Chapter 615 One person is cheaper than one person!

Phoenix King fighter!

As soldiers, Mu Zhiguo and others are naturally very longing for this kind of large ‘toy’, but unfortunately they also know that it is almost impossible to obtain a most advanced fighter plane that belongs exclusively to individuals.

However, I didn’t expect Wang Teng to have this qualification.

The three marshals really treat him well!

How optimistic are they about Wang Teng?

Zhu Yunshao, Qu Fei and others have red eyes, envious, jealous and hateful.

They are also playing for the country. Why didn’t the three marshals give them this kind of opportunity? It was Wang Teng alone.

But they also knew that even if they were given this opportunity, they might not be able to grasp it.

Ji Xiuming, Luo Cheng and others were equally envied, and even they couldn’t resist the temptation of the Fengwang fighter!

After all, they are all young people, who have not been eye-catching in their minds, and they have extravagant thoughts.

At this moment, they felt that they were really far away from Wang Teng, as if they were separated by a world.

They are already ready to take off, and they are at best playing supercars on the ground.

Why can’t people get along with each other on an equal footing, why should there be differences between high and low, this cruel reality…

At this moment, these Tianjiao also felt the helplessness and loss of ordinary people when facing geniuses.

Seeing the expressions of the people, Tan Taixuan suddenly felt a little guilty in her heart. She just raised her mouth casually, but she didn’t expect to blow everyone down.

It’s all to blame on Wang Teng, whoever offers rewards is all his fault!

Tantai Xuan gave him a fierce look.

“?” Wang Teng saw what Tantaixuan meant, his face was speechless.

The game continued, and a female warrior from the Nordic country appeared to challenge Martha from the Bald Eagle country!

In the bald eagle auditorium, Ute looked gloomy and said to Martha: “You can’t lose in this round!”

The tone is almost commanding!

The situation in the Bald Eagle Nation was so miserable this time, even Su An, who was the trump card, was miserably abused, and they had no retreat.

Even if Martha wins the game, nothing can change.

But she just can’t lose. Losing will only make the Bald Eagle Nation even more ugly. Ute wants to keep the last bit of face in the Bald Eagle Nation.

Martha also understood this, her face was solemn, nodded, and stepped into the arena.

Wang Teng’s gaze was immediately attracted to him.

Two beauties!

He had seen Martha long ago, with a bulging front and back, a fiery figure, and her curly hair added a bit of exotic charm.

I have to say that these crooked nut beauties are really too irritating. I am afraid that the average small body can’t bear it, and only a person with a strong physical body like him can withstand the storm.

Another female warrior from the Nordic countries also looks good, with blond hair and blue eyes, snow-white skin, a pair of long legs, straight and round, the full arc, compact and full of elasticity…

Seeing the way his eyes were shining, Tantai Xuan couldn’t help but blank him a sharp look, and said out of anger: “Can you be a little vented? What’s so good about these big Yanmaes.”

“Ahem, I’m looking at their shortcomings with a critical eye. I’m not really looking at beautiful women. I’m not that kind of person.” Wang Teng pursed his lips and said with a serious face.


Ji Xiuming, Zhu Yunshao and others were contemptuous, and no one believed his nonsense.

They have been together for so long, they have already understood Wang Teng’s personality, this guy is a faceless slut!

As the saying goes, a mountain is higher than a mountain, and a person is cheaper than a person!

This is Wang Teng!

In the arena, the game has already begun, and Masha and the female warrior from the Nordic countries burst into force and rushed towards each other.


The battle broke out immediately…

When Wang Teng saw the two really starting to fight, there was an inadvertent flash of seriousness in his eyes.

The strength of the two is not weak, plus the extra points for the appearance, the warriors of all countries also look at it with gusto.

After all, beautiful women are seductive, and such scenes of two beautiful warriors fighting are rare.

Boom boom boom!

Masha confronted the warriors of the Nordic countries, and there was a constant roar.

Masha’s weapon is a pair of sharp claws, which are extremely sharp. Together with her golden force, they draw a ray of light in the air, as if to split the space.

The weapon of the Nordic female warrior is a dagger, which is covered with the force of fire and fought with Martha’s claws.

The two moved around in the arena, turning into afterimages, chasing and colliding, and from time to time, the shock wave after the burst of the Force spreads around.

Masha’s complexion darkened slightly, looking at the female warrior of the Nordic countries in the distance, a sharp expression flashed in her eyes.


Her body suddenly changed, and a layer of shallow black hair grew on her surface, not as rough as the previous Quincy, but rather slender.

Her ears became a little pointy, and even hairy grew out of her ears, becoming a little shaggy.

A long black tail protruded from behind her, swaying smartly.

The female warrior from the Nordic countries on the opposite side saw this scene, her complexion suddenly became extremely solemn, she tightened her dagger tightly, and stood ready.

Martha grinned, she even took off the claw weapon in her hand. At this time, her hands had already grown sharp nails with metallic luster and cold light.

In Xia Guo’s auditorium, Wang Teng was dumbfounded: “I’m going, this is Catwoman!”

He was really surprised. Although he thought that Martha would also be a genetic warrior, he didn’t expect that her fusion gene was actually a cat!

But this picture is really a little bit… heh!

Wang Teng touched his chin, and quickly shook off the undecent thoughts in his mind.

“This Masha’s gene seems to be higher than the others.” Tan Taixuan’s eyes narrowed slightly, and she suddenly said.

When Wang Teng heard the words, he couldn’t help taking a look at her, and then he took a few serious glances at Martha.

No wonder it just felt weird.

Martha’s eyes are very clear, and the degree of change in her body is not as high as Quincy and Fortes, only some minor features appear.

This just shows that Martha’s genetic level is extremely high!

“Well, this picture of her is indeed much better than the previous bald eagle national warriors. Look at this tail, look at the ears…” Wang Teng nodded.

It’s simply wrong!

“…Shut up!” Tan Taixuan took a deep breath and suppressed the urge to press Wang Teng to the ground.

In the arena, Martha moved suddenly, turned into a black afterimage, and disappeared in place.

“So fast!” The female warrior from the Nordic countries on the opposite side shrank her pupils and turned her body, looking for Martha.


As soon as the thought arose, a cold light flicked across her back, cutting her battle uniform away, and a few blood flowers bloomed in an instant.

“Huh!” The Nordic female warrior snorted bitterly, and immediately turned around, cutting out the short sword in her hand.

It’s a pity that Martha’s figure has long since disappeared behind her.

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