled, and said modestly: “It’s just average. In fact, I’m just a hard worker. I usually accumulate a lot of knowledge. When it comes to critical moments, my inspiration will naturally flash, and then… …Enlightened!”

“…” The Great Sage Farah widened his eyes and looked at Wang Teng incredulously.

Never seen such a brazen person!

He didn’t want to praise Wang Teng at all.

To say that it is self-made, in his opinion, is simply nonsense. The method of healing is clearly the secret of their holy mountain [Goddess’s Blessing]!

This guy Wang Teng actually engages in piracy, which is shameless!

But what is annoying is that he has no evidence at all. No matter how nonsense Wang Teng does, he can’t do anything with Wang Teng.

Great Sage Farah almost broke his beard in anger.

The corners of his mouth twitched, he turned the subject away, and said, “Several people who have shown great kindness to me on the holy mountain, please follow me to the temple. The lady of worship wants to thank you in person.”

He stretched out his hand and made a false move.

“Please go to the temple!” Tan Taixuan and others said in surprise.

“Yes!” The Great Sage Farah nodded.

“Let’s go, since we have all invited, let’s go and take a look.” Wang Teng said.

In fact, he just wanted to go to the temple to gather the light force, it was a good place, if it was filled with the temple’s attribute bubbles again, it would be fine.

Wang Teng was heading toward the temple first, and thought about it happily in his heart.

“…” Seeing his familiar appearance, the Great Sage Farah was very complicated.

Tan Taixuan and others have no choice but to keep up. In fact, they are also extremely curious about the temple, and it is not bad to follow along and have a long experience.

The top of the mountain, the temple.

Wang Teng walked in like his own door, but the Great Sage Farah was one step behind, feeling very bad.

But after two steps, Wang Teng stopped.

He…don’t know the way!

The Great Sage Fara finally found it carefully, raised his head, and walked to the front.

Before long, he took everyone to a few rooms and said: “A few rest first. I asked the maid to prepare food. You can enjoy it as much as you like.”

Everyone was not polite, they were injured in the battle, and they need some time to recuperate.

When the food came up, they were full and drunk, and several people each chose a room.

Wang Teng closed the door, looked at the furnishings and decorations in the room, a glimmer of surprise flashed in his eyes.




I don’t know what words to use to describe it. In short, the residence of this temple is simply luxurious to the extreme.

These sacred sticks can really enjoy.

Wang Teng thought secretly, his face was full of criticism and contempt.

He fell directly on the bed, rolled, stretched…It’s so fucking comfortable!

Looking at the ceiling and letting it go for a while, he sat cross-legged, suddenly stretched out his palm, and a group of cyan and white flames emerged in his hand.

This blue-white flame formed a circular cover, and in the center of that cover, there was a black flame!

Three kinds of flames! ! !

The cyan is the sapphire glaze flame, the white is the sacred flame of light, and the black is the fire of darkness…

Wang Teng quietly mastered the three kinds of different fires of heaven and earth.

Needless to say, the cyan flame was originally controlled by him, but the bright sacred flame was just obtained.

As for how to obtain it, naturally he used some small means when controlling the temple formation, intercepting part of the origin of the spirit of the holy fire.

Even if the Spirit of the Holy Fire knew it, it was helpless. After all, it was to destroy the Chi Yan Demon Lord. It was always necessary to make some sacrifices.

And the fire of darkness…

“Roar!” At this moment, there was a weak roar from within the flame mask, which was isolated by the flame, and only Wang Teng could hear it.

The black flame in it changed its shape and finally became the appearance of Chi Yan Demon Lord.

A little black beast the size of a table tennis ball!

It opened its teeth and danced its claws, constantly roaring at Wang Teng, and hitting the flame mask. The milk was fierce!

“Let me out, let me out, you bastard, you actually trapped me, damn you, damn you, let me out…”

“You scream, scream, no one can hear it no matter how loud you scream.” Wang Teng smiled and looked at the desperately struggling Demon Lord Chi Yan, feeling extremely comfortable!

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