Chapter 642 is so beautiful, isn’t it just for people to beat!

The force of terror erupts and vents out!

Rodney’s complexion changed drastically, and his whole body was struck by lightning, knocked out by a huge force, his body crackled, and his whole body seemed to have broken countless bones.

Those petals turned into whirlpools, and because of the high-speed rotation, they could no longer be seen clearly, as if they had completely turned into a red ocean, looking gorgeous and dangerous!

“Poison Force!”

Wang Teng was at the center of the petal vortex, with a strange look in his eyes.

In addition to Nadi Mia, one of the paladins is an extremely rare poisonous warrior!

And it’s this Brookfield that looks extremely beautiful!

This is really beyond his expectation!

And Bloomfield also has this extremely powerful poison system combat technique.

You know, Wang Teng has only obtained one force technique of the poison system so far, but the combat technique used by the warrior has not even seen the root hair.

But Dimia is different from Bloomfield, they obviously have a very deep heritage.

The foundation of the holy mountain once again reveals a corner!

These thoughts flashed through Wang Teng’s mind. He looked at the huge bloody vortex, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

These petals condensed by the force of the poison system are obviously highly poisonous, and once they are contaminated, the consequences will be disastrous.

But Wang Teng didn’t worry at all. He had the demon lotus venom in his body, and ordinary poison wouldn’t work, it would only become the nourishment for the demon lotus venom.


Bloomfield drank.

As the words fell, the vortex formed by the blood-colored petals in the sky revolved at a high speed and swallowed towards Wang Teng.


Wang Teng’s reaction was extremely direct, and it was another punch.

The profound meaning of power!

The crimson vortex suddenly stagnated in mid-air, and then was directly rushed into the sky by a huge force, turning into dots of red light rain, dissipating between the world and the earth.


Bloomfield was full of shock, feeling a fearful force coming, his complexion suddenly turned pale, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

“Blowfield, get out of the way!”

Yaluo slowed down, arrived at the moment and roared.

The war sword in his hand danced and turned into a sharp sword light, cutting away at Wang Teng like an electric light.

Wang Teng slammed his fist to greet him, and the profound meaning of power erupted.

If there is something that cannot be solved with one punch, then two punches!

Boom boom boom!

Under Wang Teng’s terrifying fist light, the sword light emitted by Yaluo turned into nothingness and disappeared without a trace.

Wang Teng bullied himself and smashed out the bricks in the horrified gaze of the other party.

Bang bang bang…

The dull sound came out again.

call out!

At this time, a slight to the extreme breaking sound came from a distance.

Wang Teng’s scalp exploded, feeling a strong sense of crisis appearing from behind, and a faint tingling sensation in the position of his heart.

He immediately moved his thoughts, and his spiritual thoughts gushed out.

The meteor cone turned into a cold light, and rushed straight towards a bright arrow that galloped behind.


The two collided in mid-air.

The arrow on the opposite side was spinning, and Wang Teng controlled the meteor cone to be spinning. The tips of the two were constantly rubbing, forming a burst of sparks, and the two sides fell into a stalemate.

With a fierce operation of the brick in Wang Teng’s hand, Yarrow fainted abruptly.

Then, he turned around and looked into the distance.

In the distant sky, a figure holding a huge longbow aimed at Wang Teng.

There were no arrows above the bow and arrows, but soon there was the light of the force converging, gradually forming a force arrow.

call out! call out! call out!

The man shot, bow and arrow shot out, turning into streamers, approaching Wang Teng.

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, and a steady stream of mental power rushed out of his eyebrows, driving the meteor cone, boosting his speed to the extreme, and hitting it with a powerful force.

Clang clang clang!

The meteor cone and the arrow clashed, making a sound of metal clacking.

And those arrows were intercepted.

Wang Teng continued to rush towards Bloomfield, punching and bombarding, forcing the opponent to continue to retreat.

“This face, I am a little embarrassed to start!”

Wang Teng muttered as he shot.

Bloomfield was speechless, and his heart was depressed to death.

The guy said nothing about his feelings.

Shente is embarrassed to start because of this face, should he thank the other party for his mercy, or should he be thankful that he looks good? ”

Just as these thoughts flashed in his mind, a brick in Wang Teng’s hand appeared, and without hesitation, it crashed down.

Bloomfield looked shocked.

If you say you don’t want to do it, you still do it!

No discipline at all.

“Don’t!” He struggled, stepping back, not wanting to break the picture.

“It’s so beautiful, isn’t it just for people to fight!” Wang Teng followed, and Banzhuan screamed.

Bang bang bang!

In the end, Bloomfield was also beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face. That beautiful face completely lost its light, and he fell to the ground.

“Only you are left!”

Wang Teng turned abruptly and strode towards the last archer, Palace Paladin.

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