Chapter 646 Saint!

With the arrival of the white-haired old man, the warriors immediately started, and several people scattered and surrounded Wang Teng.

Rodney and others looked at the sky, their eyes flickering.

After the previous battle, how much power does this Xia Guo martial artist still have?

Can he stop these people?

Wang Teng looked around, a cold light flashed in his eyes, his patience was exhausted.

Since these people have an inch and don’t know good or bad, then he doesn’t mind playing a big one, let them know what regret is.

Without giving them some color, I really thought he could handle it at will.

The atmosphere of the two sides has solidified, the swords are drawn, and the war is about to break out again.


However, at this moment, another loud shout came from a distance.

There was a sound of breaking through the air, and several more figures galloped from the top of the mountain and fell in front of everyone.

“Sage Farah!”

“Master Saint!”

When Elifas, El Rodney and others saw the people, their expressions changed.

Among the several figures that appeared in the sky, one of them was dressed very similar to the old man with white hair. He was also gray-haired, his face was covered with deep wrinkles, and he had the majestic aura of standing in a high position all year round.

He also followed several temple warriors beside him. These people had the same costumes as Elifas, and they were also figures of the ‘sage’.

But these people all guarded in front of a girl with a black veil on her face.

This young girl has outstanding temperament, sacred and ethereal, her dark eyes are as deep as the stars, looking towards everyone.

The temple warriors around her looked respectful, and their waists were slightly bent to show respect.

“It’s her!” Wang Teng couldn’t help but a flash of surprise in his eyes when he saw the girl.

This girl was the black veil girl he encountered in the museum. Although Wang Teng guessed that the identity of this girl was not simple, he did not expect that she was actually the saint of the holy mountain!

This status change is a bit big!

At this moment, Erodeney and others on the ground suddenly knelt on one knee, respectfully saluting: “My Lord Saint!”

“Erodney, how did you become like this?” The Great Sage Fara asked with a weird look.

“This…” Erodeney and the others were all tangled, feeling an arrow in the chest again.

How come everyone has to ask when they see it!

Heartbroken old iron!

Seeing this, Great Sage Farah couldn’t help but glance at Wang Teng, guessing a general idea in his heart, shook his head, and stopped asking more questions.

“What’s the look in this old man?” Wang Teng was a little speechless.

These people were beaten like this, and they were completely responsible for them, and they couldn’t blame him.

“Get up!” At this moment, Alais, who was wearing a black veil, spoke softly, and a long and ethereal voice came out slowly.

At the same time, with a wave of her hand, a shower of light fell on her.

When the light rain fell on Erodeney and the others, the bruises on their faces returned to normal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And some minor wounds on the body also slowly healed.

Rodney and others touched their faces and felt that they had returned to normal. A trace of gratitude emerged in their hearts, and they saluted Alais again: “Thank you, Lord Saint!”

“Is this?” Wang Teng was taken aback when he saw this scene from the side.


The wounds on these paladins actually healed!

Even the high-level recovery spirit pill, the healing speed is not so fast.

Although they have not recovered from their serious injuries, it is not easy to do so.

What the hell is Guangyu?

Wang Teng can feel that there is a very different kind of fluctuation in the light and rain, warm, bright, tolerant…

At this moment, Wang Teng saw two attribute bubbles suddenly dropped from Alais’s body.

Pick it up!

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, and he quickly picked up the attribute bubble.

【Light Force *15】

【Light Force *10】

As the two attribute bubbles merged into himself, Wang Teng immediately felt an extremely small force in his body.

This force gave him exactly the same feeling as before on Alais.

Light Force! ! !

Wang Teng was shocked, and he was overjoyed.

This is actually a brand new force attribute.

This kind of force had never appeared before, but at this time it appeared on the saint of this holy mountain.

Is this the extraordinary thing about the saint? !

When Wang Teng was immersed in joy and thinking, the great sage Fara suddenly said to the white-haired old man: “Great sage Kiplin, is it not a courtesy to see the Lord Saint?”

The white-haired old man’s gaze flickered slightly, and he did not refute, and he bowed: “I have seen Master Saint!”

“Well, get up, Great Sage Kiplin.” Alais’s voice remained unchanged.

“Thank you, Lord Saint.” Great Sage Kiplin said.

“Great Sage Kiplin, what are you doing to make such a big move?” Great Sage Fara asked.

The great sage Kiplin glanced at him, but said to Arais: “My saintess, the martial artist of Xia who knows the heights of the sky and earth is spreading wild on my sacred mountain, and insults my reputation of the sacred mountain. I will take him down first. , I will explain to you again.”

“He is the guest I invited!” Alais said.

“What, he turned out to be your guest of Lord Saint.” Kiplin said with a surprised look as if he had just learned about it, “But he killed the two Paladins, Marcus and Kao, so vicious. How could it be your guest.”

Wang Teng turned his head and glanced at him. The old man had a bad heart, and he actually said bad things in front of him.

God is so vicious!

Before saying that his Yafei Liaka had been beaten into a pig head, this old guy wanted to experience it too.

“I said, he is my guest.” Alais increased her tone.

“My Lord Saint, you are a holy lady of the holy mountain, and you represent the glory of the holy mountain. Do you want to indulge this sinner?” Kiplin had no intention of concession at all, his tone was flat, and he was arguing.

A big hat was buttoned down, and Alais couldn’t help frowning.

“Great Sage Kiplin, as far as I know, it was not the first hand of this little friend of Xia Guo.” Great Sage Fara said.

“But he killed two Paladins. This is an undeniable fact.” Kiplin’s face was flat and he held onto this.

“This little friend of Wang Teng is a guest invited by Lord Saintess. Regardless of whether the paladin below is acting on his own terms or being instigated by others, he shouldn’t be involved. Now we are going to arrest people again. If this is spread, I am afraid that the reputation of my holy mountain will be destroyed, and then you will be a sinner.” The Great Sage Fara said calmly.

“Sinner? If I let them leave, ignoring the shame of my holy mountain, then you and I are sinners.” Kiplin Great Sage said.

“Calling Aludis, there must be a conclusion. If someone causes all this for their own selfish desires, the temple will never be merciless.” The great sage Fara saw the other side biting and holding his words. Turning around, he said solemnly.

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