Chapter 613 The greatest respect for you!

Wang Teng possesses the extraordinary talent of the Thunder Element. The moment he broke through the rank of the quasi-combat, the force of the Thunder Element penetrated the spine and connected the bridge between heaven and earth.

The force of the thunder system between the heavens and the earth was attracted, and all belonged to him.

Thunder linger, black hair dancing wildly!

Everyone looked at the figure above the arena, shocked in their eyes.

Wang Teng is actually a Thunder Warrior!

And also broke through in the battle, promoted from the soldier level to the quasi-army level!

“Break through the battle, and it is the same force breakthrough that was completed under the suppression of Su’an’s Thunder Force. What a talent!” Arnold couldn’t help but exclaimed with shaking eyes in the audience of the Great Eagle Country.

“This guy!” Gerald stared closely at Wang Teng’s figure, full of frustration in his heart.

He is hailed as the arrogant of heaven, and enjoys the honor in the Great Eagle Nation, but this exchange meeting allowed him to realize what is called the heaven and the heaven, and there are people outside the world!

The Wang Teng of the Xia Kingdom in front of him is undoubtedly better and more outstanding than him!

In the big bear country audience, Ivan’s eyes kept flashing, he took a deep breath, and said, “Xia Guo, there are always unexpected geniuses in this country, which is enviable!”

“The man I like is really good enough!” Valeria grinned and said with a grin, her Barbie-like face showed a hint of tenderness…his!

“Dual-line warrior, his fire system has reached the quasi-war level or above, comparable to Su An, and now even the Thunder Force has also broken through to the quasi-war level, Su An is probably not his opponent!” Ivan Dao .

“Even if you don’t break through, Na Suan is not Wang Teng’s hand, he has not even used the methods of the spiritual master.” Valeria nodded and said.

At the same time, the Tianjiao warriors of Inga, Ancient Egypt, Neon and other countries are also discussing, seeming to use this to vent their shock.

As Tianjiao, they have their own pride, but the talent that Wang Teng shows at this moment makes them have to admit that this person seems to be better than them…somewhat!

Yes, only a few points!

No matter how much, they don’t admit it!

In the auditorium of the Bald Eagle Nation, Ute’s face turned black, feeling that Wang Teng was the nemesis of their Bald Eagle Nation.

Against them time and time again, it didn’t matter if Ford was beaten into a pig’s head. After all, he was not the strongest warrior in the Bald Eagle Nation.

But Su An is different. He is the trump card for the Bald Eagle Country to participate in the exchange meeting this time.

If Su An is defeated in the hands of Wang Teng, it means that the Bald Eagle Nation has stopped here in this exchange meeting. No matter how hard it is to advance, Wang Teng will become the hurdle they cannot cross.

“What do those warriors who are responsible for intelligence eat? When did Xia Guo appear with such a talented genius, they didn’t send any information back.” Ute cursed in his heart, and greeted all those people and the whole family.

If they knew about Wang Teng’s existence earlier, they would at least be able to make some preparations so they wouldn’t be caught off guard as they are now.

However, he didn’t know that Wang Teng was a sudden emergence, and his rise time was too short.

Someone had paid attention to the previous national martial arts competition, but after all, it was only a warrior’s competition, and this exchange meeting was another level. No one thought that Wang Teng could participate in the exchange meeting.

After the East China Sea sea beasts rioted, Wang Teng emerged from that incident and was finally paid attention to by the intelligence personnel.

It’s a pity it’s too late!

Xia Guo’s protection of the genius warriors is also in place, and many intelligence personnel can’t even spread the news, so they are strangled.

In addition, in the martial arts era, countries were blocked by the ocean, and powerful star beasts existed in the oceans and mountains, making the transmission of news even more difficult.

The Bald Eagle Nation did not receive relevant news in the first time.

Not to mention the thoughts of the Bald Eagle Country and the others, everyone in Xia Country is also a little unbelievable at this moment. Many people don’t know that Wang Teng has the Thunder Element Force. In addition to ignorant or ignorant.

Even Tan Taixuan didn’t expect Wang Teng’s Thunder Element Force to have reached this point, and he couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.

This guy is such a monster!

Ji Xiuming, Luo Cheng and others’ eyes widened, Wang Teng’s Five Elements Force has been promoted to the rank of quasi-war general, they already know this.

But now, why did a Thunder Force suddenly appear again?

How many Forces do you have? ?

Everyone felt incredible, and some couldn’t accept this fact.

In the future, who dares to say that they are Tianjiao, they must be anxious with whom.

What’s so special, in front of Wang Teng’s evildoer, who can be called Tianjiao?

Ren Qingcang’s mentality burst even more.

The Thunder Force belongs to the mutation attribute force, and it is powerful and has very few people. Therefore, this Thunder Force has always been his proud capital.

Now his biggest opponent has also demonstrated the original force of the Thunder Element, and has also reached the rank of Commodore, far surpassing him!

This Nima still has a chance to catch up? ?

Ren Qingcang wanted to explode, his mentality broke every inch.

He suddenly felt that God was very unfair. Why is Wang Teng’s talent so powerful? Almost all his talents are integrated into one.

How can such a person exist? ?

Jealousy accumulates. After the East China Sea sea beast riot, he suppressed it, and buried the jealousy in his heart, but now he rioted again.

Jealousy separated him!

Over the arena, Su An stared at Wang Teng stubbornly, mobilizing the thunder force frantically, and he wanted to regain control of the thunder.

However, things backfired. The Thunder Elemental Force within a few hundred meters didn’t listen to him anymore, and all gathered towards Wang Teng.

Desperate jpg!

Su An’s face was pale, and she felt abandoned by the world.


Want to cry!

Wang Teng was bathed in thunder, with a chuckle at the corner of his mouth, and said lightly: “Don’t do unnecessary struggles anymore, it’s useless!”

“I don’t believe it, I’m already at the lower general level. You have just been promoted to the quasi general level. You are only occupying the opportunity to advance, and you temporarily control the surrounding Thunder Force. It will not take long for this world to be Restore as usual.” Su An’s complexion was a little bad, but he didn’t lose his reason, and sneered.

“Haha.” Wang Teng thought to himself that this guy is not stupid, but unfortunately the other party still underestimated him.

When he reached the general level, Wang Teng didn’t intend to entangle him anymore.

“As a thunder-type warrior, I defeated you with the thunder-type force, which can be regarded as the greatest respect for you!”

When the voice fell, Wang Teng appeared in front of Su An in an instant, and the devil queer on his shoulders was slashed out, carrying unmatched thunder power.


The thunder exploded, and with the devil’s slash, it turned into an astonishing purple sword light, piercing through the sky and the earth.

Su An’s expression was shocked. At this time, he couldn’t think of confrontation at all. He quickly stepped back and wanted to get out of the scope of the sword, but it was too late…

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