Chapter 582 Take her down and win glory for the country!

The appearance of the priests of the temple attracted everyone’s attention.

Wang Teng turned his head to look, the pupils in his eyes suddenly shrank: “Middle rank!”

This so-called temple priest is actually a 12-star mid-level warlord-level powerhouse!


The priest of the temple stopped on the stone steps, his complexion was pale, as if he was a holy clergyman, his eyes swept down, and a flat voice suddenly spread.

The surrounding area suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked at the priest of the temple.

“Everyone, please follow me up the mountain.” The priest of the temple saw the crowd calm down before continuing.

After speaking, he turned around and climbed up the stairs.

Everyone looked at each other and followed one after another.

“Let’s go.” Ute snorted coldly, leading the young warriors behind him and turned and walked up the stone steps.

Foster, Quincy and others gave Wang Teng a fierce look, and they couldn’t be weak before they hit him.

Then they followed Ute’s pace.

Before leaving, the curly-haired woman Masha looked back at Wang Teng and blinked at him, her eyes extremely ambiguous.

Wang Teng: “…”

“Yanfu is not superficial, my little brother!” Parrick patted Wang Teng on the shoulder, and said with a smile: “From the eyes of the people I came here, this girl looks coquettish on the surface, but in fact she is still a chick.”

Wang Teng: “…”

So, what does it have to do with him?

“You must be very happy now, right?” Tan Tai Xuan looked at it and smiled.

“Whatever, I owe a little favor to that kind of bad woman.” Wang Teng said righteously when he saw Tan Taixuan’s unkind eyes.

“I believe you are a ghost.” Tantai Xuan snorted, turned and walked to the steps: “Go!”

“Yanfu is not shallow.” Zhu Yunshao suffocated a smile and patted Wang Teng on the shoulder.

Ji Xiuming passed by him, suddenly he stopped in his footsteps, and said flatly, “Good luck to you!”

“Take her to win glory for the country.” Luo Cheng said with a serious expression.

Mu Zhiguo also nodded, seeming to agree with Luo Cheng very much.

“…?” Wang Teng.

God wins glory for the country!

You actually call this kind of thing winning glory for the country, do you still have a face?

Wang Teng was speechless. He didn’t expect that even Luo Cheng and Mu Zhiguo, two quiet guys, would tease him.

You are such a boring man!

Wang Teng was indignant, and followed everyone up the stone steps and up the mountain.

“How high is this holy mountain? How come you have to climb it?” He asked as he walked.

“No one knows the height of the holy mountain.” Parrick said.

“Is it because of runes? Someone stretched this mountain with the power of runes.” Wang Teng said with a move in his heart.

“You can see it.” Parrick said in surprise.

“Is it difficult?” Wang Teng glanced at him.

“…” Parrick felt that Wang Teng was pretending to be forced, but he had no evidence.

However, the feeling that Wang Teng gave him was really getting more and more extraordinary. This guy didn’t dare to face the Tianjiao martial artists of the Bald Eagle Nation, and he was able to overwhelm them.

Now it is showing the vision on the rune, which is not what ordinary warriors can do.

As they spoke, everyone came to a cloud-shrouded platform.

Wang Teng stepped on the ground and looked around.

The surrounding ridges are covered with white snow, but there is no snow here, just a faint cloud floating.

When those clouds dissipated, pieces of ancient buildings appeared in front of everyone, ruined walls, there were many huge stones lying around, and there were many broken statues, either collapsed, or only half of them remained.

Wang Teng was stunned. How could this place seem to be extremely run-down?

“There has been a great war here, and many things have been destroyed, but the previous generations of the sacred mountain holders kept these things to warn future generations.” Parrick said.

“War!” Wang Teng looked at him suspiciously.

“These are things a long time ago, I am not very clear.” Parrick said.

“Then what do you bring us here?” Wang Teng asked.

“Look there.” Parrick pointed forward.

Wang Teng followed his fingers and saw that a huge arena is looming between the incomplete boulders and the pillars in the clouds and mist.

“You will compete there.” Parrick said.

“I didn’t expect to return to this place many years later.” Tan Taixuan glanced around and said with emotion.

She raised her head and looked at the sky above her head, with some memories.

Wang Teng followed her gaze, and his gaze suddenly shrank, only to see that between the mountain roads above, a series of ancient buildings emerged, winding up in a zigzag shape.

These buildings are very simple and are typical pillar buildings.

The white marble columns with grooves seem to prop up the dome, giving people a sense of grandeur and grandeur inexplicably.

It’s just that each one is different and has its own characteristics, some are square, some are round…

If you count them carefully, you will find that these buildings are no more or less, twelve in total.

And at the end of these buildings, on the top of the mountain, there is a huge statue of the goddess.

The statue wears a battle robe, a crown on his head, a shield and a half-moon-shaped strange weapon in his hand, and looks far away, the holy god is extraordinary!

At the same time, behind the statue, there is the last extremely magnificent giant building, towering above the three-story stone steps, the giant jade steps, the carved eaves, and the embossed reliefs, which are magnificent.

A shocked look appeared in Wang Teng’s eyes, and he didn’t expect this to be on the sacred mountain.

Those buildings, those statues, worthy of the name of the holy mountain!

Others obviously also noticed the wonders above, and many people couldn’t help exclaiming, expressing their shock in their hearts.

Parrick saw the reaction of the crowd, and the corners of his mouth showed a curve of pride.

Too many people showed such an expression when they saw this temple for the first time, and he was used to it.

“That’s the temple!” He said to Wang Teng.

“The temple!” Wang Teng muttered in his heart, and asked curiously: “What’s in there?”

“The greatest secret of the holy mountain is kept there, and all the adults of the holy mountain also live in it, the priest, the sage… and even the holy woman.” Parrick said with respect.

Wang Teng’s eyes condensed, there is a lot of content in these words.

The priests are all middle-ranking generals, what about the sages and saints? Isn’t it stronger?

I don’t know how many people there will be.

“Where are the twelve buildings?” Wang Teng asked again after turning his eyes.

“That is the zodiac, the twelve guardian temples, there are twelve powerful guardian paladins inside, and ordinary people must defeat them if they want to go to the temple.” Parrick said.

“Paladin, what are their strengths?” Wang Teng asked.

“At least it’s above the level of the lower generals, the higher the higher the stronger.” Parrick didn’t hide it, these are all well-known things.

It’s just the real method of the Paladin, but not many people know it.

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