Chapter 614: It’s enough to defeat you!

“Do not!”

The purple blade light was cut down, and Su An was pale and roared in the thunder.

But the roar was immediately overwhelmed by loud noises.


The thunder fell and bombarded his body.

In the sky, thunder danced wildly, and the arc flickered, and the silver-purple light almost completely engulfed the area centered on the two Wang Teng.

Everyone squinted their eyes and looked into the arena without blinking.


Suddenly a figure fell from the thunder light and hit the ground.


Amid the dull sound, the figure directly bombarded the ground, and the thunder smashed down, pushing the figure out a long distance.

Cracks appeared on the ground, and scorched traces appeared around the cracks.

All around the arena suddenly fell into a weird silence!

Su An, lost!

When Wang Teng’s Thunder Element Force was promoted to the rank of quasi-war general, many people expected this ending.

But when I actually saw this scene, I felt quite different.

Moreover, the power of Wang Teng’s attack just now seemed a bit too strong.

If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, everyone would really doubt that Wang Teng was not promoted to the rank of quasi-war generals, but to the rank of lower generals!

It’s incredible!

What kind of evildoer is this guy!

In the auditorium of the Bald Eagle Country, Ute looked gloomy to the extreme, looking at Su An’s miserable appearance on the ground, the muscles on his face twitched unconsciously.

Martha, Fortes and others fell into a panic.

At this moment, the light of thunder dissipated in the sky, and the figure of Wang Teng appeared.

The power of thunder on his body surface gradually condensed, only a trace of electric arc leaping between his hair, thunder light flashing in his eyes, looking down at Su An, his complexion is still so calm, it seems that he just did something. A trivial matter, not the arrogant who defeated a big country.

Martha and the others looked at him, but for some reason, a trace of horror suddenly appeared in their hearts.

Fortes thought that he had once provoke Wang Teng, his complexion suddenly turned green. He had known that he was such a wicked evildoer, and he said nothing was the cheapest!

“Don’t come to me again, don’t come to me again!” Fords kept praying to God and his old man…

Su An was seriously injured but was not in a coma. She got up with difficulty, staring at Wang Teng, full of unwillingness.

He is a Tianjiao, how could he lose here!

Wang Teng looked down at him and said lightly: “Even if I have just been promoted to the rank of quasi-combat, it is enough to defeat you!”


Su An heard the words, angered, and spurted blood.

For a talent like him, this failure is undoubtedly a great blow.

It just happened to run into a bitch like Wang Teng again.

Although Wang Teng did not have this idea.

He just wants to put this to the end, he must have a beginning and an end in his life!

After all, Su An’s cooperation was so hard just now, if he didn’t express it, it would be really unreasonable.

“Ahem.” The priests of the temple on the side were a little confused, and hurriedly said: “In this round, King Xia Teng will win!”

As soon as the result came out, everyone in Xia State reacted and suddenly burst into cheers.

The Bald Eagle Nation and Xia Nation have been competing fiercely for the position of great powers all the year round.

Nowadays, warriors largely represent the hard power of a country, and this exchange meeting is precisely the epitome of the higher and lower warriors of a country.

In the past, Xia Guo lost more and won less, and has not won the Bald Eagle country in two or three years.

This time Wang Teng won, and everyone in Xia State let out a sigh of relief.

Tantaixuan looked towards the direction of the Bald Eagle Country, especially when he saw Ute’s stubborn face, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

She was defeated by the bald eagle country warrior at the beginning, and she has always regretted all these years, but now Wang Teng made up for this regret for her.

It is worth celebrating!

If this news is passed back to China, the warriors all over the country will be extremely happy.

At the end of the game, no matter how unwilling, can not change the result, Ute stepped into the arena.

This time he did not compete with Wang Teng again, but silently helped Su An walk down the arena.

Wang Teng glanced at the backs of the two of them. Although Ute was hiding well, he still saw the gloom that flashed in his eyes.

This guy is probably half dead!

He smiled in his heart, retracted his gaze, and his mental power rolled up, picking up the attribute bubbles scattered around.

[Thunder Force *220]

【Thunder Fighting Intent*165】

[Thunder Force *180][Thunder Force *280]

【Extreme Thunder Talent *50】

【Spiritual Comprehension*60】

【Spiritual Spirit*85】

Wang Teng’s eyes suddenly brightened, and this wave of gains has been good!

Tianjiao is Tianjiao, look at this dropped attribute, spiritual realm spirit and savvy, superb thunder talent, thunder fighting spirit…

Wang Teng’s Thunder Element talent was already top-notch. At this moment, adding 50 points, the Thunder Element talent jumped up a little.

[Top Thunder Talent]: 10505000

The Thunder scored 120 points before, plus the 165 points gained this time, to reach 285 points.

[Thunder Fighting Intent]: 2851000 (10%)

In the battle with Su An just now, Wang Teng used this [Thunder Fighting Intent], and naturally knew its benefits.

All in all, when you use this [Thunder War Intent], you are like an incarnation of the Thunder King, with a strong will, and can even strengthen the power of the Thunder attack to a certain extent.

He was able to defeat Su An with the last blow, and this [Thunder Fighting Intent] also had a credit.

The rest is the Thunder Elemental Force, which has already picked up a lot during the battle, helping him to break through the quasi-war level, and now he has gained 680 points.

A new thunder element force merged into the thunder element force in his body, so that the originally agitated thunder element force in his body gradually calmed down.

[Thunder Force]: 82010000 (10 stars)

Wang Teng was satisfied.

In a game, the Force will be promoted to the rank of comrade-in-arms. This is a good thing. If you can, please come several times.

He returned to the audience and was greeted by Zhu Yunshao and others who were slightly excited.

“It’s amazing!” Zhu Yunshao punched his chest hard and said with a laugh: “Now, the bald eagle country warrior can’t get up in front of us anymore.”

“Fortunately, I have you this time, otherwise we probably won’t be able to win that Suan.” Mu Zhiguo said with emotion.

“You praise me so much, I am embarrassed!” Wang Teng said with a smile.

Everyone rolled their eyes, and you are as thick-skinned as a city wall. You are embarrassed to say it, do you believe it yourself?

“You have done meritorious service this time.” Tan Taixuan glanced at him and said.

“Are there any rewards?” Wang Teng’s eyes lit up.

“It’s not enough for you to have the Phoenix King fighter, what kind of reward do you want!” Tan Taixuan said in a bad mood.

“Fengwang fighter!” Everyone suddenly remembered that when they went abroad, the three marshals had promised that as long as Wang Teng defeated the talents of various countries, they would reward him with a Phoenix fighter. Not many people believed it at the time.

But now that Wang Teng defeated the Bald Eagle Country Tianjiao, few other countries could become his opponents, and the Phoenix King fighter was almost in Wang Teng’s pocket.

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