Chapter 643 Let you do everything you can, I will break it with one punch!


At this moment, Bloomfield fell to the ground with a loud noise.

And Wang Teng stood in the void, step by step towards the Paladin of the Archer Palace in the distance.

A huge pressure came upon his face.

The complexion of Freita, the Paladin of the Archer Palace, changed slightly, extremely solemn.

All of them underestimated this Xia Guo youth, and as a result, seven Paladins were dispatched, but one died and five wounded, and he was the only one facing this heavy reality.

No, there are also Elifas and Fros!

They also have to face this Xia country warrior.

Freita seemed to find a trace of comfort, looked at the two of them, but was suddenly stunned.

They actually… ran away!


Damn, these two bastards, their Paladins are fighting hard in front, and the two of them escaped alone.

How can one be so shameless!

The two wanted to sneak away while Wang Teng was dealing with Freys, but they didn’t expect to be caught by Freys first.

The scene was embarrassing for a while!

“Freita, hold on, let’s call someone!” Elifas yelled, his speed skyrocketed, and he fled to the temple on the top of the mountain.

Frost didn’t say a word, feeling ashamed that he had been thrown to his grandma’s house, and he ran away from Wang Teng with his head buried in it.

This is an iron plate, it can’t be offended!

“…” Freita’s face turned dark, and she cursed her mother madly in her heart.

Wang Teng looked weird, his eyes flashed, and the poison force was swept by his mental power and sank into the void in front of him.

The next moment, an invisible big net appeared in front of the two Elifas.

Seeing that Wang Teng hadn’t chased them, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief when they suddenly ran into the big net.


The two were shocked and waved their weapons, trying to break through the obstacles in front of them.


Wang Teng sneered, his mind moved, and his mental power controlled the poisonous silk net to tighten suddenly, binding the two of them.

The sapphire colored glaze flame clings to the poisonous silk net, and the scorching heat radiates out, making it impossible for people to approach it.

In addition, the flame evaporates the force of the poison element, forming a violent poisonous gas, enveloped the two of them.

The force of Elifas and Frost touched the flame and poisonous fog, and they suddenly made a sneer, and even their weapons showed signs of corrosion.

The hearts of the two were shocked, and they were forced to retreat continuously by the sapphire glaze flame and poisonous fog.

“Poison Force!”

“You are a poisonous warrior!”

Elifas yelled incredibly.

Five Elements Force, Thunder Force… Now it’s Poison Force, how many Forces does this guy have? ?

Frost was also full of disbelief.

How can a person possess so many Force attributes! !

This is not martial arts!

“You guys have fun there, come and clean you up later.” Wang Teng smiled coldly, ignored them, and turned his head to look at Freita!

Freita’s face sank slightly.

Regarding the strength that Wang Teng demonstrated, even he was a headache.

A person with such a talent can be called an evildoer!

But his Freita is not comparable to Rodney and others, his strength is extremely high among the twelve Paladins, and he belongs to one of the strongest people.

Really fight with Wang Teng, he is not afraid at all!

“Your talent is terrifying. It is unwise for the temple to be your enemy!” Freita took a deep breath and said.

“Are you admitting it?” Wang Teng asked with a strange expression on his face.

“No!” Freita shook his head and said: “To this point, whether it is you or the temple, you need an explanation.”

“We can only fight!”

“Then fight!” Wang Teng’s expression remained unchanged and said lightly.



The two screamed at the same time and suddenly yelled.


A powerful aura erupted from the two of them, rushing towards the sky.


The two auras collided in mid-air, making a loud thunderous noise.

In an instant, both Wang Teng and Freita disappeared in place, turning into two rays of light, one green and one gold, and slammed into each other severely.

Fred is holding a golden longbow, which can be used as a long-range attack or as a melee soldier. The bowstring on it is extremely sharp, drawing out golden blades, cutting the void, and slashing towards Wang Teng.

At the same time, the magic weapon Demon Que appeared in Wang Teng’s hands, chopped out, and fought with the bowstring.


The bowstring was made of an unknown material, and under the powerful slash of Demon Que, it was not damaged at all, still shining with sharp golden lights.

Wang Teng severely slashed down with a half-person-height giant demon soldier in one hand, and the huge power exploded.


The horror spit out.

Fred’s complexion changed slightly, and he drew back, avoiding Wang Teng’s fist.

He appeared in the distance, pulled the bow to a semicircle, and a golden arrow condensed on the longbow and shot out.

call out!

The sound was not loud, but it still pierced the sky with a subtle, sharp sound, and went straight away.

This arrow contained brilliant golden light, terrifying and extremely sharp, and seemed to be able to open space.

Wang Teng’s gaze flickered, and the golden sword intent was condensed above the magic fault.

Cut it out in one fell swoop!


The blade light broke through the void and greeted the golden arrow.

Boom boom boom!

Suddenly the attacks from both sides exploded, and the sharp wind rolled around.

The lightning flashes on Wang Teng’s body, and he dashed through the strong wind that swept, and slammed towards Freita.

call out! call out! call out!

Freita’s speed was not too slow, and once again he drew his long bow, shooting three golden arrows, rushing towards Wang Teng.

Suddenly, the three golden arrows turned into a golden bird, lifelike, with sharp eyes and flying wings.


A sharp scream came from the mouth of the bird, and the sound was rolling, sweeping!

Arrow intent!

Wang Teng’s complexion changed slightly, and the paladin in the Archer Palace was really good enough. He had actually practiced the arrow skills to such a level.

After shooting these three arrows, Fred was pale, but his eyes were still fixed on the front, looking at Wang Teng, looking at the golden bird…


Wang Teng stared at the bird quickly approaching, and suddenly moved!

Ancient god body!

Five Elements Fist! !

The profound meaning of power! ! !

Qi Qi broke out…

It was still that ordinary punch, but the attacking methods contained in it were beyond everyone’s imagination.

Let you do everything, I will break it with one blow!

Freita’s eyebrows were pounding, and suddenly there was a bad premonition!

He had seen that punch, and Rodney had been defeated by such a mediocre punch before. Seeing you at this moment, he still couldn’t see through it.


The fist blasted out, there was no earth-shattering scene, no shocking momentum, it was so simple, flat and flat on the huge head of the golden bird.

Everything freezes at this moment!

As if time is frozen by someone…

At this moment, the golden bird burst every inch, as if being hit by an extremely powerful force, the whole body turned into countless golden light spots, rolled backwards, passing in front of Freita, and being blown away by the wind.

Freita’s eyes widened and her face was horrified!

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