Chapter 663 Tragedy!

[Body of Light]: 132010000

[Light Force]: 3505000 (7 stars)

Looking at the attribute panel, Wang Teng couldn’t believe his eyes.

The light body attribute of 1320 points, the light force of the 7-star warrior level, this is simply one step!

Originally, Wang Teng just wanted to come to this temple to fight the autumn wind, holding a little fluke that he could pick up a little good.

Unexpectedly, this temple directly gave him a big surprise!

You must know that Wang Teng had to work hard to improve the realm of the Force before to reach this realm, but this time he was directly promoted to the 7-star warrior level at one time, and he almost didn’t move him to cry.

Worthy of being a temple, just extraordinary!

Wang Teng sent the beautiful words in his heart, and he couldn’t wait to praise it to the sky.

After finishing his emotions, Wang Teng’s eyes fell once again on the white flame on the central stone platform of the main hall, and he walked over.

Alaisi sat cross-legged under the goddess statue, looked at Wang Teng, and said, “I want to try to activate the formation. You can protect me.”

“Wait…” Wang Teng frowned, looked at Alais’s pale face, hesitated in his heart, and walked forward.

“What are you doing?”

Alais was a little surprised, and then when she saw Wang Teng put her hand on her shoulder, she was very puzzled. She couldn’t see what medicine Wang Teng was selling in the gourd at all?

The next moment, she felt the dark force in her body suddenly agitated.

“What’s the matter?” Alais was taken aback and glared at Wang Teng: “What did you do?”

The dark force she finally suppressed, under Wang Teng’s palm, unexpectedly surged uncontrollably.

What does this guy want to do?

Is he related to the dark species? ?

Alais was furious and wanted to attack Wang Teng.

“Shaoan, don’t be impatient!” Wang Teng’s voice was flat, and one hand grabbed her raised left hand.

Suddenly, a rush of suction gushed from the palm of his hand on Alaisi’s shoulder, and the dark force in Alaisi’s body poured into Wang Teng’s palm like a tide.

“This is?!!!” Alais was even more surprised, even a little unbelievable.

The dark force in her body was actually sucked away! !

How can this be?

You know, even if she wants to clear these dark forces, she will definitely not be able to do it without ten and a half months.

Now in Wang Teng’s hands, he was sucked away all at once.

Are those dark forces fake?

Alais was dumbfounded and couldn’t figure out what was going on.

In just a few breaths, all the dark force in her body was sucked out by Wang Teng and condensed on the palm of her palm.

“All right!”

Wang Teng let go of her wrist, his face was plain, and he didn’t explain anything.

“You!” Alais wanted to ask something, but she didn’t know how to speak.

“Before doing things in the future, remember to think about it and treat it as a donkey’s liver and lungs!” Wang Teng didn’t have a good airway.

“Oh… I’m sorry!” A trace of shame flashed in Alais’s eyes, and then she apologized seriously.

If this scene is seen by other people from the holy mountain, I’m afraid it will be shocked.

The Lady Saint was told, and she obediently apologized, she couldn’t even think about it!

Wang Teng was also a little surprised. He didn’t expect that she would choose to apologize so directly. He thought that as the other party, he would not be able to put it down.

He didn’t say anything, a cyan flame came out of his hand, and he burned the dark force and dissipated in the air.

He couldn’t absorb this dark force in front of Alais, otherwise he didn’t know what she would think.

But this is the case, Alais also looked surprised, and took a deep look at Wang Teng before taking back her gaze.

Time is urgent at this moment, and neither of them talks any more nonsense.

The dark force in Alais’s body was completely removed, and her state had recovered a lot at this moment. She took a deep breath, mobilized the light force in her body, and injected it into the ground below her body.


Wang Teng stood aside, as if he felt the ground shake.

Immediately after seeing it, a ray of light lit up and quickly spread across the entire hall.

A large rune formation appeared!


With a loud noise, the dome of the main hall suddenly cracked slowly, revealing the sky outside.

Boom boom boom!

There was a constant roar in the distance, accompanied by a faint scream, obviously the situation below is not optimistic.

Alais’s complexion was solemn, and the light force inside her body surged wildly.

The big array on the ground became brighter and brighter, and at a certain moment, it suddenly turned into a beam of light and soared into the sky.

And Alise’s figure slowly lifted into the sky in this beam of light.

At this moment, if you look from a distance, you will find that a huge light formation is shrouded in the sky above the temple, exuding a strong power of light.

In that formation, a series of complicated runes gleamed with light, echoing each other, extremely mysterious.

In the distance, Chi Yan Demon Sovereign obviously felt the anomaly here, with a trace of hideousness on his face: “Damn it, it’s that nasty power again!”

When everyone saw this scene, their expressions were shocked.

The Great Sage Fara shouted: “My Lord Saint has already started the formation, please don’t give up, hold on for a while!”,

Everyone was greatly excited, and desperately resisted Chi Yan’s offensive.

Chi Yan Demon Lord grinned: “No one can save you, everyone must die today!”

As the voice fell, the black flames on its body soared like a sea wave, rushing to the ground one after another.


The screams kept ringing.

On the ground, a large number of warriors were burned to ashes, making them vulnerable to the black flame.

The scene is extremely tragic!

The Great Sage Farah and the others looked extremely ugly and shouted, “Stop it!”

The surrounding temple powerhouses heard the words, regardless of the injuries on their bodies, one after another, all kinds of attacks rushed towards Chi Yan Demon Lord without money.

“Many arm as a car!”

Chi Yan Demon Lord showed a trace of disdain, and with a big wave of his hand, the black flames turned into flames and giant pythons rushed to the surrounding temple warriors.

A 12-star mid-rank warrior held a war knife and slashed the flame giant python. He was about to take a breath when a dark shadow suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

He shrank his pupils, raised his head, and saw that Demon Lord Chi Yan had already arrived in front of him.

The huge palm snapped towards him.

This warrior-level warrior was shocked, and his complexion suddenly became fierce, and the force of his whole body was stimulated, condensed into a bright blade of light, and cut it out.

In the face of Chi Yan Demon Lord, he dared not neglect the slightest, so his attack was the strongest attack.

The momentum was shocked, and the huge sword light fell directly on the head of Chi Yan Demon Lord.

At the same time, he withdrew and retreated without stopping.


That terrifying sword light cut down.

Chi Yan Demon Lord did not evade, and the hand that grabbed the martial artist suddenly raised, grabbing the sword light.


The terrifying knife light was directly caught and shattered and burst open.

Chi Yan Mojun’s figure flashed and appeared in front of the warrior. In the desperate gaze of the opponent, he grabbed his head and twisted it lightly.


The head of this warrior should be tilted at an irregular angle.

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