Chapter 645

“……stop fighting!”

Elifas yelled weakly, his body faltering, already unable to hold it.

Seeing him begging for mercy, Wang Teng suddenly stopped what he was doing, and the bricks stopped above his head, no more than a finger between them.

“Aren’t you very good? You can catch whoever you want. Why do you admit it?” Wang Teng said.

“I… misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding!” Elifas left tears of humiliation, heartbroken, and said in a weak voice.

“Is it really a misunderstanding?” Wang Teng jokingly said: “Then I killed the two of you paladins and injured six. Is this also a misunderstanding?”

“It’s a misunderstanding!” Elifas gritted his teeth and nodded, not daring to say a word, for fear of annoying Wang Teng, and facing a violent bombardment.

He now has a psychological shadow on Banzhuan, which is indelible, and his heart palpitations are abnormal.

“You all heard it, he said it was a misunderstanding.” Wang Teng smiled slightly, and looked at Herodney, Fred and other Paladins on the ground.

These paladins supported each other, climbed up with difficulty, and looked at the situation in the sky. At this moment, they heard the words, and their faces were blue and white.

So… they got the fight in vain?

Several people felt aggrieved in their hearts and wanted to vomit blood, especially when they felt the swelling bursts of pain in their heads, and they were trembling with anger.

This guy is so cruel!

Beat them like this, and now they are all misunderstandings, misunderstanding your mother’s criticism!

Several Paladins wanted to explode.

“It wouldn’t be enough.” Wang Teng patted Elifas on the shoulder with satisfaction, and said earnestly: “So, you can’t be too arrogant, and low-key like me is the basic rule of survival, otherwise it’s easy. Was beaten to death.”

“Yes!” Elifas nodded tearfully, but there was an MMP in his heart.

You are so low-key, are you low-key like this?

The paladin who dared to kill the holy mountain, and beat him as a sage like this, and said that he was low-key.




But these words, Elifas did not dare to say the least…

At this moment, the sound of breaking through the air came from a distance.

Elifas’ eyes lit up and he looked towards the top of the mountain, and finally someone came.

Wang Teng also turned his head and looked around.

I saw several changhong falling from the top of the mountain, turning into a few long aura, extraordinary aura.

These people can be recognized at a glance wearing the special costumes of the temple.

Moreover, some people have the same clothes as Elifas, and they are obviously a figure of the ‘sage’ level.

And these people are guarding a white-haired old man with a majestic face, who seems to be headed by him.

The identity of this person is not simple.

Wang Teng sneered in his heart, really hitting the small, the big, the big, and the old again.

These people glanced over, and the situation in front of them suddenly changed their complexions.


Some people even took a breath.

The appearance of the people is really too miserable, if it weren’t for the Saint Knight wearing a star saint, they would hardly recognize it.

What kind of inhuman method is this, it actually beats people into pigs.



“Love Rodney?”




Several people cried hesitantly.

Rodney and the others were ashamed and could not wait to find a hole in the hole, feeling shameless to face everyone.

Dignified Paladin, when did you lose such a big face.

When those people saw their faces, they were suddenly sure.

It’s really them!

“How did you become like this?” one of them asked incredulously.

Love Rodney and others feel wronged, but they don’t know how to speak.

Could you tell everyone that they were beaten like this by the same person, do they still have a face?

Seeing this scene, the white-haired old man turned his head to look at Elifas, who also had a swollen nose and swollen nose.

“Master Great Sage!” Elifas wanted to speak, but because Wang Teng was beside him, he dared not after all, so he could only look at the gray-haired old man pitifully.

“Say!” The white-haired old man glanced at Wang Teng and shouted with majesty.

Wang Teng smiled but not smiled.

Elifas didn’t even dare to speak when he saw his appearance.

“Let you just say it, it makes me look like a scourge, am I that kind of person?” Wang Teng said in a bad mood.


Elifas, El Rodney and others almost shouted a “yes” in unison.

This guy is so shameless!

Do you have no idea what kind of person you are?

Seeing everyone’s reaction, the white-haired old man glanced at Wang Teng again, his eyes slightly cold: “I didn’t let you speak.”

“Old man, the mouth grows on me, can you manage it, so wide that you think you are a god.” Wang Teng said disapprovingly.


“Dare to speak to the Great Sage like this!”

The old man hadn’t spoken yet, the people around him changed their expressions and shouted coldly.

“Haha.” Wang Teng chuckled lightly, the expression on his face extremely disdainful.

“Young man, keep a German word, haven’t your adults told you to respect the elders?” said the white-haired old man with a gloomy look in his eyes.

“My grandfather once said that you don’t need to save face when you encounter old things that are sold by the old. We Xia’s martial arts leader and the three marshals also said that if an old guy shamelessly confronts the juniors, then they too Don’t mind coming out to move your muscles and bones.” Wang Teng said with a smile.

These words are not really nonsense by him. When they first went abroad, they did explain it like this.

And when he said this, it was not because he was afraid of the other party, but simply because he wanted to stun people.

The white-haired old man finally changed his face when he heard the words.

He didn’t know who Wang Teng’s grandfather was, but he knew Xia Guo’s martial arts leader and three marshals very well.

Those are the top figures in the world!

Even if he saw him, he would curtsey.

If it is as this young man said, then this matter is worth pondering.

But the other party took one old thing and another old guy, which clearly meant sang and cursing.

He has been in a high position all the year round, and when he was scolded like this, his face was extremely ugly at this time, as if he had eaten a fly, and his heart was secretly angry.

“You killed my holy mountain holy knight, and you beat people on the holy mountain, even in front of your Xia Guo martial arts leader, we are also on the side.” The white-haired old man secretly took a breath and said indifferently: “I will do it for you today. The martial arts leader will teach you a lesson so that you don’t know the heights of the world.”

“Take him!”

When the voice fell, he waved his hand and ordered everyone.

“Oh!” Wang Teng sighed and shook his head: “Why are there always people who are self-righteous, turning right and wrong, and being shameless.”

When everyone saw that he was still insulting the great sage at this time, they couldn’t help being stunned.

This guy lives and lives!

Elifas was filled with hatred in his heart, but a glimmer of joy flashed in his eyes.

The more arrogant this guy is, the less the Great Sage will let him go. When he is caught, he must avenge him.

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