Chapter 662 Body of Light!

【Dark Fire*5】

【Dark Force*300】

【Dark Fire*3】

【Wood Force *520】

【Earth Force *450】

【Dark Force*680】

Before Wang Teng left, he rolled his mental power and picked up all the attribute bubbles scattered around him.

I didn’t calculate it carefully, I just felt that this wave might have made a lot of money.

Especially the Dark Force. When he defeated Kiplin before, a large amount of Dark Force was exploded from his body. Now Chi Yan Demon Lord appeared, and when he possessed his body, he overflowed with a lot of Dark Force, which was cheaper than Wang Teng. .

Thinking about it, I have to thank Kipling. Without that old guy, he wouldn’t get so much dark force.

What a nice person!

Forget the bill of scolding him before, the old guy probably has his pigtails anyway!

Of course, in addition to the Dark Force, there are also many other Forces that were left after the Holy Mountain Warrior was burned to death by Chi Yan Demon Lord’s Dark Demon Flame.

Wang Teng is like making a fortune!

Finally, the dark fire.

As the dozens of dark fire attributes merged, an inexplicable sensation of heat surged to the center of his eyebrows.

The small flame of dark fire within Wang Teng’s knowledge sea flickered, and it seemed to grow a little bit.

Wang Teng felt different at this time. It was very strange, turning his attributes into flames, which was very different from when he got the sapphire glazed flame before.

He did not expect to be able to obtain the fire of heaven and earth through this method.

There is no doubt that this dark fire is indeed a fire of heaven and earth. After Wang Teng obtained it, he had already obtained relevant information.

This kind of flame was born in the dark world, and it is possible to be born only in the place where the dark force is the strongest and purest.

However, there is only a chance, and multiple conditions need to be met together. For example, the strong and pure dark force must be able to last for hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years. Otherwise, if there is a break in the middle, all the previous accumulation efforts will be Will come to nothing.

This restriction alone is enough to reduce the odds to an infinitely low.

And the birthplace of Chi Yan Demon Lord was precisely in such a dark treasure place, so there is a legend of being born with the fire of darkness.

As for the “sacred fire” of the temple, Wang Teng was extremely curious, not knowing what kind of flame it was.

If it was another kind of fire of heaven and earth, then he was really going to make a profit this time.

Follow Alais to the temple, on the one hand, to use the holy fire to defeat the Chi Yan Demon Lord, on the other hand, I want to see what treasures are in the temple.

Even the previous golden zodiac has a lot of attribute bubbles to pick up, and the temple will not be out of it, right?

Fara’s great sage’s concerns are actually very reasonable. Let Wang Teng enter the temple, and that is to lead the wolf into the house!

Seeing Wang Teng and Alais rushing towards the temple, Chi Yan Demon Lord immediately understood their intentions, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and with a wave of his big hand, the black flames turned into two ferocious pythons, and they followed them closely. .



The giant python roared, and its appearance was lifelike, like a real python, and at the same time it was burning with black flames, and it looked even more majestic and majestic.


Tan Taixuan, the Great Sage of Farah and the others changed their faces and hurriedly shouted to remind them.

Alais’s complexion was pale, and she was already seriously injured. If she used the light force to act hard, she would definitely be backlashed by the dark force in her body, and there would be no chance for the last fight.


At this moment, Wang Teng snorted coldly, and the Demon Que cut out two flame blades in his hand and struck out.


The two giant pythons roared, but they were instantly beheaded.

The fire of darkness may have a miraculous effect on the force attack, but it has no advantage at all in the face of the sword light condensed by the sapphire glaze flame, which is also the fire of heaven and earth.

In the distance, a light flashed in the eyes of Demon Chi Yan: “The fire of heaven and earth!”

“Hahaha, I couldn’t find another kind of fire from heaven and earth when I searched for half a lifetime. I didn’t expect to see it in you kid just after getting out of trouble today. It’s God’s help to me!”

Chi Yan Demon Lord laughed, not angry but delighted, and made no secret of the greed and coveting on his face.

Wang Teng turned his head and pointed his middle finger at it.

Sand sculpture!

Immediately, he went away with Alais.

Tantaixuan, Great Sage Fara and others immediately rushed up and blocked the two sides to prevent Chi Yan from attacking again.

“Get in the way!”

Chi Yan Demon Lord turned black, condensed the dark fire to form an attack, and blasted towards Tantaixuan and others.

Everyone looked dignified, facing the existence of the Demon Lord level, they did not dare to neglect the slightest, and each used the strongest means, and one after another force attack greeted them.

The other powerhouses in the temple also joined in, all kinds of attacks spread around the dark demon, and they carried out frantic siege.

Outside the temple, Wang Teng and Alais fell into shape.

Alais kept walking, and walked straight into the temple.

Wang Teng hurriedly followed, but he felt a little sorrowful. He should have come here as a guest, but because of a series of things, it became like this.

Fortunately, he can still walk in swaggeringly.

We are now a firefighter, who dares to stop it!

If the people of the temple don’t know each other, he will turn his head and leave.

Can’t beat that Chi Yan Demon Lord, and they can still run with Tantai Xuan.

When the two entered the temple, there was a long corridor in front of them. Around the corridor were the white jade pillars with a dome. There were many sculptures on the pillars. As for the content, Wang Teng didn’t have time to look more.

The two have been walking through the promenade and inward.

Wang Teng followed Alaisi, turned around, and finally came to a hall.

I saw a huge sculpture of a goddess standing in the middle of the hall, at the end of the innermost wall.

This goddess sculpture holds a scepter in one hand and a shield in the other.

The scepter was exactly the same as the one in Alais’s hand before. It looked like the same style, but it was a different size.

And just below the goddess sculpture, on a stone platform, a white flame was burning quietly.

Wang Teng’s eyes were strange. He actually saw an illusory little unicorn in the white flame, crawling in the flame, and seemed to fall asleep.

However, his gaze was attracted by the large number of attribute bubbles scattered around.

A trace of ecstasy emerged in his heart!

Really… a lot!

The entire hall was filled with attribute bubbles emitting white light, varying in size, floating around the goddess sculpture, extremely magnificent.

Pick it up!

【Light Force*50】

【Light Force*45】

【Body of Light*8】

【Light Force*80】

【Body of Light*10】

【Light Force*90】

【Light Force*68】

Wang Teng suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, rolled his mental power, and picked up all the attribute bubbles around him.

But soon his face couldn’t help showing surprise.

Body of Light!

The light force!

Wang Teng couldn’t help but want to laugh three times, a good thing, a special physique, and a lot of force attributes, this is simply a pie from the sky!

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