Chapter 616: The King Sees the King!

Masha disappeared in place, and the next moment, she appeared in the blind spot of the Nordic female warrior’s line of sight, and her claws shot out.


The Nordic female warriors screamed again and again, and those who heard the voice were sad and those who shed tears!

“This Masha is too cruel to start, how beautiful a young lady is, leaving so many wounds on her body, leaving scars on her body will not look good!” Wang Teng was a little unbearable, shook his head and said.


Mu Zhiguo and the others were watching the game seriously, when they suddenly heard what he said, the expression on their faces suddenly collapsed.

Shut up, okay!

No matter what happens, Wang Teng’s mouth will have to change, this bastard must be deliberate!

Please be yourself!

The people were full of resentment, staring at Wang Teng, and numb his scalp before giving up.

At this moment, the battle in the arena is the last juncture.

In the eyes of outsiders, Masha completely turned into a black shadow, moving at high speed around the Nordic female warrior, with her claws frequently hitting out, leaving the Nordic female warrior unable to fight back.

After Masha’s transformation, her speed was too fast, her body skills were so agile, and the Nordic female warriors simply couldn’t keep up.


In the end, the Nordic female warrior could no longer bear it, and was swept by Masha’s claw. The whole person flew out and hit the ground hard.

“The bald eagle country wins!” The temple priest directly announced the result.

That’s horrible!

At the moment, the Nordic female warriors were scarred almost everywhere, dripping with blood, and it was miserable.

The battle uniform on her body hung like a rag, showing a little spring light, but fortunately, it was covered by blood, and she couldn’t see much.

“It’s so cruel.” When Wang Teng saw the game over, he couldn’t help but sigh, looking at Martha, a trace of jealousy flashed in his eyes.

Not afraid of women being bad, just afraid of women being ruthless!

Confirmed that the look in his eyes is someone he can’t afford to provoke.

Think about it, when you are making love to each other, sharp claws grow out of her hands suddenly, and she slashes towards your cock.

That cold touch, that blood splattered picture…

Wang Teng was shocked all over, and he didn’t dare to think about it anymore.

He looked into the arena, and was about to pick up attribute bubbles.

Martha happened to look over for some reason, and seemed to have noticed his gaze, and she licked her lips at him, the look seemed to discharge.


Enchanting, Ann dare to be presumptuous!

Wang Teng screamed in his heart, calmly like a dog on the surface, silently picked up the attribute bubbles in the field, and then turned his gaze away nonchalantly.

【Golden Force*565】

【The Origin of Life*1】

【Spiritual Spirit*45】

【Spiritual Comprehension*60】

【Fire Force*540】

【Advanced Fire Talent*36】

【Spirit of Spirit*38】

【Spiritual Comprehension*54】

Wang Teng fought a cold war all over, it was…comfortable!

1 point of life origin is comfortable once, it is not too cool, just endure a little uncomfortable.

At that moment, his expression was indescribable!

After two more games, Wang Teng saw the appearance of few outstanding characters, and almost all the Tianjiao martial artists from various countries have appeared.

At this final stage, no country is still hiding it.

If you don’t let it go now, are you waiting to go back to the various countries and find your own mother.

“The game is almost over, you don’t take the initiative to challenge a few rounds.” Tan Taixuan couldn’t help but say.

Wang Teng groaned for a while and nodded: “I’m here, so I’ll go down and have fun, and I have to take care of the things the three elders have accounted for.”

Said that he had got up, then stretched a big laziness, and walked towards the arena.

“Don’t lose, otherwise you won’t think about your Phoenix King fighter.” Tan Taixuan said.

Wang Teng walked into the arena, turned his back to Tantai Xuan, and waved his hand.

The warriors of various countries suddenly focused their eyes.

Wang Teng!

This guy again!

He just defeated the bald eagle nation’s arrogant Su An, why did he end up so quickly?

The battle between the top Tianjiao can not only consume a small amount of original power, or even consume more serious, without a long enough rest, generally everyone will not rush for the second game.

But after a long break, Wang Teng appeared again.

Has this guy completely recovered?

Many people can’t figure it out, but also feel incredible.

Wang Teng came to the center of the arena, his eyes swept across.

Many people avoided his gaze with guilty conscience, afraid to look directly at him, for fear of being noticed by him.

Wang Teng smiled, his gaze finally fell in the direction of Inga.

“King Xia Teng, challenge Aquila of Inga!” His voice spread slowly, not loudly, but extremely firm and powerful.

This Aquilo is one of the warriors that Wang Teng is more interested in.

Star Force!

There is the force of stars on Aquilo’s body, so he won’t let anyone know him.

There is nothing wrong with it.

In the direction of Inga Nation, the expressions of the other warriors changed, but Akura’s face was extremely calm, gave Wang Teng a light look, and then walked into the arena.

“Please advise!” Aquilo folded his hands together, and when he put it down, he was already holding the iron rod weapon.

Wang Teng didn’t have any nonsense, the magical soldier “Magic Que” appeared in his hands.

This giant weapon has attracted the attention of many people, so weapons that look like a sword but not a sword, like a sword but not a sword, are really rare and fancy.

“Who do you think will win this competition?” Arnold asked Gerald beside him in the Great Eagle Country.

“Aquilo!” Gerald thought for a while and responded.

“Oh?” Arnold was a little surprised: “I thought you would say Wang Teng.”

“Aquilo doesn’t feel the same to me, this person is very mysterious.” Gerald groaned.

“That said, but Wang Teng’s feeling is not general to me. If these two people meet together, it will be wonderful.” Arnold smiled.

At the same time, the same dialogue also took place among the warriors of various countries.

When Wang Teng meets Acura, it is no different from… the king sees the king!

It’s hard to say who wins and loses in this competition!

In the arena, the two looked at each other, and the atmosphere slowly solidified.


As soon as the voice of the priest of the temple fell, both of them disappeared in their original positions and rushed towards each other.


Wang Teng held the Demon Que with both hands and chopped it down like a machete, bursting open with a terrifying force.


Acura raised the iron rod in his hand to block, but his complexion changed slightly in the next moment. He felt a powerful force press down from the top of his head, making his body involuntarily shorter by a few points.

The power of one blow is as horrible!

He felt that he had underestimated this Wang Teng, the opponent’s strength was stronger than he thought.

Wang Teng grinned at him, twisted his body in an exaggerated arc, swept across with his foot, and hit the opponent’s temple directly.

The way to kill is simple, straightforward, and cruel…

Wang Teng didn’t keep his hands, and his attack was the most fierce attack.

Aquilo could only raise his arm in a hurry and blocked Wang Teng’s foot with his elbow.

However, his whole person was still evacuated more than ten meters away, and his feet erased a long black mark on the ground.

“So strong!” Everyone was silent.

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