Chapter 667 Super big… milk!

After the war, the sacred mountain was in a mess, and several of the zodiac signs were destroyed in the battle, making them even more dilapidated.

There are scorch marks on it, traces of force bombardment, traces of weapon slashing, and even blood stains!

Many places are still burning with black flames, which can’t be extinguished easily.

The sacred mountain warriors around are clearing up the mess, their faces are heavy, with a trace of sorrow in their eyes.

For so many years, the sacred mountain has stood outside the secular world and is admired by the world, even the powers of various countries have respected them.

In the eyes of the world, the sacred mountain is dazzling and extremely extraordinary!

But now, it has suffered severe damage, and at first glance, it is full of devastation, which is heartache and regret.

As the symbol of the saint mountain warrior, the only remaining paladins are Soang in the Aries Palace, Sharjah in the Virgin Palace, and Mouron in Libra.

The three of them were seriously injured, but did not go back to recuperate, but stayed behind to comfort everyone.

These people have a high reputation in the sacred mountain, enough to convince the public, but they calmed down many sacred mountain warriors who were floating in their minds.

At this time, Alaisi appeared in mid-air.

She was holding the goddess scepter, and she emitted a sacred white light on her body, which turned into a rain of light and sprinkled on everyone below.

That rain of light fell on everyone, and an incredible change occurred.

The injuries on everyone recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even some minor injuries recovered in a blink of an eye, and even serious injuries were relieved at this time.

Especially those who were injured by the fire of darkness were originally very painful and unspeakable, but now under the influence of the light and rain, their brows are stretched out, and they seem to be much better.

“Master Saint!”

The saint mountain warriors below cheered loudly, with gratitude in their eyes, all of them knelt on one knee and bowed to the ground to salute.

The warriors who chose to follow Kiplin before were both guilty and grateful, and bowed their heads.

Alais glanced over the people below, did not say much, still released the light and rain, until the light force on her body completely disappeared.

She was pale and left floating.

The Great Sage Farah looked at Alais’s back, with emotions and worries, and finally there was a trace of relief in his eyes.

“Send Master Saint!”

The saint mountain warrior below unanimously shouted loudly.

The voice was majestic, echoing above the holy mountain, and it could be heard that their emotions seemed to rise a lot, not as low as before.

“This method is really slippery!”

Wang Teng looked at Alais’s leaving back, and was amazed, feeling that he was really upright.

Look at this hand, quietly, moisturizing things silently.

Without saying a word, he grabbed everyone’s heart and boosted morale.

At this moment, those betrayers felt that they had committed a great sin, and were sorry for their saints.

The Lord Saint is worthy of being the spokesperson of the goddess, repaying grudges with virtue, so noble.

They are guilty!

At this time, no one would sympathize with Kipling. As the chief culprit in releasing Demon Chi Yan and causing such a situation, he has been nailed to the pillar of shame.

Many people hate him so much that they can’t wait to pull him out of the soil and whip his corpse!

However, Kiplin’s body had long since been bombed with no residue left, and the highly technical work of whipling the corpse might not be done.

Wang Teng touched his chin, nodded thoughtfully, and studied humbly.

“This kind of treatment is really clever, if it is used on the battlefield, it will definitely be a super big breast!” Tan Taixuan’s focus is different from Wang Teng’s. At this time, she looked at everyone’s recovery and was deeply moved.

“Big… big breasts!” Wang Teng looked weird and looked at her strangely.

Especially when he glanced at her chest.

I never expected that these two words would come out of Tantaixuan’s mouth.

But having said that, it’s really not small.

Hmm…not only Tantaixuan, Alais’s is not too small, it can be said that the amount of milk is amazing!

Wang Teng’s divergent thinking has drifted beyond the clouds of nine days, and ten horses can’t pull it back.

Tan Taixuan was extremely uncomfortable by his gaze, feeling uncomfortable all over, at first he was very puzzled, what is he looking at?

She soon noticed that Wang Teng stared at her place unblinkingly.


Tantai Xuan exploded in an instant, his eyes spit fire, and a heavy fist hit Wang Teng’s forehead.


Headshot with a punch!

The protagonist, the book is over… blame!

“It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!” Wang Teng held his head, feeling that his head was about to explode.

It’s really ruthless to start!

Zhu Yunshao, Mu Zhiguo and the others didn’t know what was going on, they were dumbfounded, their eyes turned between the two, confused.

“What are you… doing?” Valeria asked strangely.

“It’s nothing, I saw a mosquito on Wang Teng’s head and killed him!” Tan Taixuan said blankly.



What mosquito needs such a heavy hand?

Everyone glanced at her speechlessly, this kind of remark deceived a three-year-old child.

“Wang Teng, did you say that there was a mosquito on your head just now.” Tantai Xuan’s eyes narrowed slightly, and a dangerous light flashed.

Wang Teng looked at her bitterly, a villain in his heart said that he could not bend with mighty power, but his mouth was very honest: “Uh…no, the boss, he almost sucked most of my blood.”

Everyone: “…”

I believe you a ghost!

What mosquito can suck the blood of a warlord-level powerhouse, more than half, can suck a drop, it is considered as powerful as that mosquito.

Everyone was unable to complain, saying that they did not want to bother with these two people!

Seeing this, Tan Taixuan couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief, and finally got confused.

How did she say the reason just now, can’t say that Wang Teng is staring at her.


Blame Wang Teng!

This kid is getting more and more courageous, and now he dares to look at her with that evil look, for fear that he doesn’t know why the flower is so red.

Standing by, Wang Teng immediately felt a pressing chill, his scalp was numb, and he quickly avoided.

Rather to offend the villain than to offend the woman!

The ancients do not deceive me…

“Speaking of Wang Teng, don’t you also have the light force, do you have that kind of treatment?” Zhu Yunshao pushed Wang Teng and asked.

“This…” Wang Teng was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly reacted that the “bright milk” displayed by Alais was indeed a very good method.

With a move in his heart, his gaze swept over, and he saw several attribute bubbles where Alais was standing.

Pick it up!

[Goddess’s Blessing*5][Goddess’s Blessing*10]

【Light Force*150】

【Light Force *130】

[Goddess’s Blessing*8]

Those few attribute bubbles immediately merged into Wang Teng’s body, the light force turned into a trickle, merged into the pronucleus, and strengthened the light force in his body.

At the same time, a memory emerged out of thin air in his mind.

That is about the practice method of [Goddess’s Blessing].

In just a few breaths, Wang Teng mastered this special treatment combat technique, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: “This can be!”

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